General :: Bluescreen When Reconnect Phone?

Dec 1, 2013

I've been trying to flash a kyocera Echo m9300 2.3.4 to Cricket. For some reason everytime I install the usb driver on my pc & then connect the phone, my computer blue screens. What do I do to fix the problem so i can get qpst & cdma workshop to find the phone so i can get this headache over with?

General :: bluescreen when reconnect phone?

Samsung I7500 :: Phone Won't Reconnect To Network

Oct 22, 2010

I have had my Samsung Galaxy for over 2 weeks now, and I keep having the problem where my phone would lose reception and it would take forever to reconnect or in some cases not reconnect at all.I have to turn the phone off and on again to get it to pick up the network again.Is there a way to solve this problem?

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General :: Data Doesn't Reconnect After Being Switched Off For A Few Hours

Jul 22, 2013

I am running android 4.0 on a huawei ascend g600.

Sometimes I switch data off for a few hours so I don't waste data. I do this by "disabling" The data switch. When it cpmes time to switch it back on, the mobile data doesnt reconnect until i restart the phone

I have enabled "always on mobile data"

Anything else i need to do?

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General :: Change GTalk Heartbeat Interval / Enable Reconnect Alarm?

Apr 8, 2012

I notice that if my screen is off and the heartbeat interval has expired, I lose my connection to google services (my wifi icon becomes gray). GTalk Service Manager also shows that I have no reconnect alarm set when the hearbeat interval has expired. Could this be causing me to lose connection with google services?

I'm on the sgs9000 running CM9 Build 16.

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HTC Desire :: 3G / HSDPA Doesn't Reconnect After Wi-Fi

Apr 20, 2010

Often, after I leave a Wi-Fi hotspot, the 3G/HSDPA fails to reconnect and I get the "Unable to connect to the internet, check your settings" message. I've tried toggling the data connection on/off, airplane mode on/off, GSM/WCDMA on/off, but the only thing that seems to work is turning the phone off and on again. "Enable always-on mobile data connection" is checked.There seem to be a few people over at the XDA forum experiencing similar problems, and I've sent a message to HTC support. Does anyone else here have this issue?

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HTC Desire :: Losing Signal And Won't Reconnect

Jun 25, 2010

I have had my desire for about 3 weeks now on O2 contract, and have an annoying problem.I appear to lose signal intermittantly, and end up with a little grey 'x' by my bars. However, this then STAYS like this even when I am back in a normal area, sometimes for hours before I have even noticed that reception was lost.The only way that I have found to get reception back is to power off my phone and restart it.I have called o2, and the only advise they had for me was to remove the sim card and 'give it a little wipe',

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Samsung I7500 :: Bluetooth Unable To Reconnect

Apr 15, 2010

I'm running the firmware 1.6 JC6 on my I7500L. (same old IK6 baseband)But I have a problem with Bluetooth.My galaxy is paired with my car bluetooth system.When I boot the galaxy it connects and is ok. But if I leave the car, for sure is disconnects. But is unable to reconnect automatically when I return in my car.If I go in bluetooth settings, I see paired but not connected.If I try to connect it manually, it freezes trying to do so.The only way for me to get my Samsung Galaxy reconnected to my car bluetooth is to reboot it each time I want to use it!

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: WiFi Won't Reconnect

Aug 21, 2010

I have set up the phone to connect to my home wifi connection and it does this just fine. Once connected I can do everything I wan't. Upload, download, browse and so on.But after a while, once the phone has been asleep, the wifi connection is dropped and the phone drops back onto the cellular data connection. The problem is that once it has done this, the only way to reconnect to the wifi is to switch off wifi and switch it back on again at which point it works fine again until next time it goes to sleep.I have checked the wifi sleep settings etc and this does not help so any clues? How can I persuade this phone to connect to wifi when it's available. Likewise, my other phone (a HTC Desire) will always connect to the wifi if it is in range so I am happy that this is a phone specific issue.

