Android :: Need An Android Based Device / Without A Monthly Fee / 3G?

Feb 20, 2010

I like Android and wanna get a device running it, but I refuse to pay any monthly fee. WiFi is fine though. So, the ipod touch, for example, is like this. but I like Android. Any help is appreciated.

Android :: Need an Android based device / without a monthly fee / 3G?

Sprint HTC Hero :: Windows Based Program Run On My Android Device

Mar 24, 2010

I run a program on my computer called HP Tuners that is used to datalog and tune gm vehicles. It has become a major pain carrying my laptop everywhere I go just to have the battery run out while im tuning. So what I am wondering is if there is any way that this software can be setup to run on my Sprint HTC Hero?

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General :: Rom Porting - MTK Based Device

Mar 8, 2014

I'm having some problems with the porting of a rom, my phone is a clone of the phone from which i'm taking the rom (My phone is a NGM Legend 2, which is also a clone of Gionee GN868, and the original is Blu Vivo 4.3) the only thing which is really different are the mounting positions of the internal memory.

In Blu Vivo 4.3 the system partition is mounted on /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 and the data partition is on /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 while in the mine they are mounted on /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 and /dev/block/mmcblk0p6.

I changed them in the updater-script so i'm able to install the rom, but i had to replace the boot.img with the one from my rom because the phone wasn't booting up, but i can't install any app from google play store (error 110) or any apk ("app not installed" error).

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Android :: Develop Monthly Calendar / Way To Set This Using XML?

Nov 20, 2010

I'm very new to android development. Currently I'm trying to develop an application that can display monthly calendar. Is there any way i can set this using the XML? or should i use different methods?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Android Calendar Keeps Defaulting To Monthly

Aug 20, 2010

I don't understand this. I keep going in and saying that I want my calendar default view to be agenda. Every time I do that and I go back in, it defaults to the nearly-worthless monthly view. I'm on Eris and 2.1 Anyone got any ideas?

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HTC EVO 4G :: How To Get $10 Off Monthly?

Jun 26, 2010

URL: Sprint | Everything Plus(SM) Referral Program
Last 3 of CID: 383
You have to order Evo on-line. They are sold out but i suggest you wait.As you can see for $69 including the premium data plan you get 500 minutes instead of $79 for 450 minutes. A lot of you got yours from best buy or radio shack. I suggest you get them through here since its cheaper.

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HTC Incredible :: Monthly Charges On Phone

Jun 20, 2010

just wondering how much some of guys are paying monthly for the service on your incredible.I dont have one yet,just want to get an idea.

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HTC Hero :: Want Calendar App With Category Icons On Monthly View

Nov 6, 2009

When I was using Nokia N95, my favorite calendar app was Papyrus ( There were category icons on the monthly view. With this, I could easily tell what I have for the whole month. The Hero's built-in calendar only shows gray triangles when there are events available. Is there any third party app I can use? The app must fulfill these two conditions:
1) Can have category icons on monthly view.
2) Can sync with Outlook.

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HTC Desire :: Itunes Music - Folder To Put Photos - Monthly Bill?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm very close to buying the desire from (�110 handset) and Vodafone (600 mins, unlimited texts, 1gb internet, 24 months). I have a few questions which I would be incredibly grateful if you could help me with.

1.) - How do I put my iTunes music on to the Desire?
2.) - What is the PC Software like, and do they have or plan to have a iTunes version for Android any time soon?
3.) - Can you make folders on the Desire to put photos in?
4.) - Is 1GB enough, if I have 3G on but not using does this still eat up my allowance?
5.) - Can the Androids phones get viruses if you visit unsafe websites?
6.) - And with Vodafone does your monthly bill show the websites you have visited?

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HTC Desire : Possible To Download Apps Using Wifi To Save On Monthly Usage?

Jul 31, 2010

I am new to the forum. I have searched for a similar topic so apologies if this has already been tackled elsewhere. I have just purchased an unlocked HTC Desire which I should take delivery of next week. I didn't want to get tied to an 18 or 24 month contract so opted for the unlocked phone. I am interested in the �10.00 a month rolling sim card only contract with T-Mobile with Internet booster as I want the phone primarily for Internet use as I hardly make calls/texts. However, the guy said 1 gb a month wasn't enough for Android phones and that things running in the background and downloading apps is too much of a drain and uses up your quota very quickly.

Is this correct? If so, is it possible to download apps to pcs and then to the phone to save the monthly usage? I have seen posts about wifi - is is possible to download apps using Wifi to save on monthly usage?

