Android :: RequestLocationUpdates() Parameters?
Apr 20, 2010In requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, this); if I put time interval and distance as zero, will this work, or shall I need to give a value greater than zero.

In requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, this); if I put time interval and distance as zero, will this work, or shall I need to give a value greater than zero.
When i use LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates API and send geo fix form the shell (the one you obtain using telnet localhost 5554), device emulator receives location updates only two times and then get stalled. Have anyone faced and solved this issue?Also i can't send updates from DDMS perspective in eclipse. When i send manual location updates using Emulator control view nothing happens in emulator. In devices view running emulator is shown as online and i can see logs from it in LogCat view.
View 3 Replies View Relatedyou can subscribe to requestLocationUpdates via two ways one by specifing a PendingIntent the other is by using a LocationListener. When is advised the one and when the other?
View 1 Replies View Relatedin order to save some battery, I was wondering what happens if an activity registers a requestLocationUpdates and then the user (or the os) puts it in background or kills it. Will the location manger still be active and then will the pending intent still be fired? In other words, will the location manager still be alive even if its lancher does not exist anymore? I'd really love this scenario because allows me to link an intent service that handles the location updates without bothering of have something always running waiting for good news from location.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI set locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 60000, 0f, this);
It has an odd behavior, locationChanged gets called every second instead of any time close to 1 minute. Secondly, locationChanged gets called every second for like 10 seconds, then stops completely, the gps satalites icon disappears, then only resumes again when the screen returns from display timeout.
what's wrong? I'm currently on android 1.5.
I tried using both getLastKnownLocation and requestLocationUpdates to get GPS coordinates from emulator.
After that, i tried:
I get the same error for all three:
I have set the GPS coordinates in DDMS Location Controls, also set coordinates using telnet and geo fix.
My manifest file has all permissions, dont know why im getting errors
I am working on an app that has multiple tabs. In the first tab the user will enter values. In the other tabs it will display the results of calculations based off of those values.
Like in tab 1, the user will enter "3" and "2". In tab 2, the program will add them and display "5".
In tab 2 how do I access the ints "3" and "2"?
I'm programming an Activity that launches a second one through startActivity just like in the Forwarding example. The main difference is that I'd like to pass some data to the second Activity when starting it, for example an item selected in a list owned by the first Activity. I can't find how to do that. Am I missing something? I guess I do.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying the FaceDetector class using the code as shown in the following link: Everything works fine as far as the activity drawing the bitmaps is concerned but I haven't had any success in getting Android to recognize a face. Has anyone tried this feature? Could anyone please help in understanding the parameters of the images to use or please post a link to some image that has worked for them?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm using ksoap2 to call web .net services. The call works just fine except when I pass paramaters. The passed paramaters are always recieved as null values by the web service. I dont know what the problem is, I hope someone can help.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to use default Android credentials for specific phone to pass authentication test in Google Apps, but documentation is terrible :-(, and worst of all I'm a newbie. Anyone have a idea how to do it? There are some apache libs for it, but as I mentioned documentation is very weak. Here is reference to this class.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to use default user login/pwd in my app. Do you know how can I have access to this data?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis link describes how to search the Android Market for apps using various parameters:
I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to format a link for my apps published by my company using this format. For searching by developer name, the doc says to use the following format:
market://search?q=pub:<Developer Name>
It also says it returns exact matches only. My publisher name is "Polyclef Software". I guess I'm wondering why Google can't make a market search feature that searches for substrings in the publisher's name, but aside from that, how am I supposed to format the link? Neither of the following work:
market://search?q=pub:Polyclef Software market://search?q=pub:Polyclef+Software
I've tried a number of variations now and nothing works.
I have a HTTP GET request that I am attempting to send. I tried adding the parameters to this request by first creating a BasicHttpParams object and adding the parameters to that object, then calling setParams( basicHttpParms ) on my HttpGet object. This method fails. But if I manually add my parameters to my URL (i.e. append '?param1=value1¶m2=value2') it succeeds.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to upload file to php server using following tutorial
I dont know how to add parameters like: userid="12312";sessionid="234" in it.
How to achieve this?
I am developing an app that uses the phone camera, and I want to set the Flash Mode, if flash exists. From documentation, it looks like I need to call Camera.Parameters.getFlashMode() and check if it returns null to determine if flash exists. Note: getFlashMode() is supported from API level 5
However, when I try to run this app on a phone with cupcake, I get an error: 01-19 14:02:43.404: ERROR/dalvikvm(18891): Could not find method android.hardware.Camera$Parameters.getFlashMode, referenced from method ...
I tried to call this code based on SDK version as follows, but that does not work either. Looks like there is a class verification thats fails at init:
So now I am wondering if there is any other way to check if flash exists? or is there a way to conditionally compile code based on mSdkVersion?
