Android :: Show Dialog While Loading Layout By SetContentView In Background
Apr 15, 2010I am using below code where , i want to show dialog in front and loading content in background but not able to do the same .code...
View 3 RepliesI am using below code where , i want to show dialog in front and loading content in background but not able to do the same .code...
View 3 RepliesI am writing an app that requires the user's current location (lastknownlocation won't be very helpful) and displays a list of all the closest "items" to them taken from the database.I have got the finding of the closest items working well but only using a hardcoded latitude and longitude location for the time being but now it is time to implement finding the actual location.Can anyone provide an example of how to have the app find the current fine location in the background and have the app wait. I only need the location once not updates as the person moves. I have implemented a location listener however I understand getting a GPS fix can be slow. I have seen other examples using last known location or implementing the location listener which continues to run and update however as my Activity needs the location coordinates before it can display anything the app just crashes. I need to show a Progress Dialog while its searching.
How can I have the locationlistener run once in the background and then remove location updates once it finds the location. I need the rest of the application to wait until it has a GPS location or timeout after say 20-30seconds. I would like a ProgressDialog up so the user knows that something is going on, but it just has to be the spinning loading animation not a percentage or anything. If possible I would like the user to be able to cancel the dialog if they are sick of waiting which then they can search by typing suburb etc instead.I have been trying to do it with threads but it is getting way more complicated than I feel it should be and still not working anyway. On iPhone this is much more simple?Can anyone provide a nice way of doing this, I have been ripping my hair out for a week on this and it is really putting me behind schedule for the rest of the app completion date.
I want to custmize an alert dialog. I can set the content using setContentView and other api's, but Android always gives a white border with rounded edges around the Alert dialog. Is it possible to remove this white border from the dialog box?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to open twitter auth in my webview rather then opening in browser, any good tutorial how to play with webview in dialog and loading it inside dialog?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am developing a utility and facing an issue. The following describes what i intend to achieve: User will click on "Submit"Button. User will be prompted a confirm dialog box. On "No" , it will return. "Yes" click will take it to a method which does some processing. As processing can take sometime, i want to show loading bar after user clicks "Yes" in confirm dialog box. However, When i click "Yes"; the dialog box remains there and i can't see th progress bar.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can we use more than one layout file. I have implemented a cutom dialog.That means i have created an layout file for dialog. And one layout file for my activity. But whatever the UI items in dialog layout ile if iam using them by findViewById it is giving me null
I will explain in details here @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); applicationContext=getApplicationContext();
Dialog folder=new Dialog(this); folder.setTitle("Creating folder"); folder.setContentView(R.layout.create_folder); TextView tv=findViewById(; //Here folder_text is in my second layoutfile ie in create_folder.xml //In the above statemet i got the null to tv variable.;
1.) I have a Dialog showing on my application. Right now it is showing in the center of the device. But i want to see that dialog in Top of layout. How to move it?
2.) How to add an image in a Dialog box?
EDIT: I added an image in background of Button. I want to move this button into right corner of Pop up Dialog. How to do that? And also i want to know how to move the entire Pop up Dialog itself into Top of the Layout screen?
As I'm new to this development, please some one suggest me how do i achieve this?
Is it possible to add any layout in progress dialog box in android??
View 1 Replies View Relatedi'am trying to load an url in background using the default browser. So the user can switch to the browser whenever he finished reading the current activity and the page is already loaded. Is there a way to fire an Intent (Browser) but stay in the original Activity? I'am aware of the FrameLayout approach with setting the visibilty but this is not possible with the default browser.
View 1 Replies View Related-->I am new to Android And i want to show two progress dialog one after another??
-->First i want to show when my image is load from internet, when this process is done i have set A button on that Remote image.
-->When i click that button i want Dialog for second time..(on clicking button i have set video streaming code.. before video is start i want to close that Dialog..)
How to show a dialog in .My code...
View 4 Replies View RelatedRight now I have a class that extends LinearLayout and builds the view inside of the constructor using a series of addViews. I wanted to move this into an XML file, so I have the same view defined there. My problem is that I can't figure out how to load the XML file in the constructor of the derived class. I looked up the LayoutInflater stuff, but I wasn't entirely sure how to use it in that context. Do I need to call addView() with the result of the LayoutInflater? Is this even possible? The other issue is that the context object that is passed in doesn't have the LayoutInflater methods. I'm not sure if I need an instance of Activity to do that.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm dealing with a problem you guys might not have faced earlier. I'm having a use-case in my Android application where the actual screen that I want to show to user is not stored in any layout file of my application. The layout of the of the screen is designed by server in this case, based on selection made by user on first screen.
