General :: Remove Payment Options In Google Play?
Jul 27, 2012How do I remove playment options in google play store

How do I remove playment options in google play store
Instead of having 2 versions on the market for apps, one lite (free) and one paid, is it possible to have just the lite one but offer a payment page in the app which upgraded it once the payment is received?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI want to get rid of from google play services and google's other cartel softwares. I dont want to share my location information via google, but ı want to share my location information via forsqaure. But google lay down "if you want to use forsquare, you must run google play services and you must share your information to us". And I dont want to pay money for google's ads; any android program has google's ads and it consumt cpu, ram and gsm internet connection. As so, for any android software before run, firstly try to show ads, after software running.. How can I get rid of from google cartel? If I make root and ı use different mod os(cyanogenmod etc), can ı stop these google's spy softwares? Any suitable mod os?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow I can REMOVE registered device in my Google Account?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted phone. Is there a way to remove Google Play but keep other Google apps?
I am looking for a way to do this manually (through adb/shell). Is it a file in /system/app?
I have a rooted HTC Amaze with s-off. I am able to remove all other system apps from my phone (Google Talk, Friend stream, etc.) except for Google Play Movies. I cannot find its location on my phones root. I have checked /system/app/ and it is not there.
I running ICS Android Revolution 3.
I need to delete Google Play Service completely from my phone or totally disable it! Even when I disable it, using phone "disable feature" Google play service and all it's apps are still eating my battery 45% (Running). The only way to kill it it's root my phone? I can't find way to contact Google or Android there is no email on the internet! Many people want to delete Google Play Services I've seen a lot of threads but found no solution! I don't need Google Play Services at all.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI currently have an iPhone 4S and I am probably going to get a Galaxy Note 2 when it comes out for Verizon. In order to prepare for this, I set up Google Play Music to upload my music so it can be ready for me when I get my new phone (I like it better than Samsung's default music player). Only one problem: protected AAC files (or DRM) can't be transferred to Play Music. I tried converting my music with 2 different DRM converters, but they were free trials, and it only would convert 1:00 of each song and then stop. Is there any free way to convert each protected song completely, along with protected videos? Also, does music on Play Music eat up an Android device's space? I have over 12 GB of music and movies and I don't want to have barely any any space left on a 16 GB device if a 32 or 64 GB ever comes out, minus the SD card.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to remove and add some options to the CM7 power menu.
I've been building CM7 from original source so which files control what's displayed in the power menu? There are just so many files it's going to take a very long time to work out which ones I need to modify.
Recently I've been having an issue with Google Play Music where when I play a song, it plays for a second then pauses, so I have to press play to get it going again. This occurs repetitively which means I can't listen to music.
It happens on songs that are being streamed and on songs that are on the device.
Funnily enough, if the song is played through ES file explorer and the little play music popup window comes up, it plays fine.
I've got this issue on both my devices, a tf101 running 4.3 and a nexus 5 with stock 4.4 rooted.
Edit: just remembered, I've also got this issue with MX Player and videos. I can't figure out what's wrong.
Streamed videos played through the gallery video player work fine.
How I can stop update the google play version automatically ??
Because if I donwgrade them to 4.0 he automatically update to 4.3 !!
Version 4.0.4
I obtained an Android from a friend and created a second account for the Play Store. Now I want to remove the initial account (first on the list). It has as its ID a non Gmail account and I do not know the password associated with it.
I went into App settings and for Google Play Store clicked on Clear data. That did not remove either account.
What are the step to take to remove the initial account?
I'd like to know if there's any way I can remove an specific app from the Play Store list, without uninstalling it. Or if there's a way to remove this app from the apps that are checked for updates.
The reason is that I have a Motorola Defy+ and I like the stock music player, which is just fine. There's an update called Tune Wiki which is, in my opinion, pure crap. So in order to install updates of all my other apps I have to install one by one, because I can't choose the option "update all" since it would update the music player too.
I m forget that how to remove email in the play store.
How to remove? GT-N7100
l uninstalled Google Search and Google Play store apps, but they were not completely uninstalled and now I can't reinstall them because the store says they are installed. I cannot find them on my android tablet and so I cannot use them. What is a good app to completely uninstall them. Some of these apps will not install on my Lenovo tablet.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using Nexus 4 Bought from US thro my friend.Current Android version id 4.4.2..My Service Provider is Airtel. All my google applications like Gmail, Maps, Play,Google Plus are working fine in WIFI.But when i try to refresh or update these application thro Airtel 3g,i am getting No Connection Error.
All my 3rd party apps like Facebook,Whatsapp are working fine in 3G.
i've noticed that once I update a system apk for the first time from the play store, it appears in the "My Apps" list on Google Play. However if I then disable that app, it still appears under the play store history (with "disabled" shown next to it), but with no way to remove it from the My Apps list. Aside from rooting the phone and removing the apk by hand (which I know causes the App to disappear from the My Apps list, disabled or not), and then reloading the apk, but disabling it before google play detects it again, is there any way to remove that app from the My Apps list in the play store? I've tried online through the desktop store but I can't find a way to do that either.
