Android :: Get Rid Of Shadow When I Scroll ListView?
Jul 10, 2010How can i get rid of the shadow when I scroll ListView.
I have shadows appearing on top and bottom of the list.

How can i get rid of the shadow when I scroll ListView.
I have shadows appearing on top and bottom of the list.
- 2 input boxes where the user can enter criteria to search for - 1 search button - when the search button is clicked, a search is performed and on the same page the matches are shown *below* the 2 input boxes and search button. - the results can be quite a few (say up to 50), which won't fit all on the viewable part of the screen, so the user has to be able to scroll down in the results. - when the user scrolls down over the results, the 2 input boxes + search button should of course also scroll up out of sight.
Basically the behaviour you get when you for example do a google search on But, for clarity: I don't want to use the WebView. Note that there should be no scrollbar for the results only (that can be done easily with a standard ListView), the all needs to scroll as a whole. The reason I want this behavior is that I don't want to direct the user to a next screen with the search results; that would be so annoying having to go back to the "search" screen all the time if you want to enter another search criteria, like if you figured out you made a typo.............................
I would like to catch horizontal scrolling in ListView. I don't wont to scroll ListView content, I need an event only. I use GestureDetector, and in onScroll() method I can figure out when user scrolls in horizontal direction. This part works. But my problem is ListView fires onItemLongClick event also. I need this event, but only if user doesn't scroll. If user scrolls in vertical direction, ListView doesn't fire onItemLongClick event. I need the same behavior for horizontal scrolling also.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to scroll the ListView up/down actions by pressing a button, instead of using finger gesture. It looks like the super class AbsListView.onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) handles all the scrolling up/down motion and animation. So if I want to scroll the list by pressing a button, I don't really have a MotionEvent to pass onto onTouchEvent method for it to work. I tried ListView.scrollTo(x,y), it kind of works but the hidden part of the ListView is not rendered when shown on the screen. I am trying to re-draw the list by using: ListView.invalidate(), ListView.invalidateViews(), list.adapter.notifyDataSetChanged()
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat I have now is a layout that includes a list view at the bottom. All of the items in the layout above the list view remain fixed as you scroll through the list view. I would like the entire page to scroll so for example when you reached the bottom of the list you would no longer see the items above the list view.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a listview displaying my data.Ok. I want to set the scroll position in a position of my choice, but I just cant do it. I used :
myListView.setSelection( anyPosition ); myListView.setSelected(true); and has not worked. I also tried : myListView.scrollTo(0, PositionY); and myListView.scroolBy(0, PositionY);
and there's a strange behavior, this two methods doesn't put the scrool in the "PositionY", it made the "PositionY" be the first position in the list, cutting everything that exist before.
Get scroll speed of Listview, Ivan Soto Fernandez Web Developer
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a long listView that the user scrolls around and then returns to the previous menu. What I want is that when the user opens this list View again the list to be scrolled to where the it was previously left. Any ideas on how this can be achieved ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have 2 ListView in a layout. I want each ListView show all their items. And scroll the whole layout.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am developing an android application where I need to manipulate the background image of the rows in listview on certain conditions. Initially when the listview is loaded all works properly. But when I scroll down to the listview and come up again the background image changes. Can someone tell me the reason why its happening so? Hope to get the reply soon.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to figure out how to save the location my ListView is scrolled to. Currently I am saving the ArrayList of the ListView. When the user comes back to the screen I reload the ArrayList but can't figure out how to make it scroll to the last location.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to scroll my ListView (from an Activity) to a particular element in the list. I know it's position in the list. How is this possible?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn my app, my main class extends ListActivity and calls a fillData() function to reload the list whenever changes are made. I'm still getting the hang of this, so I borrowed that concept from the Android Notepadv1-Notepadv3 tutorials. Everything works great, however whenever I need to change the list (remove an item, re-sort it, edit an item), the ListView refreshes and loses its scroll position. The scroll position is reset to the top after each fillData() call.
