Android :: Wifi GetScanResults() On Emulator

Jul 27, 2010

Is there a solution for getting getScanResults() work on the emulator . All i want is to read the access point that is been set on the phone. If not possible to read the actual values i can hard code the values that are to be returned by getScanResults. Kindly let me if you have the solution .

Android :: Wifi getScanResults() on Emulator

Android :: WifiManager.getScanResults() Reports Out-fo-date Values After AP Settings Changed

Dec 3, 2009

After changing the settings of the wireless router(SSID, frequency, securities) Android won't report the correct values until you reboot your android device!

Does anyone know any workarounds of this?

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Android :: Simulate WiFi In Emulator?

Oct 13, 2009

I would like to check from my app whether the device has WiFi connectivity, but in order to do that, I must first find a way to get "WiFi" in the emulator. Just going to Settings -> Wireless controls -> Wifi says Unable to start Wi-Fi, while logcat says:How can I simulate WiFi connectivity in the emulator?

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Android :: Weather Emulator And WiFi Support?

Apr 11, 2009

Can anyone tell me weather emulator support WiFi.

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Android :: Make Emulator Access Web When PC Is On WiFi

Nov 2, 2010

I just realized that my emulator can't access the web. My computer runs on WiFi and perhaps the emulator isn't able to detect it. how to get it working? emulator isn't running on Airplane mode.

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Android :: WiFi In Emulator - Create A Local Connection

Jan 31, 2009

I've been trying to create a local connection to a computer with a Socket from the emulator thinking that it would automagically uses a emulated wifi connection. It doesn't work, in particular because wifi is not supported on the emulator:

- Does a Socket connection automatically choose the fastest connection (the wifi one if it exists).

- Why wifi not supported by the emulator? Will it be?

For those in countries still not blessed by the grace of having the possibility to buy a Gphone, that can be useful...

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Android :: WiFi Emulator - Scan - Discover Hot-Spots Or WLAN's

Mar 17, 2009

I am currently doing my Bachelor Project concerning Android Programming.

Therefore i need a possibility to SCAN/DISCOVER Hot-Spots or WLAN's where i can connect to.

In many topics i have read, that the EMULATOR does NOT support WiFi scan with WiFiManager. I also tried using ConnectivityManager or BroadcastReceiver. But it doesn't ever work.

So my question ist the following - is it CORRECT that the emulator does not support any kind of WLAN Scan/Discovery? I need as many comments on this as possible - because only if its REALLY true, that the emulator does not provide WIFI functioanlity, then i can ask for buying a Dev Phone.

And if so, WHY there is no WiFi support within the emulator...?

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Android :: App Works On WiFi In Debug Mode Or On Emulator Not On Cell Network

Jul 9, 2010

I have an android application that parses some HTML, downloads an image, and displays it. I'm using an AsyncTask to do the HTML parsing and image downloading, but that shouldn't be relevant. I never have a problem when I'm on WiFi on my phone, when I'm using the Eclipse debugger on my phone, or when I'm using the emulator. When I have my phone on the cell network (even with pretty good reception), the image sometimes fails to display. I'm having a hard time figuring out what is wrong, since the problem cannot be reproduced in the debugger. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?

Update: I have narrowed it down to the image downloading function. This way my original code:.......................

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Android :: How To Disable - Enable Network - Switch To Wifi In Android Emulator

Jun 9, 2010

I'm working on a Push Notifications library for Android ( that needs to take action if network connectivity is interrupted or changed - namely, it needs to re-initiate a server connection or pause its operation until network connectivity is available. This seems to work fine using and Android BroadcastReceiver for "".

My problem is in testing the library - I would like to automatically test the library's response to a broken network connection, or a transition from 3G to WiFi, under various configuration conditions. The problem is, I don't want to sit with the emulator and hit F8 all day.

Is there a way to programmatically manipulate network connections on Android from within a jUnit test without resorting to toggling Airplane Mode? I've already tried issuing commands to the emulator via the console, manipulating the GSM mode, etc, but while the phone state changes on the display, the Internet connection remains up.

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Android :: SQLite - Works Perfect In 1.6 Emulator - Won't Work On The Phone - 2.2 - Or 2.0 - Emulator

Aug 6, 2010

I created a sqlite database to store playlists for a media player I am developing because of extended feature (rather than using the Content Provider). It works perfectly on the 1.6 emulator but FCs on anything higher than 2.0... what has changed that I need to know about as far as opening databases in SDK 2.0+? Here is the logcat.


Here is the dbhelper class


why can't stackoverflow just use tags like a normal syntax highlighter.

