Android :: One Local Service Multiple Binding Activities
Nov 20, 2010
I have a local Service to which multiple activites needs to bind. In the first launched Activity, bindService returns true and onServiceConnected is called. But in any additionally launched activites bindService returns false, and I can't get a reference to my Service.
How can multiple activities simultaneously be connected to a local Service?
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Aug 3, 2010
I have a service component (common task for all my apps), which can be invoked by any of the apps. I am trying to access the service object from the all activities, I noticed that the one which created the service [startService(intent)] has the right informaion. But rest does not get the informaion needed.
My Code is as below:
If I invoke startService(intent). it creates a new service and runs in parallel to the other service.
If I don't invoke startService(intent), serviceObj.getData() retuns null value.
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Oct 5, 2009
I am very new beginner, and I am designing a small application as below.
- After a user starts the application, he/she can click the start button to start a background task. (e.g. retrieving the news headlines periodically, then do something...)
- Even after the user quits the application, the background task still running.
- To stop the background task, the user needs to run the application again, and clicks the stop button to stop the background task.
In the above scenario, what API should I use ? (Local Service Binding ? Remote Service Binding ? Handler ?)
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Sep 15, 2010
My application has the following components: 2 Activities A Service and a BroadcastReceiver
Whenever the user updates the system time, my broadcast receiver receives the Intent.ACTION_TIME_CHANGED. Now when this happens I want to reschedule a Handler in my Service. How do I bind to a Service within my BroadcastReceiver?
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Jun 29, 2010
I'm trying to refactor/redesign an Android app. Currently, I've one UI activity (Activity 1) that creates a DataThread. This thread is responsible for network I/O and interacts (provides data) with the UI activity via a handler.
Now, I want to add another activity (a new UI screen with Video) - Activity 2. Activity 1 is still the main activity. Activity 2 will be invoked when the user clicks a button on Activity 1. Activity 2's data also comes from the DataThread.
My idea is to put the logic of my DataThread inside an Android Service (DataService). My question is - can more than on activity bind to my DataService at the same time? Is there a way to tell the service to provide data to a specific activity only?
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May 19, 2010
I'm new to Android development and am working on a small test project. I have a service, which communicates with an SQLite3 database, and two activities. A main activity which fetches database information via the service and displays it and a second activity which allows me to add data to the database via the service.
Currently, I have a singleton class which implements the ServiceConnection interface and I'm binding this to the service in the the main activity using the bindService function. Because it's a singleton, I can then use this service connection in both the main activity and second activity to work with the database and it all seems to work quite well.
However, I'm all the time aware that the service connection is bound to the main activity and I'm wondering if this is the wrong/bad way to do it? Would I be best off having two service connections, one in each activity, and binding each to the service?
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Jun 10, 2010
I have a class A which extends TabActivity and creates Activities B, C and D as tabs in its onCreate() function. Also, class A initializes another service handler class S which is responsible for establishing a connection to a service and implementing callback handlers for the service. Any of the Activities B, C and D should be able to receive events from the service and update accordingly. If I receive any event in class S from the the service then I want to call a function in Activity B which would be responsible to update the UI elements in Activity B based on the event received. You can assume that the user is in Activity B when the event arrives.
Can I call an activity function like the following in the stub handler for the callback in my class S -
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Jan 15, 2010
I have multiple activities and one service.. In MainActivity I successfully connect to service (using a class what implements ServiceConnection + bindService() + startService()) but when i try to apply same method in other activity i see in LogCat a error... It Is possible to connect to service in an other way: something like to make static my CounterServiceConnection object in MainActivity and use it in the second one?
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Dec 16, 2009
I am working on an android application, where the activity binds to a local service to perform certain tasks.Now I am binding the service in the OnCreate method of the Activity, after which the activity has to use the service object to invoke the functionality defined in the servicein the OnStart method. The problem here is that once a call "bindservice" has been made, we might not get the serviceobject immediately, so my service object would be null till that time. So i cannot invoke the service functions.So is there a way to determine in the activity that the service has been bound and the service object is valid and could be used now. For reference i'm attaching a code snippet for the same.
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Mar 13, 2010
Can an Activity be bound to two different Services at the same time or do I have to unbind one Service before binding to the other one?
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Apr 30, 2010
Can one service be bound to n activities?
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Jun 24, 2010
After I Bind to a service inside the method I start a CountDownTimer. The problem is that the timer does not start counting down. I have gone through with the debugger and sure enough it is executing the method that starts the Timer.If I use a button to start the timer it works! What could I be doing wrong?
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Aug 16, 2010
Are there design guidelines to help decide if an application with multiple views should be designed with multiple activities or just one activity and control the back button itself.
I've tried both. My most complex applications using one activity per screen. However, now that I'm successfully written an app with just one activity and handling the back button myself, I don't see any compelling reason to use multiple activities. The one activity application is much simpler and more straightforward.
What advantages of multiple activities am I missing?
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Nov 13, 2010
I am writing application that has service that provides real time data to subscribers via remote callback mechanism. Now I wanted to add a widget that visualizes essential part of this data but got error: "IntentReceiver components are not allowed to bind to services". So what's the right way to get data from that service?
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Jul 1, 2010
Is there any fundamental difference in binding a service to an vs binding it to an I want to bind the service to an Application because I want to keep some global state/data in the Application instead of duplicating it in all my activities.
