General :: Is It Illegal To Modify Free App Then Upload It To Playstore
Nov 18, 2012It is illegal to modify a free app then upload it to playstore?
For example I want to Mod instagram in different colors then upload it to playstore for free?

It is illegal to modify a free app then upload it to playstore?
For example I want to Mod instagram in different colors then upload it to playstore for free?
There was an app to download free music to your phone and is now illegal does anyone know what it was and the website to get it at now
View 1 Replies View RelatedYou know that Google+ Instant Upload photos don't count against your storage, but do you want that free storage for any photo at all? Here is a little workaround
Simple, but effective: just hook your phone up to your computer and drag and drop any photos you want into your phone's camera folder and, viola, they are treated like newly taken photos and uploaded to G+. (or use a file manager right on your phone to copy and paste there). Then, just delete those photos from the camera folder afterwards.
Now, keep in mind that they will be reduced to the "free upload" pixel limit of 2048, just like any other instant uploads, but for many of us, our camera phone pictures are not much bigger anyway.
Extra pro-tip: videos are also "free storage" and they don't reduce their quality at all. You can really maximize your free G+ storage with video.
Everytime I try to download/update app on playstore, it always said "could not be downloaded due an error".
It happen after install custom rom on my galaxy note 10.1. I've tried reflash stock rom, but it won't work.
I downloaded nba jam from the playstore and it worked through the first match then closed when loading the second match. Now it will load the game but when loading a match it closes every time. Only info I've been able to find just says that the app may not work properly on a custom rom. I'm running aokp build 37 on the latest siyah kernel on my Samsung i777.
View 2 Replies View Relatedjust got my new phone and unfortunately i had to realize, that there are some apps i cant install.
I know that this issue depends on my Playstore, so i want to install a custom playstore with no restrictions.
Did this many times on other phones and never got problems.
But this time there is a problem:
I can install the modded version of the playstore without any problems. But it self-updates every time and i cant do anything against.
In the Last android versions there was a "Market Updater" App, which you could just freeze to avoid this.
But in my Android 4.2.2 theres no such app.
How I can prevent the Playstore from updating?
Google Playstore can't connect to the internet (it says no connection). Wifi connection is OK. I can browse the web and the apps (that needs internet connection) works fine. The wifi notification icon is color gray (I know that it must be blue if there is internet connection). I've tried cleaning Playstore's cache, re-install the PlayStore, checked the system date &a time, and reseting the tablet, still the problem exist.
I don't think that the PlayStore caused the problem. Is there any other solutions other than the ones mentioned above. Do I need to re-install a driver or something? Can re-installing/installing a firmware fix this?
My tablet: SoftwinerEvb; Android 4.0.4. (a not so well known firmware)
I had an mature app, eg. like - [URL] .... I then would it be allowed to have adds or links that would redirect the user to a site where same kind of app would be able to be downloaded but full nude? Didn't quite find exact answer from Google Playstore policy.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am more than a little cofused regarding the functionality of Google store/Market after root of an android device. I have read seemingly cotradictory posts, some say there is no problem some give work arounds involving Roms. A newer post seems to indicate Google has done something that only alows Chinese android devices to use Market after rooting. Which is true? Do all devices even act the same?
I have an Archos that needed a fix to get it at all but I had not heard that Market didn't work after root until a friend mentioned it a couple of days ago. Was this something Google did with intent?
My new Phone
Unlocked Bell Galaxy SIII (I747)
on AT&T
I was trying to browse the Google Play Store, when ~30 seconds into browsing, the app crashes. Trying again, it continued crashing.Here are my phone specs
Verizon GS3
Android 4.1.2
Samsung Stock/ No root or custom ROM
So I make the online rounds and try what I can find:
"Re-enable the download app" - Nothing was disabled on my phone so, no dice.
"Clear Google Play Store/Services cache and data" - Nothing
"Install newest apk of Play Store" - Problem Persists
"Reset app to factory standards" - Zilch
"Reset app preferences" - Nuh-uh
"Disconnect and rejoin your Google account" - Nuzzink....and the kicker
"FACTORY RESET YOUR PHONE" - ....Unfortunately Google Play Store has stopped.
And the REAL twist? I connect an additional, separate Google account to my device and use the Play store under that account? No crash whatsoever. Switch back to my main account. 30 seconds and boom, crash.
