Android :: Sorting Out Different Handlers ?

Nov 2, 2010

I want to create multiple handlers that gets triggered based on users selection, but this handlers implement the same runnable method. the only difference is that they call different postDelayed() method. how do i go about achieving this without rewriting the same code for the runnable? i am still not clear about how the handleMessages() works and if it can be used for this?

Android :: sorting out different handlers ?

Android :: Want To Use Handlers To Display Images One By One?

Jul 16, 2010

I want to display the imageviews one by one that means if image1 is displayed after 2 sec another image is displayed .but i don't want to use threads why because my application is small.I want to use handlers.So give me some suggestions.

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Android :: On What Thread Event Handlers Executed?

Nov 7, 2010

On what thread are event handlers (like onAnimationEnd, onTouchEvent, onKeyEvent, onClick) executed? Are they called sequentially or can two handlers may execute simultaneously?

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Android :: ExpatReader DTD Handlers Aren't Supported

Aug 31, 2009

I seem to be having a weird issue when parsing XML from a server. In LogCat the following warning is displayed:08-31 12:05:28.870: WARN/ExpatReader(2031): DTD handlers aren't supported.The parser then seems to stop. I can't figure out what is causing this problem, my approach doesn't seem any different in this instance with regard to parsing XML. Does anyone have any recommendations to fixing this issue?

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Samsung I7500 :: Handlers In Android Programming

Sep 8, 2010

I have got to know that the Handlers are basically used to Run the Small Section of Code and etc...But I didn't got the exact scenerio about when particularly It is Ideal to use the Handlers. Code...

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Android : Way To Attach Event Handlers To Activities?

May 12, 2009

Which is the way to attach the custom event handlers for the activities, in case they support one, when the activity is started using Intent and startActivity() methods. Does intent has a special way to take up the handler callback references. Basically, I wish to handle call end activity after invoking the call activity.

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Android : Multiple Handlers In A Single Activity

May 13, 2010

I've more than one Handlers in an Activity. I create all the handlers in the onCreate() of the main activity. My understanding is the handleMessage() method of each handler will never be called at the same time because all messages are put in the same queue (the Activity thread MessageQueue). Therefore, they will be executed in the order in which are put into the Queue. They will also be executed in the main activity thread. Is this correct ? Code...

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Android :: Have Different Handlers For DrawableLeft And Text Inside TextView?

Oct 9, 2009

I was wondering if it is possible to have different behavior depending on a click on the icon and the text inside a TextView... Any suggestions?

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Android :: Sending An Intent From RuntimeInit Crash Handlers

Dec 2, 2009

I want to send an intent from a crash handler [ crash(String tag, Throwable t) in ] to an activity (stand alone appllication)

I tried to send it from above handler as follows..


But i failed to send an intent to my application..

Can i send an intent to my application fro handlers?

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Android : Multiple Handlers Design In An Activity Failed

May 14, 2010

This question is related to an existing question I asked. I though I'll ask a new question instead of replying back to the other question. Cannot "comment" on my previous question because of a word limit. Marc wrote - I've more than one Handlers in an Activity." Why? If you do not want a complicated handleMessage() method, then use post() (on Handler or View) to break the logic up into individual Runnable. Multiple Handlers makes me nervous. I'm new to Android. Is having multiple handlers in a single activity a bad design ?

I'm new to Android.My question is - is having multiple handlers in a single activity a bad design ? Here is the sketch of my current implementation. I've a mapActivity that creates a data thread (a UDP socket that listens for data).

My first handler is responsible for sending data from the data thread to the activity. On the map I've a bunch of "dynamic" markers that are refreshed frequently. Some of these markers are video markers i.e., if the user clicks a video marker, I add a ViewView that extends a android.opengl.GLSurfaceView to my map activity and display video on this new vide.

I use my second handler to send information about the marker that the user tapped on ItemizedOverlay onTap(int index) method.The user can close the video view by tapping on the video view. I use my third handler for this. I would appreciate if people can tell me what's wrong with this approach and suggest better ways to implement this.

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Android :: General Direction For Bluetooth SPP App With Multiple UI Activities - Multithreading - Handlers)

Sep 15, 2010

I am writing an Application that has multiple layouts with buttons. I have set up onClickListners for the buttons. Some buttons will change the activity and bring up a new layout with new buttons, and others will send outgoing SPP strings over Bluetooth. The strings will be defined in an XML file and will not change (serial commands).I can hard code the MAC address of the Bluetooth Server and only need to send data, not receive.

I am looking for some general guidance on the direction to go as far as setting up my Bluetooth connection and outgoing transmissions. I have looked at the BluetoothChat example extensively but do not have any good resources in the case of multiple activities.

