Android :: Understanding Parameters Of Images?
Feb 17, 2009
I am trying the FaceDetector class using the code as shown in the following link: Everything works fine as far as the activity drawing the bitmaps is concerned but I haven't had any success in getting Android to recognize a face. Has anyone tried this feature? Could anyone please help in understanding the parameters of the images to use or please post a link to some image that has worked for them?
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Mar 26, 2010
I'm not fully understanding Sense UI. What makes Sense UI so relevant, or not relevant? What exactly is it?
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May 14, 2009
I need some help to understand the use of permission-group tag in AndroidManifest files. Is there any need of using permission-group and what benefit offers this grouping? Is there a plus security using it? Does anyone know an example when to use it?
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Jul 22, 2010
I'm trying to wrap my head around activities and how they begin and end in Android. I've read what the Developer Guide has to say regarding activities and I'm still a little fuzzy on how I should appropriately handle their navigation in my application. As an example, say I have a main activity that starts a secondary activity. Once the secondary activity has completed it's purpose, I want to close it and return to the main activity. I recall having read that the activity stack was just that, a stack of activities that are pushed and popped. So I assumed that calling finish on the secondary activity would return me to my existing main activity. Calling finish on the secondary activity didn't actually do anything, visibly at least. Is there further reading that anyone can recommend to me? Chris Stewart
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Dec 3, 2009
I'm having trouble with my activities when they go in the background. I have two activities, A and B. Only A can launch B (manifest copied below).This is very confusing. It's like Android knows my app is running, and puts a new instance of A on top of the old B instance running. I'd just expect that the application gets paused in-place, and whenever the user hits the app icon again, it just picks up where it left off (in this case, just show B again!) Below is the manifest, and the activity classes for this test are completely empty (except A which has a button to launch B).
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Mar 1, 2010
I am having trouble understanding content providers in Android. Do you use intents to call content providers as well as managed queries?
Also, an activity has an intent filter. The intent filter has a element which has a mimeType attribute. How does Android know which content provider this mimetype is referring to?
The tag in the manifest just lists an authority but not the full content_uri. Further, the content_uri is typically defined in an encapsulated class that seems to only consist of constants but no methods, so I don't see how that links over to the content provider class.
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Mar 25, 2010
I am trying to understand the use of the broadcast receiver and the way of activate it. There's two ways isn't it? Register it from an activity or declare it in the manifest. So my question is: If I code a broadcast receiver which is watching incoming messages and I register it in the manifest, when a message comes my broadcast receiver will catch it automatically although any activity of my app had registered it. In a nutshells, I don't have to activate it so it works, only register it either in the manifest or in an activity.
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May 19, 2010
I'm attempting to add four controls to a layout; <label> <text> <seek> <radio> I want the seek widget to occupy all the available screen space between the edittext control and the radio control. However if I give it the value android:layout_width="wrap_content" only a small seek control is displayed and if I set the value to fill_parent it overwrites the radio control. I would have thought there would be a mechanism to occupy the free space between the text and radio controls dynamically. The xml file I am using is below You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
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Jan 20, 2010
Trying to replicate the behavior of ItemizedOverlay.boundCenterBottom(), inside of one of my Overlay classes. I am fairly certain that I can do this using setBounds(), but I am utterly lost as to what setBounds() is actually doing.
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May 9, 2010
The core of this Widget is an AppWidgetProvider which registers a ContentObserver to the CallLog content URI. This means that my widget is updated every time a call (incoming, outgoing, missed) is recorded. This works fine for a while, until *something happens* and my ContentObserver stops getting called (no error message seen in trace). I would rather that this ContentObserver persisted until the user removes the Widget.
I am guessing that my JVM has been destroyed (due to low memory?), ContentObserver garbage collected and/or ContentObserver unregistered (or just pointing to nothing), but I don't know how to debug this without restarting my code (and thereby re-registering). I can hide this bug by periodically re-registering my Content provider, but I would rather understand the cause and have a more optimal solution..............
