Android :: Targeting Specific Carriers In Market?
Oct 28, 2010
I read here: that it can be done if you go to the Android Market, and go to your app, then go to Publishing Options -> Locations, but I don't see anything to select a specific carrier there, only specific countries. Is this something that Google changed? Can this still be done, or is it done automatically? Can't the carrier be detected from the device?
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Aug 12, 2010
I need to target apps for a specific carrier. Any tips on how to do this? I've seen <uses-library> for market filtering, but looking for something else.
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Jul 3, 2009
I am trying to get the intent "android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" sent only to the receiver "" as this triggers the sms notification to be updated and removed if there is no longer any unread sms's. The issue I have is I need to make sure the broadcast is only sent to the class above. If it goes to other receivers the phone could end up in an unknown state or something strange. The code below does not seem to work.
Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction("android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED");
intent.setClassName("", ".transaction.MmsSystemEventReceiver");
This code does work but since it goes to all receivers I have noticed some errors starting to show up in logs etc.
Intent intent = new Intent();
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Feb 3, 2009
Last week I published our first app to the Market, which is a game targeted to users in The Netherlands. Now that the G1 has been available over here for a couple of days, we have received feedback from several of our users. When I look at the developers console in the market however, the download count still shows 0.
Also on the device it is listed as <50. When looking around in the Market, I see that all applications targeted to The Netherlands are listed as having <50 downloads, even an application that received a lot of publicity. Have other developers noticed the same?
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Jul 21, 2009
Use case goes like this:
1) Dev puts game for sale on Android market hoping to make lots of $$ $.
2) Dev makes $50 in a month, cries a little, realizes his game is languishing in the ratings so makes it free.
3) Game does really well and gets > 50,000 downloads.
4) Dev still wants to make some $$$ off his game, so adds a "donate" feature to app which points users to another app dev has created in the marketplace where they can donate by buying the app.
5) Dev wants to reward those who have donated by providing new features only to them.
How do I go about determining if any given user has purchased either my original app, or my "donate" app so that I can unlock functionality? I'd like to determine this even if the user no longer has the app installed on their phone. Then android market app seems to know this which is how it knows not to charge the user again for the same app they've already paid for.
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Mar 7, 2012
I have an HTC Desire HD on Orange UK. In the market I have only ever seen apps & books. I have never seen movies or music listed. I have, until now, assumed that these were probably only available in certain countries because of licensing agreements.
I was discussing the rebranding to Google Play with a colleague, only to find out that they have, and have done for a while, a section in their Market /Play Store for movies. They have an HTC Desire S on T Mobile UK.
Why would I not have movies available via my market? I'm guessing that it wouldn't be handset compatibility, so would it be that Orange are blocking this for some reason? Who else, in the UK, has the movies option, and who doesn't? What is the common ground between each group?
They do not have music as a Market section, so I guess that I was right about this, and it is not available to the UK at all?
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Jul 24, 2013
It used to be the market would separate apps that were approved for auto update from those that had disabled auto update set. One could then simply hit the Update All (for the group) button and it would update ONLY the apps that were auto update enabled. Over the past few months Play Store has changed their behavior in that it no longer separates the apps and will only enable auto updates for everything or nothing.
How can I hide or otherwise prevent these few apps that I do not want to update from being in the play store update list? As it is now, I have to selectively update each individual app from the list, skipping the few apps I do not want updated.
Currently on a Samsung GS3, rooted, stock.
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Oct 29, 2009
I'm interested in learning Android development but if I install the latest 2.0 SDK, will I still be able to target 1.5 and 1.6 devices? (since there is only one 2.0 device right now)
Basically I'm wondering if it will tell me if I'm doing something that won't work on older versions of the OS.
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Jan 21, 2010
I'm building an application, and need to support both 1.5 (Magic and Hero) and 1.6 (Tattoo) devices.
