Android :: Activity Service Binding
Mar 13, 2010Can an Activity be bound to two different Services at the same time or do I have to unbind one Service before binding to the other one?

Can an Activity be bound to two different Services at the same time or do I have to unbind one Service before binding to the other one?
I am working on an android application, where the activity binds to a local service to perform certain tasks.Now I am binding the service in the OnCreate method of the Activity, after which the activity has to use the service object to invoke the functionality defined in the servicein the OnStart method. The problem here is that once a call "bindservice" has been made, we might not get the serviceobject immediately, so my service object would be null till that time. So i cannot invoke the service functions.So is there a way to determine in the activity that the service has been bound and the service object is valid and could be used now. For reference i'm attaching a code snippet for the same.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any fundamental difference in binding a service to an vs binding it to an I want to bind the service to an Application because I want to keep some global state/data in the Application instead of duplicating it in all my activities.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am binding a remote service from an activity and unbind the same on the onPause of the Activity,when the activity again restarts i bind the service .It does bind with the remote service and i am also successful in getting the remote-service method getting executed after the restart.But when returning a message from the callback-RemoteCallbackList.the mCallbacks.beginBroadcast returns me 0 clients.Am i missing some thing here ?why am i am getting zero clients when I call mCallbacks.beginBroadcast.?
I am very new beginner, and I am designing a small application as below.
- After a user starts the application, he/she can click the start button to start a background task. (e.g. retrieving the news headlines periodically, then do something...)
- Even after the user quits the application, the background task still running.
- To stop the background task, the user needs to run the application again, and clicks the stop button to stop the background task.
In the above scenario, what API should I use ? (Local Service Binding ? Remote Service Binding ? Handler ?)
Can one service be bound to n activities?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter I Bind to a service inside the method I start a CountDownTimer. The problem is that the timer does not start counting down. I have gone through with the debugger and sure enough it is executing the method that starts the Timer.If I use a button to start the timer it works! What could I be doing wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a service component (common task for all my apps), which can be invoked by any of the apps. I am trying to access the service object from the all activities, I noticed that the one which created the service [startService(intent)] has the right informaion. But rest does not get the informaion needed.
My Code is as below:
If I invoke startService(intent). it creates a new service and runs in parallel to the other service.
If I don't invoke startService(intent), serviceObj.getData() retuns null value.
I am writing application that has service that provides real time data to subscribers via remote callback mechanism. Now I wanted to add a widget that visualizes essential part of this data but got error: "IntentReceiver components are not allowed to bind to services". So what's the right way to get data from that service?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI made a code for my understanding of Android Service class.
It has just a single Activity and Service in apk. Service is the same as the sample code of API reference as below:
A client side is an Activity based on the above sample, and just added the following code:
My sample application has a check box which starts(binds)/unbind to the local service on a single process. The local service instance is created by every bind request (and destroyed by every unbind).
If I press the button repeatedly, then LocalService$LocalBinder is leaked!
The problem is not resolved even If I set an obtained binder to null (like below).
I want to know what es the best place in an Activity to bind to a service? I saw examples doing it in onResume() and also in onCreate(). I was asking myself if it is not a problem putting it into onCreate(), cause in onPause() i will do a unbind to the service, so i dont get a serviceConnectionLeak, if i leave the activity. Now if i press the Home-Button and then switching to the HomeScreen, the Activity will unbind from the service, when i go back to the Activity from the Taskmanager, then onCreate() will not be called and if the Code is trying to access a function from the service i will get a null-pointer exception. If i bind and unbind only in onResume() and onPause() i dont have this problem.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy application has the following components: 2 Activities A Service and a BroadcastReceiver
Whenever the user updates the system time, my broadcast receiver receives the Intent.ACTION_TIME_CHANGED. Now when this happens I want to reschedule a Handler in my Service. How do I bind to a Service within my BroadcastReceiver?
I have a local Service to which multiple activites needs to bind. In the first launched Activity, bindService returns true and onServiceConnected is called. But in any additionally launched activites bindService returns false, and I can't get a reference to my Service.
How can multiple activities simultaneously be connected to a local Service?
As a point of example for my problem, I wrote a single Activity which binds to a service and then accesses a property to display. The problem is that my TestServiceConnection.onServiceConnected method is never called, and I don't know why.
