General :: Install APKs Of Other Device Origin?
Jun 19, 2012how do i install apks from other devices? i am trying to install sonyericsson timescape on mi700 with no success.

how do i install apks from other devices? i am trying to install sonyericsson timescape on mi700 with no success.
I am trying to install apks from a sense rom for the Droid DNA but none of them install. What am I doing wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to modify some apps but when I do I can't seem to get them working on devices.
I am happy with the use of APK tool and zipaling, and have successfully modified my SystemUI.apk but when I try to mod apps it does not work.
I have tried modding the apk in data/app and just replacing the file and tried modding the downloaded apk and try to install.
My process:
Decompile (APKtool)
Recompile (APKtool) - with errors
I add the files from the original APK that errored during recompile with 7zip
Transfer back to the device
Samsung S3 mini & Nexus 7 - both running stock rooted JB 4.1.1
i was wondering if there is a way to create a zip package to flash through CWM, in order to install various apks simoultaneously... You know, when i flash a new rom i get bored of having to reinstall everything, and Titanium backup doesn't work properly... so i wanted to create a pack with all my favourite apps, and install them all in once!
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhen I press it to install the install button just doesn't press, like it's grayed out.The only thing that happened was Google store sort of updated itself (even when I rolled back updates) and it just re-installed itself. Can't install APKs off aptoid or BMA
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use a Note 2, and was able to install apks perfectly fine until this afternoon, now i'm unable to click "install" , it isn't greyed out or anything. I know screen filter and similar apps have a bug which doesn't allow you to click install, so I disabled and uninstalled them just to be sure.
I'm on stock 4.1.2, no software updates of any sort in the last month,weird it suddenly stopped allowing me to install apks
Able to install apps from the play store otherwise.
Edit- Also rebooted several times, and tried installing apks i've installed before, no dice And I do have unknown sources checked.
Is there any way to get the origin of a link to an app on Android Market after the app is installed? Let's say I have three different web pages that link to the same Android Market app, can I get the origin of the link after the app is installed so I can use it for statistics and such?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have one apk that installs at folder data/data/ Now i have another application that should install the files in that folder. How can i create a apk that does this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have noticed that some apk's that cost money on android market are available to download from some torrent sites for free. I don't think many of the developers here enjoys that very much. So my question is if there are ways in Android to get around this so that you can't copy a program from device to device?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have 3 Galaxy Player 5 ( YP-G70 with 3 capacitive buttons ), only one of the actually have a working rom that i flashed a while ago.
The other two have a different rom that only have the back and menu button working ( the home button doesn't respond )
Is there a way for me to take the Rom and kernel off the working galaxy player so i can install it into the other two ?
I have a samsung galaxy young s6312, stock android 4.1.2 jellybean, rooted. I want to install asphalt 8 (about 1.6 gb) on my device. But the problem is that even if I factory reset my device, the maximum free memory I can get is 1.48 gb as my device internal memory is 1.5 gb. I have an external sd card of 8 gb. so how can I install the game with its data DIRECTLY on the external sd? My device is rooted and busybox installed..
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to install APK's from any of the bootloader menus? I can install through ADB if the device is fully booted & I have enabled USB Debugging. Is that the only way?
If that IS the only way, is there a way to reset the device's "first boot" attribute back to true after the first boot, so that the manufacturer's setup software runs on the next boot?
How to install cyanogenmod in unsupported device (in here i'm using Advan Vandroid E1C [from Indonesia]) ? I had to reading how to port, but i still don't understand how to install it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to instal CyanogenMod 9 or CyanogenMod 10 on RK 3066 device (Cortex A9 Dual Core, 1.6GHz, GPU Mali-400). how to do it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have never been able to install Motorola Device Manager on 3 different computers. My problem is just like this Motorola Device Manager won't install!!! except when I click on the link in post #12 (#1 on the list in that post) it says the troubleshooter is not available.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI own an acer liquid mini with custom rom. when I try to install an application from the play store, I get an error: Not enough space on the device. But I have 100Mb of free space. I tried to solve this problem wiped cache, and it worked. So I went to the play store, and I downloaded an app. When it finished the download, I get another error: Package files is invalid. I tried to reflash the rom, wiped cache, wiped delvik cache, wiped all. But the error there is always.When I try to install an .apk on my device, I get this error: "application is not installed".