As Android SDK is forward compatible, it seemed logical to build against Android 1.5 SDK, and expect application to work on Tattoo. While that's true, (I tested app, it works ok), I'm now having problems on Android Market. On Tattoo, Market search by default filters android apps that doesn't have explicit support for small screens defined in AndroidManifest. Problem is that attribute exists only on Android 1.6 SDK, so Building against Android 1.5 SDK is no an option anymore. How safe is to build App agains A1.6 (with minSdkVersion="3") and run it on 1.5 devices? Is there anything else I should take care of except just change target SDK?
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Nov 17, 2009
We are upgrading our application to add 2.0 support. I have read and the older blog post I want to avoid using reflection if possible. I have found that if I set my minSdkVersion="3" in the application manifest but in my build path in eclipse point to the Adroid 2.0 jar file I can compile with direct calls to 2.0 code (with the relevant code to ensure they are not invoked on <2.0 devices). My question is will people with pre 2.0 devices be able to see the application in the market place in this case? What are other people using for multi-targeting different API levels with the same package.
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Jan 6, 2010
I'm trying to get rid of the mentioned (READ_PHONE_STATE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) auto-permissions in my signed apk, but I can't. I know it is an issue with targeting 1.5, but this isn't my case. I'm targeting >=1.6. I've checked everything: In my manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="" package=""
android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0.0">
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" android:targetSdkVersion="4" />
Eclipse generates the proper value in target=android-4
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Jul 8, 2009
I've seen a few other threads on this subject, but none that addresses my need which is to not only find the app in the market via the market uri, but display it as if the user had navigated to it. The closest anyone has gotten to this answer is to show how to bring up the Android Market app and browse for the app you want which shows the single result in a list that the user must still select to get to the screen I want to display.
Here's my existing code that does exactly that:
private static final String MY_MARKET_APP = "";
Intent marketLaunch = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
marketLaunch.setData(Uri.parse("market://search?q=pname:" + MY_MARKET_APP));
I don't want to have to force the user to select this single item from the list - just bypass that and bring up the next screen.
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Oct 24, 2010
Much like a launcher app, I was wondering if it were possible to steal the phone specific is from another phone. And if so, could it be from a carrier different than my own?
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Oct 6, 2010
I'm beginning with Android development. I'm aware that there is a lot of Android devices still on OS 1.5 or 1.6 so I'm thinking about require API level 3 as minimum to support them. What will I miss from 2.2? Which are the most important features I will miss targeting Android API 3 (OS 1.5) instead of most recent API?
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Sep 12, 2010
"It's not limited to Android devices, but it seems that increasingly Android more than other platforms is shipping with the worst mobile bloatware. It's a bad trend that's going to lead to consumer backlash and it's destroying the credibility of Google's Android vision."
Entelligence: Will carriers destroy the Android vision? - Engadget
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Jul 16, 2009
I wanted to talk with other Google Voice users about how they are using Google Voice with their Android. I am pretty new to both the concept of a single number and especially how I might use it with Android.
Please use this thread to post questions about how to use the android app and the overall app. Again, we can't hand out invites, only Google can.
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Jun 30, 2010
I'm about to dump ATT/IPhone for Sprint/Android (EVO), but one thing has been nagging me and I want to make sure I know my options before jumping (e.g. given these 2 yr contracts).My concern is with ongoing support for my phone after purchase, support in terms of receiving the latest/greatest updates to the Android platform (e.g. within hardware constraints). Who ultimately controls whether a phone gets a release (e.g. Carrier or Manufacturer)?It seems to me the best bet is to go with the Nexus One platform given that is under the control of Google and should be well supported in that respect. However, it seems like it is going to be a hassle and/or costly to go with Nexus One using Sprint. Is there anyway around paying full price for Nexus One and using Sprint as a carrier? Any chance Google has a deal with the carriers to subsidize phones?Plus, I would prefer not to have the blot (e.g. UI modifications, app replacements, etc) added to the phone by Carriers and/or Manufactures (e.g. prefer Android as perceived by Google). Wondering who has the control of UI modifications. Does the Carrier contract with the Manufacturer and have control over what is added and how it is supported (e.g. whether a phone gets a new Android release, etc)? Or does the Manufacturer have the control?And lastly, say I get the EVO and on down the line someone (Manufacturer or Carrier) decides no more updates for the EVO. It sounds like I should be able to root the phone and continue with updates. Without support from Carrier/Manufacturer of course, but is it against the Carriers rules to root a phone?
