Android : Restrictions In Resource Name / How To Do Generic Internationalisation?

Oct 5, 2010

Currently porting an iPhone application to Android. I've encountered an issue that I haven't been able to overcome. On the iPhone, translating your text is trivial. Put all your strings/text in Localizable.strings in the format: "sentence to translate" = "sentence translated" The original string can contain any characters of any type. So, what are the restrictions in the name of a resource on Android. Or is there a way to circumvent it and easily replace one string with another. I'd like to keep the original dictionary of text I was using on the iPhone to keep things simple and not introduce any unnecessary errors.

Android : Restrictions in resource name / how to do generic internationalisation?

Android :: Build Fingerprint - Generic - Google Sdk/generic - 1.5/CUPCAKE - 147336 - Eng - Test-keys

Aug 4, 2009

While running i am getting this error in my logcat and my app exiting automatically...


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Android : Need Content Restrictions On Driod

Jul 24, 2010

I cannot find any articles on the content restrictions for developing on Andriod. Are there any? My client wants to make an app that contains 'strong adult language' for sexual position as well as potentially adult imagery.

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Android :: How To Use Resource Within A Custom Xml Resource File?

Aug 3, 2010

I have an XML resource file:
<resources> <section>
<category value="1" resourceId="@xml/categoryData1" />
<category value="2" resourceId="@xml/categoryData2" />
<category value="3" resourceId="@xml/categoryData3" />
</section> </resources>
Using XmlPullParser, on the START_TAG, I can use:
int value = parser.getAttributeIntValue(null, "value", 0);
to get values 1, 2, 3...however:
int resourceId = parser.getAttributeIntValue(null, "resourceId", 0);
doesn't just yields the default value 0, or whatever I change the default value (3rd parameter) to be. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or if this is possible?

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Android : Setup Parental Restrictions On Phone?

Jul 2, 2010

I just got an Android phone for my son. Is there any way to set up parental restrictions on the phone so he doesn't have full access to everything on the browser? I have hidden the browser icon, but that's not going to work very long. He's not very computer/tech savvy, but his friends will show him. His iPod Touch has restriction settings, so wondering if Android has anything like it. I've searched this forum and the net and haven't found anything.

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Android :: Safe App Search Filters And Web Browsing Restrictions?

Jun 18, 2010

Anything out there that can help keep app browsing secure and safe?Also anything that can be added to the standard browser to put browsing restrictions on without having to turn it on and off with every reboot?

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Motorola Droid :: What Are Legal Restrictions About Using Android Mascot?

Feb 3, 2010

Can anybody tell me what are the legal restrictions about using the android mascot?

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General :: Getting App To Remove Restrictions

Jan 13, 2013

Is there an app that will remove download restrictions?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Possible To Unlock The Sim Restrictions

Jun 15, 2010

Anyone heard if its possible to unlock the sim restrictions for the Galaxy S, would this be done by unlock codes or FW modification ?

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General :: Video Text Size Restrictions

Dec 15, 2012

If I root my GSIII can the size limit on video text messages be adjusted or deleted all together? This is the only thing I don't like about my phone, I send a lot of video tex+ messages and this drives me crazy. I know I can change my video settings for MMS but the quality is really crappy.

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General :: Is There A Way To Put Certain Restrictions On Samsung Galaxy Tablet

Mar 2, 2012

I was wondering if there's any way to put restrictions on a Samsung galaxy tab such as only being able to use the web browsing ... So i would like to disable the use of the android market etc. For school purposes (dont want my students playing games downloading etc etc).

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General :: Launcher Without Icon Size Restrictions?

Apr 29, 2012

I have tried numerous launchers and have found it difficult to find any launchers that allow you to go above 72x72 resolution for icons. The only one that would was Go Launcher EX and that simply scaled them up to a barely noticeable 82x82.

Is there a launcher which allows you to load icons that are say 100x100 and that does not scale them?

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KitKat 4.4 :: Does Update Remove Carriers Restrictions On Google Wallet

May 30, 2014

Does the 4.4 update remove the carriers restrictions on the Google wallet? Specifically can you use the nfc payment. I read that the carriers restricted the nfc payment feature on Google wallet for "supposed security reasons" and that the 4.4 update is supposed to fix this.

