Android :: Way To Run Full Phone Device Rom Inside Emulator?
Jul 2, 2010As the title says, it is possible to run a full android device rom inside the Android emulator?
View 2 RepliesAs the title says, it is possible to run a full android device rom inside the Android emulator?
View 2 RepliesI'm getting my Dinc replaced under warrantee due to dust under the screen and the camera lens starting to fall off for no reason. I want to back up the device as completely as possible, but the main thing I want are the apps. I have a lot of apps and it'd be a pain to re-download all of them. What is the best way of doing this? Is there an app or...?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working on a compute intensive app for Android. I do not have any device yet to test performance. However, the performance on emulator is a bit slower than expected. I see an old question about some estimation of emulator vs device. What are your experiences while developing apps with recent SDK Froyo/2.2. Is performance observed on emulator is slower than actual device. Please share your experience and the specs of your dev machine and mobile devices, both.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have this strange problem with GPS. Inside the emulator,it displays the initial value but it does not update the value. This is what I am doing.I run my application and then go to DDMS,load the KML file and then click play.I am using android sdk:1.5_r3.This is the code I am using: package com.cameraExample..........
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have developed and tested my app on the emulator, and now want to install it on my HTC device. the apk installs successfully, however my database is not going with it. I have created my database using sqliteman browser b/c I have to insert a bulk data before the app starts. I have four tables in my db and call each in different activities and created all on the sqliteman. after the data is inserted I pull back the db onto the data folder of the emulator. it works perfect on the emulator but failed on the device. when I try to pull my db on the real device, it shows access denied problem
View 2 Replies View RelatedYouTube - Droid X Snes Emulator Playing Through HDMI on a Samsung TV Using a Wii Remote in 3D and HD!
View 20 Replies View RelatedMy application required to draw image on full screen. now the phone screen size will be different. So will i have to make different image for each phone or i can use just one image and it can display on full screen in any device.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm on gs2 I9100 cyanogenmod 9 and can't find a solution to encrypt internal databases like sms, call logs, contacts... ( so in /data).
No problems with documents in container created by luksmanager. But i wonder is it possible to make a sort of preboot script who mount after correct passphrase a luks container who is symlinked in /data ? Because android ics built in encryption installation stop at beginning.
Is there now new method or app to encrypt full or partial phone? Maybe new encryption function or improvement in JB? Pattern/face unlock fixed?
I'm from India and we do not have full play store. As soon as I login even when using USA VPN, play store shows me only apps and not the full version. as soon as i logout i can again view full play store.
Till 2 days ago I was able to access full site after login. On same PC when I use my brother's id I can see full play store. Something wrong with my account. It seems like Google has blocked my account for these services. M not able to make any purchases other than from App section.
How to know if the application is running on emulator or on a real device? I want to implement a function to detect wifi connection. If the application is running on emulator, just skip the wifi detection, while on real device, the wifi connection check should be done. how to do that?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI've been a couple of days trying to solve this thing but I can'f figure it out.The problem is, simple activity, with simple layout, ScrollView -> LinearLayout -> and a lot of buttons inside the layout (within the scroll content). Everything works just fine but one tricky thing. When I click a button let's say at the top of the scroll content and inmediatelly I scroll down to the bottom of the content and I click other button there, nothing happens until I click a second time and all come to normal again.This can be reproduced anytime and it's code independent (i've tried more than 20 scenarios). I've not much experience in android yet but looks like the scroll listener stops the onclick listener or something like that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAm developed one application .The UI get varying differently in emulator and device.the correct ui displayed in emulator but in device the button size, spinner size,text view all changing deterrently in device.So i have to change some modification in xml file according to the device visibility. any one help me How can i fixed the same xml for device and emulator which both UI display cannot change.what are the things i have to include in my project to fix the same display for emulator and device.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI developed a game. On the emulator (not froyo) I am getting like less than 10 fps. But on my Nexus One with froyo I am getting 50 fps. Is this normal? Which one should I trust, I want my game to perform good on phones without froyo
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just used this getDeviceId() to retrieve the unique id of the phone, but in the emulator it gives 00000000 when I try to display it. I know it makes sense to do that but can I spoof a device id for testing purposes. I need to setup about 4 -5 android devices in my emulator to check the functionality of the app that I have written, and the entire app revolves around the unique id of the mobile device. I just feel, maybe it should be there in the DDMS but I am not able to figure it out.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen trying to run my application on the emulator I get an error from the activitymanager: ActivityManager: Error type 3 My activity exists, is listed in the manifest (in fact, its the MAIN launcher activity).