-Do I use a separate activity to manage all Bluetooth transmissions and connections and create handlers for every case where I would send a Bluetooth message?

-Should I add Bluetooth connection+transmission threads in every activity (seems like i would run into issues losing the connection when changing activities)?

-Can I use handlers that are not class specific where the BluetoothService Activity could send whatever was prompted by the active/current activity?

-Could I just hard code all strings to be sent in the BluetoothService Activity and the UI activity could prompt the BluetoothService Activity to send the requested string based on the button click?

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Android :: Last And First Name Sorting In Contacts?

Jun 28, 2010

I was very confused when I looked at the list of my contacts the first ftime after syncing them to the Desire. Only then I realized: this thing is sorting first names first! I find this most annoying and unusual. And worse: I found no setting, yet, that would allow me to choose the sorting.

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Android :: Sorting ListView ?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm only starting with Android dev, and while the Milestone is a nice device Java is not my natural language and I'm struggling with both the Google docs on Android SDK, Eclipse and Java itself. Anyway...

I'm writing a microblog client for Android to go along with my Windows client (MahTweets). At the moment I've got Tweets coming and going without fail, the problem is with the UI.

The initial call will order items correctly (as in highest to lowest)


When a refresh is made


After the tweets are processed, I'm calling adapter.notifyDataSetChanged();

Initially I thought that getItem() on the Adapter needed to be sorted (and the code below is what I ended up with), but I'm still not having any luck.


Is there a better way to go about sorting ListViews in Android, while still being able to use the LayoutInflater? (rowLayout = t.GetParent().GetUI(t, parent, c) expands the UI to the specific view which the microblog implementation can provide)

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Android :: Customised Sorting On Cursor

Sep 7, 2009

I want to do customised sorting on cursor which is returned after query is done. Is it possible to do? Is there any way to do updates on Cursor?

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Android :: Sorting Text Messages

Jun 30, 2010

all text messages appear to sort by thread (in other words by sender). can the droid sort by the date and time they came in? just a list of all text messages without a filter?

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Android :: Market Sorting Options

May 13, 2010

Does anyone else wish that the Android Market had sort options? I know when I browse the Market, I can filter by paid apps vs free apps. That's part-way there... I also want to be able to sort by rating/ranking (# of stars), number of times downloaded, cost, and so on. Also, carry these sort options over to the Search. It's even worse as you have paid and free apps mixed together.

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Android :: Sorting Data By Date ?

Jun 24, 2010

I am sorting my database depending on date. The date field in SQLite is nothing but a string, stored in the form of dd-mm-yyyy. How do i carry out the sorting.

My idea is to create a dummy table.Convert the date in a format yyyymmdd. Then sort it simply using sort by date column.Then again drop the table.

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Android :: Application For Sorting And Categorizing Contacts

Jun 26, 2010

I'm looking for a detailed App for sorting and categorizing all of my contacts. I have 700 phone numbers, and am a junior in college, so needless to say, sometimes it's nice to only see female phone numbers. Also, if there is one where you could sort people by key words like soccer, school, parties, etc. Also, with the Verizon network, is there anyway to send texts to more than ten people at once? Is there anything like that out there available for my droid? Is there a way to sort/edit my contacts on my computer? I feel like it would be much easier.

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Android :: How To Abort Slow Array Sorting

Sep 7, 2010

07.09.2010 16:00, ls02 пишет:

> I sort very long array with Collections.sort method. This is done in a > worker thread. I need to abort the sort. I didn't find how I can do > this, does not seem to allow throwing any exception > and I didn't find how I can set any flag to abort the sort.

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Android :: Updated App Not Showing Up In Market's - By Date Sorting

Jan 23, 2009

I've updated (uploaded a new version) of my app, TimeTracker, twice in the past couple of months, and in both cases, the new upload has not shown up in the "by date" sorted list of the Market app. When I search for the app, I see the correct version in the Market, and I can find it in the correct category by scrolling down; it is just that the updates aren't being correctly sorted.

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Android :: Contact Sorting By Stroke - ICU4C Subdata

Jun 8, 2009

One of the task of we are working on is to enable the Android Contact sorting by stroke for LOCALE zh_TW. It's very easy to enable the contact sorting by Pinyin for zh_CN, but when I take the same method to enable sorting stroke for zh_TW, the sorting result is either sorted by UNICODDE or PinYin. It's very strange. I have investigated the related code located in android_pkgs/external/icu4c/xxx and tried many options but failed to find a wayout. Is there anybody familiar with icu4c or have ever done some work on this topic? Here I'd like to append the steps (mainly on the location android_pkgs/external/icu4c/) I did as reference:

a. append zh_TW into product locales;
b. append the zh_TW support into icu4c/stubdata/
c. taking the cfg-us as example, create a folder cfg-us-zh and append zh_xx related 'zh_xxx.res' files;
d. ./ us-zh will generate a updated icudt38l-us-zh.dat;
e. recompile Android to launch emulator -EOM-

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Android :: Quert And Sorting Update Of Content Provider

Jun 14, 2009

I implement ProviderTestCase2 to test my content provider functions. And when I insert huge number (about 10000) of data, the insert, delete and update functions are fine. But the query function will have SQLiteDiskIOOException: disk I/O error. And the data number limit of causing the exception is about 5000. Is it bug of content provider?