Play Store (white bag) repeatedly crashes. This is my first "smart phone."
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy doesn't the Play Store download multiple apps at once? The Amazon AppStore has no issue downloading multiple apps at once.
I read on an xda post that I should have no problem after ICS downloading multiple apps at the same time, but I have found that untrue. I'm talking about multiple devices. OG Atrix, One X, S2, S3, S4, Note 2, Nexus 7. Using stock software, CM or other ROMs; Google Play will only download one app at a time which makes changing to a new phone incredibly time consuming.
Was that xda post correct or can no one download multiple apps at a time from the Play Store?
My daughter recently updated her samsung t989 to jellybean, but now she can't access the playstore. Is there a fix for this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy google playstore forced closed as soon as it starts downloading. I am rooted n I think I've mistakenly delete some playstore files. Without market I can't update anything.
View 1 Replies View Relatedbluetooth, fm radio, playstore not working on new PAC rom for galaxy ace....... ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe download app was disabled. The app has disappeared. Play store will not work.. It tries to open but closes within one second.
View 9 Replies View RelatedThe Samsung Gravity Smart has extremely limited internal memory. The new Playstore App automatically installs itself every time I download another app. Then, I have to remove the Playstore app before I do anything else, because the Playstore app has consumed all of the memory.
Isn't there something that I can do to stop the Playstore app from installing itself?
I would like to ask whether there is an app to modify apks on your phone or not I'm asking because I don't get to use the computer that much.
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View 4 Replies View RelatedI tried to modify this keyboard .. I already modified what i want except one thing > Row numbers in arabic language
It look like that
And i want it like That
I Searched a lot in the xml files and found this one and i think it is the file i should modify but i don't know how ?
HTML Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Key latin:moreKeys="!text/more_keys_for_symbols_1" latin:additionalMoreKeys="!text/additional_more_keys_for_symbols_1" latin:keyLabel="!text/keylabel_for_symbols_1" />
<Key latin:moreKeys="!text/more_keys_for_symbols_2" latin:additionalMoreKeys="!text/additional_more_keys_for_symbols_2" latin:keyLabel="!text/keylabel_for_symbols_2" />
<Key latin:moreKeys="!text/more_keys_for_symbols_3"
I want to know what does this text mean ( !text/keylabel_for_symbols_1 )
which file i should modify ?
I have the following program i got the exception below.
I got the Following Exception
How to modify boot kernel ?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow can i modify my rom's windows style?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'd like to modify the Gallery3D application , which is already included in my current rom (CM7 nightly), using eclipse and adb. However when trying to install the version I compiled, it fails.
There are two conflicts at least : the package name, and the providers.
I tried to freeze the ROM version with titanium backup, but it doesn't change anything.
The package name, I could change it in the source code (using sed utility, since eclipse was generating an exception with the Android tool to rename the package -_-)
But the providers, this is really annoying to have to change their names as well, it's a much more complicated operation, and I'd prefer to be able to use the source code as is.
I suppose I could try to remove Gallery3D from the ROM, but not sure how to do that. Or other possibilities ?
I want to modify the stock ICS launcher (like Trebuchet, Nova, etc. did). How can I do this? I understand that source code of Launcher from Google cannot be opened in Eclipse like an ordinary application (because it uses private APIs). So how does Cyanogenmod team do this?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi like to modify an app which is reading the whole phonebook. this app sends the complete phonebook over the internet.
Ive tried to modify the decompiled smali file with jar file, but its very difficult. Im a experienced programmer in PLC programming and some other languages like c# but the smali code is very difficult.Is it possible to implement fix contacts in the app like disable the access to the contacts an give an fixed array of hard programmed contacts?
I was just wondering if it is at all possible to modify the lock screen on android? I don't mean replace it with an app or anything like that. I mean for example, if someone were to input the incorrect passcode is it possible to have a little "special" message if the pin is wrong?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an EVO design 4g, stock 2.3.4 ROM, rooted, and s-off. I just downloaded the OTA ICS ROM and want to know how to modify the zip to be cwm flashable, without overwriting my recovery or hboot.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedHow i can modify an existing apk and add a file to a specified path during installation. Better...i need that installation creates a file in data/data/ where is the path of program data.
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