Android :: Text Editor With Spell Check / AdvTxt Does This?
Jan 13, 2010Any suggestions? I think AdvTxt does this, but it has a really bad rating in the Market. Anyone used that? Since it's paid only I'd rather not buy something with bad ratings.

Any suggestions? I think AdvTxt does this, but it has a really bad rating in the Market. Anyone used that? Since it's paid only I'd rather not buy something with bad ratings.
Is there any apps that will spell check text or email that was typed via the Epic?
Or anyway to get the EPIC to do spell check when typing?
What i did but now my phone makes an annoying type writing sound when i text. I looked though everything and cant find what turns it off. And also the spell check when u type is off too how do i turn that back on?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my first Android phone (N1), and like it so far.There are a few things that drive me up the wall, though.One of them is the 'autocomplete' (not sure what it's called): where Android suggests words as you type a text message. Great when I'm typing English, not so great when using other languages.Can this be turned off?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis is my first post. I've had a Moto Droid since day one, and I just love it. It is without a doubt better than any phone that I've had over the years, and that includes the iPhone, BB, etc. However, there are 2 things that I don't understand - Font size and a spell checker. It is impossible to read the small font size in emails or text messages. 1. Why has there not been an app to either change the font size or be able to zoom in? Picasy has incorporated multi-touch for zooming, so I've to assume that its doable! Why not have the same in an email client. 2. Why is there not an email client out there that allows for spell checking? There are many such apps for the BB! I am a terrible speller. I am not complaining, I just want to understand the limitations from a developers prospective, as I am sure these issues will eventually be addressed.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn other words when I'm creating the text for this post is there something that will spell check as I type and underline or highlight any mispelled words and suggest replacements or allow me to add to dictionary?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm a new Evo user. I loved the auto correct options on my BB. I like the auto correct of the evo, however the suggested words that pop up really distract me and slow me down. When I shut this option off, though, I can't seem to find any way to spell check or auto correct any words in texts, etc. Is there a way to keep the auto correct feature, but hide all the suggestions?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got a GNex, which of course comes with ICS. It seems to have a spell check built in, but I prefer to use the spell check that comes with Swype. Is there a way to turn off the native spell check so that it doesn't get in the way of Swype's suggested words?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAny spell check programs you guys recommend?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI cant find a gmail spell check anywhere. Are they out there? does anyone have recommendations? If it also had web/txt spell checking that would be ideal also but my main concern is email spell checking.
View 11 Replies View RelatedQuick question.. is there a way to enable spell check, but disable the who correct?? the auto correct is extremely annoying when it changes words on you. how ever id like it to tell me if i miss spelled a word..
like i tried to write DL (down load) and it auto changed it to florida.. or i went to type Mo Williams, and auto changed to Month Williams.
i came from a storm and the storm would underline miss spelled words but not auto correct it.
i played around with all the settings.. cant get it to just spell check with out auto correction.. are there any apps?
Does anyone have a spell check app that works well with this phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI often switch between english and french when writing texts and it's annoying to always have to switch between english and french spell check (hold the space button or globe button and select language).
Is there some app or option that allows for the language to get detected and spell check to be changed automatically?
I am using 4.4.2 on nexus 4.
Will the droid x be able to spell check as I type and complete words during typing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI woke up after a nap this afternoon (you know, after coloring but before recess ) ... and i had received a text and i went to reply and my auto correct didnt know the word 'you' 'eat' and a few others and i am sure there are many more i will find. i do not know how to fix it. i guess i will just have to work through it and add the words it doesnt know.
But also if i type 'lol' then by default 'LOL' will come up if i press space unless i manually go up and select 'lol' in the little word list predict thing <--yes, that is the actual HTC given name , this is also the case for many other words and if i add the word to the dictionary it still might not use it automatically. even if i spell it right and it is in the list it may use another word when i press space.
Any spell check apps for texting,email and Facebooking? I suck at spelling..
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes the Epic have a spell checker that works w/ email, text, & Internet browser?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen using Google Hangouts to text on my Nexus 5, every time I enter a web url the string is spell checked and becomes un-clickable. Example:If I type: "" into a txt/sms chat using hangouts, the string is spell checked and auto corrected to "what is my android".