I have the following xml object representing a ImageButton I try to inflate it and add it to a TableRow with the following code : Ok so I noticed that it didn't look as expected, so I fire up the Hierarchy Viewere and noticed that the ImageButton's actually have an layout_width = FILL_PARENT instead of WRAP_CONTENT, also the layout_gravity is NONE and there is no padding to be seen. Do, am I inflating it wrongly ? Or is maybe the new TableRow.LayoutParams() part doins omething wrong ? Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedToday I met a problem, I need to pass a ArrayList<MyClass> from an activity to another. I dont know what the Intent exactly do when I use putExtra to pass in an ArrayList<MyClass> object. I guess MyClass need to implement Parcelable interface, so I just did it. But still, it does not work. Maybe I need to create a Bundle and then use Bundle's putParcelableArrayList method to put my ArrayList<MyClass> object in, and then pass this bundle as parameter of putExtra to the intent. So crazy! I am lazy, I just want to pass an ArrayList<MyClass> object simply, is there a simple way??
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have read a lot of stuff about launching Google Maps in Android. That's pretty easy:
Uri uri = Uri.parse("geo:38.899533,-77.036476");
Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
The problem is that the map is shown at a high zoom level and there is no marker on the map. So, if the user move a little bit or something happen, the point is lost. Is that possible to add a marker like this:
or like this:
So I can be sure that even if the user move the map, he will be able to find this place again.
I'm trying to use the camera in an Android app using the 1.5 API. I want the camera to flash for every picture. However, when I looked at the API for camera.parameters, the setFlashMode() method is only supported for 2.0 and higher. Yet my Cliq XT, which runs 1.5, has a flash that I can set in the menu - I take this to mean there is a way to do this for the 1.5 API, though I was unable to find it.Does anyone know how to set the flash mode using the 1.5 API?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to do a Contacts search on Android using Contacts Contract. I would like to search on multiple parameters, e.g. - Where name = myname AND email = myemail AND nickname = mynickname, etc. I have it working w/ just name, but need the syntax to add email and nickname as search params. I know they are stored separately from display name & have a different format. The code below is what is working for the search by just name. How can I add to the selection variable to also search by email and nickname? CODE: String selection = ContactsContract.Contacts.IN_VISIBLE_GROUP + " = '" + ("1") + "'"; selection += "AND " + ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME + "= '" + + "'"; Uri uri = ContactsContract. Contacts.CONTENT_URI; String sortOrder = contactsContract. Contacts. DISPLAY_NAME + " COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC"; Cursor myCursor = mApp.managedQuery(uri, null, selection, null, sortOrder);
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to get a set of Views to redraw after I change some drawing parameters. I'm calling invalidate() and forceLayout() on the parent of the Views but nothing happens. If I rotate the screen then the Views redraw correctly using the new parameters, as you would expect. What else do I need to do to get the Views to redraw?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo Im trying to add an imageview to my current xml design - and its working decently. Now my main problem is that I cant seem to find a way to set the attributes for the image like where it needs to be displayed etc.
RelativeLayout mRelativeLayout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
ImageView i = new ImageView(this);
i tried messing around with setlayoutparams but got absolutely no clue what to do with it.
I've read through the FAQ of Android Dev Guid ( but I'm not sure how can I open a new screen with additional parameters passed into it.
Let's say I'm going to open screen2, with a variable indicating the current user name so that I could greet the users. Is it possible?
Intent i;
i = new Intent(this, screen2.class);
//How to pass variable to screen2?
This maybe a silly question, but I was wondering how to pass multiple parameters to AsyncTask
I have something like ,code...
I would like to pass in the 3 parameters , I am not sure (1) if it is possible and (2) what the syntax would be .
I have a custom ViewGroup that I wrote, and have been able to use it to lay out child elements in code just fine. However, now I'd like to be able to use it for layout in XML. I would also like to be able to add some custom attributes to the XML file to better control my layout. How do I set up, both in XML and in code, a set of custom attributes? Bonus if it can be used with the built in designer in Eclipse.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to draw a very simple 2D triangle with opengl. but i have exception "illegal parameters"
The problematic line is
I simply copied code from other examples. and it simply doesn't work.
I'm pretty sure the mVertexBuffer is successfully initialized. because i can see the size of the buffer is 48 right before the execution of the problematic line with the debugger. and this size is correct.
However it just doesn't work.
I initialized the buffer this way:
The code was actually copied from a opensource example.
I am writing a class in Android that requires certain parameters from the class that calls its functions.
For Example my class is called "DoStuff"
DoStuff has 3 functions:
Is there a way for me to have canvas, tick and toggle implicetly passed to the "DoStuff" when I call on it's functions from somewhere else (that somewhere is unknown to DoStuff).
When providing a user on a mobile, a link to an android application via a web page, it is possible for params from the url to be passed to the app being installed.
I'm guessing the answer is no - but it doesn't help to ask.
The reasoning being that it would be handy for some situations to have a generic app that pulls config information from the referrer.
I can establish a connection using HttpUrlConnection.
My code below.
Getting filenotfound exception. dont know why?
How to pass username and passwrod parameter to the url by code..