Android :: Using Calendar As Alarm
Aug 12, 2010
I have searched for days to try to find a solution to this but nothing is quite right. My old phone I had my work schedule set in my calendar with a reminder set to use as my alarm so I never had to worry about setting it the night before. I was able to set up profiles so when I slept the only sounds I got were the phone ringing and my reminder from the calendar. With Android the calendar, sms, and email volume is all tied together so of I want my calendar alert loud (which I do) the sms and email have to be as well. I don't want a random email waking me up in the middle of the night either. This seems like an easy thing to do but I can't find anything to solve it.
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Jun 8, 2010
I've searched the Market and all threads. I'm looking for a simple popup alarm. For example, I want to set an alarm for 12:30 p.m. tomorrow with a note to (do something). Is there anything out there that will do it? Recurring alarms would be nice (like for birthdays, etc.).If I could find something like I'm using on my PC (Chameleon Clock) would be perfect. I use it every day for calendaring and other reminders.
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Sep 12, 2010
I have a Samsung Jet right now and I absolutely HATE it's calendar and alarm. It limits the amount of words you can introduce and it forces you to introduce A LOT of data that should be automatic, plus selecting the time you want to set the alarm on your calendar to go off is really stupid...instead of letting you simply write the time you are forced to press a button that makes the time go up and down until you've reached the time you want. AND I have to select the ring tone I want to use for the alarm EVERYTIME I set a different alarm on my calendar. I use my calendar A LOT and the whole process is slow and time consuming. Even my old Nokia N95 was waaay better when it came it's calendar you would simply type the name of the alarm (no word restriction, you could insert all the info you needed) and selected the time and that's it...there were more options (location, details, etc), but they were OPTIONAL.What I want to know is if the newer Samsung cell phones's calendars are still like this (since I'm planing to buy one).
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Oct 23, 2010
I am looking for an alarm clock that you can set a date and time on. For instance, I want to post an alarm for 11/11/2010 and I can't seem to find an alarm clock that you can set a date on.
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Nov 2, 2010
I basically need an alarm app that will work with my Google calendar. Every day, I have a 'Wake up' entry into my Gcal. Is there an app that will see this appointment and set an alarm to wake me up!?
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May 2, 2010
I'm in desperate need of a calendar app that actually works properly. On my old phone, I just had everything set and I would get an alarm until I acknowledged it. I can't seem to find anything like this for my android phone. Can someone recommend an app that I can use which is basically set it and forget it. I want something that will notify me similar to how an alarm clock would rather than just a one time notification that I may miss.
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Sep 2, 2010
What is the best calendar app? Is there a calendar app or an addon app that will utilize the alarm in the phone to notify you of upcoming meetings? So far all i can find is ways to email or sms meeting warnings. The incoming sms doesn't get enough attention.
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Nov 17, 2010
Used the search feature to no avail. The stock calendar app is not honoring any of my alarms/reminders setup in my Google calendar. I installed Gemini, and turned on the Notifications, but it tells me to disable any other notifications. Problem is, I can't find an option to do that anywhere.Long story short, if anyone knows of ANY calendar app for the Fascinate that will honor alarms/reminders, please let me know. I am in desperate need of one.
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Mar 14, 2010
My only problems with this phone so far has been the alarm not going off and htc widget not showing my events on option 1. I've figured out the issue in regarding the alarm. My alarm only works if I have one alarm set, if there are more than 1 then that is when it will not sound the alarm.I just wanted to put that out there because I have seen people in need of the same help. Hope that helps. Second, I can not figure out why the HTC calendar widget will not show my events. I can get it to show my events by deleting the widget and re-adding it, that is just stupid.I am using the smooth calendar widget right now, I like it but I would like to use the HTC widget calendar.
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Nov 16, 2012
Here's the thing, if i set an event in my Google calender & set it to "Remind" me, then all it does is display it on notification area. Is there any option to have an actual alarm before the event ?
I was wondering if there is an app with real "reminder" (alarm) function for calender events set on your Goolge Calender (the one like on old Nokia phones).
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Aug 22, 2010
Very pleased with the Captivate - plenty of learning and adjustment to this phone and platform, but enjoying it very much.Quick question - searched, but didn't see a posting. Is there anyway to set-up Calendar (stock app) such that it will automatically set an alarm for every entry that one enters into the calendar? Example - I want all of my appointments to have an alarm, but I'm having to set alarms for each appointment I put into the calendar. Is there anyway to set-up Calendar such that it defaults to set an alarm for every appointment (when I set it up and such that I don't have to tick the box each time)?