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Nexus :: Wi-Fi Randomly Disconnects And Won't Automatically Reconnect

May 8, 2010

My Nexus One exhibits a very strange and annoying behavior at home.It will sporadically disconnect from my home Wi-Fi and will not automatically reconnect.However, if I go into the settings and choose to manually reconnect it will do it 100% of the time.I have the settings on the Nexus One set to never put the wi-fi to sleep so there is no reason that it should be disconnecting.Has anyone else had an issue like this? Anyone have any advice on solving this problem?I am using a fairly old linksys router WRT54G but I have never had any problems maintaining connections with any of my other devices including laptops, Wii's and iphones so it seems like it must be an issue with the Nexus One.

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HTC Wildfire :: Airplane Mode Doesn't Reconnect

Oct 8, 2010

Wildfire running 2.1 (update 1), build 1.25.405.1 CL227575.Every time I toggle Airplane Mode on, when I toggle off again I lose access to sd card and get no network reconnection. The only way I can reconnect is to turn phone off and on again. Network is set to automatic (O2) and Network Mode set to GSM/WCDMA Auto.Anyone else getting same problem, or found an easy solution?

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Motorola Droid :: Market Not Working - Reconnect?

Aug 21, 2010

I'm on RC3 and decided to uninstall google maps and voice that came with the gapps pack so that I could reinstall them through the market and get updates. However,both downloads failed and now I can't connect to the market at all. It says a server error has occurred.

1) How do I reconnect to the market?
2) Why is the installation of google developed apps failing?

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Android :: Device Or Resource Busy On RFCOMM Reconnect

Dec 28, 2009

I'm developing an application that interfaces with an RFCOMM endpoint.Through bluetooth, my Droid phone connects to this device, initializes it, and happily sends and receives data.A problem I have encountered however is when I walk away from the device (while it's sending/receiving) and the bluetooth connection goes stale. I easily detect this in my code by various exceptions thrown by the inputstream/outputstream/socket.

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Samsung Captivate :: Bluetooth - Will Not Reconnect Without Manually Reconnecting

Aug 8, 2010

My Captivate will not reconnect without me manually reconnecting it.

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Android :: Reconnect With Started Service And Want To Kill It / Know Its Already Working?

Mar 20, 2010

I am looking to code simple application

let's say I have an activity that starts a service which is simply a counter and counter value is reflected on activity UI , when I navigate away from this .I want this counter to be continue and when I get back to Activity I want to see counter the question is

how can a reconnect with the started service and then if I want to kill it ? how can I know the service is already started?

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HTC Incredible :: Bluetooth Unable To Reconnect After Moving Back To Range

Jun 8, 2010

I'm coming from windows mobile here so I'm not sure if this is an Android thing or the Incredible specifically, but the bluetooth implementation absolutely sucks. I'm using the phone with the Plantronics 975, which is an absolutely fantastic earpiece. The problem is that it NEVER automatically reconnects to the headset after moving out of range and then back in. I've also verified this with an old motorola headset, so the phone is the problem. With my Touch Pro 2, I could walk outside to my car to get something with the earpiece still in my ear, and the phone would disconnect and then automatically reconnect when I get back inside. Not only does the Incredible not do this, but when I come back in, even after pressing the button on the bluetooth headset (which I didn't have to do on WinMo) it just says "paired but not connected" in bluetooth settings. In order to get the phone to reconnect with the headset, I have to turn bluetooth off, back on, go into wifi settings and click "connect" EVERY SINGLE TIME I go out of range and back in range. Coupled with the infamous lack of touchless voice dialing, I am seriously dissapointed in Android's implementation of bluetooth, and don't understand how Google can put out a phone that sucks so bad as a phone - especially when in many states such as mine, a bluetooth headset is the ONLY legal way to use your phone when you drive. Any ideas how to fix this annoying problem or am I just stuck with it?

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Motorola Droid X :: Wifi - Dropped Connection After About 20 Minutes And Wouldn't Reconnect

Jul 29, 2010

I've been reading the wifi threads on here, the Verizon forums, and the Motorola site forums. I've changed the router settings on my home wifi router according to directions found on those sites. For the first time today, I tried wifi at a different location. It worked perfectly at first, but dropped the connection after about 20 minutes and wouldn't reconnect. It shows that it's connected, but data won't refresh.