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Android :: Generic DB App

Nov 30, 2009

Is there a generic database application out there? I haven't found any in the market or mentioned in these forums.

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HTC EVO 4G :: MMS / Generic Replacement For Htc Mms On 2.2 Android?

Sep 26, 2010

I wonder if there is generic replacement for htc mms on 2.2 android ? Every time i try to send mms I get unable to resolve send address. I have android plan and I installed apn but I cant get it to work. Does anyone knows how to get evo to send mms on cricket. Also is there generic virtual voice mail app?

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Android :: AsyncTask Not Generic

Jul 18, 2010

When I try to compile to following code, I get two errors:

Description Resource Path Location Type
Syntax error on token "void", invalid Expression /AsyncTask Project/src/org/me/asynctask line 19 Java Problem

Description Resource Path Location Type
The type AsyncTask is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments /AsyncTask Project/src/org/me/asynctask line 25 Java Problem


Obviously AsyncTask IS a generic ( so why do i get those errors?

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Android :: Generic Adapter

Jul 29, 2009

Generic android.widget.Adapter iface has getCount() method which tells e.g. ListView how many items adapter has. what if my Adapter's data source cannot tell me it's size and has only method Object getItem(int position) returning e.g. null when there is no item for that position? in other words i can get some object at given position but don't know maximum value for position so, is it possible to create Adapter not knowing apriori its size?

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Android :: 2.1 Generic Image

May 25, 2010

Does anyone know where I can find a generic image of Android 2.1? I have a Commtiva Z71 a.k.a Cincinnati Bell Blaze (which runs on Qualcomm MSM7227, 600 MHz) and no one has released instructions on how to root it or do really anything fun with it yet.

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Android :: Is There Way To Get / Set Generic Device Name?

Nov 4, 2010

Is there a way to get/set a generic device name ? My app will offer the user an option to use the same app on several devices and they will be aware of each other through server. 1) Is there anything in the APIs to allow me to fetch some kind of friendly device name (cannot be OS/model since user might have the same on both devices) ? 2) AFAICT the only option is to use Bluetooth name but how can I fetch my device name in code?(and it's a nag do explain the user to use bluetooth just to set the name of the device)

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General :: Android 4.2.2 Generic Root?

Sep 25, 2013

can recommend a Root method that might work for the following phone configuration.My phone is custom built by a Sonim OEM, but factory modified to the Companies own brand.. its comparable to the Sonim A3, at least in outward functionality and durability, being waterproof, etc... but the internal hardware compilation is likely different, but I'm not sure how..

Here is my log from Android System Info.. it says at the bottom, user is root? but I dont have root access.. i ran Root Checker Basic, and it said I dont have a rooted phone.. I also did the terminal test & su was unrecognized and returned $ and not #

Here are the specs:

Android version : 4.2.2
Release Codename : REL
CPU ABI : armeabi-v7a
Manufacturer : alps
Bootloader : unknown
CPU ABI2 : armeabi
Hardware : mt6572
Radio : unknown
Board : mbk72_wet_jb3
Brand : alps
Device : mbk72_wet_jb3
Display : A8_V1.0
Fingerprint : alps/mbk72_wet_jb3/mbk72_wet_jb3:4.2.2/JDQ39/1378194655:user/test-keys
Host : android
ID : JDQ39
Model : A 8
Product : mbk72_wet_jb3
Tags : test-keys
Type : user
User : root

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General :: Can't Get Any Updates / Can Put Generic Android OS On Tab

Apr 21, 2014

I have a pandigital 7 inch tablet since they are out of business and i can't get any updates can i put a generic android operating system on it and how would i do it?

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Android :: Change Generic Windows Icon

Oct 29, 2008

The purpose of this tutorial is to change the generic windows icon of your G1 to an Android icon. What icon you ask? The generic removable disk icon given to your G1 when you plug it in to your PC. i thought it would be fun to create one that differentiates it from the rest. So here we go!
1. First of all we are going to download the pack ive created for you here.
2. Second we are going to rename the drive to Android G1 like i have on this image.
3. Third we are simply going to unpack the files you downloaded using an application like, WinRAR or 7-Zip. WinRAR offers you a 30day trial and 7-Zip is an open source freeware product. Choose one that fits you.
4. Now we are simply going to drag it into the root of the drive. Seeing since mine is the "K:/" drive, im going to place it in there. Once that is done, highlight both icons and choose properties and check off the "Hidden" attribute so that you don't accidentally delete them.
5. You're all set! Enjoy your new icon! Im going to be making a Vista version for all you people that like high quality icons. Stay tuned!