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Jul 21, 2010
The calendar on desire is great, but it won't let me make entrants without setting an alarm...I don't want an alarm going off everytime its a member of my families birthday! Is there a calendar app I could get, that won't do this?
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Apr 10, 2010
I'm a long-time PalmOS user (Centro being my last device, but have given up the habit to jump to Android. Anyway, I have a few questions about my Desire (sorry if any of these have already been asked 100s of times!):
1 I've activated the security lock (where you join some dots to unlock it). Is there a way to delay the lock activating? If I put my phone down for >1 minute and go straight back to it, I really shouldn't need to go though security, whereas if the phone has been inactive for, say 15 minutes, then going through security makes sense. Is there a way to delay the lock?
2 Is there a way to make the screen stay on when it is charging?
3 Is there a way of cut and pasting from a gmail?
4 Is there a way to make a calendar alarm sound periodically, x number of times?
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May 19, 2013
I am running jellybean 4.2.2 and i used stock calendar and google calendar and they wont alarm when i make any appointment.. and there is no notification of the event. i also tried to use many calendar app from playstore but they also wont alarm...
I tried to use calendar snooze and it alarm any event i used but i want to use only my calendar and no 3rd party app.
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Oct 18, 2010
My alarm clock sometimes decides to snooze for an hour and 10 mins rather than 10 mins. I nearly missed work on Friday, what is going on!? I waited a long time for the X10 mini to come out and admit that I am a little dissappointed. I've had a SE W580i until recently and I am finding that there are a lot of basic things that my old phone could handle but my new one seems to struggle with.I have used my phone alarm as my only alarm clock for at least the last 5 years. I really struggle to get up in the morning and if I turn the alarm off, I'll fall straight back to sleep again, therefore I rely heavily on the phone's snooze function to wake me up eventually after going off a few times. I was initially dissappointed that you cannot personalise the snooze duration on the x10 mini, the 10 mins is usually ok for me but in certain situations I prefer to shorten it. Please consider including this in the next software update, Sony Ericsson!
But the pressing problem is the (massively) extended snooze. It happens every few days and seems to be quite random. The first few times I hit the snooze button, it works as normal. A picture of an alarm clock comes up showing the time, and a white segment of clock face is highlighted indicating how long the snooze is for (10 mins) and when it will next go off. Then, I stir due to some disturbance outside, notice that the sun is definitely brighter than it was when I was last awake, grab my phone in a panic and realise that I have been sleeping for 20 mins since the alarm last went off, and that I have less than 7 mins to get up, dressed, packed and on the bus or I will be late for work. Meanwhile my phone is cheerfully still displaying the clock face with the white segment showing that I have 40 mins left to snooze and all is well. I didn't even know it was possible for this phone to snooze for anything other than 10 mins. Unfortunately I am asleep whenever this has happened and I'm not sure how I've done it.
I have tried setting the alarm when awake and then pressing various buttons, tapping the screen in various places, even pressing and holding the snooze button or swiping it. Most of these actions do nothing and the only way to stop the alarm is to slide to turn off or press the snooze button. My theory as to what is happening is that the phone snoozes for the normal 10 mins, but then when it reaches the time to go off again, it fails to go off and then the snooze time is displayed as 50 minutes (until it reaches that time again for the next hour). I think the white segment does initially show the 10 mins, I've started checking when I hit the snooze button after it happened a few times, but I might be doing something different in my sleep somehow.
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Dec 30, 2012
I am looking for a widget (it could be a Clock and/or Weather or Calendar widget) which also display the time/day of the next scheduled alarm. I tried many of the most popular Widgets apps on the market but I couldn't find any.
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Mar 15, 2010
it looks like its an Android bug, but my alarm & my calendar alerts are not working correctly, as well as CalWidget. My Google Cal & the Cal on the phone are correct. I had to reboot to get the time updated to what it should be today.
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Mar 9, 2010
I tried several alarm clocks on my droid, and they all seem to have a problem. if I set alarms for 6:30, 6:41, and 6:52 am. Each with a different sound. If i snooze alarm 1, alarm 2/3 never goes off. i thought all 3 would be seperate, but it seems only 1 can be active at a time. unless im doing something wrong. this happens on the default alarm clock and, better alarm clock.
