Android :: Managing Translations Updates

Nov 22, 2009

How would one manage continuous updates to translations? I.e., when releasing a new version, you wouldn't want your translators having to manually copy and paste existing translations from the previous versions, or worse, re-translate everything. Even when for those languages that I translate myself I noticed that when introducing a new string, I basically need to update all the language-specific resources right away, or I will have trouble later on trying to come up with a list of everything that changed.

I'm familiar with gettext, where this problem is solved by basically being able to merge the diff between Original-V1 and Original-V2 into Translation V1.

Android :: Managing translations updates

Android :: Managing Contacts

Aug 6, 2010

I am a long time Palm OS user who is just getting started with Android. I have a gmail account and I haven't paid much attention to managing contacts there. I chose to try importing my contacts from Gmail to the Android, and I got a huge list of 5000 people, basically everyone who has ever sent me an email over the last 7 years (and none of them have phone numbers).

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Android :: Managing The New Calendar App

Sep 3, 2010

With 2.2, the old Calendar and Corporate Calendar have been merged into one. A slight problem for me is that I preferred keeping the two separate. I don't use the Google Calendar much myself, but I share calendars with bandmates so I can see their schedules for booking purposes. Now, when looking at my calendar to see my own work and social schedules, I have to wade through everyone else's scheduled events. I wouldn't mind continued access to others' schedules, but is there an easy way to separate my Google and Outlook calendars, and/or choose whose Google calendar events appear in my Droid calendar? Ideally there would be an easily accessible switch in the menu for whose calendar items I see. Lacking that, is there a way to turn others event on/off from my phone?

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Android :: Managing Wimax

Oct 19, 2010

You can manage wifi connectivity, and you can kind of manage 3G, but what about 4G, more specifically WiMAX? I saw an API on ClearWire's website, but I am not sure if Google is planning to include WiMAX as part of the SDK. Does anyone have an insight? I am looking for connect/disconnect functionality, failover connection settings, etc.

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Android :: Managing Background Uploads

Oct 21, 2009

In our app we're doing background photo uploads. The current implementation works using a combination of a Service and an AsyncTask. The former will trigger the latter, which will do the actual network I/O.

My question is: since the user can trigger many uploads in parallel, is this the correct implementation pattern? The problem is that I can never call Service.stopSelf() from an upload task when it finishes, because those tasks don't know anything about each other or the service that triggered them (because of the very nature of AsyncTask).

Do I even need a Service here at all? I always thought services were meant for long running background tasks, but their documentation clearly states that one must execute blocking operations in a separate thread. What's the purpose of Services then? You could just fork an AsyncTask from an Activity, it would make no difference at all.

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Android :: Managing Activities From Service

Jun 1, 2010

I have a service that listens to the serial port. According to data received from serial i switch between particular service states, and start particular activities on state transitions. I would like to accomplish it in following way: Let's assume there is one active Activity1 started from previous state, I call startActivity from service to start a new one Activity2, but I want to simulatenously destroy Activity1 when Activity2 gets on top of the stack. I tried to call finish() in Activity1.onStop but it seems not to work (Activity1.onDestroy() doesn't get called). I'd prefer to finish Activity1 after Activity2 gets on top in order to avoid blinking.

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Android :: Managing Google ApiKeys

Apr 9, 2010

I have a simple app that uses a Google MapView. Now in the layout file for my map activity, I created an apiKey for the debug keystore and use that. However when I want to deploy my app, I need a seperate apiKey for production (based on when I sign my application), correct?

What I'm wondering is how do people manage these two apiKeys. When developing I want to use the emulator and the debug apiKey, but when I'm deploying / doing some integration testing with my phone, I want to use the production apiKey. To me, it seems that I need to remember before compiling for production, to swap out the apiKeys in my layout file. A very error prone process given my bad memory.

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Android :: Managing A Suite Of Applications

May 25, 2010

I'm building a suite of applications, meaning that I have a single set of code that gets customized via a single change of an API key. This means that all of the applications have the same activities, same behaviors, but different icons, package names, and application names depending on the client I am building for.

