General :: Evo 3D / CM 10 - Expanded Notifications At All Times

Aug 23, 2012

I'm running CM10 on my EVO 3D and I really love the expanded notifications. The thing is I tend to have a maximum of 2-3 notifications at a time. Is there a way to have all the notifications expanded at all times?

General :: Evo 3D / CM 10 - Expanded notifications at all times

Android :: Schedule Multiple Notifications At Different Times

Mar 31, 2010

I need to be able to schedule multiple Notifications at different times in the future.

I tried doing this with an AlarmManager, but that isn't suitable, for the following reason. From AlarmManager.set(): "If there is already an alarm for this Intent scheduled (with the equality of two intents being defined by filterEquals(Intent)), then it will be removed and replaced by this one."

Guess what, the sending intents are equal, apart from different Extra's (but those don't count for filterEquals).

So how can I schedule multiple notifications, which will still be shown when my application is killed (the whole reason I tried AlarmManager)?

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General :: DashClock Expanded On Home Screen?

Jan 11, 2014

I've only had my Nexus 5 about two weeks so I'm very new to android. How do you get the expanded widgets (via lock screen) on the home screen?

Home screen - [URL]
Lock screen - [URL]

The versions on the home screen are tiny and I can't get them to expand, I'm not sure if I'm overlooking a setting or something.

I did a google search and turned up nothing but I keep seeing images of people having expanded dashclock looking widgets on their homescreen so it must be possible. :/

I hid the clock hoping that'd force them underneath it and expanded but nada.

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Samsung Captivate : Get Notifications 2 - 3 Times A Day "phone - Updated Congratulations"

Oct 6, 2010

What can I do to stop this?

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Android :: Expanded Notification View

Jun 17, 2010

I have an app that puts the date in the status bar, but in order to make it look decent, I have to use two notifications. This causes it to use two expanded notifications when you pull down the status bar. Is there any way to get rid of one of the expanded views(or both of them)?

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Android :: Put Text In Status Bar / When Window Not Expanded?

Apr 15, 2010

How can you put text in the status bar to stay there when the window is not expanded? kinda like using text instead of an icon?

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Android : How To Change More Button In Expanded Menu?

May 4, 2010

May someone please tell me how to change the text "More" of "More Button" in an expanded menu to other strings?

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HTC Incredible :: Browser Image Blurry When Expanded / What To Fix It?

Jun 10, 2010

When I expand certain images in the browser (such as radar maps from NWS) the picture appears to be in focus for an instant and then goes a shade blurry. My search for this issue was a bit fruitless and I wondered if there was some fix or trick for this.

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Android :: Use ResourceCursorTreeAdapter With Expanded And Collapsed Group Views?

Jan 2, 2010

How do I use the ResourceCursorTreeAdapter with the following constructor?

ResourceCursorTreeAdapter(Context context, Cursor cursor, int collapsedGroupLayout, int expandedGroupLayout, int childLayout)

I'm trying to use a it as follows. code...

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Android :: Get Customized Date Format For Notification Expanded View

Jun 6, 2010

If i got a new message, in notification expanded view it shows only time. suppose If i got a message today(i.e on 06/06/2010) it should display simply a string "Today" and tomorrow it should show date on whilch message was received i.e it should display date 06/06/2010

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Android :: How To Change Background Color Of Default Notification Expanded View

May 31, 2010

When we expand the notification expanded view ,we get a default white background with small squares. how can i change this white background to some other color.

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Android :: Remove Time Field Of Notification Shown In Expanded Status Bar

Feb 18, 2009

The notification in the expanded status bar has time field. How can I set the "time" invisible or remove it??

Does anyone know about this?

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General :: HTC One X Rebooting Itself At Random Times?

Jun 18, 2013

I have an HTC One X and for the last day or so, it has begun to reboot itself randomly and quite often. There is no specific time of use before it reboots. It's completely random. It can just be sitting there idle, and just all of a sudden reboot itself.

The battery is not dead or dying.

The phone is not overheating.

I have no updates available and my last update was a few months ago and it was fine up until the last day or two.

The phone is not rooted.

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General :: Drawing Buttons At Different Times?

Dec 2, 2013

I am writing a calculator app as my first android app.

I have a mode button on the calculator that changes the buttons to make new functions available.

When mode switches, certain buttons get changed to a different drawable with different colors, and all the text gets updated on all the buttons.

Each mode has a new string array corresponding to the text for that mode.What I am currently trying to achieve is having a delay between the time that each button is updated, a sort of cascade effect. I have not successfully implemented this.

In the following code I have a toggleLabels method which attempts to do this. It has three if blocks corresponding to the three modes, which each gets a new set of text and buttons. There are two nested for loops in each running i=width and j=height.

To create the cascade effect I grabbed system time, and then subtracted from current time to see that 100ms had passed.No cascade effect takes place, and when I hit the mode button, there is a long delay then all of the buttons switch at once. The delay seems to be exactly 2 seconds, which corresponds to the cumulative delay of 100ms per button X 20 buttons.

