Android :: OpenGl Drawn Something?
May 10, 2010glReadPixels is too slow, so I need another way. Without testing object by object, Is there any other way?

glReadPixels is too slow, so I need another way. Without testing object by object, Is there any other way?
Single Threaded OpenGL game ! (check bottom, you can download and use the helper class) Lighting disabled ! Depth Buffer disabled ! Culling enabled ! Textures disabled !
Just 176 integers (x,y values only) making 88 vertexes along with 132 index numbers making "44 triangles only"
Framerates I get is
with GL_BLENDING disabled - 145 fps approx only! enabled - 110 fps approx only!
I have the screenshot of exact code in the draw function here.. just 2 damn lines ! I have hidden only the comments.. click here to see it
variable details in the 2 lines of code =========================== ipts = 176 elements (only x and y for each vertex) totallinetriangles * 3 = 176 lineindexes = 132 elements - type "short"
Here is the screenshot of output drawing and how it will look like
OpenGL single threaded Initialization Helper ================================ Here is my OpenGL helper class.. makes the OpenGL initialization for newbies a cakewalk
I tested by rendering on the touch event only.. frame rate drops only when u touch and drag and here I have just tested by tapping and releasing gently on the emulator and on the device
Is this the device limitations ? So graphics is actually a lot lot lot slower than on iPhone ?
I would like to be able to use the OpenGL API from both Java and C (via NDK).
In Java, there is a GL object passed, which has all GL methods on it.
In C, you just talk to the native library.
In a single onDrawFrame callback (for which Java is passed a GL), can I use methods on the GL object, and also call NDK methods which access the openGL library?
In other words, is the GL object just a wrapper for the same instance of the native library?
What I am trying to do - I am continuously getting a stream of lat/lng positions, I want to move a overlay item dynamically on the map based on the lat/lng in the stream. I am displaying the location of moving object dynamically on the map
I am putting my whole code in a while(true) loop and trying to read the stream every 5 seconds and refresh the overlays on the map. But overlay items are not shown until the function (either oncreate, or any onclickeventhandler etc) is completed. For example, test code, I am adding a single test overlay item when ever the user clicks on a button. If I put a wait(2000000) "after" I add overlays and invalidate the map, the overlay is not displayed until the time has elapsed and the function is completed.
I had it working with a normal View but that is to slow. I was told to use SurfaceView but can't figure out how to use OnKey with it and if I should use onDraw or draw? And how do I pass stuff to draw? does it happen automatically? code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedFrom the javadoc of RemoteView, it said " * A class that describes a view hierarchy that can be displayed in another process."
But unlike View class, RemoteView does not have a 'draw(Canvas canvas)' method. Can you please tell me which method of RemoteView causing its layout to be drawn on screen?
I want to be able to get some reference to the curent object being drawn. code...
Above is my draw method and I want to extend the draw method to write the title underneath each item for example. This would require the .getTitle() method from the OverlayItem. Possibly some tracking of objects outside of this method but not sure where to put it....
Based on the limitations of RemoteViews, it looks to me that the appropriate way to get it actually drawn on the screen is to use an ImageView in the actual layout, then when it is updating, create a ShapeDrawable or two and draw them onto a newly created Bitmap. Then, set that Bitmap as the source of the ImageView. There is Something about that process that I'm just not grokking, though. The following is the code I tried to use to update the widget. I get nothing drawn on the screen at all. The ImageView has a placeholder image just set by its src property. When I don't run the code to update it to my drawing, the placeholder image stays in place. So, I know this code is doing something, just obviously not the right thing.
RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.widget);
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
ShapeDrawable drawable = new ShapeDrawable(new ArcShape(0, 360));
views.setImageViewBitmap(, bitmap);
appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetId, views);
I knew it couldn't be that easy. So, am I even heading in the right direction? Update Ok, maybe that was too much information. The question I'm really trying to ask is this: If I want to draw shapes on a widget, should I use an ImageView and create a bitmap from my ShapeDrawable or is there more appropriate way to draw into a widget where it is constrained by RemoteViews?
To any normal android Widgets based on View( Button ,TextView ...), I wanna manipulate the bitmap data before it is drawn on screen. I have tried the onDraw(Canvas canvas) method, But when the programe hit the onDraw(Canvas canvas) method, I think the bitmap has already been drawn to screen.
If there is any way that I can get the bitmap data before it's drawn to screen, so I can prevent it from being displayed , but grab the data, put it on the intent for some further use?
I have an application that receives information from a database, and is used to visualize 2D bitmaps onto a GLSurfaceView. The information received will determine the x-position of the bitmap, and which bitmap image to use (there are 4 different bitmaps in my res folder to choose from).
Below are the three classes that are being used. The Activity sets the Shapes objects that need to be drawn by passing an ArrayList to the GLLayer class. This ArrayList is passed to the instance of ShapeStorage class via another setList method. This class is responsible for drawing when they are received.
The problem that I'm having is the following. Suppose I receive one object (let's say that it's a square at it's located at x=1). Some time goes by, and I receive another shape (this time, it's a triangle, and it's located at x=-1). However, when this new shape appears on the screen, the old bitmap's appearance changes to a triangle, and the new one becomes a square. In other words, the objects themselves are at the correct position that they are supposed to be at, but the bitmap being associated with them has changed. Does anyone know what the possible cause of this can be? I'm still a newbie to OpenGL-ES, and while this code looks very convoluted, it just involves setting a bunch of various properties for the View. code...