It appears to be resetting the scroll position to the top because I'm using setListAdapter() each time in fillData(), setting it to a new SimpleCursorAdapter. How can I get the list to "update in place", where the scroll position is seamlessly maintained to the user? I tried heading down the "items.changeCursor(cursor)" path, but that didn't seam to do much for me.......................
i'm rearranging items in the list by dragging the item. I'm in the touch mode and want to scroll view couple of items then i'm on the last/first visiblePosition. Since i'm in the touch mode setSelection is useless. How i can scroll a list in the touch mode. For drag i'm using onTouchEvent , onLayout to change background for the current item + some stuff in adapter to make a swap.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make a terminal type app that is wider than the actual android screen. A listview is great except that I don't want the text to wrap. If the text is wider than the screen I want it to print the full text and then the user can scroll over horizontally if they want to see what was printed off the screen. Just FYI this is for ascii type tables. I have followed this example:
It works great as far as horizontal text goes it does exactly what I want but I am unable to get the ListView inside the custom LinearLayout to actually scroll veritcally. I have tried passing the Y coordinates from the onScroll method to mListView such as: mListView.scrollBy(0, distanceY); but that seems to move the custom LinearLayout window instead of just scrolling the ListView. I can tell that the ListView is not scrolling because the window moves without the vertical scroll bar of the ListView moving.
My application show a ListView with a button which allow user to add an element. When the user clicks on this button, another Activity is started to allow user to populate the new element. When the add is finished, we return to the previous Activity with the ListView and I would like to scroll to the new element.
Note that this element is not necessarily at the end of the ListView because there is an "order by" when I retrieve the datas from the database. I know I need the cursor position of the new element to make the ListView scrool to it, but the only info I have about this element is its id, so how to convert this id to cursor position ? Do I have to loop on the cursor to find the position?
I have a ListView with an edit text and a button below it. When I click on a listView item the keyboard appears and push up the edit text and the button. I want the list to scroll to the selected item.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using Listview, i want to scroll down to list's 10 item when view get loaded, how can do that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am facing a strange an issue that should simple to solve I suppose. I wonder how can I automatically scroll to see an element in a list view. Let's say I know that I want to see the element view number 6 in my list view, how do I scroll my list to see this element ?
I look at the API but without any success, just a word on where to look.
I have a main menu screen with a simple ListView that contains "links" to further screens in my app (Browse, Bookmarks, Settings, About, etc.). Underneath the ListView there is a TextView (more accurately, a TextSwitcher that rotates TextViews) that changes every 10 seconds to display a new "tip".
In portrait mode, this works fine. There are my five list items in the ListView , and my tip label underneath. However, when I switch to landscape mode, the ListView is taller than the screen. The ListView scrolls normally, but I cannot scroll past the end of the ListView to see the TextView underneath.
I have tried every possible combination of Layouts, wrappers, ScrollViews, and layout_height parameters and I simply cannot get it to behave.
Here is the simplest code ...
Like I've said, I've already tried so many different combinations that I can't list them, and for the most part I was randomly inserting XML in an attempt to get something to work the way I wanted. So I'd greatly appreciate suggestions as to how I would go about doing this the right way.
I have a listview with a custom arrayadapter that handles about 15 strings. The style of each row alternates (between labels and values for those labels--for example row 1 could be "email address" and row 2 would be the actual email address). I'm changing the style of each row to alternate like this in the arrayadapter's getView() method. So if the item at the current position is a label, I'll change the styling from the default row style (which is what the values have applied to them). When the listview first loads, the styling is perfect and just how I want it to be. If I scroll the list slowly up or down, it stays that way. However, if I scroll the list fast up and down, the styling of the value rows starts changing to that of the label ones until all of the rows have the styling of a label row. I've used custom adapters on other listviews in the app with no problems like this. Found out that it also changes all of the rows to the label styling on portrait->landscape orientation changes. Doesn't do this on landscape->portrait changes. Below is the adapter I'm using.
public class DetailsAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> { private TextView text = null; private String item = null;
public DetailsAdapter(Context context, int resource, int textViewResourceId, String[] objects) { super(context, resource, textViewResourceId, objects);
} @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { text = (TextView) super.getView(position, convertView, parent); item = getItem(position);
if (item.equals("Name") || item.equals("Mobile") || item.equals("Home") || item.equals("Email") || item.equals("Address")) { text.setBackgroundColor(0xFF575757); text.setTextSize(15);
text.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); text.setPadding(8, 5, 0, 5);
} else { text.setPadding(15, 15, 0, 15); } return text;
} @Override public boolean isEnabled(int position) { item = getItem(position);
if (item.equals("Name") || item.equals("Mobile") || item.equals("Home") || item.equals("Email") || item.equals("Address")) { return false;
} else { return true; } } }
I have defined a custom theme, where I am drawing a dark gradient on my window background. My ListView background is set to be transparent, however whenever I scroll, the background color turns black, and then after scrolling has stopped, goes back to the gradient color. Why is this?
