Android : Local Service : How To Tell Activity When Done

Feb 22, 2009

Starting from the example of the "API demos", the service "ServiceStartArguments" is creating a new Handler object (ServiceHandler) which does all the work in a separate thread. Once that work is completed, how can I tell other components that my work is finished, and also provide data (that resulted from the work) to them?

I tried something like startActivity(intent_transferred_via_msg) which does not work, I'll get an exception because I call it "outside of the service", which is technically true.

Android : Local service : how to tell activity when done

Android :: Running Activity From Local Service

Sep 13, 2010

I'm trying to create a program with a service that runs every 10 seconds, puts the camera preview, taking a picture and then leaving the user to continue his work (closing down). Currently I have two problems:

1. After I'm taking the picture, the preview still there. There's no function like close() to return to the previous activity. How can I return to the previous activity?

2. I'm trying to run the above described activity from the run() function (from the timer class that execute the run() function every 10 seconds). When I do that, a runtime exception is raised. But when I start the above described activity from a button clicked (not from the timer) it works fine.

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Android :: Sync Between Local Service With Thread And Activity

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to think of a way on how to sync in between a local service and the main activity.

The local service has,

A thread with a socket connection that could receive data at any time.
A list/array with data.
At any time the socket could receive data and add it to the list.

The activity needs to display this data. So when the activity starts up it needs to attach or start the local service and fetch the list. It also needs to be notified if the list is updated.

I think I would need to sync my list somehow so the local service does not add a new entry to it while the activity fetches the list when connecting to the service.

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Android :: How Local Service Can Invoke A Sync Method On It's Main Activity?

May 2, 2010

I've configured local service under some app i wanna know how could i invoke methods on the activity, through the service in a synchronous way for example the service invoke a method inthe activity and waiting for for result(synchronous) from it.

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Android :: Local Service Vs Remote Service

Nov 9, 2010

I'm confused about whether I need to run my service in a separate process. What are the advantages / disadvantages of each?For reference I'm trying to create an App that uses a service to play [streaming] audio in the background. So which one is better for my use case?

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Android :: Does Service Have To Be Remote Service Or Can It Still Be Local?

Sep 30, 2009

i have an app that binds to a local service.I want to add a desktop widget that binds to the same service. does my service have to be a remote service or can it still be local?if it can still be local, how can I get at the local binder?

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Android :: Using A Local Service ?

Jul 16, 2010

I don't see the point of using a local service in Android. If I want to do backgound stuff, I can create a thread and use Handlers.

Creating a local service is a big headache, you have to mess with Binders, worry about the start/stop/bind/unbind lifecycle, etc.

What does a local service get me that a thread doesn't ?

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Android :: Should I Use Service Or Local Thread ?

Oct 6, 2010

I have an application which requires networking service. I took on LWUIT4IO and adjusted it to my needs so now i have a network queue that can run one or more network threads.Now, my application is based on single root activity that spawns other child activities as needed (it's a reservation center for vacations, car rental etc.. each in it's own activity). The network is common to all and should be used by all activities. the network thread requires, basically, a callback to notify it's finished and return the result (input stream or byte array) .At first i thought that i should use a service instead of a singleton that will be started in the root activity(the service will also be started in the root activity), however working with a local service is problematic for me: 1. no callbacks which makes me use intents to encapsulate the request esponse in intents time consuming, also since there is not single point of listening (i have to use BroadcastReceivers)i have to add a calling class name or some other identifier so the sender of the request will know it's for him, i think this is also a waste of time and resources since i need only one listener.

i think i CAN use callbacks if i use Binder object to return local instance of my Service and then use the queuing method directly, this is problematic for me as acquiring Binder object is asynchronous and i need it 'on the spot' 3. I thought of using a static instance of the service and null it in onDestroy of the service, but if i use that way, i'm not so sure i need a service... 4. i saw a small answer in stackoverflow about inheriting application and putting whatever member you need there so when you use getApplication you get this instance and then you can retrieve whatever you want, is this even advisable ?

