Android :: Supporting Right To Left Languages
Oct 27, 2010How can I localize my application to support some Right to Left languages? How can I localize my application to support Hebrew? Arabic? and other languages?
View 1 RepliesHow can I localize my application to support some Right to Left languages? How can I localize my application to support Hebrew? Arabic? and other languages?
View 1 RepliesI have a ViewFlipper which contains a few linear layouts.I need to allow the user to flip through them.I've seen other apps which have arrow/triangle indicators on either side of the screen, which, when pressed, flips to the next view in the set.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI love the phone, but the other day the unlock slider suddenly changed from left-right to right-left, and I'm right handed. How do I change it back ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI found a video on youtube where u can have the dpad in the bottom left corner when your holding your evo horizontal. Can I move the dpad from the top left to the bottom left? if so how?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have see some apps in Android that use some packages:
import; import; import; So some packages do not support the current version of SDK. Where can I find it? Would u tell me about it?
when i go to the home page the ball always pulls to the left and wont let me move any other way besides left. its giveing me alot of problems txting and just moveing around my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedBattery Left was the first thing I installed on my phone when I got it. My battery life has been terrible so I've been trying to track down the problem. I woke up today, unplugged my phone and didn't touch it for an hour. Battery Left says I have 70 percent left but the battery meter in the status bar showed full. I uninstalled battery left and installed Battstatt and it shows 90 percent (2 hours later). Anyone else have problems with battery left? I hope this fixes my battery problem.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI currently have an app on the market that supports Android 1.5 (SDK level 3) and up. It also takes advantage of several features that are only present in Android 2.0 (SDK level 5) and up. I do this using Reflection.
I read a post on the Android Developer Blog that talks about how to support these new features while using no Reflection, which would be amazing. <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" android:targetSdkVersion="5" />
I have tested this out and while it works there is one huge downfall. Currently if I try to add a SDK level 5 class, but I don't know that it's a SDK level 5 class, there is no worries. Eclipse isnt going to find the class and I'm not going to be able to add it.
Using Google's recommended method does allow me to add the classes and gives me no notification that this code is targeted just to SDK level 5 users. This opens up too big of a possibility of adding in code that would break some users without knowing.
Does anyone know of any plugins, options, etc that would warn me at the places I have targeted SDK level 5 to keep this from happening?
When we try to implement orientation in AP layer, we can set "android:screenOrientation" parameter in AndroidManifest.xml file or call "setRequestOrientation()" method of Activity class. But if I want to porting android in new HW device, how can I do? Do I need to modify the graphic driver, or just add configuration in program. (Actually I do some experiments but my AP cannot rotate) Besides, can every experts tell me when I set the "android:screenOrientation" parameter, which process will read this configuration, pass to where and which process will do the rotation?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new to Android. Can any one please tell me the phone models which support RTSP video(H.264) streaming?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAre there any apps in the DONUT sdk that has support for the WVGA (looking just not for resized or compatibility mode, but having the proper assets to support 240dpi WVGA) Just looking around, dialer look awkward, so does few others ..
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was hesitatnt to download it, but I love tabbed browsing so i figured I'd give it a shot. Well i love the browser itself, but I tried downloading a ringtone from and it says it cant finish downloading because i need to clear space on my phone. But i have space and i tried using the stock browser and it worked fine.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedIn the Supporting Multiple Screens document in the Android Dev Guide, some example screen configurations are given. One of them states that the small-ldpi designation is given to QVGA (240x320) screens with a physical size of 2.6"-3.0". According to this DPI calculator, a 2.8" QVGA display equates to 143 dpi. However, further down the page the document explicitly states that all screens over 140 dpi are considered "medium" density.
So which is it, ldpi or mdpi? Is this a mistake? Does anyone know what the HTC Tattoo or similar device actually reports? I don't have access to any devices like this.
Also, with the recent publishing of this document, I'm glad to see we finally have an explicit statement of the exact DPI ranges of the three density categories. But why haven't we been given the same for the small, medium, and large screen size categories? I'd like to know the exact ranges for all these.
I have read the topic about supporting multiple screen size as well as different DPI. I am wondering which of the following way is better in supporting multiple screens:
1. Have different layout for different screen size (stretch the images)
2. Have different set of graphics for different screen (use the same layout)
3. Have different set of graphics and different set of layout for each of the screen
Which way is the easiest? And which way is the most optical way to design? Or is there another better way?
We understand aapt has support only for small and numbers. Any reason for not supporting capital letters.. in future could we expect support for the same.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've read the article "Supporting Multiple Screen" on Android developers site. But that doesn't apply to game logic.Let me get straight to the point. My situation is as follows:
- I'm creating a game using LunarLander code as a base.
- In my game, there'll be an object flying up from the bottom of the screen. The object will fly in projectile motion.
- I set the starting velocity, gravity and angle so that the highest point(of projectile motion) is almost at the top of the screen.
- The screen tested is Motorola Milestone. (480x854 resolution) Meaning the object travels around 854 pixels vertically.
I'm thinking of adjusting starting velocity based on screensizes. But that sounds unreliable when we've so many devices/resolutions out there. How do you combat these kind of problem when making games?
I've read the Android documentation:
but still have some questions. I'm trying to design a music application which basically has images of the instrument (ImageButton) that play a sound when clicked. However, I'm confused about how to have the ImageButtons scale to fit all the different screen sizes and how to position them.
