General :: How To Send Tunein Radio On Android Device To A/V Receiver

Mar 4, 2014

How to stream / send the audio from TuneIn Radio on my Android phone (Samsung Note 3 on T-Mobile) over WiFi in my home to my Yamaha A/V receiver (HTR-4065) that supports DLNA and AirPlay.

Sending audio from a running application, in this case, TuneIn Radio via either DLNA or AirPlay? The reason I'm trying to do this is that the built Internet Radio (using vTuner) on the Yamaha receiver does not have some of my favorite radio stations available, but TuneIn does.

General :: How to Send Tunein Radio On Android Device To A/V Receiver

General :: Send TuneIn Radio On Android Device To A/V Receiver?

Mar 4, 2014

how to stream / send the audio from TuneIn Radio on my Android phone (Samsung Note 3 on T-Mobile) over WiFi in my home to my Yamaha A/V receiver (HTR-4065) that supports DLNA and AirPlay.

sending audio from a running application, in this case, TuneIn Radio via either DLNA or AirPlay? The reason I'm trying to do this is that the built Internet Radio (using vTuner) on the Yamaha receiver does not have some of my favorite radio stations available, but TuneIn does.

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Jelly Bean :: How To Remove Tunein Radio

Apr 7, 2014

I've had my phone almost two years and have never used tunein radio. Then suddenly yesterday it pops up a notification, and as soon as I touch that, trying to swipe-remove it, a station loads and starts playing. This is disastrous for me because mobile data is ridiculously expensive here and I need all of it for work purposes. So taoday I go to play store and uninstall it. And then get told that it's a system app so all the uninstall has done is remove all updates. Great, now I have a potentially insecure app that I don't want.

How can I remove it, or at the very least block it from using network? (I do have Sophos AV).

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HTC Incredible :: FM Radio Receiver Makes CDMA Radio

May 3, 2010

Depends on the size and gauge of the wire of your headphones. Also depends on the position of the wires. FM radio is a little picky, but works fine- depending on the points mentioned. Old & wrong: The FM radio on the Inc must be the weakest radio in a phone, evah! Just tried it today and picks up half the channels my Ngage and N900 pick up well. A lot of channels barely come in, or are static filled. I thought Steely Dan said "FM has no static at all"? Makes the CDMA radio seem not that bad, in comparison I know- at LEAST it has a radio. Must be set to suppa powwa savva mode

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General :: Android Device As Miracast Receiver

Dec 14, 2013

As far as I know Miracast Streaming is software related. So majority of 4.2.2+ phones can stream the display. I wonder if it is possible that all the devices act as receivers too?

What I mean is.. if you have an Android TV Box, can you make it work as Miracast receiver so I could stream my android phone to that Android TV Box?

I am looking at some Android Boxes HERE and I see that only THIS ONE "officially" supports Miracast (as receiver). Is it really the only one with Miracast capability?

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General :: Which Android Device To Stay In A Car For Radio Streaming

Jul 15, 2012

I'd like to install an Android device (tablet, smartphone, computer or whatever) into my car.

The purpose is to listen to internet radios and to be able to switch between those radios using my toyota car player which handles bluetooth/A2DP/avrcp .The app I would use is xiialive. This device would have his own sim card and should stay in the car. I don't want to plug the device each time I enter in my car, push any button or whatever. I would just like that the fact to put the key in my car would connect automatically to a webradio.

In fact I don't really need to see the screen, the device could stay hidden somewhere inside the car.Here are the features I would like :

- auto boot when I turn on the car, which means when the device receives power from the usb port (my car has an usb port)
- plug an external antenna to get a better reception while driving. I'm thinking of a small android computer with a 3G stick plugged in. I have a 3G stick with an external antenna slot. Or any smartphone with an external antenna slot, but I haven't found one so far.
- eventually auto power down when I turn off the car, but If the device shutdowns when the battery is empty, it could be ok too

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General :: Convert Tunein Records To MP3 Or Any File?

Jul 1, 2012

Can we convert tunein records to mp3 or any file? I added .mp3, .wav, .aac but isnt working.

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Android :: How To Send Data From Broadcast Receiver To Activity?

Mar 25, 2010

I am writing an application to listen the SMS inbox in android with one activity and one BroadcastReceiver. Once the SMS comes the Receiver is showing alert message. But I want to send the message information from Receiver to Activity. I don't know how to achieve this.

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Android : How To Get Context From A Broadcast Receiver OnReceive To Send To?

Nov 7, 2010

I basically want to make and intent and pass to a service from my BroadcastReceiver's onReceive(). So far I always used View.getContext(), but here, I'm stuck. How exactly can I get the context so I can use public Intent (Context packageContext, Class<?> cls). Or is there any other way I can create an Intent and send to a service?

