General :: Android Is Half Bricked - Partitions Seems Broken?
Feb 2, 2012
I've got a Motorola Flipout, just yesterday night I was copying and moving files to /system/bin (having root).
Lik this:
cp /sdcard/binaries/iptables-save /system/bin
But then I have did something wrong, typed something like this instead.
cp /sdcard/binaries/rfkill/system/bin
That throws me an error (normal) but then everything was screewed up.
The files and folders have been dissapeared to `ls` command.
`ls /` shows / doesn't exist.
`ls` shows nothing.
when i enter to accounts it reboots, doesn't detect sdcard partition...I do a rollback with a partial backup from 30 days ago, and still appear nothing.
It's like the partition system have been screewed up.This can solved reflashin again with sbf_flash ?
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Feb 21, 2010
I'm trying to create a drawable in xml, a rectangle with one gradient on the top half, and another on the bottom half.
This is NOT the way to do it, apparently:
How can I do this, preferably in a way that makes it stretchable to any height?
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Oct 15, 2009
I used my Hero this morning/afternoon with music, wi-fi, internet browsing, and I used up the first half of the battery. And after that, I have been mostly studying and not using my phone... but the second half of the batter drains, it seems like, FASTER than the first half did! No music playing, no wi-fi, no internet browsing? Is this normal? Is it just the nature of these batteries?
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Sep 26, 2013
how to increase size of /system and decrease size of /data? (huawei mediapad)
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Jan 24, 2014
I had an encrypted I9100 on Cyanogenmod 9. After a factory reset I installed Cyanogemod 10.1. Everything runs smoothly, but about 12gb of my internal sd space was misplaced during the installation and is now missing. Only 2 gb is currently available. /sdcard cannot be mounted, something about /sdcard/android_secure
I ran some commands in adb, and the space is still there, but it needs to be replaced / repartitioned somehow.
df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 395.6M 48.0K 395.6M 0% /dev
/dev/block/mmcblk0p7 98.4M 87.0M 11.4M 88% /cache
~ # mount /data
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Jul 9, 2013
I recently acquired an A13 tablet and wanting to install CM10 on it I first installed CWM according to the famous manual (if it's relevant I'll post the exact url). Anyway, it got stuck on CWM (doesn't boot normally). Now I figured it can't install since using 'adb shell' and looking at /proc/partitions -- nothing is there!
cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
179 0 15558144 mmcblk0
179 1 15554048 mmcblk0p1
So I have no internal memory to use -- no internal memory to install to, right?
ls /dev/block
loop0 loop2 loop4 loop6 mmcblk0 nandf ram0
loop1 loop3 loop5 loop7 mmcblk0p1 platform ram1
Seems that only nandf exists, which means I can't cat into nandg and sync and install new img. Right? Or am I missing something? How do I fix this?
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Feb 8, 2014
My phone has 4gig of internal storage, but the system seems to be using only 3 500mb partitions... /system, /cache, and /data... and a couple of other small partitions.
At the end of mmcblk0 is p6 that is about 2GIG and NOT MOUNTED! Is that space needed for something, or can I add it to /data (p5)? or create a mount point for it? and if so, HOW?
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Oct 18, 2012
Is a nandroid backup creating new partitions when it is flashed?
What happenes, if a Nandroid backup was created from a 2 GB SD card and is flashed onto a 8 GB SD card? - size mismatch error?
€dit:My Phone has an internal SD Card - normally not accessible.
I changed it from 2 GB to 8 GB - phone is working properly.But what about existing Nandroid Backups?
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Nov 1, 2011
Current issue is that I my phone will boot just fine into regular startup however it will no longer boot into recovery mode.
I have tried the below methods but the main problem that I run into is that when I issue flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img(I have tried multiple img files such as the clockworkmod and SPRecovery) however none of them have worked they are receive the below message.
# flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
error scanning partitions
What I need at this point is either a way to get some form of recovery loaded either the out of the box version or clockworkmod version working so I can flash my phone and get gingerbread loaded. Or I need to break the OS to the point where the phone will not load past the boot loader.
Phone information:
Droid 2 Global
System Version 2.4.330.A956.Verizon.en.US
Android Version 2.2
Kernel Version
What I have looked at so far: [URL] .....
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Aug 15, 2013
I have SONY XPERIA tipo with 803MB Internal Sotrage and 2.20 GB.
I have rooted the phone, and set external 32GB card as the default SD card (i.e. phone thinks its internal memory is 32GB) via changes in /etc/vold.fstab file.