I also tried an alternate method of Thread.Sleep() which yielded the same result, and which I read was bad practice to implement in your UI thread.Basically I am doing..

loop through each button
Change button drawable[code]......

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General :: Running Same App Multiple Times

Aug 2, 2012

What I would like to do is to run 2 instances of an application or more. The issue is that I am using an RDP program that allows me to attach to a single connection, the kick is that I need the ability to toggle between those machines and the app does not do that natively. I can also see it being useful for a situation when you need to toggle between two documents that are both open with the same application.

I know that it is really not made to do this natively but if there is are ROMs that include that functionality or a way to alter android to do this. In addition, it would be great to be able to tell the system which applications can and can't function that way.

I currently have a nexus 7, transformer prime and transformer infinity to test this with.

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General :: App To Auto Turn WiFi On / Off At Different Times?

Aug 17, 2013

I have an S4, it does have a built in option to turn the wifi on and off at specific times, but i was wanting an app that would allow me to set a few more rules, as the built in options only allow 1 on/off rule, i would like to set at least 2, one time for week days and one time for weekends.

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General :: Android Loading Screen Showed 60 Times?

Feb 11, 2013

When i started my dapeng a75 it started with the update screen(automatically)

I leaved the phone 10 minutes and shutted down when i camed back.

I started it again and the android loading screen showed 60 times.(normally 5 times till load)

I plugged in the pc and showed this""Installing driver: MT65** phone"""

I dont have any root or clockwork or something like that.

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General :: Can Check How Many Times Flashed Roms / Mods?

Apr 16, 2013

Is there an app or other way to see how many times you have flashed different roms, mods, themes etc?

I tried triangle away by chainfire but it didnt show exactly how many times device have been flashed.. (exellent app otherwise)

If it matters device is GT-I9300, GT-I9250, GT-I9000 (Galaxy S3, Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy S)

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General :: SMS Messages From IPhones Receiving Multiple Times

Jul 7, 2013

Much of the time I get a text message from an iPhone it either:

1) Comes through multiple times (this happens with AT&T iPhones)


2) Comes through chopped up into individual messages that are also displayed out of order (usually from Verizon iPhones)

I have a screenshot of issue No. 2 but the AC app is not letting me upload it for some reason (never had an issue before) and I can't get the link to work from the desktop (grrr)

Are these issues because of iMessage and what looks like its inability to play well with anything non-Apple? LG-E970

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General :: Vivacity (P736) Volume Down Getting Stuck At Random Times

Apr 25, 2014

From time to time, I'm getting a random volume down stuck. What this means is that my phone lowers the volume by itself, not by me accidentally pressing the volume down key. The problem is solved by pressing the volume up key, and only then, trying to swipe the volume does no good because the phone still continues to lower the volume. After that, you can't use the power button nor the volume down button, it's like they're disabled, you press them and nothing happens. You wait some time, and then you can use them again.

It seems to happen the most when phone is charging and when the battery goes low, but, to be honest, I just couldn't figure out the main cause for this type of behavior. Today I was taking some pictures and suddenly the volume slider came up, showing the volume lowering down rapidly. I've had this problem ever since I first rooted my phone, but it's time to try and figure out the underlying problem.

Phone's hardware checks out, it's perfect (I've had had my doubts in the past, but wherever the phone had been taken, it checked out fine) everywhere I take it it's said that that's a software issue.

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General :: Android 2.2.2 - Facebook App Login Failed / Operation Times Out

Mar 30, 2013

I have recently installed Facebook Application for my Tablet PC. It is working on 2.2.2 Anroid version and Facebook app version is 2.3

When I enter my info it says that Login failed and that the operation timed out (after I hit the Login button, the error appears after cca. 15 seconds).

I am using pretty good Wi-Fi connection to connect my Tablet to the internet, so I don't think that it's up to my connection. I tried already with clearing data, uninstalling, rebooting and reinstalling, but it didn't work.

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General :: Phone Shows Up 3 Times In Google Play Store

Mar 26, 2012

I was just surfing the Google Play Store on my laptop, just browsing some apps, when I noticed my phone HTC ADR6425LVW showed up 3 different times when it prompted which device to download the app, too.

I am rooted, I have the HTC Rezound and a couple days ago, the desktop Google Play Store showed 2 different versions of my phone. I didn't really make anything of it because I exchanged my phone for a new one during the 14 day return period. Why this would happen, unless it occurs when I flash new ROMS. But I've flashed at least 6 ROMS over the course of at least 20 different times. Would this cause warranty issues if I try to have a replacement done if something happens to my phone?

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General :: Google Music App / Songs Showing Up Multiple Times?