Also, when rooting a phone, I'm assuming you can not take a release straight from Google and install it. Rather, someone has to implement the release for the target hardware (e.g. build, add any necessary drivers, etc). Are there any gotchas in doing this? Who is the most reliable supplier of these builds? I know that is a pretty broad question and I'll plan on doing additional research in that areas, but if anybody can give me a nudge or share their experience, that would be great.
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Jun 18, 2010
I am 6 months experience in Android, use to develop simple UI based application. Now i want to write application targeting the Android core Kernel.For example i want to develop a Framework which is not present in Android.To achieve that we have to write the code for the Kernel. I dont know where and how to start the Android Kernel Programming. If anybody knows the way to start it.
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Mar 11, 2009
Does anyone know a list of countries and carriers where phones with the Android OS can be bought?
I searched for a while for this now but haven't found anything...
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Jun 1, 2010
I realize it isn't ideal to run / jog with such an expensive cellphone, but I recently misplaced my Creative Zen media player and I'll probably try using my EVO. Has anyone tried this out yet, or can recommend good cases or carriers for use while running?
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Jun 17, 2013
I can't find any solid guides explaining how to do this. I am trying to get a rezound on to boost mobile, but I'd like to learn how to do it for any phone (specifically Android phones).
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May 31, 2010
Just picked up my incredible, and I have two questions....
1. how do i change the email notification to a specific sound? As of rite now, when i receive an email nothing happens (no sound or vibrate).
2. How do I select a specific ring for mms. I know how to select sms, but I cant figure out how to change the mms.
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May 6, 2012
My friend said that his carrier was tracking all his internet history.
Do any carriers do this.
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Mar 12, 2014
I have had androids for over two years now and am getting more and more concerned every time I download an app and seeing that it wants to READ my SMS message and Contacts.
Is there a way I can disable reading of SMS messages or any one of the other permissions by specific apps, or all apps?
Are we living in a world where any "joe schmo" can upload an app the to the app store and wait for those inadvertent downloads and collect all your personal information, and that's after all the time we spend protecting our identity and personal details?
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May 30, 2014
Does the 4.4 update remove the carriers restrictions on the Google wallet? Specifically can you use the nfc payment. I read that the carriers restricted the nfc payment feature on Google wallet for "supposed security reasons" and that the 4.4 update is supposed to fix this.
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Oct 1, 2010
How can I find out carrier's name in Android?
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Apr 7, 2011
I have an app that was installed via Android Market. And so, the Android Market knows when new versions are out and notifies me of an update. Titanium Backup calls this the 'Market Link', not sure what else it could be called.
how would I go about 'disconnecting' the app from the Market? Deleting the market link as if it were side-loaded?
Yes, I know this means no more updates for the app etc. Which is actually what I'm after.
I'm using a SGS - DocRom V9.6 with Speedmod Kernel k13a
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Apr 24, 2009
I have the following clear message :
Market requires the minSdkVersion to be set in AndroidManifest.xml.
But my manifest has the line : <uses-sdk minSdkVersion="2" /> and I also tried even <uses-sdk minsdkversion="2" />... I try to put this line : as the first child of manifest, as the last child and also right after application.. Is there a hidden rule I don't know ...
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Mar 31, 2010
A while back I read that Verzion Android devices apps will have to go thru the Verizon Market, meaing that all apps has to be approved by Google AND Verizon. Can you sideload apps on Verzion Android devices?
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Sep 15, 2010
I am developping (for my company) an app included on a project that will have 2 versions:
- 1st simple version to download using a OTA server, clients accesss to an URL to download.
- 2nd version more complex to be published on the Market.
The question here is that the process to publish on the Android Market is under bureaucratic internal process and it takes a long time, so the idea do reduce the time to market is to provide an OTA version.
There is any possibility for users that download application via OTA to upgrade the application for version published later on the Market? (Both Application will be signed with the same key).
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