Android :: Add Item To Hyperlink Context Menu?
Dec 4, 2009Does any one know how to add item to hyperlink context menu? This is a question that as already been posted here, but I didn't found any solution, and it is really useful.

Does any one know how to add item to hyperlink context menu? This is a question that as already been posted here, but I didn't found any solution, and it is really useful.
when you long click a hyperlink of browser, you will see a context menu with 'Open, Open link in new browser, Browser Link, etc'.
is it possible to add some customized item to the context menu?
I want a user to be able to long press a contact and be offered a menu item of my own that can run an activity of my own. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan I add a new item in SMS context menu which can in turn invoke my app/activity?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView and would like to remove a row item when the user long clicks on selects Remove from the context menu.
How can I get a reference to the row number that was clicked, so I can remove that index from my array?
When you long press on something in Android, a context menu comes up.I want to add something to this context menu for all TextViews in the system.For example, the system does this with Copy and Paste. I would want to add my own, and have it appear in every application.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIf I have a checkable item in a Context Menu or ordianry Menu, how do I prevent the menu from closing when the item is selected?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using openContextMenu() when someone clicks on an item of a list (not when they long press as usual). The context menu does appear, however, it shows the context menu for the last item that the context menu had appeared. For example, if I long press the item C of the list then the context menu for item C appears, and later if I click on item B, with openContextMenu() the context menu for item C will again appear, not for B that I was expecting. How can I set the current item for which the context menu will appear to be the item of the list the user clicks on? I do have the position from onListItemClick() and I was trying to find a call like setContextMenuItem() or something, but I can't find anything.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIn my application has a ListView. When long press on item the "Context Menu" will appear. I want to check the data ID, then set disable/enable to my Context Menu "Items". I can not find out the function like getMenuInfo() or something like this.
public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu , View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo)
{ super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);
menu.add(0, ADD_FAVORITE_ID, 0, "Check");
menu.add(0, ADD_FAVORITE_ID, 0, "UnCheck").setEnabled(false);}
Can anyone kindly guide as to how can I invoke a context menu on the press of a menu item. I googled a lot for the same, but nothing turned up. Look forward for your valuable help.
View 1 Replies View RelatedContext Menu seems quite handy as long as we are using an AdapterView as we can easily get selected item position in onContextItemSelected from AdapterContextMenuInfo.position Any idea how we can achieve something similar in a TableLayout? In my TableLayout, i have some TableRow and i would like to get the row index in the onContextItemSelected callback like i would do with a simple ListView. I guess i will have to register the contextmenu for each row? but how can tie the row index with the menu? i see no way to do it with registerForContextMenu.
View 2 Replies View RelatedTrying to set ContextMenu title according to the ListView clicked item.The ListView contains Bookmarks list -> FAVICON + BOOKMARK TITLE @Override public void onCreate Context Menu (Context Menu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo); menu.add(0, EDIT_ID, 0, R.string.menu_edit); menu.add(0, DELETE_ID, 0, R.string .menu_delete); menu.add(0, SHARE_ID, 0, R.string.menu_share); AdapterView. Adapter ContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo)menuInfo; View itemID = (info.targetView); menu.setHeaderTitle("bla" + itemID);when I run this code it shows the android.widget.RelativeLayout@423d2389 or whatever and if I change the itemID to String itemID = ((TextView) info.targetView).getText().toString(); I get force close on long click even though no errors are shown in Eclipse or when I run the app.I also want to get the favicon in the same way.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have button, which displays a Context menu. In the menu are few items (some of them are disabled - setEnabled(false)).
Which event is called when a user click on the disabled item? It's not onContextItemSelected nor onContextMenuClosed. But the menu is closed after the click.
I have a context menu that I apply for a ListView that simply allows the user to move items up or down, or delete the item.
I have code in onContextItemSelected() to prevent things from moving up past top or bottom of the list, etc., but I'd rather hide the context menu items in the first place if (for instance) the top item in the list is selected.
I assume that I need to do this in onCreateContextMenu, but I'm not sure how.
Here is my onCreateContextMenu code:.....................
