General :: How To Remove Picture Widget On Phone Contact
Feb 2, 2012I like to remove the phone contact picture widget on each contact. It takes up space.

I like to remove the phone contact picture widget on each contact. It takes up space.
I've added a contact picture from my gallery to a contact. What I am struggling with now is how to remove that contact picture from that contact. I imagine that if I want to change it, I can just assign the new one to it, but at now, I want to remove the pic so I can use the person's facebook profile picture as the contact pic but cant seem to figure out how to remove the contact pic.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI set a pic of my GF as her contact id pic.... Well got a dif phone and sync'd contacts, now I have that pic of her only in contacts.... How do I get this pic back?
Motorola Electrify
I was wondering if the X10 can do the same as my last android Hero, which basically link the facebook info contact to my related phone contact, including the picture. I guess this wont need any hardware, but software. Has this improvement being asked or is it planned for future updates?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI posted this question sort of embedded in the "show us your Droid X screen" but I think it got buried with all the "what is that widget?" questions.I see on some screens the picture widget picture is big. Mine is only about 1 inch by 1/2 inch.I can barely even get 1/2 a face in the picture.How do you get a bigger picture?I'm running LauncherPro, is that effecting it?Since I couldn't get a bigger picture, I decided to try and add the slide show widget. But when I try, it says Widget Conflict only one photo slideshow per home screen. I don't have any other slideshow widgets on my screen. Any ideas?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have both gmail and facebook synced to my phone and have chosen to only sync fbook contacts that are already in my gmail. Problem is the picture selection seems to be completely random. Some contact pictures are from gmail, some contact pictures are from fbook and some are from gmail when I first setup the phone and never changed. Is there an easy way to help the phone 'decide' which photo to go with?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I retain the usage of phone's contact picture instead of Facebook sync's pics? I just sync'ed and some of my contacts (that are also on Facebook) still used the original picture from my phone while some used FB's profile picture. is there an option that if the contact has picture already on the phone, then don't use FB's profile picture?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get Facebook profile pictures assigned to internal phone contacts, but cant get it to work. I installed the recently updated Facebook app, at the first launch it asked me if I want to sync my contacts, I selected Sync with exisiting contacts (later I selected Sync all since first option didnt work) but still profile pictures are not being fetched. I can now see facebook contacts in my main contact list, and I can link them with my phone contacts (manually), but profile picture is still blank. When I click the View profile (facebook) link of a particular contact I'm taken to my profile page instead of the person i clicked on. And when I select Edit and go to Facebook tab there is an error with an exclamation mark with the message "Unable to edit SNS contacts on phone".
View 3 Replies View RelatedBetween two phones using Android 4.2x. Each of us has setup our own contact image. How can we sync automatically the contact picture between the two phones? For example, is it possible when we talk (or SMS), I get the contact picture of the remote person and the other person gets mine. Of course, providing that the contact picture is to be sync'ed is not yet set up.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBetween two phones using Android 4.2x. Each of us has setup our own contact image. How can we sync automatically the contact picture between the two phones? For example, is it possible when we talk (or SMS), I get the contact picture of the remote person and the other person gets mine. Of course, providing that the contact picture is to be sync'ed is not yet set up.
Must use GMail Contact sync: [URL] ......
I know that MIUI uses a separate contact picture as a small icon (automatically downloaded), and a caller picture as a fullscreen picture when you get a call (manually set from gallery), as stated here. For me app Friendcaster automatically downloads my friends' facebook profile pictures in full size, and sets them as contact pictures. Can I use these automatically downloaded pictures as fullscreen caller pictures?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have contact pictures for my contacts that I have chosen and assigned to my contacts manually and are stored as the Google contact picture, I have an issue with the facebook app when it syncs a facebook profile picture update the application forces the contacts default picture to be the facebook picture.
I don't want it to do this, it can change the facebook linked contact picture but why does it have to change the contacts default picture?? Is there some way this can be blocked or stopped from within Android contacts??