Let me elaborate here,
1st Screen : List of check box with different biller names. (Imagine I've selected 2 billers from this screen)
2nd Screen : (The screen that server has decided how it should look like)
* Header,
* 1st Biller name (Label)
* Amount for 1st Biller TextBox
* Image (a Separator image)
* 2st Biller name (Label)
* Amount for 2st Biller TextBox.
* Here there can be a checbox/radio/another TextBox anything.
* Image (a Separator image)
* Button (to submit above form back to server)
I hope makes some sense in what I'm planning to design. The current issues I'm dealing with are as below.
1). How to draw this dynamic widgets?
2). How to fetch user Inputs from this dynamically created widgets?
in my android application there are number of images in drawable folder. in my layout two buttons: back and forward button.on clicking next and back buttons different-2 image get loaded on the same layout(common for all images). Problem:i am able to load images in next button click but as i click on back button no image got loaded.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to popup dialog to be showed when i get a message from differnt thread but the dialog should be not dependent on Activity i.e, it should display the dialog wherever the screen focus is .can it be done ..because the dialog is handled per Activity ,i thought of using service but again it would be one more thread added so want to avoid that.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a dialog with a custom layout, and I try to close it when I press a button:
private void showAboutDialog() {
dialog = new Dialog(MainMenu.this);
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.about_dialog, (ViewGroup) findViewById(;
Button closeButton = (Button) layout.findViewById(;
closeButton.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { dialog.dismiss();
} } );
But it doesn't work.
The button doesn't show in this layout(code below),image and textview are shown. I tried using relative layout but that doesn't help either.
I'm testing it on 1.5 emulator.
In android, is it possible to customize the header layout (the icon + a text) layout of a dialog? Or I can just set the string value of the title text?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a webview I'd like to display as a dialog. I'd like the webview to fill the entire screen, except for a button below it that I'd like to stay at the bottom of the dialog regardless of how much content is in the webview. Currently my webview fills up the dialog just enough to push the button off the screen. I'm sure this is something pretty easy but for the life of me, I haven't been able to find the magical combination of layouts, views and attribute values to get it to play nice. Just to be clear, I've gotten it so the button floats over the webview but I'd like the webview to stop just above the button and scroll, if that makes sense.
In the android market app, the ListView shows a 'ProgressView' during the loading of the content of the ListView, and then when the loading is done, it shows the content of the ListView.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIm trying to show a ProgressDialog while the activity is loading. my problem is that although i completed all the work in the activity. it takes a long time for the activity to load, i suspect this is because i use
multiple views with multiple listviews with custom array adapters inside a viewflipper. it takes a long time for the UI to would i go about checking that all the UI inside the activity finished loading? or is there a way to preload all the activity and the UI?
how to show dialog with only the progress image without the rectangle, background color and text. I want only the spinning image in the dialog.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am creating an app that show a Progress dialog in AsyncTask to inform the user while web information is being fetched. I've read there are two ways of doing this: Using handlers or creating and executing an inner class that overrides the AsyncTask class. I am trying to create and executing inner class that overrides the AsyncTask class, which runs a resource-intensive thread in the background, to provide progress updates, and reports back when finished.
On the OnCreate, I have: protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { return, "", "Loading. Please wait...", true); }
I would like to show an alert dialog that shows a counter(timer of time) and after 10 seconds will automatically disappear. Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to show a "grid" or "table" of data in a pop-up dialog box on Android.
Basically, a column listed down the left with rows of names, for example, then multiple columns to the right of the names with values in columns.
Is this possible?
I want to show my progressbar in the center of the screen when a processing happens on a button click. But I just want the progressbar without the dialog box..
Is there any way I can do this?
I have a Preferences dialog with some EditTextPreference elements. The preference values can be edited by end-users when they click on the particular item. However, at the first application launch, I would like to create a sort of wizard to guide the end-users through the configuration. I need to show the EditTextPreference edit dialog programatically. Somehow I need to emulate the end-user clicked on the preference.
Is it possible?
I am having a bitmap image. Can i show it in a Alert Dialog in android?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to show/pop-up dialog from service in android.
can any one guide how to work around for that.
I am trying to laod the listview dynamically. There are three textviews inside a listview. The text to be set in the textview is fetched from the server. All this is working fine. I am able to fetch the text and am able to display it inside the listview.
The only problem is the position of the textview. The xml layout file is as under:
If I look at this xml layout in the eclipse layout tab then it is displayed properly. Problem occurs only when the text is fetched dynamically.