So my question is, is the wifi problem with the Droid X something that everyone is afflicted with when trying to hook up to 802.11n routers, or is it only some Droid X's. The 3G signal in my house and at work isn't strong enough for me to download larger files like audio books without timing out. I'm wondering if it's worth trying for a replacement or if I should wait for some kind of software fix. I don't hold out much hope for that anytime soon - the Verizon rep was completely unaware that there was any kind of issue with wifi on the Droid X. I know they are generally clueless, but I would think if it was widespread enough they would have at least heard about it...

After dealing iwth this, I understand why Droid X owners are using 5X as much data as other Verizon smartphone users. We don't have wifi options...

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Android :: Internal Memory Loss When Reconnect / Re-provision Application To Device With Eclipse ADT

Jan 20, 2009

When I install my application with Eclipse ADT (by simply run and choose device that appears in the list) through USB onto device, sometimes I noticed it consumes internal memory (storage) space even though application is already loaded on the device (exactly same version - just some minor code changes)As my application size getting big, this is really annoying because eventually it will use up all initial storage space of ~70MB and I have to factory reset in order for me to continue testing my application on real device.I did little investigation and find out this seems to happen when

1) load/run application onto device for first time with USB

2) disconnect USB

3) restart Eclipse

4) connect device and try to load/run application onto device

5) internal memory goes down by application size ...

and it does NOT seem to happen as long as I keep USB connection and Eclipse still recognize the device. I'm just guessing here, but maybe does Eclipse ADT creates temporary file of some kind that's get left behind when I disconnect USB? I'm running RC30 so I don't have root access and can't check system files/folders but is there any way to look for these temp files (if any) and clear out either from Eclipse, or using adb shell command?So for now, I leave my device connected to Eclipse all the time but I want to use it as phone as well as sometimes I want to show to my friends to get some feedback etc it would be really nice if I can somehow load application onto device, disconnect and keep testing/using phone.Has anyone experience this issue? If so, is there any walk around to this problem? Or could you point me out what I'm doing wrong here? I tried few things myself, such as close Eclipse right after I launch my application on device, disconnect USB etc but nothing seem to work.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Wifi Won't Reconnect Automatically When In Range Or By Enabling Wifi

Sep 8, 2010

It's done this twice now (before and after factory reset). 2.1 OTA, not rooted.

Whenever I turn on the wifi, or I become in range of my WPA2 network, it doesn't always connect. I say "always" because it seems to be random. If I toggle wifi on or off, it doesn't always connect. Sometimes it connects after 30+ seconds. Every other device connects just fine.

The only sure way to get it to connect is to force it to rescan, usually by going to Settings and displaying all SSIDs in range. THEN it connects, always and immediately.

The even sillier thing is, it will alert me of open networks, but never connect to my own saved network.

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General :: Making / Answering Phone Calls From Computer Routed Through Android Phone?

Dec 31, 2013

i'm looking for a way to make phonecalls with my computer+Logitech G230, through my android device (Jiayu G4 Advanced)

The Remotecall app in Playstore still requires me to pick up my phone in order to actually hear something..
its got all the other features i'd like to use: answer calls from my PC, make calls from pc (from , for example, the outlook contactlist), call Log capability; but i have to pick up my phone when i probably can just hear it through my headphone (connected to PC)

I think i should be looking for some sort of voip server on my phone and let my computer act as voip client, but i'm not entirely sure about that.

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General :: Smart Phone Flash Tool Doesn't Recognize Phone

Jun 11, 2014

I used the recovery mode first time - it worked, second time playing with NoBloat - it gets stuck in boot screen.I can go to the recovery mode menu, both chinese and english, can do a full clear cache, data, format, but phone still won't boot.

I can use ADB shell, but Smart phone flash tool does not recognize phone, MTK droid tool recognizes it, but I can't backup it.

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General :: Sharing Laptop Internet On Android Phone While Using Phone WiFi Hotspot Enable?

Apr 4, 2013

I have samsung android phone which can be used as wifi hotspot. My question is can I use my laptop internet on android phone by connection laptop to android phone hotspot as phone is unable to connect adhoc network.