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HTC Desire : Reset Call Timers - Packet Data Sent On A Monthly Basis

Sep 15, 2010

I've looked for this and I can't find it, so I hope I'm not being stupid . All I want to do is reset the call timers and packet data sent on a monthly basis on my HTC Desire so I can tweak my monthly usage if necessary and not exceed my quota. I can't find a call usage summary anywhere on the phone; all I can find is individual times etc per recipient called.

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Android :: What Are C Based Services And Java Based Services?

Aug 31, 2010

What are C based services and Java based services in Android? What is similarity and dissimilarity between them ? Are C based services available in Android?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Pay Monthly Xperia X10 UK / Locked Or Unlocked?

Apr 7, 2010

to all those who got their X10 on contract in the UK, is your phone locked or unlocked? I heard O2 do not lock their phones while the others do.

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Android :: Modes Connectivity Device Identification & Device Inter Communication?

May 28, 2010

Can someone explain a couple of very simple concepts to me - I'm interested in mobile devices running android and how they are identified over networks. Some scenarios: Device is connected over WiFi - presumably the device has a standard IP address as with any host and can communicate with any other android host over TCP/IP (assuming it knows the participating device's IP? device is connected over bluetooth - how are devices identified in this case? device is connected over mobile operator's network - this is the one I'm interested in and confused by - is there anyway for two or more devices to discover each other and communicate via the mobile operator's network? How does a device communicate with a backend server in this scenario? In other words, how do apps and devices communicate when not connected to a WiFi network?

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Android :: Permission Denied On Device - Emulator Failed On Device

Jun 6, 2010

I have developed and tested my app on the emulator, and now want to install it on my HTC device. the apk installs successfully, however my database is not going with it. I have created my database using sqliteman browser b/c I have to insert a bulk data before the app starts. I have four tables in my db and call each in different activities and created all on the sqliteman. after the data is inserted I pull back the db onto the data folder of the emulator. it works perfect on the emulator but failed on the device. when I try to pull my db on the real device, it shows access denied problem

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Android :: Multiplayer Game - Device To Device Connection Using Sets Of Api

Mar 24, 2009

I have developed a sports game which is single player. Now I want to have one more game mode which is multiplayer.

My question is how can i do device to device connection in android using sets of api which can be :

1.Bluetooth - whose APIs are not currently available.

2.gtalkservice - removed from sdk1.0 3.wifi - I dont knw how to connect 2 devices using wifi apis . I have asked about wifi because we have developed a game on iphone which used wifi connection for multiplayer stuff.

Or is there any other apis which can be used for implementation of multiplayer in game ?

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Android :: Device Orientation / Mapping Device Y To Screen Y

Oct 30, 2009

How do I map the device Y axis to the screen Y axis?I can't figure this out.I'm the developer of Tricorder, and I'm trying to make it so that the accelerometer and magnetometer indicators I draw always point in the right direction.On the G1 phone with the slider closed, all is well.But when I open the slider, I end up showing that gravity is pulling me to the left (if the phone is held with the display vertical).So, I know that the device, and hence sensor, Y axis is always in the direction of the earpiece; and the screen Y axis changes when I open the slider.And I know that I can use remapCoordinateSystem() to change the device axes to match the screen axes.But where do I find out what the device's orientation is?In other words, how do I compute the correct values for the X and Y parameters to remapCoordinateSystem()?

Configuration.orientation seems quite useless.Suppose it is set to LANDSCAPE.What does this mean?Does it mean a device which is "naturally" portrait (i.e. the sensor Y axis points to the narrow end), and which has been turned into landscape mode?If so, which way was it turned?Or does it mean a device which is naturally landscape?In other words, LANDSCAPE could mean that the screen axis is off from the sensor axis by +90, 0, OR -90 degrees.Not much help.So how do I do this?Obviously I want my app to work on all devices, not just the G1 phone.

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Android :: How To Write App To Connect Device To Host USB GPS Device

Oct 29, 2010

I have a standalone GPS enabled data recorder in my car that can function as either a USB host or device. (Its a class 0x00h USB device). I currently connect to it via a WM 6.5 app running on my Palm Treo 750. I would like to port my WM 6.5 app to an Android phone. (I don't have a specific Android phone in mind, I would like it to be as generic as possible).Replicating the GUI is not that difficult, but I am having trouble getting started on the USB communication. I'd appreciate it if someone could point me towards an example, or the appropriate tutorial.

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General :: App To Use Android Device As Media Controller For IOS Device

Feb 28, 2014

Basically I have an old iPod touch 2g on iOS 4.x and a Nexus 5.

I want to use my iPod as my media player but I'd like to be able to control music from my Nexus (only basic controls).