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Android :: Should I Use Local Service Binding?

Oct 5, 2009

I am very new beginner, and I am designing a small application as below.

- After a user starts the application, he/she can click the start button to start a background task. (e.g. retrieving the news headlines periodically, then do something...)

- Even after the user quits the application, the background task still running.

- To stop the background task, the user needs to run the application again, and clicks the stop button to stop the background task.

In the above scenario, what API should I use ? (Local Service Binding ? Remote Service Binding ? Handler ?)

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Android :: How To Get Local Service Instance

Jun 11, 2010

I'm starting a service in my application using startService.

I do not want to use bindService as I want to handle the service life time myself.

How can I get an instance to the service started if I do not use bindService? I want to be able to get a handler I've created in the service class to post messages from the activity.

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Android : Can't Bind To A Local Service / Way To Fix

Sep 9, 2009

I have the following base activity. code...

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Android :: Use Local Service To Refresh Map UI

May 31, 2010

I don't need a strict code related answer I just need somebody to tell me what I am missing.My application has to retrieve from a web service (xmlrpc) the positions of some users I know and update their position on a MapView.So I decided to use a Service and an Activity extending MapActivity to show results.
I thought about two solutions:

I ) start the service and make it ask every minute for these positions and send them to the activity as a bundle via intent. (This didn't work out well, since once shown I couldn't find a method to let the activity continue refresh itself until she stop receiving intents+data from the service)

II ) Incorporate a thread within the activity which starts the service via context.startService(...) every minute. And the MapUI refresh itself once the service send back an intent and stop itself. (Maybe I will fall in the same problem category as before I haven't tryied yet).

I am also giving directions (via ws) in this way I'd like to refresh only users positions on the map and save the route.What Am I missing do you have any suggestions? related to activities/services internal mechanics, don't know launch modes, use broadcast receivers or intent filters?

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Android :: Communicate Progress From Local Service

May 16, 2010

An application I'm building uses a local Service for downloading files from the web to the phone's SD card. In this app users can browse lists of books, and read them while online. A user can also download a pdf copy of a book for offline viewing. To handle downloads I'm using a locally bound Service. I do not want this Service to run all the time, only when downloading files. So that the Service can shut itself down when its tasks are complete, I am not binding to the service, rather I'm sending an "enqueue for download" command through the Intent passed to Context.startService.

Books available for download are shown in a list. A user can choose to download a book by clicking on its row in the list. On download, I need to show download progress using a ProgressBar on the actual book list row. I need to also show, on the rows, if a book is enqueued for download, or if its download has completed or failed. The books can be shown in different activities throughout the application--in search, or in the user's list of favorite books, for example. When the books are shown in different places, these are not the same objects, but they are uniquely identified by their bookId...............

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Android :: Does My Local Service Spawn Another Thread?

Jun 24, 2010

HTo be able to write "nice" code between my application/activies and a local service I need to understand some basic Android concepts:What I'm wondering is if my application (as in my activities) and my local service is sharing one thread. I.e. when the activities and the local service executes tasks queued are these tasks interleaved in ONE thread thus sharing the thread or does the service has a thread of its own?Also if the local service shares the thread with the activities and the local service makes a direct call (via a callback) to one of the activities (i.e. no post message) is the activity thread "halted" or is the execution of that specific function queued to be executed later anyway?

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Android :: Check The State Of A Local Service

Sep 30, 2010

How do I check whether the local service inside my application is running?

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Android :: Binding To A Local Service From A BroadcastReceiver

Sep 15, 2010

My application has the following components: 2 Activities A Service and a BroadcastReceiver

Whenever the user updates the system time, my broadcast receiver receives the Intent.ACTION_TIME_CHANGED. Now when this happens I want to reschedule a Handler in my Service. How do I bind to a Service within my BroadcastReceiver?