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Jun 22, 2010
I am using service class to play the mp3 file using media player object on Android platform, problem is, i am not able to handle the alarm interruption.When any previous set alarm clock reach to it's alarm time it starts to play in parallel with mp3.I want that mp3 should become paused and after alarm it again start to play,same thing should happen with snooze.
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Nov 9, 2010
My wife has a new EPIC upgraded in the past week or so from a Samsung Moment.It appears that the stock EPIC calendar app has only ONE alarm/reminder.I have an EVO and use Jorte but the stock calendar app on my EVO and Jorte allow MULTIPLE reminders for a single calendar event (e.g., a 10 minute alarm, a 3 hour alarm and a 1 day alarm).Apart from her installing and using Jorte, does the EPIC stock calendar app have ONLY ONE alarm for a calendar event?
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Jul 21, 2010
As far as I'm aware the standard alarm clock will not alarm when the phone is switched off. Does anybody know an alarm clock that will alarm when the phone is switched off ...? (preferably free)
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Aug 3, 2009
I am overriding the functionalities of current android alarm clock. As of now, if we have set two alarm of ,say, 10:10 and 10:15, now if the first alarm pops up at 10:10, and we click on snooze button(snooze time: 10 mins), then it says that the snooze will not be set since there is already an alarm in between(the 10:15th one). Here i want to both the alarm(i.e, snoozed one and 10:15th one) to be set. Any ideas???
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Nov 10, 2009
I'm a new Droid Eris user and have been using Google Calendar for some time.I have a single calendar set up which is syncing with the Eris.I can successfully add/edit/delete entries from both applications and have them show up just fine on the other side.I have a couple of recurring entries that I've since deleted in Google Calendar but are still showing up on my Eris.The unique thing about both of these entries is that they were meeting requests sent to my Gmail address and accepted from there.They have since been cancelled from the original sender and are now removed from my Google Calendar.My calendar entries are labeled as dark blue, and these two show as light blue.I cannot select them on the Eris to edit or delete them.
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Jul 6, 2010
Are there any good alarm applications for the X10i?
Basically I use my phone as an alarm to get up for work. My old Nokia N96 I could set the alarm and then switch the phone off at night and the alarm would still go off on time. This does not seem to be the case with the X10i. It doesn't even go off when the phones in airplane mode which is poor. I just don't want to have to leave my phone on overnight in case it rings and i wake up.
Are there any good alarm apps that allows you to turn the phone off and the alarm would still ring at 6.30 for work?
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May 15, 2010
Does anyone know how to purposely change your app names? Is it even possible? i.e, " better alarm clock " to just alarm..
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Nov 10, 2012
I need a alarm app which can show the time remainig till the set alarm buzz off.
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Mar 2, 2010
I upgrade from a blackberry storm to the eris and I'm looking for an alarm app that could turn the phone on when its time to get up. My blackberry had the capability of being turned off but would turn back on when the alarm went off. Does the eris have this capability or is there an app out there for this.
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Dec 24, 2012
I was using AlarmDroid as my alarm clock. Every thing was fine, until I had always 2 alarms (somehow) every morning, but in AlarmDroid there was only 1 event. After that I had some weird things, like the alarm was starting too early or too late. So I uninstalled this, somehow unstable app, and installed Alarm Clock Xtreme - everything is fine with Clock Xtreme. Exception: one of the alarm that I was using in AlarmDroid is still there! But there is no more AlarmDroid on my phone. Wondering how this is working.
I install AlarmDroid again, just to be sure to delete the event, but there is no event. But there is always the alarm. With and without AlarmDroid. What can I try to solve this stuff? Maybe its not that important but Im using a Nexus S with stable cyanogenmod 10.
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Sep 17, 2010
I am making a alarm app and was just wondering how do I show a alarm icon at the right side of the statusbar like the original alarm app? normal notifications appear in the left side and I cant find anything about this....
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Apr 15, 2010
When i plug my BB into the charger, it recognizes that its charging and automatically switches into "bedside mode" (changes my sound profile, displays the clock, and dims the screen way down). When I unplug my BB, it recognizes that its unplugged, switches out of bedside mode and switches back to my previous sound profile. Does android do this or is there an app that does something like it? I know it sounds lazy, but I'm just used to plugging it in, and the BB doing everything else. BTW, I really hate my BB and excited about the new Incredible.
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