General :: How To Make Hyperlink In Signature
Feb 19, 2012ive been trying to make a hyper link in my signature that will say "click Here" and go to that link but cant seem to get it working

ive been trying to make a hyper link in my signature that will say "click Here" and go to that link but cant seem to get it working
Google spreadsheets allow hyperlinks to be placed within cells, such as explained here: How to Make a Hyperlink Work in Google Spreadsheets |
This works fine with my pc, where clicking cell offers prompt to click to go to hyperlinked page.
When same document is viewed via my Nexus 7 tablet, I can see the kyperlink text in the cell, but it does not respond to single tap, or touching and holding activate the link.
I believe this is a commonly used feature and anticipate it's a feature that google should if anything be better at than excel to encourage the migration to cloud computing.
Upon googling for info, I can't find other's having problem and I did find a website with known issues with google spreadsheets ( only ahandful listed) but no mention of the above problem.
So, is there a non-obvious way to activate the link or is it a problem or known bug?
I need to create a Robotium application that would use Settings application to turn ON/OFF WIFi from menu Settings->Wireless & networks->Wi-Fi.I managed to find some sample code here that demonstrates how to launch application by having apk file only.The problem is that my Robotium application should have the same signature with the (system) Settings application.Can I somehow make it work with the Android Emulator?If I compile an Android phone image, how can I use the Android system signature with my application?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to have a picture in the xda app signature?
Phone with test release of ics (v28a)
I am wondering if there is a way to hyperlik a button in the eclipse . Like when I add button in main.xml to the gui thingee . So I want to hyperlink the button so that it redirects to a different page/url.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I add a signature after my post?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have a bsnl penta ws802c. I wanted to root it and selected the update from external source option in recovery mode. It is giving an error E; signature verification failed and then installation aborted.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI try to implement a server side verification of an application with LVL library. I use this php code : [URL] .... In the file sample/verify.php, I have two lines to complete :
$responseData = '';
$signature = '';
I see in the google LVL that there is a function called verify which has these parameters :
public void verify(PublicKey publicKey, int responseCode, String signedData, String signature);
But I don't understand where this function is called and by what function. Also I want to get this datas. How can I do that ?
I have a YP-GS1 for the US
I tried to upload this rom [URL] .... the first one because I can't get the others. When I boot it in recovery and try to install it it says:
Android system recovery <3e>
1. reboot system now
2. apply update from sdcard
3.wipe data/factory rest
4.wipe cache partion
When I pick the one to update it gets to: E signature verification failed
My TABLET android is an Aishuo A816/Herotab M816 and can flash Aishuo roms no problem also roms from Slatedroid Aishuo forum but when I try to flash other custom roms e.g.
Vestineous A816 1.1.2
Volcano Beta13
Thunderstorm_Alpha 4
Slatedroid Singularity A816
I get the following
--Install /sdcard/external_tfcard ...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
e:signature verification failed
Installation aborted
I am completely lost as to where to go next. I have looked at Rom Manager but need Clockworkmod recovery but it says that it is only for phones not tablets.
I have the following problem, I would remove the signature checking on system apps, because I want to modify the manifest.xml ..
I've tried everything and I can not ..
.method static compareSignatures([Landroid/content/pm/Signature;[Landroid/content/pm/Signature;)I
.registers 9
.param p0, "s1" # [Landroid/content/pm/Signature;
.param p1, "s2" # [Landroid/content/pm/Signature;
.line 2613
if-nez p0, :cond_8
I'm facing a problem. I want to show a image as a hyperlink. Touching that image will open the browser and go to given url. This should be in .xml file (not dynamic). Is it possible to do that? If yes, then how? Anyone please give me the code.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my android application I want to get URL of the hyper link text, selected from web page in my android web browser. How can I get it? I want to URL of the hyper link (link that is clicked inside of that webview).
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have the same signature from my PC hosted microsoft exchange email in the stock android email app?I only get plain text for a signature.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a chinese console with android 2.1 (the Yinlips G18) and the recovery mod e3. I want to install an but I have this message : "E: Signature verification failed". So I want to disable the signature verification. But how I can do that safely (Modding or replace this recovery with cwm) ?
View 8 Replies View Relatedwhen you long click a hyperlink of browser, you will see a context menu with 'Open, Open link in new browser, Browser Link, etc'.
is it possible to add some customized item to the context menu?
Does any one know how to add item to hyperlink context menu? This is a question that as already been posted here, but I didn't found any solution, and it is really useful.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to use a hyperlink in android to do something other than open a web page? I want to use a hyperlink in a TextView to luanch a new activity, or something along those lines. I have a large document and I want to let the user jump to references within the doc (like a footnote or something). Can this be done?
View 8 Replies View RelatedTrying to copy and paste web address out of the stock browser to an email. Press the address bar, select copy all. Press home, bring up email. Press compose, then press the message body. All I get is copy text, no option to paste the link. What gives?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to install sensation 3.3.401 but after i go to recovery and apply update from SD card it gives me E:signature verification failed installation aborted. It does nothing when i wipe cache or factory reset.when I reboot or turn on my phone it pops the HTC logo followed by another HTC logo and a restart over and over again. In my Recovery Screen there is a message showing E: Can't open /cache/recovery/command.