I have a gray gradient drawable (png image in res/drawable). If I draw it on a white Canvas it looks banded (not smooth). If I put the gradient on white background in GIMP, and then draw this drawable on the Canvas, it looks great. What's the problem? I tested this on Nexus One. Calling setDither(true) on the drawable has no noticable effect.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to take a screen shot of whatever is drawn on my custom view's canvas. The getDrawingCache() call returns null sometimes. Any pointers to what I am doing wrong here?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy app keeps force closing before it starts, eclipse returns no errors in my code and my xml is good.
package com.mhe.test.scan;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
public class main extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Button myScanButton = (Button) findViewById(; myScanButton.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent("");
intent.putExtra("SCAN_MODE", "PRODUCT_MODE");
startActivityForResult(intent, 0);
} } );
} EditText totalbox = (EditText) findViewById(;
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
if (requestCode == 0) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
String contents = intent.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT");
// Handle successful scan totalbox.setText(contents)
} else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {
// Handle cancel totalbox.setText("@string/bummer");
} } } }
Essentially it is supposed to call zxing Barcode Scanner to scan a barcode on a button click and return the result into an EditText field.
I'm considering to develop owner drawn EditText widget. So, what do you think I should read or refer, firstly? Or, could you give me some good examples of both owner drawn widget or custom widget?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a method which returns the width ( in pixels ) of a text to be drawn on an Android canvas using the drawText() method according to the Paint used to draw it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny straight forward way to measure the height of text? The way I am doing it now is by using Paint's measureText() to get the width, then by trial and error finding a value to get an approximate height. I've also been messing around with FontMetrics, but all these seem like approximate methods that suck. I am trying to scale things for different resolutions. I can do it, but I end up with incredibly verbose code with lots of calculations to determine relative sizes. I hate it! There has to be a better way.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am creating a CustomView with bigger image based on tutorial on and developers forum. It is scolling fine.I need exact pixel coordinates of my image.I am getting that I want to draw some images upon scrolling image.I am able to draw images using onDraw().But images are not getting scrolled.Any idea how to resolve this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn my map application I am using overlay items and texts. I need shadows for both. For overlayitems I am able to display shadows. How to show shadow for the text drawn?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to capture the absolute positions of some ImageViews to use as drop targets. I can't seem to find what event I need to put my code in to read the screen and get the Left(), Top() .. positions. I do not want monitor the inflation of each individual view. There must be some sort of onScreenFinsihed type of event, but I can't find it. onMeasure and onDraw seem to fire at the start of their work, I need to know when they are done.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to get the size of a view that is in my activity but I am not able to get that information in any of the activity lifecycle callbacks (onCreate, onStart, onResume). I'm assuming this is because the views have not been drawn yet. At what point are views drawn and is there a callback I can put my code so I can get the size of the view?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am designing an Android app and I'm having a couple of layout issues. I have a screen with 3 EditTexts on it in a row, and I would like for the 'next' key on the soft keyboard to cycle between the EditText fields. As for now, the 'next' key has no effect. Also, when the soft keyboard is displayed, it covers up the third of the EditTexts. Is there any way to push up the layout in the event that the soft keyboard is drawn?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI made a "GraphBar" custom view that is a RelativeLayout with a TextView on the bottom and an ImageView, varying in height, above that. Here is the code...
I've found it's probably a bug. The workaround should be, again, calling requestLayout(). Still i don't understand where i can put the call.
This is really frustrating, I am trying to get a carriage return drawn in my custom view and nothing is working. I have tried 'System.getProperty("line.separator")' but that makes it say null and I have tried '
' and '
' and those just both draw a little square. I am using the canvas.drawText meathod.
I need a small help on rotating one image around its center of axis among multiple images which are drawn to canvas in android.
I am loading images to canvas like below.
canvas.drawBitmap(mMachineBackground, 0, 0, null);
canvas.drawBitmap(mMachineRotator, 0, 0, null);
I want to rotate only the second bitmap around its center of axis instead of rotating the entire canvas(which includes first bitmap also).
recommend an app that lets u transcribe words drawn with your finger into text?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a simple draw application on Canvas. User should be able to draw with a chosen color. On MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, invalidate() is called. Now it redraws previously drawn lines with the current color ( Redrawing the entire drawing with the current color). I do not want to change the color of previously drawn lines. I am not sure what is missing. Can I make it redraw only newly drawn lines?
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy friend bought used sony Ericsson X10 too and he has probem that he have entered wrong drawn for the pattern and his phone looked now, even he doesn't know the email and the password of it to open phone again.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working on developing a 3d game. I have loaded ms3d model in my project and all texture and everything is working fine. I m not loading any joints.But I am facing two major problems which indeed are related to one thing. 1: I have got FPS problem in my game.Its too low even on G1. 2: When I have touch event to control the game it affects the FPSmore. So plz let me know how to optimize it more because the same game with same code of opengl es is wokring at 45 FPS on Iphone So why its running slow on G1.What is opengl es benchmark for G1 ? Wat can be comparison btwn Iphone and G1 related to hardware acceleration?
View 3 Replies View RelatedBeen working with OpenGL a little more recently, and have been noticing pretty bad performance on my G1. Were there any major changes to OpenGL in 1.6 that would change the performance (or made my code incorrect?) on device? As a test, I grabbed the SpriteMethodTest out of Apps-For-Android, and gave it a spin. I had run it a few months ago and noticed pretty decent performance. With a low number of sprites (10-100), every method (Verts, Hardware VBO's, and DrawTex) had easily over 30fps, with drawTex beating out the others. I fired it up on my G1 (recently updated to 1.6), and all 3 methods are giving me performance of around 10-12fps with all methods of OpenGL at 10 sprites. Just for fun, installed the exact same APK on my girlfriends phone, which has yet to be updated to 1.6, and hers shows what I expected to start with, 30-60fps depending on method. So the question is, did anything change in terms of OpenGL, that would make the example code in SpriteMethodTest less than optimal?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want ask some questions about Opengl es 2.0?
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