Android :: Call Another Activity When User Clicks Hyperlink
Sep 27, 2010I want to call another activity when the user clicks an hyperlink. Can anybody suggest me how to use Intent in this case?

I want to call another activity when the user clicks an hyperlink. Can anybody suggest me how to use Intent in this case?
Here is my code. I'd like to pass a boolean to the activity i want to start.code...
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View 7 Replies View RelatedI have Two activities One splash screen, Player screen. When user clicks on my app icon first splash screen is displayed and then player screen When player activity is running, if user returns to the home screen and then again clicks on app icon, the application is starting from the splash screen again.can any one please help me out how to do any one of below
1) I need to close current running activity and reload application.or
2) I need to resume to the player screen directly.Please give me an example or reference to follow, Im beginner in android programing.
i have three imagebuttons.and on clicking each buttons a new image with new screen opens.means three imagebuttons calls three different activities. it means if you have ten buttons we have to call 10 activities. i want to call the common activity on each button clicked using if else construct.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an EditText that shows time. After user clicks the EditText I want to show a TimePickerDialog, so I set a View.OnClickListener to my EditText. But the OnClickListener is behaving wierdly - I touch the EditText and then software keyboard appears (which I don't want). When I touch again, OnClickListener.onClick() is finally called and the dialog appears.What should I do if I want the dialog to appear immediately?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to use a hyperlink in android to do something other than open a web page? I want to use a hyperlink in a TextView to luanch a new activity, or something along those lines. I have a large document and I want to let the user jump to references within the doc (like a footnote or something). Can this be done?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a webview and need to trigger a function when a user clicks on particular url. How can I achieve this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a widget that displays an analog clock. What I would like is for the the widget to write to a database the time when a user clicks on the widget. I've already got the databaseHelper class and have an Activity that displays a screen showing the current date and time and writes the time to a database.The AskTheTime class extends activity and logs to the database in onCreate(). But this means that it displays only the time when the widget was started - not when it was clicked. (I guess this is because I'm starting a pendingIntent) I'm not sure If I should put the database write in another method or if I should be using Intents to do this sort of thing from widgets. Any pointers would be great! I've look at several tutorials for intents but none of them seem very clear to me.
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View 1 Replies View Relatedi am new to android. i am showing Intent.ACTION_DIAL when my application starts..but when i clik back button it shows a activity page and again press back button it finishes the activity.i want when application starts dialler shown and if user cliks back button it calls finish() method
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I tried by writing:
But it is not called.
I tried, by using Packagemanager I will get ApplicationInfo. From that I can know all the application starting activity name and package names. I thought I can use them to registerReceiver and my receiver will listen by its launching activity and package name.
implicit intent with class name as action defined in intentfilter. is not working. Only it it is defined as "android.intent.action." it is picked up ? is it so ?
I have app A with the following in manifest.xml file
In app B, i tried to call the activity in A using below code.
This code works. But not above line.
If I have a button that starts an activity, and the activity sometimes takes a second or two to throw up its own view, how can I most simply and reliably protect against the button being clicked multiple times and kicking off multiple (identical) activities?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have an activity which overrides the onKeyDown method. The documentation states the following about onKeyDown: "Called when a key was pressed down and not handled by any of the views inside of the activity." The problem I have is that this method is being called even when the views inside the activity handle it. I have a button implementing a longPress listener. What I see on debugger when long clicking on the button with the center key is that first onKeyDown from the activity is called then the longPress listener from the button gets triggered. Even for Textviews, when long clicking on it with the center select, the activity onKeyDown gets triggered before the TextView processes the longclick (and shows the Input Method context menu).
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