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Android :: Unable To Play Youtube Videos On SDK 1.5 Emulator - But Playing Well On SDK 1.0 Emulator

May 19, 2009

Unable to play youtube videos on SDK 1.5 emulator - but playing well on SDK 1.0 emulator. Can you update the source....

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Android :: Emulator - ERROR - User Data Image Is Used By Another Emulator

Apr 13, 2010

Finally strace gave me this:


And several other attempts to call "link" that also fail (sshfs does not support hard links).

Is it possible to change the emulator's behavior to create lock files somewhere in /tmp (using some hash of image path as lock file name)? I am OK to try this myself: which repositories from are necessary to rebuild the emulator alone, and where in the sources is the code responsible for image locks?

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Android :: Emulator - SDK 1.1_r1 For Widndows XP - Crash Using Emulator -data

Apr 20, 2009

I need to run several emulator instances to test my application. When i try to run instances using emulator -data <path> option, the emulator crashes.

I got a MS Visual Studio window informing that emulator throws a "unhandled win32 exception".

The exception message in the debugger (MS Visual Studio 2008) is: "Unhandled exception at 0x77c4706c in emulator.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x03216848"

The emulator runs normally without "-data" option.

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Android :: Emulator Error - User Data Image Is Used By Another Emulator

Nov 1, 2010

I am getting the following error when I try running my program in the emulator:

emulator: ERROR: the user data image is used by another emulator. aborting`

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Android :: Application In Emulator Without Restarting Emulator In Eclipse?

Apr 8, 2009

Is there a way to reload an Android application in the emulator without closing the emulator, saving any code changes, and running the emulator again? If I make even a simple change to the layout, it takes about 30 seconds by time I run it in Eclipse and Android "boots", and I can unlock the emulator to run the application. Is there any way to shorten this time when making changes, or is it something I just have to deal with?

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Android :: Start-emulator Task Never Gets Emulator Running

Mar 16, 2010

I downloaded the most recent version of Android for linux (android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz). I was trying to use the the Android Ant task(s) for packaging, building, and deploying my code. I should mention that I'm running AMD64, but have the 32-bit libraries installed. The Android Ant tasks are all broken.

First, the start-emulator task never gets the emulator running. It does get past starting adb, but then just sits there.

Second, the SDK is missing the aapt binary in the tools directory. So, the example notepad sample application will not even package correctly.

I have all the dependencies configured for Android. I can run it from the command line just fine.I assume the Ant code is out of sync with the recent SDK updates. Can anyone shed some light on this problem? At this point, I'm considering writing my own Python scripts to interact with the Android SDK. Ugh.

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Android :: Send MMS From One Emulator To Another Emulator

Sep 24, 2010

In my dummy application i want to send MMS. But i don't know how to check it.I know that we can send SMS from one emulator to another but, is it possible for MMS? If yes then how it can be done.

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Android :: Android Emulator - Receive SMS Sent From Emulator On Port

Feb 10, 2010

I intend to use the Android Emulator to send/receive SMS. I send SMS to the emulator using the sms send command. I'm aware of emulators being able to converse with each other over SMS but would it possible to receive that the SMS reply sent from an Android Emulator on a external TCP port?

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Jelly Bean :: Android 4.3 - Restricted Profiles - Disable WiFi Entirely / Turn Off WiFi

Sep 24, 2013

I don't own an Android 4.3 tablet yet but I need to know the following things.I wanted to restrict my device so that a user is unable to change any settings (in particular turn on/off WiFi) and disable all applications except one.How strict is the restriction?

If I disable all apps except one what will the restricted user be able to do?

In an ideal scenario I'd like the restricted user to do only 3 things:

a) turn the tablet on/off

b) turn the application of my choosing on/off

c) all other options would be disabled

d) the restricted user should NOT see any data of the administrator

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Android :: Sharing Wifi With Bluetooth Or Wifi?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a single user access to a Wifi device on my macbook. I'd like to use my HTC evo and sisters iPhone on the Wifi also. Is there any way I can broadcast the wifi from one of my devices. I know if I had my laptop hardwired I could share the Wifi, but I've not found anything to do Wifi to Wifi. or Wifi to Bluetooth. Any know, I don't have data plans on the cell phones as I am out of town.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Wifi Won't Reconnect Automatically When In Range Or By Enabling Wifi

Sep 8, 2010

It's done this twice now (before and after factory reset). 2.1 OTA, not rooted.