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Aug 4, 2010
My device is a Nexus One with 2.2 and I have tested two projects, one on 1.5 and one on 2.1. Problem: I have trouble to understand the life cycle of my application when the screen is turned off and on. Here is my output
// activity starts
08-04 17:24:17.643: ERROR/PlayActivity(6215): onStart executes ...
08-04 17:24:17.643: ERROR/PlayActivity(6215): onResume executes ...
// screen goes off
08-04 17:24:28.943: ERROR/PlayActivity(6215): onPause executes ...
08-04 17:24:32.113: ERROR/PlayActivity(6215): onStop executes ...
08-04 17:24:32.113: ERROR/PlayActivity(6215): onDestroy executes ...
08-04 17:24:32.983: ERROR/PlayActivity(6215): onStart executes .....................
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Oct 6, 2010
I am a beginner in writing Android apps and would like to be a part of the group to get a more in depth understanding.
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Jan 11, 2010
the app I'm trying to implement allows the user to select a sound file (MP3 or WAV) to play at a specific date and time showing a dialog with a progress bar and an OK/Cancel button allowing the user to stop the playing of the sound file. I want it to behave something like the countdown apps I've seen or even the built-in alarm clock app. As I'm implementing this simple (I thought!) app, I'm trying to better understand the platform and make the application conform to the Android way.
As I've been writing the app, I learn more about how things are supposed to work on the Android platform. And here's where I'm getting a bit confused. During my attempts to get the alarm to fire and display, I'm learning that properly formed Android applications are not supposed to show dialogs as a result of a background service or broadcast receiver being invoked through Android's alarm service. Instead, I think, the app is supposed to use a notification on the status bar to alert the user. The user then has the option to look at the notification to see what the app is trying to tell them..............
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Nov 2, 2009
I'm basically using the same method of loading bitmaps in OpenGL that the SpriteMethodTest example uses and have been unable to get rid of an annoying outline that appears around all of my images.
For example, If I were to load an image of a white circle on a white background, I would expect to see nothing. Instead, I would see my circle because its edge would be gray. In SpriteMethodTest, I replaced the background image with white and was able to see that the edges of the android images flying around also don't seem to be rendered correctly.
Does anyone know how to load images in OpenGL without having a thin outline appear around the images?
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Jun 25, 2009
Can someone please explain how to understand a logcat from an android force close. This crash occurs when I called finish() in the onPause(). Here is the DDMS screenshot
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Jun 13, 2009
I see this example of MenuCallback code, but i don't understand where is the reference 'ImageManager.IImage image' comes from? How is that image get created and passed it to MemuCallback?
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Aug 26, 2010
First and foremost, are there many android developers here? Is this a good place for Android related discussions?I seem to be missing a rather large concept of Android development. The gist is I am struggling understanding how to tie an application together. I'm not sure how to explain it, so I thought I would do my best with an example from the Android ApiDemo... assuming you are familiar with it.
Inside the namespace of the ApiDemo, there is a class called inherits the activity class and there is some code inside to display animation.I can't find a reference to the class (Animation3) anywhere in the demo code (except for its definition obviously). The only mention I found is in the manifest xml file. So how the heck does this activity get started? Don't we need to create an instance of the class somewhere and fire off a method to start it? I don't understand how to generate the code that ultimately glues this class to the rest of the application.Additionally, what about other classes like views or viewgroups? How do I generate code outside the class that initiates/starts/uses/calls (insert proper term) the class.I would appreciate any code examples as well as any concept explanation or reference documents. So far I've read pages and pages on activities and views but I'm really struggling how to tie things together.