View 6 Replies View Relatedjust trying out Google Play Music today. I'm confused though as I have around 10000 music files sitting in a folder on Google drive. I can't see an option to ask Google Play Music to look into Google Drive and upload the music from there. I have connected my Google play music app on my nexus 7 to my Google account' but nothing seems to happen. Surely Google is able to connect two parts of its cloud together and I don't have to re upload everything?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just hooked up my Credit Card to the Google Play Store, and bought a couple of apps, and after that, attempted to remove it. I went to [URL] and went to the 'Payment Methods' and tried removing the card. But it warned me:
The following purchases will be affected:
*All the apps I purchased*
Will removing the card remove these apps from my Google account? And I won't be able to update/redownload them later?I have to remove it really soon.
Android user on a Nexus 4 and am a bit cautious about how much info I give Google.
I'm trying to figure out if the Google Play Music app tells Google what songs I'm listening to, or sends any other information to Google for that matter. If so, is there a way to turn that function off?
I know many people don't have an issue with letting Google know these kinds of things about them and that's fine. I'd just rather not. I didn't use Apple's genius recommendations on my iPhone either.
I've been quite Google Plus for quite a while (though not very active with it).
On my Nexus 4 when I launch the Google Plus app and go to All Circles. It has this "Welcome to Google+" post with a couple suggestions of people I should add. Then below that is a post from my circle. Then bellow that is a "Looking for more?" post from Google suggesting yet even more people I should add.
My problem is, I already added quite a few people to my Circles. I'm set. I don't want to keep seeing this "Welcome to Google+" and "Looking for more?" posts in my Google feed. It's distracting and I have to scroll past this every time just to see what I really came to see.
I want to like Google Plus. But I use Twitter mostly and have a hard time trying to embrace they weird way Google does things with this app on Android.
I want to remove the google search bar in ics 4.0.3 and use that space for apps or widgets so the phone will look bigger. I have zopo 300+ rooted. Is it possible? how do i do it?
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow to remove a suggested place by Google Now? what's the real ETA from wherever I am to my actual home because Google now keeps suggesting me a place I haven't really been to, I've passed by that place because it is on my way to almost everywhere I go but I've never actually stayed more than 2 seconds there.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a Galaxy S4 and I set a google reminder to remind me to buy something when I am near a store. I didn't realize the reminder would go off every single time i pass within half a mile of the store. When it shows up on my phone, I can only click "snooze" or clear it, which will have it pop up again. If I click on the reminder, it just takes me to the default Google Now page that has the search screen and weather, etc. I tried removing it through Google Calendar but a search of my calendar shows up nothing matching it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been playing with various widgets, putting them on the home screen & building groups of apps to keep the screen simple, so I can actually see my wallpaper. (Nothing special, just pics I like.)
Problem is that huge Google bar at the top. Is there an simple way to get rid of it, like the select-drag-drop for other home screen stuff.?Also, there seems to be some limits on where I can actually put apps or widgets. Is there a way to adjust this too?I'd really like to put a dashboard widget in place of that Google bar.
Finally, is there a way to disable Google when I select or swipe nearby the bottom of the screen?
This is a real pain-in-the-patootie when playing solitaire & the cards get near the bottom of the screen.
I have HCL Me U1 tablet with following things done on it:
1) Rooted
2) Google Play installed
3) Display DPI changed to 120
My problem is that many popular apps on Google Play are incompatible with it. The display resolution is 800x480, which is standard.How do I make it compatible with Google Play? Searching for incompatibility, gave some results about display DPI, but it did not solve my issue.
I am looking to completely remove anything google from within my os.
a while back I was reading on what files to delete within my filesystem (2.3) what to delete?
I remember one file lost me the marketplace - I am okay with that!
The heartbeat that google sends back and fourth - that file needs to go!
I recently ordered a Rikomagic MK802 II: Rikomagic MK802 II New Generation Mini Android 4.0 PC Google TV Box HD IPTV Player: Electronics
I was intrigued by the concept of a mini PC and thought it could be a good way to get YouTube, remote potato, etc. on my non-smart tv. When I first got it I plugged it into the TV and plugged the USB into my laptop for power, it started right up and worked fine. I connected to my wifi, synced my Google account, and downloaded some apps. I also removed all the Chinese apps that came pre-installed on it..After awhile I powered it down with the "power off" option in the task bar. The next day, and several attempts after, I could not get it to boot back up. When I plug it in, it starts to boot and the Android screen comes up for awhile, then the screen flashes white and it starts over, and continues cycling like that until I pull the plug. I've tried USB power from my laptop, a powered USB hub, and a USB wall charger, all with the same result.
I don't feel comfortable sending it back to this manufacturer with my account synced to it. I've pushed the hard reset button inside the device with a pin while it was powered on, but I'm not sure it had an effect. I can see the device on my Google Play account, but can't see a way to remove it from there.
what I could try to get this device booted, or any steps I can take to remove it from my account without getting it booted. I suppose if I change my Google password, that would prompt all my devices (including this one) to re-enter the password next time it's booted?
As we all know there is no way to remove a google account once u add (mostly on gingerbread).
So this trick is for u
U have to be rooted
Open root explorer
Navigate to
Root/data/system/ and delete
now reboot
You are done
Having flashed multiple Android devices other the years, I'm now having a problem since the 4.0.4 Galaxy Nexus update: I can't use Google Music anymore. I have apparently reached the "device limit" of synced devices.
Browsing Google Groups, a small number of people are apparently in my case, and none of us ever found a way to un-sync "old devices" from our accounts.