Which layout is best used for needing to position ImageButtons in specific locations on the screen? (i.e. cymbals on a drum set) FrameLayout, RelativeLayout? If I only really care about medium and large screens, do I need to create different resources (images) for both as well as a different XML layout to position them? I'm trying to find the simplest way to do this without having to create a separate layout XML file for positioning/size and separate image resources for each screen.
I am working on an Android application which is supposed to play videos over HTTP on Android devices. Before we setup a server to host the video files just wanted a few things clarified: As per the developer documentation, Android supports .mp4 and .3gp container formats for video. If we use H.263(video) - AAC LC (Audio) audio-video codec used for our media files will we be able to play the video by passing the URL to MediaPlayer class?
I did a little experiment and passed URL of one of the video files(.mp4) to the MediaPlayer class and got the following error:
Command PLAYER_INIT completed with an
error or info
From the docs, I came to know that for progressive playback, the video's index (e.g moov atom) should be at the start of the file. Questions:
1. How do we make our videos Android-ready?
2. What are the different considerations that we need to make?
I have had several emails from people with HTC Tattoo devices who say they cannot find my app in the Market.
After reading this page ( screens_support.html) I believe I have to add the <supports-screens> tag to my manifest file. However, when I try to do this I am confronted with "Error no resource identifier found for attriute support-screens in package 'android'" messages. What does one have to do to update their manifest to tell the market an app supports all screen sizes?
Furthermore, if I need to change the android:minSdkVersion from "3" to something higher or add the android:targetSdkVersion tag, will this prevent people with older versions of Android from using my application?
I have just started with Android development and bought a handset(HTC Hero) for test and usage purposes. The sad part is that it doesn't display one of the scripts (Devanagari to be precise). Hence, I would like to contribute to the Android project to help render it. However, since I have just started I have no ideas of where to look for and begin with !
To be very precise, I would like to contribute for proper rendering of Nepali Language (Devanagari Script) for the Android OS. For ex. I would like to be able to see the following in an Android device rendered properly......................
I created a list view in an activity and the list shows some fields.When we click a list item a custom dialog should pop up and the user can enter some new value to this field.The custom dialog contains one edit text and two buttons ok and cancel.It is working fine.But when my list is more that means if it exceeds screen size it is showing scroll.But when we select bottom items which we can select using scroll the dialog is appearing in normal fashion.But after entering new value if i am trying to save the application is getting crashed.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am a fresh developer on Googles Android Platform - my HTC Desire arrived last week. Now i need a way to sign in to my existing application (Java, currently running on jetty). The server Application is developed using spring security 3.0.2
In my case, i want to support the following: If a user has set up his Android phone with a googlemail/google-Account (and most users do) i want to use this account credentials to automagically log in to my server app.
Is there any Android framework supporting that use-case? Or are there any alternatives? I read: http intl/de-DE/apis/accounts/docs/OpenID.html
How we do sign in with an app on google AppEnging is described here:
I am playing with the Android TTS engine. I am trying to set it to speak in Spanish from Mexico, rather than from Spain. I have tried several combination's of language code / country code but I have not been able to get anything by Spanish from Spain. Here is my code currently
loc = new Locale("es", "MEX");
I have also tried ("es","US"), ("es","LA"), ("spa","US"), ("spa","MEX") with every combination that I can think of it is showing me this in the log: TtsEngine::setLanguage found matching language(spa) but not matching country(MEX). loaded es-ES successfully. I can exit my app and open up the TTS Service Extended. If I set the language to either Spanish[es] or Spanish-Latin America. Either way when I hit 'listen to preview' I get "Hola" which is expected. But from my application I get "Heyyo" instead of "Hola". Can anyone see what I am doing incorrectly to set my language?
I'm building a game with graphic assets in hdpi resolutions (hence I put the files in drawable-hdpi directory). I don't want to have a corresponding mdpi resolution of the images, and I will code everything in 240-dpi based pixel coordinates.
Is it possible to still allow mdpi and ldpi devices to run the application, by automatically scaling the graphics from the hdpi version? Optimize for high-dpi devices only but still support (small- and) medium-dpi screens.
What is the secure way to store passwords on android device?
I found same topic in "Android Developers Group". Steve918 kindly shared a sample code for it but I can not download it anymore.
Does anybody know how to encrypt/decrypt password using Android supporting secure algorithm?
My application will have two layouts, one for large screens and one for normal. For testing I'm working with one phone (800x480 240dpi) and one tablet (1024x600 240dpi) but both are detected as large screen hdpi and long aspect ratio, so I'm not able to assign different layouts.
The only approach I think that can work is to create layout-large and layout-normal, get the resolution and programmatically set the layout folder. Is that possible?
I am very new to android,i developed an sample web application and hosted it apk build file in different android version and on different sized devices,here i am getting problem in my design of layout such as listview not being displayed properly bottom portion is not displayed well and the align is not so good.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get the application label in different languages according to locale? For example, I can get the application label "Settings" of package in English, "Ajustes" in Spanish.
View 4 Replies View RelatedBy running $DONUT_SRC/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi- gcc --help I get (among other things) "Permissible languages include: c c++ assembler none". Is it possible to include other languages like Fortran? I can't find the source files to the toolchain such that I can modify the GCC- configuration to include something like --enable-languages=c,c+ +,fortran.
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