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo the title may be a bit hard to comprehend but the gist of it is that I turned on full device encryption and since then when I transfer the pics off the phone to a computer they cannot be viewed. The message I get is corrupted metadata, the sizes on them seem right, I have not tried to view the exif data through a utility yet to see what exactly is corrupted.
I can still see the pics on the device, and share them online, but when I copy them off of the device they are broken. I've tried a couple of jpg recovery tools without any luck.
Most similar posts I've seen related to this is a corrupted sd cared (but this is on the internal one and only started after I turned encryption on).
And to confuse things a bit more, if I email the pic off it works correctly. So the problem seems to be just directly pulling them off the device, or browsing them when they are on the phone but connected to a machine. Same thing happens in linux and windows with various software.
If one enables full device encryption in Ice Cream Sandwich, am I correct in assuming that that the internal SD of that device is now not going to be available in the CWM recovery mode? And even if it was, the root fs would not be available? If so, this pretty much would make CWM flashing your device near impossible?
Does CWM even work if you use FDE? Or is it planned/
The question I guess is, when do you input your encryption password? Is it some pre-boot step?
I really want to enable device encryption but I can't find enugh details on how it works.
So I've been extremely frustrated by this for a long time now.I've posted before, but can't seem to find a good solution. My goal is to have something pretty much exactly like the installed application details page in the Android Market.I need a list of items displayed along with other content above the list, and would like the content above to scroll up along with the list (exactly like the application details does for the "My Review" and other descriptive info).Due to responses to my previous posts, I came to believe that it really wasn't possible to do this with a ListView.So rather than using a ListView, I refactored my code to use a simple LinearLayout and add individual View items to the list, thinking I could just set each View as clickable and add an OnClickListener to each View in the LinearLayout.That's not working at all though, and now I'm getting even more frustrated.If someone can help me get the OnClickListener working, then I think it'll work, but I do need a separator for the LinearLayout.How do I add a separator like the one used for ListView to my LinearLayout?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI created a sqlite database to store playlists for a media player I am developing because of extended feature (rather than using the Content Provider). It works perfectly on the 1.6 emulator but FCs on anything higher than 2.0... what has changed that I need to know about as far as opening databases in SDK 2.0+? Here is the logcat.
Here is the dbhelper class
why can't stackoverflow just use tags like a normal syntax highlighter.
Is there a way to check if our code is running in the emulator vs a real device? I'm using a Map View which requires a signing key. I'm using the signature of the eclipse debug key when running on the emulator, but this won't work when I build a release version. I think I need to have a check to see if I'm running on a real device, and set it to the real release key at that time.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to actually simulate a vibrator device inside the emulator .A timed_output driver for the vibrator was created and i am able to access the node at /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable that is specified as THE_DEVICE in the vibrator.c file at hardware/ libhardware/vibrator/.The driver is tested to work from the kernel below. I ran into some issue while trying to invoke the driver from a user level app.I just added these two lines and created an app.
vibrator = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE); vibrator.vibrate(10000);
when i created an .apk and ran it i could see the following messages in Logcat.......................
I am working on an application where i will track the movement of the android device inside a building... suppose i display a map of the building in the android emulator... Now,i need to simulate the movement of the android device.... is there a way in which i can control the movement of the android device and see the real time movement of the device in the map ... like a dot moving in the map .... Is this possible to do using the android emulator? when i googled this requirement, i came across SensorSimulator...But,this software shows the acceleration,magnetic field and temperature values... It doesnt display the co-ordinate values....
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using the 1.5 SDK. I read in 1.0 that rotating the device would cause onCreate() to be called in our apps (possibly recreating the entire app?). Is there a way to test rotating the device in the emulator? I just want to see what happens, I don't have a device to test this. Will the behavior be the same for 1.5 as it was in 1.0?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a simple way to detect that your code is running on the android emulator and not on a real device? I want to work around differences between emulator + real, e.g. with respect to network connectivity detection.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know we can communicate between 2 instances of Emulator. But Is it possible to communicate between the a read Device and Emulator?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've launched emulator with -dpi-device option. But any icon size is not changed. Is there other options I must apply?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am developing an application which I need to test in Samsung I9000 whose resolution is 480*800. But when I try to create a AVD Emulator with 480*800 resolution, I am getting a very big resolution. How to get the screen resolution of Emulator similar to Device.
I will be waiting for valuable reply.
Did anyone encounter this problem? Particularly, I have a dialog style themes for a few activities and these come up as expected on the emulator, but are full screen on the device. The theme I a using is actually an extension of the basic dialog theme (Theme.Dialog). I did not check with the original one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am wondering where is APN setting stored in emulator/devices. and what's its file format, in xml or anything else?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to know if my application is running on the emulator or on the device ?
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