The result is that phone regards the 2.20GB space as external memory.
I can move many applications to 32GB card, however some applications e.g. BusyBox, GCC Toolchain, and Chrome are not movable to Internal storage (32GB) or external storage (2.20GB).
Since the 2.20GB space is of no use for me, and it is mounted under the same device where "phone memory" 803 MB is mounted i.e. :
/dev/block/mmcblk0 = 3909 MB
/dev/block/mmcblk0p11 = 524 MB
/dev/block/mmcblk0p11 = 167 MB
/dev/block/mmcblk0p15 = 803 MB
/dev/block/mmcblk0p16 = 2311 MB
Surely, the last partition "/dev/block/mmcblk0p16 = 2311 MB" is the free storage not being used, and "/dev/block/mmcblk0p15 = 803 MB" is the phone memory, which I want to extend/increase.
My question is: Is it possible to merge the alst 2 partitions (e.g. by formatting 2.2GB space and then merging it with the 803MB space. This way my phone will have its system memory pretty large, and I will be able to install more applets through BusyBox as well as Chrome etc.
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Feb 6, 2013
I have a generic Allwinner A13 7" tablet essentially identical to this one. The internal memory is set so that part of it is seen as internal, and part as a fake SD card mounted on /mnt/sdcard. Actual SD cards get mounted to /mnt/extsd.
I find this very annoying for a number of reasons, and would like all the internal memory to be seen as internal with no fake SD cards, and SD cards to be mounted to /mnt/sdcard. If this were one of those tablets capable of running Linux I'd run gparted and do the job from there, but it isn't.
Is there any way to merge the two internal memory partitions into just one?
I'm aware I can edit vold.fstab and invert the two mount points, and I'll keep it as a fallback solution, but I hate the idea of wasting a gig of useful internal space like that.
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Jun 9, 2013
I am on twrp recovery version 2.1.3 and to upgrade to I used the Google .im app but even after the message showing that recovery was flashed successfully, when I reboot into recovery I still see the 2.1.3 twrp only..So I tried flashing it with terminal emulator but it didn't work.This error shows up every time failed scanning partitions failed with error : - 1
I tried putting the .img file in the root folder as well but it didn't work..I tried naming the root of sd card as storage/emulated/legacy, storage/ emulated / 0, /sdcard, etc but it keeps on giving this error every single time!
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Feb 23, 2010
why is it when i hit the volume rocker on the side, it only goes half way? i mean, its still loud as hell, but still. Even the Alarm volume only goes half way.
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Oct 4, 2012
I try to understand android boot sequence on my JB (under CM10). I found some docs and there should be specific partitions (boot, recovery, system, cache, data).
My understanding of the boot sequence is now:
A) normal boot:
1) Power ON ->
2) bootloader ->
3) boot-partition where i flashed the kernel aka boot.img ->
4a) system-partition with the OS (libs, UI, etc) where i unpacked over CWM my ->
4b) data-partition, where i unpacked and installed all the apps ->
4c) cache-partition with user data
B) recovery boot (adb reboot recovery):
1) Power ON ->
2) bootloader ->
3) recovery-partition with CWM where i may unpack all the .zip stuff to proper partitions, or restore from sdcard, etc.
Is this correct? I wonder, because i didn't installed CWM into recovery-partition. It cames from install of CM10 (fastboot -i 0xfce flash boot boot.img), so it must be in boot-partition and not in recovery?
So, next confusion: i looked up to /proc/mtd and i don't see neither boot nor recovery partition here:
# cat /proc/mtd
dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 19000000 00040000 "system"
mtd1: 00600000 00040000 "appslog"
mtd2: 06580000 00040000 "cache"
mtd3: 1a400000 00040000 "userdata"
I did a backup with CWM and loocked the data. There aren't boot, and recovery backups:
# ls -lha /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/2012-10-
d---rwxr-x 2 system sdcard_r 4.0K Oct 4 18:56 .
d---rwxr-x 3 system sdcard_r 4.0K Oct 4 18:49 ..
----rwxr-x 1 system sdcard_r 1.6K Oct 4 18:54 .android_secure.vfat.dup
----rwxr-x 1 system sdcard_r 54.6M Oct 4 18:55 cache.yaffs2.img
----rwxr-x 1 system sdcard_r 360.2M Oct 4 18:53 data.yaffs2.img
----rwxr-x 1 system sdcard_r 212 Oct 4 18:56 nandroid.md5
----rwxr-x 1 system sdcard_r 214.6M Oct 4 18:51 system.yaffs2.img
So, i think i didn't understand the boot sequence and partition schema corectly.