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Android :: Send Events From Droid Device To PC?

Oct 14, 2010

I am trying to automate some tasks using adb commands in java, but in order to confirm tasks are completed, I need some reply from the device to the PC controlling it. I thought about using the logcat, but since android is continuously writing on the log, there might be problems accessing it, and checking the correct message. Does anyone know about a (easy) way of messaging between android device and PC?

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Android :: Android Radio And Image Version For HTC Developer Phone Device

Oct 14, 2010

About the "latest" version of the Android platform vs. APIs and SDK. as far as I read in the Android web site the latest Android SDK is 2.2

I also have an HTC developer Phone, and when I go to the htc to update its firmware and Android Image (from page:; I found that the latest radio and recovery images are for Android 1.6

what does it mean?

1. Do I have to wait until platform 2.2 is released for HTC Dev Phone?

2. or if I have the latest 1.6 images instaled on my device it will run whatever I build using SDK 2.2.

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Android :: Broadcast Receiver - Create A Broadcast Receiver Which Responds To System Events

Sep 28, 2009

trying to create a broadcast receiver which responds to system events and change system settings. I don't need any interaction from the user so I don't need an activity and have been trying to do everything through the manifest file. I've put a log event into my onReceive method but it never logs anything so I'm presuming my method is never called. I've tried this with both the 1.5 and 1.6 SDKs. I was hoping somebody could have a look at my code please and let me know if there are any problems.

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Android : Want To Send A Message To Only Specific Application In Other Device

Apr 2, 2009

I want to send a message to only specific application in other device but i dont want SMS client to pick that. How is it possible?

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Send Some Data From Android Device To PC Through WiFi Without Router

Dec 19, 2012

I'm going to make an application for meteor viewers and the goal is, to send soma data from android device to PC through the wifi without router. So on PC will be made a Hotspot and one or more devices can connect to it.Is there any application and/or server on PC or both to make this communication? Or what's the way how to do that? What's protocol of communication?

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Android :: Send Message To Numbers Stored In Contact Of Device

Sep 1, 2010

I have made app which allows me to send message to multiple user from my device. Now i want to send message to the person which are stored in My Contact list. So i want to retrieve phone number from my contact list and then i should be able to send message to that particular number Any hints how can i go further.

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Android :: Connect Our Droid Device To WIFI To Send Messages?

Nov 22, 2010

I am new with WIFI connectivity with android. I want to create the application to send the messages to WIFI devices with my android devices so for this i want to ask how to connect our android device to WIFI devices to send the messages.

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Android : Send Message From One Application To Another On Another Device - Remote - Communication

Nov 8, 2010

I want to create an application that can be interactive with another Android device that could be across the room or across the country. For example, imagine playing Tic-Tac-Toe; but I'm the X's on my phone and the O's are my brother on his Android phone. I think it can be done via application specific messaging. Looking to see if it is possible, and, if so, how to send a message from one application to another on another device.

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General :: Android As A2DP Bluetooth Receiver?

Sep 11, 2010

I know its possible to send audio from an Android phone via bluetooth to a PC using the a2dp profile. But I want to do it the other way. Connect the phone to my amplifier and send audio via bluetooth a2dp from my laptop.

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Android :: Best Approach To Send Data From Server To Android Device

Jan 16, 2010

I am developing an Android app that needs to communicate bi-directionally with a server. By that, I mean either the server or the device can send a message at any time, with an arbitrary amount of time in between messages. Sending data from the device to the server is a common and I think well understood task, but I'm not as sure what the best approach is to go in the opposite direction from the server to the device.

I think having the device periodically poll the server may be a bad idea due to latency and the drain on the battery, but I'd be willing to consider this option. My plan at the moment is to send text messages from the server via an email-to-SMS bridge, and to have my app run a service to receive and handle these messages.

The question I have is if there are any best practices for this scenario, and if using text messages has some downsides that I have failed to consider. For the sake of this question, I want to assume that users have an unlimited text data plan, so paying per text won't be an issue.

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General :: Turn Android Into Wireless Audio Receiver

Jul 6, 2010

i was wondering were there was any app that could turn my android phone into wireless receiver for audio currently being played on my pc over that i can play media on my pc and roam around in the network range with media output coming from android headset in my ears...

there are apps like audioin and airphones for iphone but i couldn't find any for android..

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Android :: Variable Number Of Radio Buttons In Radio Group Inside Table?

Sep 9, 2010

I currently have code that creates rows in a table that hold a string in column 1 with a RadioButton in column 2. There can be a variable number of these rows. That all works just great, but I want to add them to a RadioGroup so only one button can be toggled at a time. When I tried to add the dynamic RadioButton to the RadioGroup AFTER I added it to the table row, I got an error saying that the child (the RadioButton) already had a parent. I agree, it does have one, the TableRow.

can you have radio buttons tied to a radio group inside of a row or, should I just code my own toggle mechanism and avoid RadioGroup all together? I mean, I could code the onClick to unclick all other radio buttons, but I would rather not do this if I can use the build in RadioGroup.