Jun 25, 2012

In the Google Music app my songs are showing up 3 times, same when I try to set an alarm with a song. Only the last of the 3 of any song will play. I'm unsure what I need to clear to fix this. I wiped my cache's in CWM and rebooted but it didn't change anything. They were coming up the same in PlayerPro but I did a refresh tracks in app and it fixed it. App that are giving me problems are Google Music, N7 & the stock Samsung player. So I'm assuming it's not an app issue as it does it on different ones. I'm running the latest Perfection ICS rom.

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General :: Texts Won't Send / Received Multiple Times - Keyboard Won't Work

Nov 22, 2011

My phone is the Droid X.

1. The main thing is that my texts won't send anymore when I turn my screen off or even exit out of the text message window. I have to keep my phone on and on that screen for at least 5 minutes until it finally sends. Before this, I could just text, send it, turn my screen off, and put it in my pocket and not worry about it sending. With my job and my life, I can't be doing this. I need a fix for this if possible.

2. This problem isn't as big as the other two but someone will send me one text and I will receive 2-6 times. I'll either receive all of them at once, or I will receive one text, and then 5 minutes later get it again, and then again 5 more minutes, and so on and so on. Now this can get very annoying when I am quickly texting and I keep getting texts like 15 times. I need a fix for this as well if possible.

3. One of the most annoying things about all this is my keyboard is not typing. I'll click on the "insert message here" box and start typing but the letters won't appear. The word suggestions will appear and whatnot acting like I am typing but it won't. My only temporary solution to this is exiting out and going back into the text but it doesn't seem to actually work as I am finding myself sitting there for about 10 minutes exiting and entering back into the texts over and over.

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General :: Motorola Atrix - Microphone Stops Recording When Screen Times Out

Mar 31, 2012

I'm writing an app part of whose functionality is to record audio through the microphone. The recording seems to stop as soon as the screen times out and the phone enters what I think is sleep mode. I've noticed that some apps(Tokasiki's Voice Recorder, for one) don't seem to have this problem on this phone(Motorola Atrix) and continue to record audio long after the screen has faded to black. I've tried using a partial wake lock but it doesn't seem to maintain the recording. Should I use AudioRecord instead of MediaRecorder? Voice Recorder seems to get by without using AudioRecord.

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General :: Unable To Install CM 10.1 Multiple Times On Secondary Rom Slots Within Bootloader?

Nov 22, 2013

I recently rooted, and unlocked the bootloader on my atrix hd (ATT)

Since then I tried installing cm10.1 multiple times on the secondary "Rom slots" within the bootloader, without any success. So I finally decided to go for it and install cm10.1 in the "stock rom" slot, Prior to doing this I did a back-up using Rom manager. Aand now I seemingly can't even boot into recovery mode, every time I restart my device it simply goes to the cyanogenmod blue ring thingy and gets stuck! (I have left it for 15-20 mins thinking it might be some kind of installation process..) I have both windows 8 and Ubuntu installed on my pc, just saying.i've even tried holding down all three physical buttons and it simply takes me back to the same screen!!!

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Android :: Custom Notifications - Assign Different Notifications To Emails Vs Texts Vs Missed Calls

Jun 21, 2010

My only complaint about the Droid is the seeming lack of options for notifications.

Is there a way, or an app, that would allow you to assign different notifications to emails vs texts vs missed calls?

Also, does anyone know if there's a way to set the phone to re-notify you periodically if you have a notification that has not been looked at? I tend to leave my phone sitting on my desk at work and would like it to let me know if I missed a call or text while I was away from my desk.

Ideally I'd like to silence email notifications, but have text and missed call notifications with unique ring tones for each, and I'd like the phone to renotify me every 10 minutes or so if I have a text or missed call waiting for me.

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Check Email - Messaging Notifications - LED Notifications Not Working

Nov 17, 2010

I have had my Epic 4g for two days now and I am having the some notification and email problems. I don't get notifications when new email is available. I only get my email to show up on my inbox on my phone ONLY when i open email. I currently have it set to to check email every 5 minutes but this is obviously not happening. and i dont get a blinking LED when i get a SMS, Text message.

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General :: No Notifications With Pac Rom?

Jul 30, 2013

After switching to the latest pac man rom, it seems as though I have no new push messages whatsoever. This includes after opening the app as well (it doesn't notify me of unread posts after I open xda)

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Android :: Notifications And BIS Level 1 Notifications

Apr 30, 2010

Update:I got a app called "GMail Label Notifier" serves the same purpose and is really much more flexible since you can assign unique alerts to each trigger You just need to setup filters in Gmail to apply a label. I have been using it a week or so now and it seems to work great.

I have moved from a BB Tour to the HTC Incredible and really like the Android OS.

A few things I really rely on though I can't seem to replicate on Android. The most important is the "Level 1" or high importance message tagging. With BIS I could setup a filter so that any emails with a specific word or words in the subject line or from a specific email address caused a different alert on the BB when received.

Also, I can't find many options for different notifications like a specific one for emails, another for SMS, another for voice mails, etc.

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