I have two ListViews. Is there any way to synchronize the position of ListViews when I scroll any one of the Lists
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm building a chat room application where new events are being polled for every X seconds. Every time that happens, this code updates the RoomAdapter (a custom subclass of ArrayAdapter) with the new data and scrolls it to the bottom:
RoomAdapter adapter = (RoomAdapter) getListAdapter();
for (int i=0; i<newEvents.size(); i++)
This is fine, except that if the user is scrolling up to glance at the room's history, it's going to jump her down to the bottom when the poll happens. What I'd like to do is have it so that if the user is already at the bottom of the list, it stays there after a poll for new events. If the user's intentionally scrolled upwards, I'd like the user not to be disturbed.
How do I detect when I'm already scrolled to the bottom of a ListView?
Note: I can't do getListView().getSelectedItemPosition(), because as the docs note, calling setSelection when in touch mode does not actually select the item, just scrolls to it.
I have a listview that when scrolled and the items go off of the screen they are not redrawn when I scroll back to them (the text and checkbox). In fact, items that are off the bottom of the screen in the listview never get drawn when scrolling to them. This only happens in Froyo. Any other version it works just fine. I have checked and the data is there as expected in the adapter when the getItem method is called, it is just not visible. The listview item is there (it's occupying the same amount of screen space per item), I just cannot see the text or checkbox once scrolled off screen and back on again. Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having a little difficulties while trying to get a certain layout to work: I want to have list. List does not have to be scrollable, but should be shown completely. But the page itself should be able to scroll (with the lists in it), if the total content ist higher than the screen.
It only uses a small part of the screen (about 2 lines per list), instead of filling the available height, and the lists themselves can be scrolled. How can I change the layout to always show the whole lists but have the screen be scrollalbe?
I am aware of setSelection(), setSelectionFromTop(), and setSelectionAfterHeaderView(), but none of them seems to do what I want.
Given an item in the list, I want to scroll so that it is in view. If the item is above the visible window of the list, I want to scroll until the item is the first visible item in the list; if the item is below the visible window, I want it to scroll up until it is the last visible item in the list. If the item is already visible, I don't want any scrolling to occur. How do I go about this?
I would like to after I have updated by listAdapter I want to make sure that the list is scrolled all the way to the bottom so that it displays the last element entered in the list How can I do this ?I tried this but no luck.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have text area and and down to that "ok" and "cancel" button. when i click on text area keyboard appear and focus on the text area and buttons get hide behind the keyboard.
I want when text area get focus scroll a little bit and also display the bottom buttons while text area id selected.
I've got this odd problem which is happening on 1.6, 2.2, and a MyTouch 3G Slide (which is API #7, and listed as "2.1-Update1" in the Android Device Chooser). If anyone can explain what I'm doing wrong & how to fix it (or possibly confirm that this is an Android bug)The basic idea for my app is to make a stopwatch-sort of thing, in that the user can tap a button to start a timer, then tap it again to stop (pause) the timer; further taps alternate between resuming the timer and pausing the timer.I've got a top-level ScrollView which contains a RelativelLayout, which contains a bunch of widgets. The first widget is a HUGE button (so that it's easy to press), which pushes all my other widgets below the bottom of the screen. This is intentional, as I want to rely on the ScrollView (and an on-screen reminder to the user) to make the rest of the input options available.I've got a simple state-machine type setup, where mState is the current mode (STATE_ TIMER_ NOT_ STARTED before the user presses any buttons, RUNNING after the first press, and then PAUSED after the second, back to RUNNING after the third, etc, etc).
All this works great EXCEPT that when the timer is running, and the user presses the start/stop/resume button again, the ScrollView will scroll down a ways. I am NOT issuing this command (I don't even have a reference to ScrollView object), and I'm not sure why it's doing this.
