Android : Alarm Clock - Snooze Will Not Be Set Since There Is Already An Alarm In Between
Aug 3, 2009
I am overriding the functionalities of current android alarm clock. As of now, if we have set two alarm of ,say, 10:10 and 10:15, now if the first alarm pops up at 10:10, and we click on snooze button(snooze time: 10 mins), then it says that the snooze will not be set since there is already an alarm in between(the 10:15th one). Here i want to both the alarm(i.e, snoozed one and 10:15th one) to be set. Any ideas???
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Mar 9, 2010
I tried several alarm clocks on my droid, and they all seem to have a problem. if I set alarms for 6:30, 6:41, and 6:52 am. Each with a different sound. If i snooze alarm 1, alarm 2/3 never goes off. i thought all 3 would be seperate, but it seems only 1 can be active at a time. unless im doing something wrong. this happens on the default alarm clock and, better alarm clock.
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Dec 18, 2009
There could be an app for an alarm clock. I have a problem waking up or well hitting the snooze maybe on the stock alarm clock add a pin number when you hit the snooze kind of wake your brain up by thinking.
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Aug 4, 2010
I have sorted out my Launcher Pro problem from my last thread, but here's another. Long story short - I can't switch off my alarm clock (or snooze). I have to turn off the phone completely to make it stop. I use Launcher Pro, Widget locker and stock alarm. Unfortunately none of the buttons work, nothing appears on the screen and I don't know how to switch the damn thing off - which makes alarm clock unusable. But I really need alarm clock, can't live without it.
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Jul 22, 2010
Has anyone noticed any issues with Snooze on the alarm clock? I had one alarm set to 6:25 with a snooze at 10 min set to go off 5 times. I also set another alarm for 6:45 to snooze every 5 min set to go off 3 times. (I know Im paranoid, but sometimes I accidently turn off my first alarm) Anyways, when I do this, the first alarm set at 6:25 goes off, but when i push snooze, it won't go off in ten minutes like it's supposed to. I've gotten up late for work for 2 days in a row trying to get this thing working by tweaking the settings. I even tried turning off the 6:45 alarm cause I thought they might conflict.
In the end I found that the 6:45 alarm set for 3 total snoozes at 5 min apart seemed to do its proper job. Maybe the extra choices are in the phone, but aren't functioning properly? i.e. snooze gaps >5 min and snooze alarms >3? This is kind of frustrating.
This phone hasn't been giving me a smooth transition from my former iphone 3g... with the lagginess (i'd rather not install apps like Launcher Pro to make my phone home screen transitions smoother), GPS issues (which i seemed to finally fix), bouncing reception bars and lower WIFI detection, and now this alarm clock. Don't even get me started on the dismal choices and quality of the apps I have found in the App store. I hate to say it but I'm pretty close to returning this phone. The screen quality and notifications seem to be the only thing preventing me from going back. Heeeeelp I really don't want to! I need convincing that this phone will leave me satisfied! I really wanted to like Android, but I don't think AT&T wants me to.
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Oct 22, 2010
Anyone else running into this issue? The alarm goes off on time but pressing snooze or trying to shut it off is ineffective. Even frantically mashing the side buttons and hot keys doesn't stop it. Honestly, I don't even know how I eventually get it to shut off, but I do.
This is not a pleasant way to wake up.
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Sep 24, 2010
I've had my rooted moment (radioactive froyo w launcherpro) for about a week now and I am having serious problems with the alarm. Specifically, the snooze/dismiss box isn't popping up, or perhaps the screen isn't waking up at all. It happens almost every morning. frequently when I am staying at my partners house and waking up in the wee hours the thing will go off, I bolt up and am swiping, pressing side buttons (they were set to dismiss in alarm settings), trying to smother the whole phone with my hands, etc. More than once I've had to do a battery pull in desperation as she yells at me that people are trying to sleep. The alarm pops up as normal if I do a test alarm set a minute in the future. Unfortunately it is a quite difficult to remember what exactly happens to me at any given 6am. Is it possible I'm not having this problem in my tests bc the alarm is still loaded in ram? What's the deal here? I need a working alarm.