Here is the code:
Is is possible to send an object to an Android Service through an Intent without actually binding to the service? Or maybe another way for the Service to access Objects...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm binding to a local Service (that is, not using IPC and AIDL) from several activities. I want to ensure that I'm not holding references to this service from activities that the user isn't using. My options are: 1.) to bind to the service in onCreate() and unbind in onDestroy(). 2.) bind in onStart() and unbind in onStop(). 3.) bind in onResume() and unbind in `onPause(). Or some combination of these. Which is the best-practice way of binding and unbinding to a local service? Do I not need to be concerned with holding local connections from stopped activities? Additionally, once bound to this particular service I am retrieving a Cursor which is attached to my ListActivity via a CursorAdapter. The data retrieved by the Cursor may have changed while the Activity was out of view so I want to requery it when the Activity is shown again. If I bind in onCreate() I can requery in onRestart(). If I bind in onResume() each time the data will be fresh because I'll query it in the Service's connected callback.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever the memory needs to be reclaimed, the process is being killed by Activity Manager Service in killPidsForProcess. I have a back button in my activity window on right corner of the title bar.
I want to kill the activity completely on clicking the close button. Can I reuse the same function and will it have any major effect? Please help me out in this.
I need to made an activity (without layout) that on start check if a service is running. if it is true it starts Activity2, if it false it starts Activity1.
I tried with this code:
Enter code here
But when I check, in the onCreate method, if serviceConnect!=null I receive sometime a NullPointerExcption.
I tried also to insert the operation in the method onCreate in an Async Task:
Suppose I have an Activity that's a list. It calls a Service when this Activity starts.The Service will do background stuff download, parse, and fill the list.My question is this: How can the Service communicate with the Activity?How can I call a method in the Activity, from the Service? (I'm new to OOP)
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn Virgil Dobjanschi's talk, "Developing Android REST client applications" (link here), he said a few things that took me by surprise. Including:
Don't run http queries in threads spawned by your activities. Instead, communicate with a service to do them, and store the information in a ContentProvider.
Use a ContentObserver to be notified of changes.
Always perform long running tasks in a Service, never in your Activity.
Stop your Service when you're done with it.
I understand that he was talking about a REST API, but I'm trying to make it fit with some other ideas I've had for apps. One of APIs I've been using uses long-polling for their chat interface. There is a loop http queries, most of which will time out. This means that, as long as the app hasn't been killed by the OS, or the user hasn't specifically turned off the chat feature, I'll never be done with the Service, and it will stay open forever. This seems less than optimal.
Long question short:
For a chat application that uses long polling to simulate push and immediate response, is it still best practice to use a Service to perform the HTTP queries, and store the information in a ContentProvider?
Our application will expose a Service that can be called by Activities in other people's applications.In many cases, the parent applications calling Activity may be paused before our Service completes. I am looking for the best way for a Service to communicate back to the calling Activity that may have been paused.These are the known options:
(1) Require calling Activities to have a registerReceiver() with a custom action and broadcast to that from our Service. The only way to secure this registerReceiver() is with a signature-based permission.As our Service communicates with any number of unknown 3rd party apps,we can't sign our Service's parent app with all these unknown certificates. These apps would therefore be exposing an unsecured registerReceiver() on their Activity. Would ideally like to avoid requiring this.
(2) Create a PendingIntent to send results back to the activity and give it to our Service. Our Service would send data to calling Activity's onActivityResult(). Each time the result is delivered, the calling Activity will go through onPause() and onResume() but this should be OK.
(3) The calling Activities could create a Handler. The Activity would then create a Messenger pointing to that Handler and send it to our service. Our Service can then use the Messenger to deliver our message back to the calling Activity.
I have a launcher activity which gets activated everytime i start the application and a service which complements it. Now as i press the return key from my main activity .Its Ondestroy gets called.Now i have nullify the pointer of the my launcher activity there. now i am listening through the service any event happening on the network after closing the launcher activity thread and if any event occurs i have to relaunch my launcher activity. i have tried intent but doesnot seems to get though it .
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a service (input method) and from within that service I want to start and activity which was declared in the same manifest. The activity maybe running but in the background.
How do i check its presence and bring it to front, or optionally start this.
From what I can gather from other posts, this is about what I need to do:
I don't knwo which of thest flags pertain to what I need to do. The docs are quite merky, and my random attempt at making this work failed.
My application has a background process which continuously waits on a socket for receiving messages and it should be started only once and at the time of application starting.Thus i want to do that background job in a service.
The service should not be started from the activity ,it should be started at the application starting.
How can i define the service,which will be started at the time of application starting?
If at all the service is started from activity.The activity can be destroyed and restarted.when this happens the service also be restarted .
How can I start a service from an Activity ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn my app i have an activity from which i want to start an Service.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to start an Activity from a Service? If yes, how can we achieve this?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi am writing an app in which i need a background service to call an activity and show some result.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to stop an Activity that is in some other application from my Applications service. Is there any mechanism to do so?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to close/finish activities in activity stack from a backgorund service.
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