Android :: Create Drop Shadow For Drawable?
Jan 18, 2010How do i create a drop shadow to add it to a custom drawable i made using shape?

How do i create a drop shadow to add it to a custom drawable i made using shape?
I have an activity. It does not have a title bar. The content view is just a linear layout. It looks like android draws a drop shadow at the top of my content view, directly below the status bar. Is there a way to stop that from being drawn?
My layout is just:
I have no titlebar:
I have a PNG file with drop shadow that is supposed to be blended using multiply operation. I'm using an ImageView to show it.
However, the shadow is shown as solid gray.
What am I doing wrong?
I need to create a tiled drawable using BitmapDrawable but I need to create it from xml resource rather than code.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to set a specific background image for all my buttons. So, I changed my PNG file into a Ninepatch drawable using the "draw9patch" tool(by specifying the line of strecth).Then, I applied this as background to my button using
Now, the background appears for the button, but the lines of stretch are also visible on the android screen, wherever I'd specified them in the tool. Can you help? Is there something wrong in how I'm using the tool?
Creating a Drawable that is completely empty seems like a common need, as a place holder, initial state, etc., but there doesn't seem to be a good way to do this... at least in XML. Several places refer to the system resource @android:drawable/empty but as far as I can tell (i.e., it's not in the reference docs, and aapt chokes saying that it can't find the resource) this doesn't exist. Is there a general way of referencing an empty Drawable, or do you end up creating a fake empty PNG for each project?
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View 4 Replies View RelatedI've tried casting shadow following this tutorial (which uses Stencil Buffer method): The result is a cool shadow effect. But it depends too much on geometry and thus not very flexible. Then I found a much easier way to do shadowing here: But it uses ARB_depth_texture and ARB_shadow extension. So I bet it can't be used with Android's OpenGL ES 1.0. I've tried googling for "Shadow Mapping" and "OpenGL ES" but still can't find a good tutorial. Can anyone recommend me a good place/site I can study for this please?
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I have the following code which is applied on a bitmap and I wanted to be shadowed...
paint.setShadowLayer(1, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); //This only shadows my whole view...
I'm trying to give my first steps on working with ActivityGroups. To be more specific, I have a parent activity with a layout containing several buttons, and another layout below them in order to add other activities' layouts by means of the "addView()" method. Well, everything works fine in functionality terms; but I'm experiencing a weird behavior inside the layout where other activities are kind of loaded into. A black line along the top border of the layout plus a slight shadow do appear when I run the application on the emulator. I have tried to play changing the paddings, margins, etc. with no success.
Has any of you experienced such weird behavior?
I am displaying a custom marker on my Google Map. They are placed fine, but they have this funny shadow. How can I remove the shadow? code...
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I have shadows appearing on top and bottom of the list.
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Which works, but the shadow below the marker has wrong offset when scaled. Also; i override the public boolean onTap(int index) in ItemizedOverlay to detect taps on the markers, but it seems inaccurate. I can click some range outside the marker and still trigger onTap...
I'm test driving Shadow rom right now.Is it weird? I'm getting lower Quadrant scores when I am using Set CPU with the settings on 998Mhz on the Performance governor.I'm using the Koush kernel that came with the rom.With Set CPU uninstalled, I consistently get higher Quadrant scores.Am I using the wrong settings in Set CPU?Kernel is capable of 1115Mhz, but is set at 998Mhz.Mods please move if I posted in the wrong place.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have used both ROMS and they appear to be almost identical. am i missing something. The shadow settings and C6 settings and menu look exactly the same.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDownloaded Shadow ROM and so far so good. Was using LIQ FROYO 1.6 and this is just as snappy but with more bells and whistles. However, I can't install Angry Birds, while i was able to on liqfroyo1.6. Anyone able to install angry birds? if so, can anyone offer any guidance or tricks to get it on?
Shadow ROM
No Theme
No Kernel, no overclock (other than what is stock on the ROM)
I was wondering if anyone has made an Invertnito Yellow theme for Shadow Rom? I LOVE Invertnito, but I also love Incognito Yellow. If anyone could help, or possibly make one, it would be much appreciated.
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What i would like to have:
What can I do with the "shadow layer" of the the google maps overlays? I tried, naively, to draw something (an arc) only when (shadow == true) and got nothing? I'm interested in drawing arcs and arc shadows on a map. is there a nice google-maps way to do this?
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I wanted to modify the the drop down in such a way it also display's the Full name and email address one below the other . I tried using the ResourceCursorAdapter but could not get it to work.
How to drop a database in Android SDK?
Did not see any methods in android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper or android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase classes.
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