REPRO:Compile + run the below samples. When the app starts, press the 'Start Timing' button. Use your thumb (or the mouse) to touch-drag the screen upwards (so you can see the RatingBar), then drag it back downwards (so the button is again completely on-screen). Tap the button (which now reads 'PauseTiming') again, and it'll jump down a bit. It should NOT be jumping/scrolling down, since there's no statement (that I can see) that tells it to scroll down. As near as I can tell, it's the setText that causes the scrolling ( when I comment those lines out, no scrolling occurs).WHAT I'M ASKING FOR:if I'm doing something dumb & you could point out what it is, I'd really appreciate it! I wonder if 'touch mode' might have something to do with this, since it does NOT appear to happen (in the emulator) when I use the mouse's scroll wheel to move the panel upwards (i.e.,instead of the simulated finger-dragging). I can't find a whole lot on touch-mode, and nothing specific on focus/selection in touch mode within a ScrollView if you can confirm that this error occurs for you too, that would be ok, too (since misery loves company.AHEM I mean, since it might help confirm that it's not just me package;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.format.Time;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class MyTestApp extends Activity {
public final static int STATE_TIMER_NOT_STARTED = 1;
public final static int STATE_TIMER_RUNNING = 2;
public final static int STATE_TIMER_PAUSED = 3;
private int mState;
Time t = new Time();
private Time data = new Time();
private Button btnStartStopResume;
private TextView lblSpacer;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
btnStartStopResume = (Button) findViewById(;
// Set the button's size so that the other info will also be visible
Display display = ((WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE))
// This is such a hack, but the windowScroller doesn't appear to
// have a height at this point in the lifecycle (nor in 'onResume' :( )
btnStartStopResume.setHeight(display.getHeight() - 200);
lblSpacer = (TextView) findViewById(;
} public void doStartStopResume(View v) {
if (mState == MyTestApp.STATE_TIMER_NOT_STARTED) {
} else if (mState == MyTestApp.STATE_TIMER_RUNNING) {
String s = getString(R.string.add_scroll_down_to_add);
} else if (mState == MyTestApp.STATE_TIMER_PAUSED) {
public void doReset(View v) {
}public void doNewRunClick(View v) {
public void doAddTiming(View v) {
public void reset() {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <RelativeLayout
> <Button
android:text="Start Timing"
android:onClick="doStartStopResume" />
android:text="@string/add_scroll_down_for_more" />
android:text="Start of this run:"
android:textSize="8dp" />
android:text="--:--:-- --"
android:textSize="26dp" />
android:text="Elapsed Time:"
android:textSize="8dp" />
android:text="-- m -- sec"
android:text="This is a new run of timings"
android:layout_marginBottom="10dip" />
android:text="Intensity (1 = none 5 = max)"
android:layout_below="@id/chkNewRun" />
android:layout_marginBottom="5dip" />
android:layout_below="@id/rbIntensity" />
android:layout_marginBottom="10dip" />
android:onClick="doReset" />
android:text="Add Timing To List"
android:onClick="doAddTiming" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="app_name">Timer</string>
<string name="dlg_edit_timing_title">Edit A Timing</string>
<string name="add_scroll_down_for_more">< Scroll down for more options! ></string>
<string name="add_scroll_down_to_add">< Scroll down to save this timing! ></string>
<string name="start_timing">Start Timing
<string name="stop_timing">Pause Timing
<string name="resume_timing">Resume Timing
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
<application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
<activity android:name=".MyTestApp"
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="5" />
UPDATE 1: Adding if( btnStartStopResume.isInTouchMode() )
Toast.makeText(this, "TOUCH MODE", 2000);
elseToast.makeText(this, "NOT touch mode", 2000);
then setting breakpoints in the debugger confirms that the button is always in touch mode (regardless of whether I finger-drag the panel up/down, or mouse-wheel it up/down). So it's a combination of being in touch-mode AND finger-dragging the panel after the 2nd button-press (i.e, when the app is in 'stopped/paused timing' mode) that's causing the odd extra-timing in subsequent pauses.
I just noticed that it's scrolling down to the EditText, and no further. It looks like when you move the panel down the EditText gets the selection, and after the click event the ScrollView scrolls back to the thing that has the selection. Seems to explain why the mouse-wheel approach doesn't have this problem (it moves the selection/focus back up to the button).