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Android :: Add Radio Group To Radio Buttons Inside Of Table?

Mar 2, 2010

I have multiple radio buttons which I want to layout using a table but also include them in a single radio group. I have the following xml layout:

<RadioGroup android:layout_width="fill_parent"

<TableLayout android:id="@+id/RadioButtons"

But unfortunately the radio buttons inside the table seem to ignore the fact that they're inside of the RadioGroup tags and because of this you can select more than one radio button at the time. I noticed that by removing the table and just having the radio buttons it works just fine. How can I overcome this? Would it be as simple as declaring the radio group inside of the table instead of outside?

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Android :: XM Radio Application - Lose News And Public Radio?

Jul 14, 2010

I turned on my Droid this morning to listen to MSNBC and I heard the last 5 minutes of Keith Obermann (5:55 am est) and then all of my news and talk channels disappeared! Channels like CNN, C-SPAN, MSNBC and NPR are all gone from my favorites and the channel line-up. There is nothing in the "News and Public Radio" category.
Has anyone else noticed this? I'm thinking this must be a temporary glitch but I would hate to lose all of these channels. If you have the Sirius/ XM radio app, would you please check this on your Droid?

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Android :: Send Email Without Invoking Any Activity (with Send / Send To Action)?

Sep 8, 2009

Can I send an email without invoking any activity (with Send/SendTo action)? Just compose a mail and send to recipient from my application.

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Android :: Radio Buttons In Radio Group In Table Row?

Sep 9, 2010

I currently have code that creates rows in a table that hold a string in column 1 with a RadioButton in column 2. There can be a variable number of these rows so I cannot just create it in the layout xml as radio1, radio2, etc. My code displays the table with the string and RadioButton pairs just great, but I want to add them to a RadioGroup so only one button can be toggled at a time.

When I tried to add the dynamic RadioButton to the RadioGroup AFTER I added it to the table row, I got an error saying that the child (the RadioButton) already had a parent. I agree, it does have one, the TableRow.
My question is, can you have radio buttons tied to a radio group inside of a row or, should I just code my own toggle mechanism and avoid RadioGroup all together? I mean, I could code the onClick to unclick all other radio buttons, but I would rather not do this if I can use the build in RadioGroup.

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Android :: FM Vs Pandora Vs Slacker Radio (best Internet Radio)

Nov 10, 2009

I just got my Droid but I frequently use Pandora and Last.FM on my computer at work. Last.FM - Seems like the service has a better list of artists than Pandora so i switched to it on my PC recently. On Android the service is the same but as an app it tends to be open in the background all the time and suffers from not being able to pause (like the PC version). The scrobbling could be nice for some users and it links to the android player. Sound Quality seems excellent, best of the three so far. Pandora - Haven't gotten to use it too much because it takes so long to load my station. Sound Quality seemed fine with my limited use.

Slacker Radio - Has the most music options of the three and seems likes the best application. It has plenty of options like keeping the screen from freezing while plugged in and on wifi without having to change your phone settings. Had to stop listening from poor sound quality though! Sound Quality started ok but a bassy boom and click started appearing after a few songs, forced to switch to Last.FM.

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General :: App To Use Android Device As Media Controller For IOS Device

Feb 28, 2014

Basically I have an old iPod touch 2g on iOS 4.x and a Nexus 5.

I want to use my iPod as my media player but I'd like to be able to control music from my Nexus (only basic controls).

Is there an app on either device that allows this? I know tsk skipping can be done by some Bluetooth headphones so I'm hoping there's a way to make iOS accept command from my Nexus

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General :: External GPS Bluetooth Receiver

Feb 20, 2013

Is there a way or an app to let me use my bluetooth GPS receiver without enable the Mock location? I want to play ingress but Galaxy S' gps sucks and try to use an external one.....

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Android :: UGH No Wunder Radio Or Iheart Radio

Nov 10, 2009

Does anyone have an idea when we will see one of these apps for android?

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Android :: Any Radio Recording On Built In FM Radio Of HTC?

Feb 28, 2010

Android supports recording from the mic to amr format in the 3gp container. On the upcoming HTC Desire or even current HTC Desire, suppose I'm listening to the lovely built in FM radio and I want to make a recording of a breakfast show; would that be possible? Is there a possiblity for an app to be created that could record the built in radio in this manner? What about recording in a better quality like mp3? Does Android need to provide API access to the output speakers or... I am not reffering to internet/streaming radio, this is about the built in FM radio found in the latest HTC smartphones.

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