Whenever I turn on the wifi, or I become in range of my WPA2 network, it doesn't always connect. I say "always" because it seems to be random. If I toggle wifi on or off, it doesn't always connect. Sometimes it connects after 30+ seconds. Every other device connects just fine.

The only sure way to get it to connect is to force it to rescan, usually by going to Settings and displaying all SSIDs in range. THEN it connects, always and immediately.

The even sillier thing is, it will alert me of open networks, but never connect to my own saved network.

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HTC Hero :: Wifi App Takes Long Time To Connect To Home Wifi

Dec 29, 2009

My Hero takes a long time to connect to my home wifi. I usually go in to the settings and hit "Scan" repeatedly before it connects. Sometimes it fails connect, and I have to go into Settings to try again. Is there a way/app to scan automatically or re-attempt to connect again? Maybe there's something I'm not thinking of?

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Android :: WIFI To WIFI Connectivity

Nov 24, 2010

I want to transfer messages from the android device to desktop application. My question is that can i connect the android WiFi device with the desktop WiFi device without any use of internet connection. I want to use it just like the Bluetooth. is this possible or not? if it is possible then how can i implement it?

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Samsung Vibrant :: WiFi Speeds Over Barnacle WiFi Hotspot

Aug 28, 2010

So I decided to actually try out Barnacle today, as I've had it installed for a couple days now. Set my options, started it, and connected with an older Acer laptop that a co-worker had at the office. Here are the speeds I got from the local San Diego, CA server...

5.13Mb down
1.37Mb up

Wow...that's phenominal for a mobile device!

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HTC Desire :: WiFi Connection Not Working After Using WiFi Hotspot?

Oct 8, 2010

I decided to try the WiFi hotspot available through 2.2. GREAT! Actually worked quite a bit better than I thought it would. Only trouble is, ... now I'm back at home, it fails to connect to the home network.

+ Restarting phone
+ Re-entering password
+ Forgetting network + refinding

WiFi sees the network, says "Connecting", comes up "Failed to connect", "Scanning" and loops on that sequence. I know the router's working because this laptop is using it right now

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HTC Incredible :: Phone Switched To Wifi In A Wifi Spot / Can Use?

Jun 19, 2010

I have read all I can about using the Inc overseas and am confused. If the phone is switched to WiFi in a WiFi spot, can you use the phone? I have read that Verizon put some sort of restrictions on it, but I'm not savvy enough to understand it all. My daughter is in the Coast Guard and we both have DInc's. She goes to places like Star Bucks in other countries that offers WiFi and we would LOVE to be able to text each other with our phones. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Motorola Droid :: Wifi Issues After Applying Wifi - On 2.2

Jun 8, 2010

I'm using the latest Wifi Fix and OverClock kernel for 2.2 Froyo, but I'm still having issues randomly disconnecting from the wireless network... The wifi signal shows 0/3 bars even when sitting right in front of the router.

Froyo Overclocked Kernels includes *wifi* fix is where I got my kernel. I've been overclocking to 1200 GHz.

This is where I got my ROM (it was updated today) Download: Newer Motorola Droid Froyo Leak FRF57 | Droid Life: A Motorola Droid Blog

Even under the wireless network now, it says "Disabled, secured with 802.1x EAP"

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Samsung Captivate :: Error Starting Wifi Scan - Or Unable To Scan For Wifi Access

Aug 16, 2010

phones worked good other then gps issue. recently after iv had the phone for 30 days it just stopped scanning for wifi access and wont turn on wifi at all.

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HTC Eris :: Terminal Emulator Or Better Terminal Emulator?

Mar 23, 2010

I know root is new for the eris but what do you guys perfer. The one cost 3.99 in the market and the other is free. Is there a difference?

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HTC Desire :: O2 Desire - Cant Disble Wifi - Wifi Not Connecting Properly Either

May 24, 2010

I'm having to move networks from Virgin back to o2.

I'll be returning the Virgin Desire and just received the o2 Desire today.

Setting it up went well, accounts added etc. but I'm having trouble with the WiFi - I can't disable it, every time I do it switches itself back on - I'm assuming that's something to do with the o2 firmware and it wouldn't be a big deal if the WiFi worked properly

I set it to install all my apps, but wouldn't over Wifi, only over 3G, I can't browse the internet or check for software updates in settings... I've got 2 email accounts set up - Gmail & Exchange (just as I did on the other handset), and it's just told me it can't sync to the Exchange server now though it seems to have been fine so far...

Yet I've just sent myself a test email over WiFi successfully - it appeared straight away in the webmail and then back on the handset, so some part of it's working...

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