Unfortunately, I haven't figured out a clean way to do this. Because the package name is what the Android Marketplace uses, I've been changing it to com.nilobject.productname.clientname. However, this changes the package for all of the activities to no longer be in the package of the application, since they live in "com.nilobject.productname." Additionally, the autogenerated "R" moves, so all of the references to R in com.nilobject.productname break.

I'm using Eclipse for development. Should I just refactor the activities with each build to be in the same package? Is there a system for this that I don't know about?

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Android :: Managing Large Graphic Set

Sep 14, 2009

I'm writing a game for a computer class that I'm currently taking for school. The game has a lot of graphics associated with it (mostly in .png format). There is too much data to simply include it as part of the 'res'. The way i'm currently doing it, is to store all of the graphics in a single zip file, in a folder on the SDCard, e.g., / sdcard/Game/ (or whatever). And then i'm using the ZipInputStream to read from those, then using the BitmapFactory to decode the stream and then draw them on the canvas. The problem that I'm having is that this method is terribly slow if I add a lot of images into the zip file. The best way I have found thus far is to name the .png files within the zip numerically, then use a for-loop to jump directly to a specific file, but this is still a very slow way of doing it. I would like to use a single file (like zip) to hold all of the files for several reasons. 1., i'm trying to use a file container so i can simply update graphic 4.png and then push it into the zip file (for example) from a server. 2., because android sees all image files on the sdcard when you open the gallery application. 3., easier to prevent data manipulation by doing an md5/sha-1 checksum on 1 zip file, rather than every time a file is opened if it weren't in a container.

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Android :: Managing Views Programmatically

Mar 31, 2009

I would like to dynamically build a view that would display a certain number of 'rows'. Here is a piece of code I wrote, but it is not working:


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Android :: Managing Multiple Notifications

Aug 12, 2010

I am trying to create multiple notifications in my application. To identify each notification uniquely, i have given them an unique identificationId.

Problem: When a notification is selected, Tabs activity is called passing the intent. I want to access the unique notificationId of the notification that was selected in Tabs. I tried intent.putExtra() to save the notificationId in the intent. But, for multiple notifications its overwriting the notificationId and returns the latest one. I dont understand as to why this is happening and how can i avoid this overwriting of notificationId.

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Android :: Managing Touchdown Notifications

Feb 22, 2010

Just installed the Touchdown on my Nexus One. Links with my firm's Exchange server perfectly and generally works as it should. HOWEVER, it is driving me crazy that I can't seem to manage notifications to the phone. That I want is to receive a notification prior to every appointment but to NOT receive a notification on the arrival of email.Can't find any setting to control notifications except "Enable Push" under Email, which would seem ideal except no matter how many times I uncheck "Enable Push," when I close and relaunch Touchdown, it is checked again (and I hear the email notification chimes going off constantly on the arrival of new emails). Also have issues understanding how sync with the server works, but this is a minor issue--the notifications are key for me, as I imagine they are with others who don't want their phones chiming constantly.

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Android :: Managing Contacts With Lookup Key

Sep 20, 2010

I'm currently writing a application that allows to save drafts (using android version >= 2.0). Each draft is connected to a contact via the ContactsContract.Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY. My problem is that if I change the name of my contact the lookup key changes also. Is that the way this works?

So for what do I need a lookup key? I thought that the lookup key does never change and now it changes anyway. I'm confused about that behavior. Can someone explain to me how to link permanently to a contact? Should I use IDs instead of the lookup key?

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Android :: App For Managing Shares And Stocks?

Jun 17, 2010

Is there an app to record the prices of shares bought, the amount of dividends obtained, capital gains etc? I'm hoping for an easy way out of creating one in Excel..

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Android :: Managing Contacts Without A GMail Account

Jun 10, 2010

Are there apps out there that will allow me to manage contacts without having them on Google's servers? I want a desktop application that syncs with my phone (haven't bought it yet, but probably HTC Desire) and a csv import/export facility so I can get everything in and then out again if I decide to completely change technology in 5 years. I don't want to put all my contact details, and calendar etc up on Google.