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Android :: One Local Service Multiple Binding Activities

Nov 20, 2010

I have a local Service to which multiple activites needs to bind. In the first launched Activity, bindService returns true and onServiceConnected is called. But in any additionally launched activites bindService returns false, and I can't get a reference to my Service.

How can multiple activities simultaneously be connected to a local Service?

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Android :: Local Service Not Registering - Force Closes

May 6, 2010

Essentially my problem is this, I open my Activity. It binds to a local service that "appears" to be connected. I get a force close when I press the back button:

"IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered" when unbind is called in my onPause method...
public void onPause() { super.onPause(); if (isFinishing()) {
if (mConnection != null){ Log.i(TAG,"onPause, mConnection" + mConnection.toString());
mDbS.unbindService(mConnection); }else { Log.i(TAG,"mConnection is null");
} The service is bound in onCreate // bind to our sdCard database using our Service Connection
mServiceIntent = new Intent(this,DatabaseService.class);
if(bindService(mServiceIntent, mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE)){
Log.e(TAG, "service bound"); }else{ Log.e(TAG, "service not bound");
} bindService is returning true.

My Service connection is as follows. onServiceConnected is called and goes to completion. onService Disconnected is never called (presumably because my service is in same process)
private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
public final String TAG = "LoadView.ServiceConnection"; //$NON- NLS-1$
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) {
mDbS = ((LocalBinder<DatabaseService>) service).getService(); .....
stuff not relevant.... Log.i(TAG, "finished onServiceConnected");
//$NON-NLS-1$ } public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
Log.e(TAG, "onServiceDisconnectedCalled"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } };

The only thing I do a little different is that I don't use an inner class in my service for the Binder object - I use a separate class. This is mostly because I have several databases and wanted code I could reuse and set up simply rather than worry about all the ins and outs and memory leak issues.

import android.os.Binder; import android.util.Log;
public class LocalBinder<S> extends Binder { private String TAG = "LocalBinder";
private S mService; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private LocalBinder() {
} public LocalBinder(S service){ mService = service;
} public S getService() { return mService;
} public void finalize(){ mService = null;
try { //TODO reinstate this after Issue 8046 is resolved
//super.finalize(); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.e(TAG,"Unable to finalize Binder");
} } }

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How To Connect To Local PC Web Service

Jul 2, 2013

I have an android app that must connect to my local webservice with soap but I cant seem to get it working. This is the code I have.

[HIGH]public void Hello()
String SOAP_ACTION = "";
String METHOD_NAME = "Hello";
String NAMESPACE = "";
String URL = "";


All this does is catch an exception with the message "Null". Note that I am not an android developer, this is my very first project.

I did the same thing with Netbeans and regular Java and it works perfectly.

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Android :: FindViewById Vs Local Reference In Activity

Jun 17, 2010

Would it be there noticeable speed improvement if I would create local references to needed view elements (e.g. EditText or Button) in my activity (in onCreate()) and use them for accessing needed elements or it does not much matter if I always use findViewById() when I need to access some particular element?

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Android :: Local Classes And Starting New Activity

Feb 14, 2009

I am having trouble running my application as every time i try to run it the simulator gives me a an error.

I looked through the Documentation but I couldn't find anything on user created classes.


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Android : Closing Activity Completely / Process Killed By Activity Manager Service

Aug 2, 2010

Whenever the memory needs to be reclaimed, the process is being killed by Activity Manager Service in killPidsForProcess. I have a back button in my activity window on right corner of the title bar.

I want to kill the activity completely on clicking the close button. Can I reuse the same function and will it have any major effect? Please help me out in this.

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Android :: Activity Check Service To Start Another Activity

Sep 10, 2010

I need to made an activity (without layout) that on start check if a service is running. if it is true it starts Activity2, if it false it starts Activity1.

I tried with this code:


Enter code here

But when I check, in the onCreate method, if serviceConnect!=null I receive sometime a NullPointerExcption.

I tried also to insert the operation in the method onCreate in an Async Task:


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Android :: Publish An Application Update On Android - Market Without Deleting Local Database And Local Files

Nov 11, 2010

I published an application that stores data in a local database.