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General :: How To Stop Phone Audio From Interrupting Phone Calls

Sep 29, 2012

As an individual that likes to keep my phone audio turned on with notification alerts....

How can I stop those alerts during phone calls?

I don't need to hear whistles or "you've got mail" coming through my calls.

It's most bothersome for the fact that I have a bluetooth handshake to my home handset and all the phone audio pushes through.

Is there a setting that turns off phone audio when in phone calls and then turns it back on after you hang up?

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General :: Remove Only Phone Call Feature From Phone?

Aug 3, 2012

Is is possible to remove the call feature from a phone, leave the MMS/SMS and Data modes? Basically I have a couple of older gen phones which are pretty crap for anything but media purposes, I use them whilst training or at an OP in Afghan. I just throw my headphones on if im running, as if I drop them.. I dont mind much.

Id like it if I could whack my sim in one, but remove the call function for OPSEC purposes. Still remain useful for SMS and Data(internet) usage whilst im away or even home. I've done this with certain devices (Wildfire, this was only used for Beats and Net, I removed the SMS and call function)

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General :: Flash Windows Phone OS To Android Phone?

Sep 28, 2012

i just want to try windows phone OS and for that i dont care if i have to drop my android os. Is there any way of installing windows phone OS on my android? I am using a SE live with walkman

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General :: Phone Battery Not 0% But Phone Dies

Jun 24, 2012

A couple times in the past week, my phone has acted as if there is 0% battery, but I never received a warning about low-battery status. Why no warning? Because the battery never made it to a low-battery state.

Here's my battery usage yesterday: [URL]

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General :: Phone To Phone Direct VoIP?

Apr 11, 2012

want to do a direct IP to IP VoIP session between the wifes phone and mine.

D2 CM7
Epic 4G CM9

VoIP or Jabber, possbly a ZeroConf deal?

If I really need a server will have a laptop with me. jsut avoiding a jabber server or asterisk.

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General :: 2 Phone Lines On One Cell Phone?

Jul 15, 2013

Is this possible? , I own a business and want to use one of my dummy lines for the business #, instead of my personal line so I don't have to carry two phone's like a pimp, and if it is possible can that line be turned off after biz hrs?, my business is mobile.

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General :: Phone To Phone Wireless Camera?

Oct 3, 2013

I would like to use an old deactivated phone as a wireless camera, not over WiFi, but something like AdHoc(I think).

Where my deactivated (old) phone can broadcast a wifi network that my other phone will be able to connect and view the cam's video.

Something like: Old Phone(No internet/service) makes a WiFi AP that Another Phone can connect to and view the video the Old Phone is streaming.

I've found tons of IP cams which use an existing wireless network, but I want the old phone to be used as the wireless router.

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HTC EVO 4G :: USB & General Phone Error

Jun 27, 2010

So my problem is that sometime mounting the SD card does not work.I have the stock mSD card and have never removed it. My problem is that sometimes when I "mount" the card to the computer it doesn't actually mount and I can't access it from windows(I use XP), additionally when I try to play a music file from the phone's player it will play while the card is "mounted". To me, this says that the issue is with the phone not properly mounting because I know when the card is mounted you can't access files on the mSD card. Anyone have this problem and fixed it? My only known fix is to power on and off the phone which leads me to my next issue. The phone will power off regularly but will not power back on unless I remove the battery and put it back in. This is a PITA as I have a not so easily removed case.My phone is NOT rooted and I haven't tampered with any custom ROMs or anything like that.

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General :: Phone Keeps Trying To Sync

Sep 25, 2013

I just made the switch to Android with a new Galaxy s4 gt-I9500 running JellyBean 4.2.2

On the notifications window my phone keeps trying to sync memos, contacts and messages.The memos gets stuck at 7% and the result is that I have duplicate memos in S memo.The messages and contacts never goes beyond 0%

I dont have memos syncing checked in any of my accounts! I think it has something to do with SmartWitch cause these are memos from my old iphone (even memos I deleted from my iphone keep syncing back onto the galaxy). I only used smartswitch once and since then every morning my phone brings this sync back into notifications.

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