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Jul 26, 2010
I like to snooze for longer than 5 minutes. I have not found a way to adjust the snooze time. Is it possible on the DroidX? If not, can anyone recommend a good alarm clock app that has this feature?
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Apr 21, 2010
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones that can get mms on my hero but when i download the incoming mms it shows up once then after i close it i can not view or find the picture again. Ive mounted the phone and looked in the download folder of sd card but nothing is there, and its certainly not in any of my albums. Is this yet another bug int he Hero's mms handling? a side question is there a way to adjust the snooze time on the built in alarm clock?
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Sep 8, 2010
Would anybody please help me out if there is any Snooze duration option for Alarm Clock?
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Jul 20, 2010
I'm looking for an alarm clock app with one very specific feature - allow me to set the alarm tone to automatically stop after X seconds, then start again at the next snooze interval, and play for another X seconds.
Sure it seems every alarm app out there allows me to set Snooze intervals and stuff, but with my waking up habit, I don't like to physically have to touch the phone to get it to shut up until the next snooze interval. I like to lay in bed and let the alarm go for like 3-4 snooze intervals before I finally wake up.
I've tried Alarm Clock PlusV2, Alarm Clock Xtreme, Quick Alarm. None of them seem to have this.
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Jun 22, 2010
I am using service class to play the mp3 file using media player object on Android platform, problem is, i am not able to handle the alarm interruption.When any previous set alarm clock reach to it's alarm time it starts to play in parallel with mp3.I want that mp3 should become paused and after alarm it again start to play,same thing should happen with snooze.
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Jul 21, 2010
As far as I'm aware the standard alarm clock will not alarm when the phone is switched off. Does anybody know an alarm clock that will alarm when the phone is switched off ...? (preferably free)
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May 15, 2010
Does anyone know how to purposely change your app names? Is it even possible? i.e, " better alarm clock " to just alarm..
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May 9, 2010
The stock alarm insists on making me slide the screen to snooze it super annoying. Anyway to get it to snooze just by touching the screen anywhere? Would download a replacement, but don't know which one would allow for this.
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Nov 8, 2009
Any way to set a snooze for the alarm?
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Feb 26, 2014
My device is a Motorola Moto G. I've updated it to the latest Android version available (4.4.2), however, I'm experiencing some serious problems; the most important atm is the alarm.
I am using the volume button to snooze the alarm, because imho it's more convenient. However, yesterday the volume button just didn't work for some reason. I had to unlock the screen for it to work, then it started working again with the screen locked. Today the same thing happened, I had to unlock the screen to snooze the alarm using the volume button, then I could snooze it again without unlocking, however, it just 'stopped' by itself, I don't know if the volume button somehow turned the alarm off. I didn't even touch the screen, so it's a bug or something. I've always been using a cell/smartphone to wake up and never had any problem.
Also, this device freezes a lot and I've never experienced that before in any cell/smartphone. It also seems the device must be turned on for the alarm to work; it's not that important for me, but still a 'downgrade' from my previous device. Another thing that really annoys me is that you can't even change the volume without playing the sounds... if you want to set a very loud volume in the middle of the night there's no way other than waking everybody up. Additionally, I would like to be able to somehow record a call, but none of the apps works with this device.
I don't think the alarm problem is a hardware fail or defective device, it seems to me the software is somehow bugged. There's no Cyanogenmod for this device yet (mine is dual chip) and even if it were available, It seems some apps doesn't work with it (like Sygic).
I don't know if I should try downgrading the OS to 4.3 or if there's something else I could try. I don't know if it's possible that the latest update was somehow 'badly flashed'. It doesn't seem very likely to me.
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Aug 24, 2010
My wife relies on her snooze very often, and it appears as though her Vibrant only allows her to snooze twice. Any more than that simply will not work.
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Oct 18, 2010
My alarm clock sometimes decides to snooze for an hour and 10 mins rather than 10 mins. I nearly missed work on Friday, what is going on!? I waited a long time for the X10 mini to come out and admit that I am a little dissappointed. I've had a SE W580i until recently and I am finding that there are a lot of basic things that my old phone could handle but my new one seems to struggle with.I have used my phone alarm as my only alarm clock for at least the last 5 years. I really struggle to get up in the morning and if I turn the alarm off, I'll fall straight back to sleep again, therefore I rely heavily on the phone's snooze function to wake me up eventually after going off a few times. I was initially dissappointed that you cannot personalise the snooze duration on the x10 mini, the 10 mins is usually ok for me but in certain situations I prefer to shorten it. Please consider including this in the next software update, Sony Ericsson!