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General :: Android Playlists - Editing / Managing Outside Music App

Jun 11, 2012

I've been having some playlist issues... I've got one that I made and one that keeps reappearing, that I started to make at some point but lost (or, thought I lost). I can delete it, but it will come back eventually. Also, is there an easier way to edit playlists than within the music apps? e.g. on the computer, in a text editor or something?

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Android :: Managing Service Life Cycle Killed Due To Low Memory

Aug 25, 2009

I have a service that polls for data. To indicate this to the user I have a persistent notification in the statusbar. In some cases when the device goes low on memory it destroys the service but OnDestroy is not called. Later when there is available memory OnCreate is called. Is this normal behavior? I had hoped that OnDestroy would be called to I could remove the notification in the statusbar. Now the user thinks that the service is still running, while it has been stopped by the OS.

In order to restart the polling how do I know that the OnCreate is really a restart event and not first time creation of the service? I thought about checking for the presence of the notification in the statusbar, but I couldn't find a API to check if a notification was showing or not. I have not tried "SetForeground" on the service, since the service isn't that important to the user, but maybe that would minimize the problem.

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HTC Incredible :: Managing SMS

May 25, 2010

I use handcent and absolutely love it, but every time I seem to delete large threads (1200 messages this time) It hangs and force closes. I don't think there is an auto delete feature, but I don't like having to manually delete them every time the thread gets to 300 or so.

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Android :: Acitivity Managing - Always Starts New Instance Of Activity And Fetch Data From DB

Nov 17, 2010

I have been in problem of the Activity life-cycle. All though i read lots of docs on it put on getting clear picture on it. I have Activity A. In that activity I have menu options. If we click any option it opens the respective activity like if i click on 2nd button it opens Activity B Now again Activity B has same options into it. When user clicks on 1st button then i need to go back to activity A. So using this. Intent intent = new Intent().setClass(context, Articles.class); startActivity(intent); So always it starts new instance of activity and fetch data from DB. I want something like Activity A can be resumed back as it was.

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HTC Hero :: Managing Music

Aug 20, 2009

I copied my music directly across from my computer to the memory card via a card reader, before putting the memory card into the phone. There were already some music tracks on the phone (not sure if they were from T-Mobile or HTC) so I put them in the same directory.

My albums are organised into folders, and the cover art for each album is stored in the album's folder as "folder.jpg" (which is based on how my desktop media player works). However, the music player app on the phone doesn't pick up the cover art.

Oddly, it did pick up on one album - this wasn't stored as "folder.jpg" but "leftrightleftright.jpg" (leftrightleftright is the name of the album). Trying this on another album doesn't seem to have done anything, though I admit I haven't searched for a "rescan memory card" option. Digging around the card, I've found the cover art for the songs that came with the phone in a different folder with numbered names.

What's the easiest way of sorting this out? I'd like to avoid using HTC software on my desktop if possible because a. I don't use Windows much and b. I don't want yet another program to handle my music!

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HTC EVO 4G :: Which Application Best For Managing Podcasts?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm trying to determine which app is best for podcasts and how exactly to manage them when not syncing to iTunes. It's my last step to figure out in the great iPhone to Evo migration!

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Motorola Droid :: Managing Contacts

Jun 30, 2010

I recently had to reload everything on my phone. As a result, all of my contacts had to be re-imported... ALL of them. That's a solid 1000 contacts.

So, I was going through, and the formatting on them got all jacked up.

Is there a better way than to just go line-by-line on the Droid? And will that sync with my GMail account and overwrite my contacts there, or vice versa?

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HTC Desire :: Strategy For Managing Contacts

Mar 29, 2010

When i get my Desire i will primarily be using my Outlook Exchange for work mail and google mail for private mail.

I have all my outlook contacts up to date and a few years ago i synched the outlook contacts with my google mail account.