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Android :: Way To Launch Calendar App With Generic Intent

Sep 13, 2009

There's seemingly no way to launch the calendar app in a generic way. I've written a widget which allows you to launch the calendar. I use the following Intent:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setClassName("", ""); startActivity(i);

However, this doesn't work on the Hero because HTC has apparently replaced the calendar in their Sense UI. I'm looking for a "standard" way to reach the calendar. I'd like for something like this to be standardized:

Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); i.setType("text/calendar"); startActivity(i);

Does anyone think it would be worth trying to add this to the source? It seems like there is a missing chunk of standards around calendar events and/or iCal / vCal support. Does anyone know why?

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Android :: Mac - Generic Drive Icon With The Title No Name

Feb 10, 2010

I have a Samsung Moment and it is connected to my iMac for file sharing. By default when you connect, you get a generic drive icon with the title NO NAME.

Does anyone know of a way to change the generic icon? Usually you can do this with the 'get info' feature on the Mac, but once I did this, I just get a blank ICO icon file.

Just thought it would be cooler to use the Android robot icon instead whenever I connect my phone.

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Android :: Generic Listener For Buttons In A Layout?

Oct 12, 2010

I have three buttons defined in xml


In Java one way to listen to them is:


For second btn , same code has to be repeated with different id? How can I make it generic enough that , it can listen to all buttons (say in for loop) and while handling I should be able to differentiate different btns. (may be get elements id)

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Android :: How To Return AlertDialogs From A Generic Class

Nov 15, 2010

Within a public class that doesn't extend any other class I'm doing some evaluation stuff and I would like to return a Dialog if something needs to be communicated to the user.

I'm using an AsyncTask to run a method of an instance of this class from the main ui:


Now, the public Dialog start() method of creates a dialog using the Context that was assigned via it's parameter.

When the Dialog is returned to onPostExecute I receive the following exception


I suppose I cannot use the context like this. But what would be the alternative? How can I outsource some basic stuff I always need to do, even some general Dialogs? Do I need to use custom intents instead?

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Android :: How To Call NotifyDataSetChanged() From A Generic Adapter

May 19, 2010

An OnItemClickListener for a ListView has the following method:


I'd like to have the adapter behind the ListView refresh, and I believe this is done through the use of:


How do I use the parent parameter in the onItemClick method to do this? So far I've tried:


This throws an error because the object returned is of class HeaderViewListAdapter, which for reasons unknown isn't a subclass of BaseAdapter.

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Android :: How To Implement Generic Activity - List And Map Activities?

Oct 13, 2010

I want to display the same options menu on all of my application's activities. I created a generic Activity that implements the menu, and all my further activies extend it. The problem: when I need to extend other specific activities, like ListActivity and MapActivity, I can't figure out how to extend the generic activity and add the List or Map behaviour to the new class. To deal with the issue I had to create three different generic activities, each extending Activity, ListActivity and MapActivity.I've tried creating an abstract activity but it doesn't work, I would need to extend two classes at the same time. I could try interfaces but since I can't implement methods, I would have to paste the menu implementation all over the second-level classes, right?

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Android :: Deserializing ArrayList Of Non-generic Type Using GSON

Jul 6, 2010

I'm trying to deserialize json data to an ArrayList of Restaurant object as follows (inpsired by what I found in


But this gives the error shown at the end of the post.

It seems that there is some null pointer in listType... Here's a watch of listType:


What's wrong with my code? How can I do that?


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General :: Rooting Generic Android ICM Tablet Not Working?

Apr 13, 2012

I tried possibly ever option on le google (and some here) but to no avail. Installed every program suggested on the net (unlockRoot, onclickroot, etc etc) as well as the necessary programs (SDK, ADB drivers etc) but it just seems it is impossible. So I turn my plead towards you, after two full days of struggling with this stupid thing.

How can I root my 4.0.3 ICS generic tablet?


Beeldscherm:10 inch (24,7 cm) capacitive 10 point multi touch display
Resolutie :Scherm resolutie 1024 x 768 pixels
Aspect Ratio:4:3
Orientation :Automatic

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