Can someone please help me find which item was long clicked in this method i need to determine which item was clicked so that if it is a favorite or not already i can change the "Add to Favorites" accordingly. Code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I launch a contextmenu from a contextmenu? I'm trying to replicate the MediaPlayer action that happens when you long click a song, then click "Add to playlist" in the resulting contextmenu. When you click that menu item, another contextmenu pops up with "Add to playlist" as the title, and "Current playlist", "New", and however-many-playlists-you-have defined after that.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can i define each menu item in different line? Right now if I'm adding 4 items they will get the form of 2X2. Is there a way to add them differently? Like 1 item and 3 below it? or 1X4?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to add custom menu items in a WebView Context Menu. Unfortunately, my items are shown in the menu of the first web page I load , but then if I load a second page, a long press only shows the standard context menu items. Mine are gone. I've put a Toast inside the code and it is displayed as well on the first loaded page, but not on the second. I'm using the code below:..............
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to add a custom menu item to the long-press menu that opens in any text box?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am creating a context menu in separate class from the listview, because the contextmenu will be access by several listviews in different classes. Whenever I long-click the listview, contextmenu pops up, but nothing happens when the options were chosen. Tried to look at logcat message and it said something like this:
Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@43c488f8
Any idea what really causing this problem? cause it works perfectly fine if i put the contextmenu on the same class as listview.
I have an Options menu up and running in my Android application and I've overridden the onCreateOptionsMenu, onOptionsItemSelected and onPrepareOptionsMenu methods to customize the menu a little. My question is related to keeping the Options menu open after the user clicks on a menu item. Basically, I'd like to be able to hide the menu until the user clicks on the device menu key. Once the user clicks on this key, I'd like to be able to hold the menu in place regardless of how many times the user clicks on menu items. If the user wants to hide the Options menu, they'd just need to click on the device menu key again. Is this type of interaction supported (or even advisable).
View 1 Replies View Relatedthe difference between context menu and option menu in android? When I click the menu button on the emulator, is that option menu? or context menu? And how to invoke the other menu (not trigger by the menu button)?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have got a stupid question to ask. I created a custom ContextMenu. But when i call the menu, the menu displayed will also have the default menu added in. Is there anyway for the default ContextMenu not to appear as well?Code requested: @Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo)
super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);
MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
inflater.inflate(, menu);
Hi! I use dialog with multipleChoiseItems. Is there any way to create context menu for list of the items?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView with a ContextMenu, it has one CheckBox (the CheckBox has android:focusable="false") and one TextView per row, but you can hide the TextView in the preferences menu. After doing that, the CheckBox wasn't registering the ContextMenu, so of course, why not register For Context Menu(cb) and unregisterForContextMenu(getListView())? Yes, i did that, but then, when when i call the delete command of onContextItemSelected, the app crashs. AdapterContextMenuInfo info=(AdapterContextMenuInfo)item.getMenuInfo(); db.deletarTarefa(;
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a context menu option that, when clicked, will load some information from the web and insert it into a database.So this is a lengthy process and I would like to display a progressdialog over the top of the context menu when this option is selected.I've got the progressdialog running now, but it won't show up.It's almost like the context menu is covering it.So is there a way that I could get the progressdialog to show up on top of the context menu and be visible to the user.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have created one music app. In this app, i have loaded albums dynamically by using URL request and displayed as table layout. For each table row i registered context menu. But when the context menu is appeared by long press on each table row i could not find on which table row the context menu is appeared. If anyone know please guide me to solve this problem.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView with 5 items. Each of the items can be long pressed to open a Context Menu. The Menu has 5 options and I want them to be selectable, by having a check box. I know of the multiple choice listview but was not sure how to have this checkbox feature in a ContextMenu.Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, how?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a context menu that starts to do some calculations when you press one of the context menu items.While the calculations are made I have a progressbar that I want to show. The progressbar is called from the calculations() method. The problem is that I can only see the context menu while the calculations are being made and the phone is more or less frozen.
View 3 Replies View Relatedif google voice is installed on your phone, when you dial a phone number a context menu pops up asking if you want to dial with or without google voice. I would like to accomplish the same task for dialing a number or sending a text message. Does the API allow you to do that?It seems there is a process_outgoing_calls, in the permissions manifest, but is there anything for the SMS?
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