Since then i have probably updated just a few of the google mail contact details.

This means there will be a clash between some of the contacts in my outlook and google account.

What will the phone do if i synch with outlook and also sign in to my google account?

Firstly i'm wondering if all the contacts will be out in the same place? (is this called people?)

I'm also wondering if it will duplicate contacts?

Could it be a neat new method of keeping outlook and google contacts fully synched?

For example, If i temporarily delete all my google contacts, synch the phone with outlook, and then they will be synched with google?

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Motorola Droid :: Managing Playlists

Nov 29, 2009

Is there a way to manage playlists from the pc without having to sync with a seperate program like doubletwist or mediamonkey. I just want to manipulate playlists without having to worry about keeping 14gb of mp3s on my pc.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Managing Scenes

Jan 10, 2010

Every time I change the screen saver on a scene, if I try to switch scenes, I have to save it as a completely new scene. I have more than I want now. Is there a better way to manage this?

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Samsung EPIC 4G :: Managing Contacts

Sep 2, 2010

On my Hero, when I saved a contact, I saved it as a google contact then I'd choose what group to put it in. I don't have that option now, if I choose google it throws the contacts who knows where, if I choose phone contact it gives me 3 options of groups but not the group I. Created.

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Motorola Droid :: Managing Ringtones

Jan 15, 2010

To make a long story short, I needed to hard reset my phone. After it started up again, and before I installed/changed/added anything, I found there were two of every ringtone.

I found this thru home/menu/applications/sound & display/phone ringtone.

How do I remove the dupes? Is there an app that'll let me choose the ringtones that appear on the above list? Can I do this without rooting the phone?

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General :: App For Managing Background Data Efficiently?

Apr 15, 2012

I'm looking for an App which allows efficient control of the 'Restrict background data' checkbox on a per-App Basis.

In ICS today I can navigate
Settings -> Data Usage -> "someAPP"

And then check/uncheck the 'Restrict background data' checkbox to make the data traffic explicit for me: If I don't use "someAPP" I can expect that there is no background data traffic generated by "someAPP" (no extra cost in roaming mode).

I do have some apps (e.g. a pushmail app for company mails) which I always want to allow the use of background data in order to get my mail.

Other's (e.g. use of gmail, G+, etc.) I want to toggle the behaviour very quickly:

If I'm in 'roaming' mode: disable, if in my home-network with flat cost: enable.

This is the reason I can't use the 'Mobile Data' switch.

Today I navigate as shown above, which is cumbersome and likely to be incomplete. I think of an app, where you can compose a list of apps (from the installed ones) and enable/disable 'restrict background data' for apps on this list with one click.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: X10 Mini - Managing Contacts

Sep 29, 2010

I have used SE handsets for over 15 years now and never felt the need to seek assistance until now. The x10 mini is driving me mad. I have just upgraded to it on orange. Where has all the functionality for using it as a phone gone? I was extremely embrassed when I was trying to send details of a contact from my address book to my friends HTC handset and failed. No bluetooth file transfer and no ability to send contacts via sms. This so much functionality missing from basic functions: speed dialing from the number pad for example, that I am seriously thinking about giving it back to orange. There are lots of new functions and apps such as WiFi and GPS, maps etc but there is not enough battery life to make them useful in real life situations. I found the old UI on W890i much more polished with lovely touchs on the media player and photo albums. Is android all it is cracked to be?

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Samsung Captivate :: Managing Contacts Between Phone And Computer

Sep 10, 2010

I just recently switched from a Window Mobile phone to the Captivate and I am loving it thus far. Aside from the standard gripes about gps i have nothing to complain.

I am however having trouble comprehending how google syncs my contacts. I have my contacts set up exactly how i want them on my google account online i.e. co workers freinds family grouping. I would like my phone to display the contacts in the same fashion, but it seems the google sync is only one way from my phone to my account and not the other way around.

How can i get my contacts to sync from my google account so that they show up as i have them set up online without having to do every individual one on the phone.

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