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Nov 23, 2009
I am binding a remote service from an activity and unbind the same on the onPause of the Activity,when the activity again restarts i bind the service .It does bind with the remote service and i am also successful in getting the remote-service method getting executed after the restart.But when returning a message from the callback-RemoteCallbackList.the mCallbacks.beginBroadcast returns me 0 clients.Am i missing some thing here ?why am i am getting zero clients when I call mCallbacks.beginBroadcast.?
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Jul 30, 2010
I made a code for my understanding of Android Service class.
It has just a single Activity and Service in apk. Service is the same as the sample code of API reference as below:
A client side is an Activity based on the above sample, and just added the following code:
My sample application has a check box which starts(binds)/unbind to the local service on a single process. The local service instance is created by every bind request (and destroyed by every unbind).
If I press the button repeatedly, then LocalService$LocalBinder is leaked!
The problem is not resolved even If I set an obtained binder to null (like below).
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Feb 20, 2010
I want to know what es the best place in an Activity to bind to a service? I saw examples doing it in onResume() and also in onCreate(). I was asking myself if it is not a problem putting it into onCreate(), cause in onPause() i will do a unbind to the service, so i dont get a serviceConnectionLeak, if i leave the activity. Now if i press the Home-Button and then switching to the HomeScreen, the Activity will unbind from the service, when i go back to the Activity from the Taskmanager, then onCreate() will not be called and if the Code is trying to access a function from the service i will get a null-pointer exception. If i bind and unbind only in onResume() and onPause() i dont have this problem.
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Sep 14, 2009
As a point of example for my problem, I wrote a single Activity which binds to a service and then accesses a property to display. The problem is that my TestServiceConnection.onServiceConnected method is never called, and I don't know why.
Here is the code:
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Feb 12, 2010
Is is possible to send an object to an Android Service through an Intent without actually binding to the service? Or maybe another way for the Service to access Objects...
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Feb 18, 2010
I'm working on an application using xml layouts.
I wish to know which is better:
1. Use few activities and change its contentview
2. Use an activity for each 'view' needed
If both works, in which case which option would be better?
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Jul 1, 2010
I'm planning to develop and app that presents the users with several different screens (of different information).
Was wondering what would be the best way to implement this?
Is it better to have separate XML layouts and an activity to display and allow the user to interact with each screen of data?
OR would handling all of these in the same activity be more efficient (and dynamically load / unload each layout)?
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Jan 12, 2010
I have the following code to intantiate a SimpleCursorAdapter to use with a ListView. As you can see I have passed the R.layout.log_item to display the list items, and one value/control to bind to (TripDate).
SimpleCursorAdapter sca = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.log_item,c,new String[] {DBAdapter.KEY_LOG_TRIPDATE},new int[]{});
This works. I currently only have one widget in the layout xml, a TextView to hold the TripDate.
How do I pass multiple binding parameters for the additional widgets in the layout? So I can also display other info.
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Nov 9, 2010
I'm confused about whether I need to run my service in a separate process. What are the advantages / disadvantages of each?For reference I'm trying to create an App that uses a service to play [streaming] audio in the background. So which one is better for my use case?
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Sep 30, 2009
i have an app that binds to a local service.I want to add a desktop widget that binds to the same service. does my service have to be a remote service or can it still be local?if it can still be local, how can I get at the local binder?
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Jul 16, 2010
I don't see the point of using a local service in Android. If I want to do backgound stuff, I can create a thread and use Handlers.
Creating a local service is a big headache, you have to mess with Binders, worry about the start/stop/bind/unbind lifecycle, etc.
What does a local service get me that a thread doesn't ?
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Oct 6, 2010
I have an application which requires networking service. I took on LWUIT4IO and adjusted it to my needs so now i have a network queue that can run one or more network threads.Now, my application is based on single root activity that spawns other child activities as needed (it's a reservation center for vacations, car rental etc.. each in it's own activity). The network is common to all and should be used by all activities. the network thread requires, basically, a callback to notify it's finished and return the result (input stream or byte array) .At first i thought that i should use a service instead of a singleton that will be started in the root activity(the service will also be started in the root activity), however working with a local service is problematic for me: 1. no callbacks which makes me use intents to encapsulate the request esponse in intents time consuming, also since there is not single point of listening (i have to use BroadcastReceivers)i have to add a calling class name or some other identifier so the sender of the request will know it's for him, i think this is also a waste of time and resources since i need only one listener.
i think i CAN use callbacks if i use Binder object to return local instance of my Service and then use the queuing method directly, this is problematic for me as acquiring Binder object is asynchronous and i need it 'on the spot' 3. I thought of using a static instance of the service and null it in onDestroy of the service, but if i use that way, i'm not so sure i need a service... 4. i saw a small answer in stackoverflow about inheriting application and putting whatever member you need there so when you use getApplication you get this instance and then you can retrieve whatever you want, is this even advisable ?
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Jun 11, 2010
I'm starting a service in my application using startService.
I do not want to use bindService as I want to handle the service life time myself.
How can I get an instance to the service started if I do not use bindService? I want to be able to get a handler I've created in the service class to post messages from the activity.
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Feb 22, 2009
Starting from the example of the "API demos", the service "ServiceStartArguments" is creating a new Handler object (ServiceHandler) which does all the work in a separate thread. Once that work is completed, how can I tell other components that my work is finished, and also provide data (that resulted from the work) to them?
I tried something like startActivity(intent_transferred_via_msg) which does not work, I'll get an exception because I call it "outside of the service", which is technically true.
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Sep 9, 2009
I have the following base activity. code...
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