General :: How To Port XHDPI Roms To HDPI Devices
Aug 6, 2013how to port xhdpi roms to hdpi devices? what other steps do we have to take ? im trying to port paranoid android 3.69 to xperia u basing cm 10.1

how to port xhdpi roms to hdpi devices? what other steps do we have to take ? im trying to port paranoid android 3.69 to xperia u basing cm 10.1
Is it possible to Port an Android 2.2 ROM to a Device that was delivered with Android 2.3 Gingerbread?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow does CM9 get ported to phones that dont have a CM9 BASE to begin with? Such as the Samsung Galaxy W. How do they do that.? Because to my knowledge, you must port a ROM with the same firmware as your Base.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to port JB rom to MTK6577 ICS Device.......
My device is Micromax A90s, which are similar to micromax A110 and A110 have more then 2-3 Jelly Bean ROM but we dont have any Jelly Bean ROM so i have to port it, but dont know about porting methods
I already make Custom ROM for my device but don't know about porting. Can I able to port A110 JB ROM in to my Devices.....??
A90s specifications
MTK6577 1 GHz Processor
512 MB RAM
Super Amoled 4.3' HDPI (480x800) Resolution which are only things not matched to A110..........
How to port JB ROM in A90s
Cuz A110 QHD and A90s is HDPI so m able to port it........or not...........?? Or I have one more similar device rom which are same screen resolution and camera and all other things but its hardware is different cuz its Qualcomm MSM7627a Device but screen resolution are same HDPI, so can i able to port that ROM in my A90s ........??
I'm a mac. I've tried using the AOSP guide and using the correct commands... The terminal prompt is here.
I'm on 10.8.2, have 10.5, 10.7, 10.8 SDK(s) installed... I'm porting to a MID7012, which should do it.
I was thinking about trying to port CyanogenMod to Lg Optimus Chic E720. I'd like to know if there's any tutorial about this, or at least a few tips for start the development. How to start? Supposing i've already downloaded the sources. Is CWM required? Because at the moment I've only got AmonRa style recovery by drellisdee
View 6 Replies View RelatedAs i know Mmx a89 and a110 have same hardware specification except screen size. is this possible to port a110s rom to port to a89
View 1 Replies View RelatedI ported some roms to my device[based cm10, Take thacy,(KM-S220)], but I don't know how to port stock roms. I heard that porting stock rom is different from porting cm10 based custom roms.
How to port stockroms?
I include my phone's specifications
It updated ICS last year. Amd it's ICS kernel source was opened recently.
how to port apps and roms
View 3 Replies View Relatedi need some guide to port the roms form one device to other
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to port Roms from Single to Dual sim phones?
What changes do we have to make?
Porting roms from and to devices of different manufacturers,resolution(mdpi,hdpi etc.) etc.I am familiar with the zip method of porting roms from same manufacturer(sony in my case,xperia U to Sola)but i want to know about porting roms from others like htc,samsung etc and Tools/apps needed to accomplish this.Most of the tutorials i found on XDA are based on the same method of zip porting.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to port Roms from Single to Dual sim phones?
What changes do we have to make?
Can you install/flash a stock ROM for one device on another?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any support for MTK based devices.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny app which can mass resize .png from HDPI resolution to MDPI!
I had seen a similar app for MAC but any such application for windows!
I am making a ROM. And I'm trying to change the stock icons. I've tried every posssible way but i just can't change them. I'm trying to theme Holo Launcher with custom icons. The icons I have are hdpi. So i don't know how to turn them to mdpi. Is there any way i can turn it to mdpi on my PC. And what are the icons supposed to be renamed as well as which directory am i supposed to place them.
View 1 Replies View Relatedis there anyway to trick cm9/aokp theme chooser to think that my device is hdpi, instead of mdpi, without lcd density changer hack most HDPI themes, if not all(with the exception to lucid) work on mdpi devices yet theme chooser doesn't allow me and will give me a compiler error.
if the above does not work. is there anything i could change in the theme apk, whether its an xml, or image or anything I could change to make theme chooser think that i am using an MDPI theme, even if the theme includes hdpi images? THE "APPLY HDPI THEMES TO MDPI PAGE, LCD DENSITY CHOOSER PAGE.
how to resize 9/png images(HDPI/MDPI) to LDPI SIZED?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I have two separate google play accounts for two different devices & keep one gmail account for both devices?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedAll these days i used to test my application on my HTC Legend (2.1 OS) only, and i had all my images resources in drawable-hdpi folder.. and everything worked fine
and today i wanted to test my Application on Android 1.5, so i recreated all the images with lower resolution and kept it under drawable-mdpi folder, so now i have High resolution images in drawable-hdpi folder and lower resolution images in drawable-mdpi folder..