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have several android tablets, all but one (at this moment) are rooted. I am not interested in putting a custom rom on them at the moment (mainly because not all functions -like camera- are working on all devices) but I would like the ability to do a Nandroid backup that seems to be only available with custom roms. On one device I can't unlock the bootloader (Azpen A701), don't know about the unrooted one at this time (brand new Hisense Sero 7 pro).
Is there a way to add CWM to a rooted stock android (only root applied and associated superuser/busybox apps installed)? What are the requirements (unlocked bootloader?)? Where to get said CWM and how to install it?
I have xperia s (st25a) phone with android 4.0.4.
I already have rooted it (SU installed) and bootloader unlocked. Fastboot reports the correct version "5".
However, when I try to install TWRP, it gives the following error:
>fastboot.exe flash boot stock-6.1.A.0.452-twrp-
sending 'boot' (8124 KB)...
FAILED (remote: The Device must be rooted first)
Why does TWRP think it's not rooted? I have setup SU to grant every root request too!
Another issue - when I try to enter recovery with stock image, my phone gets stuck on boot with Sony logo and I have to remove battery to shut it down. Why wouldn't stock recovery work?
I'm trying to "install zip from sideload" using ClockworkMod on AT&T Fusion 2.
At the CMD I type: adb sideload
And get this error: more than one device and emulator
Is it possible to intall Factory Images for Nexus Devices [URL] ..... in any device? I am using Karbonn Titenium S2.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi bought a motorola milestone online thinking we werent getting it on canada anymore . which i think is UK version? so i accepted the fact that i had no 3G on it and was aware that the phone frequency and cariier frequency were different. so when i decided to root my phone according to: MILESTONE 2.1 update and root guide - Android @ MoDaCo
i didnt know which SBF file to pick the telus canada one where im from or UK where the build number was the same as mine and where i think my phone was from.. i couldnt unzip the gz file and it kept gicing me errors on the telus canada sbf file so decided on flashing the telus canada one. (and was hoping maybe my 3G would even work. everything ran smoothly and my phone was rooted but now i realize i have no signal on my phone at all. no text or voice calls.. just wifi. i did my research and people suggested that i put APN which i did but that didnt solve the problem also i read that for custom roms theres those 5 files File_Audio , File_Audio2 , File_GSM , File_Seem_Flex_Tables , generic_pds_init that i was suppose to copy and then replace after the root but i was stupid enough not to back up.. so now im stuck and i dont know what to do.. is there an sbf file i can use cant even restore to factory settings because i dont think itll change my firmware..
I have a MT6577 Android ICS device. I want to update it to Jelly Bean. How would I do that.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi recently discover that i couldn't install google play services on my phone.when i try to install them it loads up to the end and when it says "Installing..." the following message appears:
"Incompatible with other application(s) using the same shared user ID"
I have recently purchased a pendo pad http:[url].... and it has a getjar apps store on it instead of google play, I have attempted installing the gplay store on the device with the .apk and that didn't work.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi am trying to combine two apk's in one..i write scripts using python for android.i can package those scripts in apk. however apk if installed on a phone which doesn't have python interpreter ask's user's to download interpretor.
what i want is one monolithic apk which contains python interpretor plus my script.
I have been trying to use APK Tool for HOURS and I keep getting this error:
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:
value.ResFileValue cannot be cast to
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readComplexE ntry(ARSCDecoder.ja[code].....
I am trying to edit BlockLauncher Pro APK. Is there any other way to decompile apks?
Using APK Manager im trying to decompile some APKs from ICS, though always run into errors (Unlike GB APKs which I have no problem with)
|22/11/2011 -- 20:21:58.42|
java version "1.7.0_01"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_01-b08)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.1-b02, mixed mode)
|22/11/2011 -- 20:22:29.68|
java version "1.7.0_01"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_01-b08)
Ive heard using the newer version of APK Manager is supposed to fix things, though cant find a newer one. The only file I found on XDA was a Jar file, and didnt explain what / how to replace with current APK Manager.
I have been searching all over the place for a guide on how to invert apk's.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have, say, multiple Gallery.apk, all being individual applications that can be opened? But not default apks, an apk that I downloaded from the Playstore.
On that note, where can I find my apks that I downloaded from the Playstore?
Everywhere i look redirects to apkmanager.. Which is not working for me.. Any manual way to recompile an apk.. Or an alternative to apk manager.