This has been prevalent since before I can remember with the facebook app and sync. Surely submitting a bug to facebook is not the solution as we SHOULD be able to control and/or lock portions of our contacts details..
before ICS, you were able to remove youtube contacts from showing up on your contacts list. cant seem to do that with ICS.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo my question is when I go into the Hangouts app theres a contact in the "Frequently Contacted" but I have no idea who it is. I just want to remove it from my list but cant figure out how.
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan anyone tell me how to permanently remove a widget from the x10
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe only thing that gets on my nerves is this "game of the day"widget that appears on my home screen every other day. If I ckick it, it takes me to the App store. I have to manually remove it which bothers me. I have no idea how to stop it. is this some official Google thing, that's part of Android? I don't think it's something Acer put on the tablet, because today's app wasn't even compatible w/ my device.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am an iPhone 5 convert with a new Nexus 4. I somehow in trying to learn things have deleted the stock clock app when i was only try to remove the home screen widget. How can I get the clock back?
View 5 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to rearrange the contact in the contact widget. How about deleting and/or changing the order of the items in the book mark widget.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just wanted to see if there a way to assign a picture to the contact without the picture being very blurry, when I assign the picture it is fine but after a while the picture becomes very blurry.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBefore i used to c a picture next to the name of the contact i was texting me with.Now is gone,does anyone know how to fix this.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have all my contacts in Gmail and sync'd with facebook on my desire.Some contacts I have images in google too (which are low res as we all know).I used Facebook Sync (or fbSync) from the market to pull images from facebook and upload to Gmail.This appears to work fine.Out of the contacts that have images for facebook and google contacts, some default to using the FB image (which is what I want) and some default to google.I need google images because HulloMail VVM only uses gmail contacts so I don't get a contact image unless I have a gmail ones for my voicemails.I have tried to find a trend between the contacts that default to google and those which don't but have been unsuccessful in finding one. I have tried turning off contacts sync but also to no avail.Has anyone else had this issue, or has anyone got any idea on what could be causing this please? I've been trawling the web for too long now and can't find any reference to this issue at all.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a picture set for one of my contact icons. I have since deleted the picture off my sd card but I still have the picture on my contact icon. Does anyone know how i could recover or save the icon picture. Where the file may be and what type of file is it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI wanted to know how do you add a picture to a contact ?
I have a picture saved in my photos, how do I add that picture to the contact, so when they call their picture shows up?
i have been tinkering around for about 20 min now and can't figure out how to assign my wifes pic to her contact. I have a picture of her on my phone but only know how to access through the wallpaper selection.
View 6 Replies View RelatedTwo related questions regarding the Captivate's built-in "Contact" app - both dealing with linked contacts from Gmail and Facebook:
1)Has anyone found a way to change which picture is displayed for a linked contact? On the HTC Aria, you could choose whether you wanted the picture from Gmail or the one from Facebook.
2)Has anyone found a way to change the displayed name in Contacts. Again, on the HTC Aria, you could pick whether to display the name from your Gmail contact or the one from the Facebook contact.
Does anyone else notice that when you receive or make a phone call the picture you have assigned to that contact looks horrible? I've taken pictures with my evo to use for contact pics, and have transferred high quality pics from my computer but no matter what I do the contact pic looks poor quality when they pop up? If there is a fix for this or I'm doing something wrong someone please let me know.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have the HTC desire. I have been setting up my phonebook and adding photo's to all my contacts. This means when i receive a text i get to see a picture of who has sent it, but when i reply i do not have a picture and can not add one. I have gone into contacts, viewed my name card and tried to edit to add a picture but there is no option to do this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I first got the phone I had it sync my contacts with facebook. However as time has passed my facebook contacts have changed their profile pics but my incredible still has the same pic on the phone profile from the first time I set up the phone. How do I get it so my contacts on the phone have the current facebook pic?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am sure this has been discussed but the Contact Picture Quality is horrible. I am using a High Quality picture but yet its fuzzy and pixelated..
View 5 Replies View RelatedJust a couple questions bout the Hero.
1: How do u delete a contact, I click people then the contact i want to delete but no option for deleting.
2: How do u add a picture to an existing contact?
3: I changed my notification ringtone with RingDroid, but it still just beeps once and vibrates for 1 second, wondering if theres another way to change it or im doing something wrong.