Everything looked great on both the HTC Legend and Emulator(with Android 1.5)
Later i found out that the images in drawable-mdpi are shown in my HTC Legend too and not the images in drawable-hdpi in my manifest file i have also included <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" /> <supports-screens android:anyDensity="true" />
I want to know as to why the images in drawable-hdpi are not used?
I have built android 2.1 on freescale's i.MX platform. But after running Gallery3D, it will crash with the log of failed to load resource. I found that the whole drawable-hdpi/ (it really contains in the Gallery3D source code res/) is not in the apk package, and cause lack of drawable-hdpi/icon_cancel.png. The apk only contains drawable-mdpi/ and drawable/. My question is why the drawable-hdpi/ resource is dropped when building apk? Per my understanding is that, which drawable-* resource loading is determined on runtime, and all the drawable-* should be in the apk package.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have some 9-patch images on my app, and they work great on the medium density. When I load the app on a High density emulator/device, these images look grainy. It happens only to 9-patch images. The others look great after the pre- scaling. Is there a way to make them look good after the scaling, like the non-9-patch images?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have set up my project with different drawable directories (ldpi, mdpi and hdpi). I have a background png with two different resolutions: 320x480 in drawable-mdpi folder, and 480x800 in drawable-hdpi. Both have the same filename. When I try to load the background as a style in the manifest (using android:windowBackground in the style) if I use the emulator for a 1.6 device, I get the correct one loaded(mdpi). However, if I try this on my Nexus, I see that at first the correct background from the hdpi folder is loaded, but it quickly switches to the mdpi one. I have tried also to set up the background in the layout xml file (android:src=...) but in this case only the mdpi one is loaded. If I delete the mdpi version, everything is loaded ok. Any idea on what is the problem?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI made each image a different color so I can tell if it is loading the right image. When I test my program on different density screens it only chooses the mdpi images. It scales them to match the correct dpi but doesn't choose the right folder. It just defaults to mdpi. In the manifest I have, android:normalScreens="true" android:anyDensity="false"
Anyone have a similar problem? I'm sure it is something simple that I am overlooking but I can't figure it out. From what I read on the Android Support Multiple Screens guide is that you should just have to put the different density images in their correct folders and Android will do the rest.
What is the proper way of sizing the dimensions of an image in a hdpi screen vs a ldpi screen.
For instance, an 89*80 png displays fine, with the text, on my droid 2....but how should I go about resizing the image to be smaller on a smaller screened droid? Do I manually alter the image and place it in the ldpi folder or will it do that automatically?
I am trying to move a set of images currently in the resources/drawable-hdpi folder to the Assets folder.
These images are copied to the private application directory when the app is installed.
When I do this the resulting image is smaller than when I had the image in the resources folder. i.e. the baked beans image is smaller than the others. If I load the baked beans images from the drawables folder it is the same size as the other product images.
I have tried to scale the image but it has no effect.
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
ImageView imView = (ImageView)rowView.findViewById( nail);
ImageView imProduct = (ImageView)rowView.findViewById( ;
tvName.setText((CharSequence) values.get(position).getName());
The problem I am having is that when I run a FWVGA or WVGA sized emulator it sometimes runs at a MDPI size instead of HDPI. Here is an example with pictures. I create the AVD with the proper hw.lcd.density setting and screen size and it randomly does this. There doesn't seem to be a pattern. I used to be able to just delete the AVD and create it over again and it would fix itself for a while but now it's getting worse.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHere's my situation: I have an app that's been compiled using 1.5 SDK and minSdkVersion=3. Now I want to add 2 icons: one for high density screens like Droid and another one for low density screens like G1.
For this, I added the high density icon to new directory drawable-hdpi- v4/. I then compiled using 1.6 sdk and added targetSdkVersion="4" to the manifest. minSdkVersion is still 3.
This is working in limited testing, but I'm not sure if I have done everything correctly.
I have many questions:
1. By specifying v4 in drawable-hdpi-v4, the icon will not be displayed to 1.5 or below OS's. But what about users with 2.0 or higher SDK's? Will they get the non-hdpi icon, since they will have v6 or v7 ?
2. The documentation for targetSdkVersion states, "Specifying this target version allows the platform to disable compatibility settings that are not required for the target version (which may otherwise be turned on in order to maintain forward-compatibility)". Does this mean that my app will not be forward compatible as soon as I specify a targetSdkVersion? What exactly is being turned off?
3. Even if I leave out the targetSdkVersion="4", the app runs ok. So do I really need it?
4. Should I be using the latest SDK (2.1) and setting that as the targetsdkversion and compiling against that? Or some other combination of targetsdkversion and compiling sdk? I'm not using any API's that are not in 1.5..
5. Is any of this related to why some of my HTC Eris users have complained that they can no longer find my app in Market after upgrading to 2.1?