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Dec 21, 2009
I had posted a similar thread a while back and received no feedback, so let me try to be more clear.I am able to use Androids components to build the most basic layouts, which include images, buttons, text areas, etc. These are like Android Lego! I can build the castle. BUT I want to design my own component, my own Lego, that draws on the screen and uses the available area that the Android components have not used. ie, I want to have a top layer of buttons, and the rest of the screen, whatever it is, I want to use to draw 2d graphics. So, I want to make my own Lego, and use it with the other Android Lego. However, I'm also trying to be a good developer and making this for whatever resolution is thrown my way. What is the best way to do this considering the deluge of different resolutions Android developers must cope with? Is there a way to do a table view and return the remaining screen size? Or, am I stuck making an entire new box of Lego here?
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Aug 7, 2010
What concepts in desktop application development (e.g. Java, WPF, Cocoa) are closest to Android's fundamental concepts like Activity, ActivityGroup, and Intent? (And what are the nuances to how they differ?)
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Apr 6, 2010
I'm working to convert some background images to nine patch so they scale better on different phones.
The problem is that if I have the following resource structure: drawable-hdpi/background.png drawable-hdpi/button.png drawable-mdpi/background.png drawable-mdpi/button.png drawable-ldpi/background.png drawable-ldpi/button.png and then I drop a new drawable-hdpi/background.9.png file into the mix, it breaks button.png during the pre-compile. The error is "No resource found that matches the given name (at 'background' with value '@drawable/button').Simply removing that one nine patch file fixes the build. Should I be able to have some nine patch images and some normal ones, or to have nine patch only in hdpi but not mdpi or ldpi? This is Eclipse 3.5.1 with the latest ADT.
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Jan 19, 2010
Trying to make an google maps overlay in an android program. Inside of my overlay's draw method, I have two ways of adding a pin. One of them works, and one does not. Unfortunately, the one that does not work is also the only one that has the ability to add a shadow!
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Jun 17, 2010
I am working on an app that has multiple tabs. In the first tab the user will enter values. In the other tabs it will display the results of calculations based off of those values.
Like in tab 1, the user will enter "3" and "2". In tab 2, the program will add them and display "5".
In tab 2 how do I access the ints "3" and "2"?
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Apr 20, 2010
In requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, this); if I put time interval and distance as zero, will this work, or shall I need to give a value greater than zero.
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Mar 2, 2009
I'm programming an Activity that launches a second one through startActivity just like in the Forwarding example. The main difference is that I'd like to pass some data to the second Activity when starting it, for example an item selected in a list owned by the first Activity. I can't find how to do that. Am I missing something? I guess I do.
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Dec 15, 2009
Im using ksoap2 to call web .net services. The call works just fine except when I pass paramaters. The passed paramaters are always recieved as null values by the web service. I dont know what the problem is, I hope someone can help.
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Oct 8, 2009
I want to use default Android credentials for specific phone to pass authentication test in Google Apps, but documentation is terrible :-(, and worst of all I'm a newbie. Anyone have a idea how to do it? There are some apache libs for it, but as I mentioned documentation is very weak. Here is reference to this class.
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Oct 6, 2009
I want to use default user login/pwd in my app. Do you know how can I have access to this data?
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Feb 18, 2010
This link describes how to search the Android Market for apps using various parameters:
I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to format a link for my apps published by my company using this format. For searching by developer name, the doc says to use the following format:
market://search?q=pub:<Developer Name>
It also says it returns exact matches only. My publisher name is "Polyclef Software". I guess I'm wondering why Google can't make a market search feature that searches for substrings in the publisher's name, but aside from that, how am I supposed to format the link? Neither of the following work:
market://search?q=pub:Polyclef Software market://search?q=pub:Polyclef+Software
I've tried a number of variations now and nothing works.
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Jun 2, 2010
I have a HTTP GET request that I am attempting to send. I tried adding the parameters to this request by first creating a BasicHttpParams object and adding the parameters to that object, then calling setParams( basicHttpParms ) on my HttpGet object. This method fails. But if I manually add my parameters to my URL (i.e. append '?param1=value1śm2=value2') it succeeds.
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Jul 20, 2010
I am trying to upload file to php server using following tutorial
I dont know how to add parameters like: userid="12312";sessionid="234" in it.
How to achieve this?
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