Is there an app on either device that allows this? I know tsk skipping can be done by some Bluetooth headphones so I'm hoping there's a way to make iOS accept command from my Nexus

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Android :: App Based Security

Dec 16, 2008

I want app-based security.If I lose my phone, I don't care if someone sees my contacts, or views my pictures, or plays my games. I do care, however, if they use my email.So, why not be able to assign on an app-by-app basis what is security protected?I should have to log in (a la Android screen lock) whenever I open my email.... but I don't have to just because the screen is asleep.

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Android :: Stack Based JVM

Dec 21, 2009

can any one tell me what is d actual diff in Stack based and Register based JVM?

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Android :: SMS-Based IM Apps?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to find a messenger app (or apps) that supports at a minimum AIM and Yahoo that *IS* SMS-based. Everything I can find on the app market is data based, and the lackluster battery life on my new Droid Incredible means I can't have an always-open data connection. I do, however, have an unlimited text messaging plan, so incurring SMS charges is precisely zero concern of mine.

Yes, I have a auto task killer. Yes, I know about eBuddy and its power-saving feature, but I hate the fact that messages might have an unacceptably-long 15-minute delay.

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Android :: Resize Based On Orientation.

Feb 12, 2009

I need to have my view resize itself based on the orientation. After extensive googling (maybe i was using the wrong terms) I could find nothing telling me how to detect when the orientation was changed. Here is my layout file: how do I have it automatically resize itself? I want each item (the EditText and the WebView) to fill half the screen (not counting the title/notification bars). I set the height to absolute and not wrap_content because wrap_content defaults to 1 line for EditText and nothing for WebView. and fill_parent has the EditText on top of the WebView.

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Android :: When Is SDK Based On Cupcake Getting Released

Mar 3, 2009

We are developing some applications on cupcake which depend on packages not available in 1.1 version of SDK and will not build on it. Debugging and make are very slow on ubuntu open source. So, we are eagerly waiting for a windows SDK based on cupcake. Is there a timeframe defined for it by Google?

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Android :: Clarity On Wi-Fi Based Application

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to create an application based on Wi-Fi and i would need some suggestion on the same , The scenario am trying is,say, when a user with our android application enters a specific Wi-fi Hotspot, i need an activity to be invoked from my app. Basically I can have a service running as a part of my app and whenever i scan for that specific hot-spot i can call up the activity , BUT , i need to do the otherway round.. i mean instead of running a service in the mobile and utilizing its resource, i want the Wi-fi Hotspot to monitor and if the device is inside the vicinity it needs to invoke a notification from which the activity can be invoked... Few things that i would like to understand is I) When a wifi hot-spot is detected in our android phone what actually happens at the Wi-Fi Hot spot end ?? 2) When our device obtains an IP address from the wi-fi n/w will our device's unique ID or its equivalents be available at the wi-fi provider end ?

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Android :: Activity Based Tabs

May 11, 2010

I have Activity based tabs i.e i have used TabActivity,tabhost etc Now when we switch between the tabs, for the 1st time the oncreate is called and then after the onResume methode is called I want to know what event/function, of the activity, is called when i click on the the tab which is already selected. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

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Android :: PNG Quality In WebView Based App

May 10, 2010

I am using WebView to display html content in an app. One of the pages has a rather large PNG image. The image is large and detailed on purpose because the idea is to use it as a map and allow users to zoom in to see the detail. Unfortunately, when the image is displayed with WebView, the quality is horrific. I am assuming that WebView is attempting to do some image optimization to reduce the size of the graphic. Is there anyway to prevent it from doing this? I don't want the image to lose any of its quality. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

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Android :: Need Cloud Based Storage App?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm the proud new owner of a Motorola Droid, coming from a Treo 650. There are quite a few cloud-based storage services out there now (Google Docs, DropBox, etc.), but none seem to have clients for the Android phones. I searched the market, and I did find a few 3rd party apps for things like DropBox, but most had mediocre reviews. Anyone use a desktop app/android app/service combination they are happy with and care to recommend?

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Android :: How To Get Web Based Email Off Cloud?

May 2, 2010

Need some insight on this folks. I want to keep private email truly private, and don't want the emails to go through google servers and/or be on the cloud. Is this possible? Is it more secure just to visit web based email via the internet on android smartphones, and login and view emails?

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Android :: Location Based Reminders App?

Jul 27, 2010

Is there a location based reminder app? For example, let's say I need something from the store. I would like an app that would remind you to go to the store when you are near one. It would be cool if you could select specific locations or use generic locations (based on what is in Google Maps maybe). Hopefully it uses the location service without using satellite GPS.

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