And i have no toggle options in my recovery. just Reboot system now Apply update from SD card Wipe data/factory reset Wipe cache partition.
I'm on 4.2.2 at the moment. The phone is rooted. CWM v6.0.4.4
Every now and then the phone reminds me to install the update. When I attempt, I just get:
E: Invalid command argument
E: Failed to verify whole-file signature
E: Signature verification failed
Even if I press 'Yes - install untrusted zip', I just get a few messages that I can't read, and then "Installation aborted" and phone restarts.
I did some googling and the only thing I found was something about it being unable due to the phone being rooted. And to manually update with signature verification off, but then it didn't really explain how to go about that.If possible I'd like to get it to work without having to change too much.
I was trying to get Android 4.04 by Darkknight.
I went into recovery mode, cleared the Cache, wiped the data( Factory Reset). using Volume down+Power+Ok.
Then I tried the update provided by Dark Knight.It shows me an Error message
E:signature verification failed
Samsung Galaxy GT-I9000
Firmware: 2.3.3
I don't want to use APK Multi-Tools or APK_Manager or whatever. I want to know exactly what those tools are doing in order to recompile the system apk while keeping the original signature.
What I initially did...
apktool d "%~dpnx1.apk" "%~dpnx1"
...modify files here...
apktool b "%~dpnx1" "%~dpnx1.apk"
But obviously that's unsigned. I need to sign it, but I want to use the original signature, which I'm guessing is the META-INF stuff, right? So I attempted this...
apktool d "%~dpnx1.apk" "%~dpnx1"
7za x -o"%~dpnx1-signature" "%~dpnx1.apk" META-INF -r
...modify files here...
apktool b "%~dpnx1" "%~dpnx1.apk"
7za a -tzip "%~dpnx1.apk" "%~dpnx1-signature/*" -mx9
You'll notice I now use 7-Zip to pull out META-INF from the original APK and then insert it back into the recompiled one afterwards.
The only other thing I can think of would be to go with my first method, but then use 7-zip to pull out the compiled files from the unsigned apk and insert them into the signed apk. I haven't tried that yet, but it will be the next one I go with. Every time this fails, though, I have to do a nandroid restore.
For those interested, after running "apktool b" (to build/compile), ignore the output zip. Instead go into the source directory and there is now a build directory. In that is an apk directory. Simply add your changed files to the original untouched APK (if you modified any XML files, then replace resources.arsc; if you added anything to smali, then replace classes.dex; if you added any XML files, then you need to include those as well; for me, i copied resources.arsc, classes.dex, and one new XML file). I used the following command:
zip -9 ..SystemUI.apk reslayoutstatus_bar.xml classes.dex resources.arsc
I use zip instead of 7za for cosmetic reasons. You can also use "7za a -tzip etc..." if you want.
I've written an app which contains a large textview for displaying notes. Is it possible to have the textview highlight any phone numbers or hyperlinks without underlining the entire view?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to call another activity when the user clicks an hyperlink. Can anybody suggest me how to use Intent in this case?
View 6 Replies View RelatedPutting jelly bean on nexus one
My Phone
Nexus One
hboot 0.35-0017
My Problem
Upgrading hboot. I've looked into the other posts. But in none (that i have looked at) they do "fastboot flash hboot". Maybe it's just the same?
I'm just following everything step by step (link)
$ fastboot flash hboot hboot_jellybean_260-8-168.nb0
sending 'hboot' (512 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.095s]
writing 'hboot'...
(bootloader) signature checking...
FAILED (remote: signature verify fail)
finished. total time: 0.219s
My bootloader is already unlocked. Might it have something to do with read/write permissions?
I have a simple app that I'm putting together for my company. I have 4 buttons that I've created but can't seem to get them to link correctly. One button should open our mobile site, another button to call us, another button to map to us, and the final button linked to our "News" site.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a main page (main.html) in the assets folder that I am displaying with:
webview.setWebChromeClient(new MyWebChromeClient());
webview.addJavascriptInterface(new VersionCallbackScript(), "demo");
and I want to put a link in the document to another html file in assets folder. When I similiarly put in the tag:
<a href="file:///android_asset/secondpage.html">Touch here for page 2</a></font></h4>
and touch it in the client, the screen loads a blank page.
likewise, I want to have a table of contents that isA ListView and uses loadUrl with an html page suffixed with an anchor. I tried and it is not working
String anchor = "subsection1";
webview.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/main.html" + "#" + anchor); this construct is not working either.
How Do I Add Social Media Icons To My Gmail Signature and Yahoo on Android?
Galaxy S4 White -
To install to clockwork recovery manually I replaced the recovery.img file but when i restarted my phone it says:
Image signature verify fail
Your boot/recovery image may have an incorrect signature.
Please update your image to a signature official one
you can remove battery for power down.
now i can access only to pink screen, but when i connect my phone with a usb cable then computer only checks drivers etc but does not open a drive where i could change recovery.img back to normal.
Maybe some drivers are missing.. Also made video of it: [URL] ....