And there is another problem. Each of my data has different priority. When I sort my data by priority, its no problem. But when I change priority of some data and then sorting again. Sometimes I will get incorrect result and I'm sure its not logical problem of test program.

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Android :: Sorting Bookmarks / Contacts Or Any Other Content Provider / Resolver

Sep 27, 2010

Is it possible to actually re-sort an Android SQL DB? for example, I want to resort the Bookmarks DB. I can query the data and sort it with "Browser.BookmarkColumns.TITLE + " ASC" in the query but this will only sort the list shown to the user and will not sort the DB itself. Therefore, if a user uses my app to sort the Bookmarks by Title(ASC) and then goes to the Android Browser Bookmarks - the order will remain default (other than the one selected on my app).

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Android :: Sorting Results When Autocomplete Matches Multiple Columns In SQL

Oct 27, 2009

I've run into an issue with an autocomplete field I'm working on.The field I'm working with is composed of the form "<NAME> (<CODE>)".When a user starts typing in text, I want to display any results that match either NAME or CODE.For example, if this list contains items and their codes, like "Personal Computer (PC)", then I'd want the list to pop up that row if the user types "P", "PC", "Per", etc.However, the problem I'm running into now is how to best sort the results that come back from this.For example, If someone enters "PC", I want "Personal Computer (PC)" to be the first result. However, if there's another row (you'll have to bear with me as this is contrived) "PC Case (301)", then there's no simple ordering I can do on the results to ensure that the best match appears first. Ordering by name and code both returns PC Case first.I want a query where it returns the best match first, rather than items in alphabetical order.Is there such a function I can use in SQLite to get this, or should I return the results and then mess with the order in the code?

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Android :: Froyo Support For Japanese Contact Sorting Status?

Sep 3, 2010

Can anyone tell me about the Japanese phonebook sorting status in Android contacts? Does froyo support AKASATANA and Yomigana?

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Android :: Sorting My ArrayAdapter Doesn't Change My Data Source

Sep 14, 2010

I am having a weird issue. I have an ArrayAdapter which I am sorting. This displays properly on my screen, however when I check the actual data source, the contents have not been sorted. How can I ensure that sorting my ListAdapter will also sort my data source?


This shows that my data source hasn't been updated, even though my ListAdapter presents my ListView in the correctly sorted order.

For example:
If my data source is [10,9,1,20] after sorting my ListView will show [1,9,10,20] but the data source will still be [10,9,1,20]

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HTC EVO 4G :: Sorting People (Contacts) - Last- First Or First- Last

Jun 8, 2010

On the Nexus One and I guess non-SenseUI, I could change how my contacts were sorted, "last, first" or "first last". On the EVO, I can't seem to do that. But on Favorites in the 9x grid, it sorts them "first last".

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HTC EVO 4G :: Unbelievable - No Last Name Contact Sorting

Aug 3, 2010

Just updated both EVO's to Froyo and I'm aghast. I still can't sort contacts Lastname, Firstname. This is such basic functionality that is missing from this phone.

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Samsung Captivate :: Sorting It All Out

Jul 23, 2010

I am coming from the iPhone camp and got the Captivate to replace my old iPhone 3g. So i am used to, and spoiled by the mindless simplicity of using it. I have spent all most all day, every day since monday, when I got this thing trying to get it to work how I want it to work. The phone came with a HORRIBLE "user guide" that was 5 pages long and show you really only how to put the battery in, and make a simple call. The 140pg PDF one i found on line was still of little help, and samsung support is just rediculous. It seems pretty crappy to me to expect the user to have to do so much second hand research to use their product.

1. Kies is garbage, I havent been able to get it to work. When it finally did detect the phone, it said it need a new driver and it has been at "installing driver 0%" for 3 days, I tried double twist, which is really quirky, but finally got music on my phone, but had to create playlists via the phone as it ignored the ones I made in doubletwist... During the syncing, the phone would randomly connect/disconnect over and over and over, finally it went thru.. Is there any better way to get music on the phone...............

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HTC Desire :: Bookmarks Not Sorting By Most Used?

Apr 2, 2010

Has anyone else an issue with their bookmarks not sorting by 'most used'?

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