Now I have to publish an update to this application to fix some little bugs, but I am afraid that downloading and installing the update will delate the local database associated with the previous version.

I would like to know how the update system works. Will installing an update completely delete all the apk, files, databases associeted with the previous version?

If so, how can I avoid this in my code?

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Android :: How Does A Service Communicate With Activity?

Feb 17, 2010

Suppose I have an Activity that's a list. It calls a Service when this Activity starts.The Service will do background stuff download, parse, and fill the list.My question is this: How can the Service communicate with the Activity?How can I call a method in the Activity, from the Service? (I'm new to OOP)

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Android :: Using Thread In Activity Or In Service?

Jun 12, 2010

In Virgil Dobjanschi's talk, "Developing Android REST client applications" (link here), he said a few things that took me by surprise. Including:
Don't run http queries in threads spawned by your activities. Instead, communicate with a service to do them, and store the information in a ContentProvider.
Use a ContentObserver to be notified of changes.
Always perform long running tasks in a Service, never in your Activity.
Stop your Service when you're done with it.

I understand that he was talking about a REST API, but I'm trying to make it fit with some other ideas I've had for apps. One of APIs I've been using uses long-polling for their chat interface. There is a loop http queries, most of which will time out. This means that, as long as the app hasn't been killed by the OS, or the user hasn't specifically turned off the chat feature, I'll never be done with the Service, and it will stay open forever. This seems less than optimal.

Long question short:
For a chat application that uses long polling to simulate push and immediate response, is it still best practice to use a Service to perform the HTTP queries, and store the information in a ContentProvider?

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Android :: Service Callback To Activity

Jan 13, 2010

Our application will expose a Service that can be called by Activities in other people's applications.In many cases, the parent applications calling Activity may be paused before our Service completes. I am looking for the best way for a Service to communicate back to the calling Activity that may have been paused.These are the known options:

(1) Require calling Activities to have a registerReceiver() with a custom action and broadcast to that from our Service. The only way to secure this registerReceiver() is with a signature-based permission.As our Service communicates with any number of unknown 3rd party apps,we can't sign our Service's parent app with all these unknown certificates. These apps would therefore be exposing an unsecured registerReceiver() on their Activity. Would ideally like to avoid requiring this.

(2) Create a PendingIntent to send results back to the activity and give it to our Service. Our Service would send data to calling Activity's onActivityResult(). Each time the result is delivered, the calling Activity will go through onPause() and onResume() but this should be OK.

(3) The calling Activities could create a Handler. The Activity would then create a Messenger pointing to that Handler and send it to our service. Our Service can then use the Messenger to deliver our message back to the calling Activity.

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Android :: Start Activity From The Service

Sep 3, 2010

I have a launcher activity which gets activated everytime i start the application and a service which complements it. Now as i press the return key from my main activity .Its Ondestroy gets called.Now i have nullify the pointer of the my launcher activity there. now i am listening through the service any event happening on the network after closing the launcher activity thread and if any event occurs i have to relaunch my launcher activity. i have tried intent but doesnot seems to get though it .

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Android :: Start An Activity From A Service

Oct 6, 2010

I have a service (input method) and from within that service I want to start and activity which was declared in the same manifest. The activity maybe running but in the background.

How do i check its presence and bring it to front, or optionally start this.

From what I can gather from other posts, this is about what I need to do:


I don't knwo which of thest flags pertain to what I need to do. The docs are quite merky, and my random attempt at making this work failed.

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Android :: Start Service Without Using Any Activity

Oct 16, 2009

My application has a background process which continuously waits on a socket for receiving messages and it should be started only once and at the time of application starting.Thus i want to do that background job in a service.

The service should not be started from the activity ,it should be started at the application starting.

How can i define the service,which will be started at the time of application starting?

If at all the service is started from activity.The activity can be destroyed and restarted.when this happens the service also be restarted .

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