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Mar 31, 2012
I'm looking for a weather widget that will take up half a screen (4x2). It'll show me a 5 day forecast for an area and show other areas I have chosen at the touch of a button.
Think similar to the Facebook widget where I touch a small arrow and the next City comes up.
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Apr 2, 2014
What i did was using the temp cwm 6 I installed the motorox rom and JB theme, and it all worked fine but my status bar dissapeared, so i tried to do it again and it kept rebooting half way into the boot animation. So i flashed back the SBF from that thread and same thing happened.
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Mar 18, 2013
I have a problem with my Alldro speed i tablet that runs the original ics is a Chinese tablet. I think it is bricked because it won`t start. I see only the little android robo and thats all; no restart no nothing. i tried to format the soft and reinstall it but no succes.I tried resetting with the dedicated button but still no succes. the install was a success but the tablet isn`t working.
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Jan 8, 2014
Yesterday my Blu Studio 5.0s has frozen and I've tried for a hard reset, till there, ok ! but after hard reset my phone died !
YES, the phone do not start up, do not light up, can't put on recovery mode, don't charge, it's totally bricked?
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Jul 21, 2013
My Android phone is bricked. It is an MT6515 phone; model i9270+ (Chinese dual SIM phone).I had trouble rooting it, so I was half way there following steps in THIS thread. T
I accidentally flashed my phone with the wrong boot image from fast boot ("fastboot flash boot boot.img"). I had a clockwork mod backup copy of my own boot.img, so I just wanted to reflash it. Fastboot said that the flash failed.
I tried again, and then in the middle of the process my command prompt stalled. Phone was in flashing process for about an hour, so I hit Ctrl+C to stop it... I wanted to do a recovery from the phone itself using clockwork recovery...
When I wanted to boot my phone there was no screen light. The phone just vibrates twice and that's all.
PC won't recognize it, so I can't go back to fastboot mode. Key combination (vol up + power) won't bring fastboot mode...This phone seems completely bricked...
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Feb 20, 2013
i tryed to install cwm from command comport in android so my phone bricked and when i start it black screen apperas so want to install cwm from zip.i can run only android system recovery(3e) so is any .backup file or .zip file to i use as apply update from sdcard or restore user data to install cwm than i can flash rom and new android version and hope it will works
i have tryed it starts flashing and i got
Error: invaild OTA package is not correct
Installation aborted
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Mar 14, 2014
I have a Matricom .TAB Nero 7" tablet running Android 4.0.1 and I have accidentally bricked it. I tried changing the resolution in build.prop to 130 and the launcher and SystemUI repeatedly crash on boot. I can't open any apps and I can't get into recovery mode. When I use Vol Up + Power it goes to an Android guy on his back with a red triangle with a ! in the middle, but no options to go into recovery mode. Is there any way I can rescue my tablet with my computer or another tablet?
I forgot to mention that using Vol Up + Power on the red triangle screen does nothing at all. I have Android SDK installed on my computer, can I do anything with this? The firmware version is 1.5 and the model number is SoftwinerEvb. The build number is nuclear-evb-eng 4.0.1
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Nov 18, 2010
I partitioned my SD for app2sd and now that im having some problems (may or may not be related to the app2sd) i want to remove it. I booted in to recovery and did partition. set the ext and swap to 0 and the remaining for fat and it chewed for a min and then smiled and carried on. yet it was still there. i went in to ADB shell and ran parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 and printed a list (saw all 3) and did rm 1 rm 2 rm 3, printed again, all still there. i found the log that the recovery wipe made and it did the same thing i did and it showed an error saying it cant create overlapping partitions (because they were never deleted)
so, from recovery i mounted the SD to windows, went in to diskpart and removed them there, which seemed to work, but again, its still the same... disk manager as well.. no luck is there some sort of lock im missing? why on earth cant i delete and recreate my partitions? these are the steps i took to get the app2sd working
How to manually partition your SD card for Android Apps2SD - Android and Me
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May 26, 2012
i have a bricked lg optimus v for virgin mobile. My friend gave me this phone i did not know he used Rodimusrom http:[url].....html to modify it so i did a factory reset and that is what bricked my phone. i know how to go in recovery mode by holding the volume up button and the home button but other than that i do not know what to do.
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Mar 21, 2012
I uploaded a custom rom on my xperia x10, for that i unlockd the bootloader and stuff..