So, then I have to go through a very annoying process of deleting the spaces between each word and fixing the url before I send the message.
I recently rooted my Galaxy Nexus (LTE) and flashed it to 4.0.4 stock. After I did this nearly everything that I typed would be underlined as incorrectly spelled. It seems to me that there is no dictionary for the spell check to use.
How to add the dictionary back?
I thought this would be easy to find:
A text editor that can create/edit text files from the SD card.
i.e. Windows Notepad on the Desire?
Are there any free text editing programs? I'm an author, and a broke one at that, I like to write in my spare time. I found a decent one for my blackberry that worked pretty well, but since I've changed over to Android, I'm at a complete loss. At the moment I am running XtrROM4.2 on my Droid HTC Eris.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes any one know of a text editor on android optimized for programmers, like g-edit?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy Android Desire is a superb device and will do almost anything I want. Even cleans up around the house and makes coffee and feeds the cat. However, there is one simple thing I cannot get it to do: provide me with a simple text editor like Wordpad so that I can write little texts on the go. I've searched everywhere for this function. I cannot imagine that it is missing from the phone, it's so basic. When I search for "text" I get all sorts of stuff on writing "text" messages, i.e. SMS messages (the term "text" seems to have lost its original meaning and is now used almost exclusively to refer to SMS messages). Where is the Desire equivalent of Wordpad or Notepad or, better, Notepad++?
View 33 Replies View RelatedI've been wondering if there's a way of getting -preferably from within the Gmail app- access to the editor box, shown in this picture:
So far I haven't discovered a way to do it. My Droid III's Email app does have that option, but not Google's own mail app?
I want to build a simple calculator app.I have finished the display in an xml file..But i do not know how to make the text appear on the Editor when i press the corresponding button
the moment I connect the editor to the activity file.. the calculator crashed.. any EditText variable or a reference to the EditText Id in XML also crashes..this is for 1.5 android.. I will enter the source code. This is the XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
android:layout_height="fill_parent" >
The best txt viewer/editor for Microsoft Windows is Notepad ++. It's such a shame we don't have something like that on Android. Anyways, I need a Text Editor with the following features:
1-Full-screen mode: A mode the fills the whole screen. I mean no menu, no toolbar, no nothing! What I need for the app is to fill the whole screen when I put the phone in horizontal position. I don't need to see a menu bar on battery percentage when I'm reading a book.
2-Last Position: Remembers the place of your last visit. For instance, if I open a text file and read till page 6, the next time I open the app it starts from page 6 and not from the beginning.
3-Font choices and Background color: Gives you the option to change the color of the background. Also, the more fonts and styles it has the better.
I'm doing a bit of online copy-writing on the side at the moment, and it would be great if I could use this thing to write a few paragraphs here and there when I'm on the move. How would the HTC Desire handle multi-tasking between a browser and a basic text editor? I won't be looking for any crazy formatting options; don't need to change margins, add pagination or anything. Just a few sites open for researching facts and an application that can handle badly worded sentences with lame jokes thrown in
My contract is due to run out soon and I'm not sure whether I should negotiate one with a free Desire, or get a cheap handset and then buy a netbook. I'm broke at the moment so its a case of either/or!
How can I change the default text editor on a Jelly Bean device?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan't I cut and paste from a browser window or text editor like you can on the iPhone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is my first post. I've had a Moto Droid since day one, and I just love it. It is without a doubt better than any phone that I've had over the years, and that includes the iPhone, BB, etc.
However, there are 2 things that I don't understand - Font size and a spell checker. It is imposiible to read the small font size in emails or text messages.
1. Why has there not been an app to either change the font size or be able to zoom in? Picasy has incorporated multi-touch for zooming, so I've to assume that its doable! Why not have the same in an email client.
2. Why is there not an email client out there that allows for spell checking? There are many such apps for the BB! I am a terrible speller.
I am not complaining, I just want to understand the limitations from a developers prospective, as I am sure these isuues will eventually be addressed.