But the pressing problem is the (massively) extended snooze. It happens every few days and seems to be quite random. The first few times I hit the snooze button, it works as normal. A picture of an alarm clock comes up showing the time, and a white segment of clock face is highlighted indicating how long the snooze is for (10 mins) and when it will next go off. Then, I stir due to some disturbance outside, notice that the sun is definitely brighter than it was when I was last awake, grab my phone in a panic and realise that I have been sleeping for 20 mins since the alarm last went off, and that I have less than 7 mins to get up, dressed, packed and on the bus or I will be late for work. Meanwhile my phone is cheerfully still displaying the clock face with the white segment showing that I have 40 mins left to snooze and all is well. I didn't even know it was possible for this phone to snooze for anything other than 10 mins. Unfortunately I am asleep whenever this has happened and I'm not sure how I've done it.
I have tried setting the alarm when awake and then pressing various buttons, tapping the screen in various places, even pressing and holding the snooze button or swiping it. Most of these actions do nothing and the only way to stop the alarm is to slide to turn off or press the snooze button. My theory as to what is happening is that the phone snoozes for the normal 10 mins, but then when it reaches the time to go off again, it fails to go off and then the snooze time is displayed as 50 minutes (until it reaches that time again for the next hour). I think the white segment does initially show the 10 mins, I've started checking when I hit the snooze button after it happened a few times, but I might be doing something different in my sleep somehow.
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Apr 15, 2010
When i plug my BB into the charger, it recognizes that its charging and automatically switches into "bedside mode" (changes my sound profile, displays the clock, and dims the screen way down). When I unplug my BB, it recognizes that its unplugged, switches out of bedside mode and switches back to my previous sound profile. Does android do this or is there an app that does something like it? I know it sounds lazy, but I'm just used to plugging it in, and the BB doing everything else. BTW, I really hate my BB and excited about the new Incredible.
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Oct 19, 2010
The alarm on my xperia mini is being very temperamental, it usually goes off the first time (although not always), but the main issue is the phone seems to freeze when i press the snooze button. Is anyone else having the same problem, or better still does anyone know how to rectify this problem?
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Feb 13, 2010
I'm looking for a new Alarm Clock/Digital Clock widget because the default one lags. Any suggestions?
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Aug 6, 2010
This morning my alarm started unexpectedly at 6am. The lock screen turned into the snooze/stop screen. Dragging down didn't stop it it.. It came on every ten minutes for the next hour. My alarms were set to 9:45am and 8:30pm as usual. Even turning the phone off and on didn't stop the beeping. It was my 9:45am ringtone even. (The two are set differently)
Anyone else see anything like this? I'm on OTA 2.1
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Apr 28, 2010
im running fabs latest rom and on the phone i have both clock and alarm clock the old app and i think there conflicting cause i have my alarms set in clock but no alarm clock displayed near the time or in the lock screen like it should
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Jul 9, 2009
New to Android 1.5 using one day.
Everything seems to work fine except on starting emulator takes forever then Message :
Application Alarm Clock (in process is not responding.
Tried setting clock for a time but still no go??
Figure the long emulator startup time is do to the alarm clock error.
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Jun 8, 2010
I'm looking for an alarm clock app that has lots of features. I have a HTC incredible.
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Oct 30, 2010
I'm just starting a new post at my job. I need to clock in every hour at different times. Im looking for an app that I can set the alarm to go off at different times over an 8 hour shift. Preferably the app will be free.
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Oct 20, 2010
which one is the best alarm clock?
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Nov 19, 2009
I need some good recommendations for a free alarm clock app. Yes i know i can get dockrunner and use the alarm clock there but i'd rather have a different one.
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm looking for one where I can set many different alarms (including multiple alarms per day). I would also like quite a bit of customization (things like tone length, volume, snooze, etc). I don't mind paying, but I want to make sure I have the best before I fork over for it.
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