Now, my phone is switched off since 15 days, when ever i try to switch it on, it vibrates once and nothing at all afterwards...if i press power button again, it won't vibrate, unless and untill i remove the battery and reinsert it in phone..
i see three red flashes of light, when connected to PC..
1. PC Companion for update, repair and custom repair is not working...most of the time phone is not detected..
2. SE-update service is also not working and phone is shown as Xperia arc..
3. Flashtool, doesn't recognize the handset
4. few, technician told me box flash would work, but again, it didn't work out
Now, i don't know much about this, but i do understand that hardware seems to be good, till now, the only issue is software and that to initial boot process i.e. bootloader.
is there any other way i can upload a new custom rom on my xperia ??
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Mar 9, 2012
I have a [Gen2] ZTE v9 Tab which had 2.2 as the stock OS which I managed to get upgraded to 2.3 using modcore everything was gr8. I pushed my luck little further and tried to install Android ICS in order to do that I did a TPT using image file and after doing that my tab is bricked.
It's not booting into the OS I tried to get into the FTM mode but that doesn't work now only thing that work's is the ADB I tried the recovery methods that can be done through ADB but it says "sh:/sbin/recovery xxxx" missing.
What I think is that the system partition was recreated and Is there any way that I can get the system files on to the tab using ADB or a way to copy entire directory on to the tab using the ADB.
Got the system to boot to FTM but when I try to flash it the software fails and gives a error "Failed to Get aprmg x x x " some thing like that if there's a way to skip this I'll be able to get my tab back to working condition.
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May 19, 2012
I got an HTC Explorer around a month ago and quickly found out how useless it was with the miniscule amount internal storage HTC decided to provide me with. So I quickly found jaggyjags' rooting tutorial found here: http:[url]....
All went well and I was happy with the phone, until some of the apps started bloating and I went a little too far with link2sd and tried to convert the app into a user app, which ended disastrously. Pretty much every process failed or had an error, so I tried restarting the phone and found myself in a boot-loop.
I then succesfully got into HBOOT and then into recovery. So I decided to try installing jaggyjags' custom ROM. After taking out my SD card to connect to my computer and copy jaggyjags' rom to, I got back into HBOOT, but could not get into recovery anymore. All the phone did was get stuck on the HTC screen.
After leaving it on the screen to see if it would eventually make it to recovery, I discovered that the phone is now dead and won't even charge. I'm not sure if it's because the battery might be dead or some other reason.
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Oct 15, 2013
My Android phone is soft bricked it is an VS870 LG 4G Lite Lucid II.
This is the second time my phone becomes bricked due to my last incident with my samsung. It has nothing to do with it being rooted, but uninstalled some apps in the phone which I thought had nothing to do with the system. IDK last one I uninstalled was zappos. I know how to un-brick my phone, but my only problem is getting the phone to be recognized by my computer. I tried uninstalling and re-installing the drivers, removing the battery from the phone, using different USB ports still no luck . Could it be that the battery percentage went below 75%? if so I have no way else to charge, it does not seem to charge anymore?
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Oct 24, 2012
My Samsung Intercept, running Android 2.2 I think (whatever the most recent VM update was), got soaked. I've tried the trick where you let it sit in rice for a few days to soak up the moisture, but the touchscreen is shot. The phone works fine except that I can't unlock the screen since the touch functionality just isn't working, which means I can't do anything with the phone...
Is there a way to recover my text messages by connecting to a computer? I'm not sure if I can even activate the USB functionality without the touchscreen working. I've been using Handcent for my texts, perhaps by some miracle is saves to the SD card?
If all else fails, I can replace the touchscreen myself. Where is a reputable source for a replacement for it?
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Oct 13, 2012
Ok i recently rooted my LG C800 or Mytouch Q using SuperOneClick which went well. However, When i tried to install a new rom using ROM Manager of the play store i first backed up my current rom and when it reboots its stuck on the boot LG logo. I have tried going into recover mode and it will show the android unboxing but a few seconds later it goes back to the LG logo. I don't want to say its completly bricked as i do get the LG logo.
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Nov 1, 2013
I have a clone I9500. It has been bricked while I was trying to install a new rom
how shall I fix it. it has a MT6572 but recognizes as a MT65XX
some softwares says its a MT6589 AND SOME says MT6572
when I start up I keeps rebooting or gets stuck on the screen and I can acces the Boot manager
this is how is the boot manager:
it says alps.
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