Android :: Show Shadow For Text Drawn On Google Map
Jun 7, 2010In my map application I am using overlay items and texts. I need shadows for both. For overlayitems I am able to display shadows. How to show shadow for the text drawn?

In my map application I am using overlay items and texts. I need shadows for both. For overlayitems I am able to display shadows. How to show shadow for the text drawn?
I am wondering how to add shadow on text in android?
I have the following code which is applied on a bitmap and I wanted to be shadowed...
paint.setShadowLayer(1, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); //This only shadows my whole view...
How can i make shadow effect Text in Text View. Any Idea?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a method which returns the width ( in pixels ) of a text to be drawn on an Android canvas using the drawText() method according to the Paint used to draw it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny straight forward way to measure the height of text? The way I am doing it now is by using Paint's measureText() to get the width, then by trial and error finding a value to get an approximate height. I've also been messing around with FontMetrics, but all these seem like approximate methods that suck. I am trying to scale things for different resolutions. I can do it, but I end up with incredibly verbose code with lots of calculations to determine relative sizes. I hate it! There has to be a better way.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat can I do with the "shadow layer" of the the google maps overlays? I tried, naively, to draw something (an arc) only when (shadow == true) and got nothing? I'm interested in drawing arcs and arc shadows on a map. is there a nice google-maps way to do this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I try sending a text to an email via handcent, it doesn't show to text.My mom sends me texts via email when shes at work and I'm not able to respond unless I use the native android text app.Does anyone know how to fix this problem, or is this just not possible with handcent?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm stuck around issue of TextView. I have string which has around 2000+ characters also has some HTML in it. I'm using below code to display this TextView. Hi, this is just testing for dynamic all about you can know. So lets move on to new topic of which was never closed. So lets go bye " All characters get replace Why is it so ? I tried adding/removing/increasing min-height / max- height. Please can any tell me that is it bug in android that it cant handle long String in TextView?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust installed the new Google Search. But i dont have any options to turn on cards, like TV shows, local transport etc. Do these appear over time? I only have 4 things in "Everything else" but i have seen people have like 20+
View 1 Replies View RelatedSometimes when I receive messages it makes the notification sound and will show message in notification bar but the text of the message will not appear in the text thread. Used to happen every once in a while, now doing it multiple times a day. I use Handcent but I doubt that is the problem because the messages dont show up in the regular messaging either. Just want to see if i am alone with this problem.
View 8 Replies View Relatedseems like a good idea to me. would it work?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've tried casting shadow following this tutorial (which uses Stencil Buffer method): The result is a cool shadow effect. But it depends too much on geometry and thus not very flexible. Then I found a much easier way to do shadowing here: But it uses ARB_depth_texture and ARB_shadow extension. So I bet it can't be used with Android's OpenGL ES 1.0. I've tried googling for "Shadow Mapping" and "OpenGL ES" but still can't find a good tutorial. Can anyone recommend me a good place/site I can study for this please?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe ListView has a nice fade on the top/bottom.I have a ListView in the top half of my app, and then a ViewFlipper on the bottom. Is it possible to add a fade/shadow to the top of the ViewFlipper? This would look nice.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to give my first steps on working with ActivityGroups. To be more specific, I have a parent activity with a layout containing several buttons, and another layout below them in order to add other activities' layouts by means of the "addView()" method. Well, everything works fine in functionality terms; but I'm experiencing a weird behavior inside the layout where other activities are kind of loaded into. A black line along the top border of the layout plus a slight shadow do appear when I run the application on the emulator. I have tried to play changing the paddings, margins, etc. with no success.
Has any of you experienced such weird behavior?
I am displaying a custom marker on my Google Map. They are placed fine, but they have this funny shadow. How can I remove the shadow? code...
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I have shadows appearing on top and bottom of the list.
I am using AutoCompleteTextView , when user clicks on it, I want to show suggestions even if it has no text - but setThreshold(0) works exactly the same as setThreshold(1) - so the user has to enter at least 1 character to show the suggestions.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an Android TextView where the view itself is limited to four lines.If the text exceeds this limit I want the end of the view to end with something like.<-- to notify that there is more text here so you can click and open in full screen for example.Not just suddenly stop in the middle of a sentence. Is there a quick fix for this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI working on a chat app. Whenever I submit or receive a text message, I append them to the chatbox. When the list get longer, I need to scroll down to see them. How can I make it to autoscroll to the newly append text?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'd like to be able to text with people from my computer (which is a new Macbook retina).
Is there a way to direct texts to my google/gmail account? That way, I don't have to keep glancing at my phone when on the computer at work.
What I am trying to do - I am continuously getting a stream of lat/lng positions, I want to move a overlay item dynamically on the map based on the lat/lng in the stream. I am displaying the location of moving object dynamically on the map
I am putting my whole code in a while(true) loop and trying to read the stream every 5 seconds and refresh the overlays on the map. But overlay items are not shown until the function (either oncreate, or any onclickeventhandler etc) is completed. For example, test code, I am adding a single test overlay item when ever the user clicks on a button. If I put a wait(2000000) "after" I add overlays and invalidate the map, the overlay is not displayed until the time has elapsed and the function is completed.
glReadPixels is too slow, so I need another way. Without testing object by object, Is there any other way?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIf I draw a round rect shape by code I can use setShadowLayer to get a shadow drawn for the shape. Is there an equivalent when defining shapes in XML?The following example draws a round rect background to a shape. What would I need to add to get a shadow added to the shape? Is it even possible using XML? Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do i create a drop shadow to add it to a custom drawable i made using shape?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking to create a map application. I want it to show a location that user selects from a list and show here the location is, then add a button on the map so that the user can navigate from there current location to the one selected. I have looked at tutorials but cannot find anything that does this. Anyone know where I might find a tutorial that shows this or how I can extend my simple map to show a given location.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my Ally today, and I when I receive a text message I would love to have it show up automatically on my screen. As it is now, when I get a text or email it just makes a faint sound and the screen doesn't even light up. Is there a setting or app I can use to have my texts automatically preview on the screen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to scale and display images which are dynamically loaded to a certain maximum size. The way I'm doing this is to set the layout_width and layout_height of my ImageView to the maximum dimensions and setting the scaleType to "fitCenter".
But here's the problem. This is inside a RelativeLayout and I want to show text directly under the image. In portrait mode, the text is way at the bottom (because of the height I have set). So I want the ImageView to scale down to the actual visible image size which is what it would seem like adjustViewBounds="true" should do.
Am I wrong in this assumption? Or is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do? Because I've been unsuccessful to this point!
I had it working with a normal View but that is to slow. I was told to use SurfaceView but can't figure out how to use OnKey with it and if I should use onDraw or draw? And how do I pass stuff to draw? does it happen automatically? code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedFrom the javadoc of RemoteView, it said " * A class that describes a view hierarchy that can be displayed in another process."
But unlike View class, RemoteView does not have a 'draw(Canvas canvas)' method. Can you please tell me which method of RemoteView causing its layout to be drawn on screen?