HTC EVO 4G :: Which Application Best For Managing Podcasts?
Jun 4, 2010
I'm trying to determine which app is best for podcasts and how exactly to manage them when not syncing to iTunes. It's my last step to figure out in the great iPhone to Evo migration!
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Aug 11, 2010
Anyone know of a decent podcast app that will download podcasts (preferably at user defined scheduled times) to your phone (even better the SD card)? My old Nokia n95 did this perfectly, but haven't seen such an app for the Android. I have seen some that will stream, but I don't care for streaming, I'm looking for it to download the podcasts.
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Oct 23, 2010
Its really obnoxious. It doesn't matter if make sure and unselect 'sync music' and only have one particular podcast checked, it will sync everything. All podcasts, entire music library, everytime. I cant for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong and its pretty damn annoying because of how much longer it takes to do it, when really if it would sync just what I wanted it to, it would take less than 5 minutes. At least WinAMP is out and perhaps will be a better solution than this buggy app Doubletwist. This is my last time dealing with it unless I find a home-run solution.
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Sep 3, 2010
I listen to mostly fantasy football podcast. Have used Stitcher for the longest time, but it started running like crap a couple weeks. Hardly works at all now. Anyone know of another good app?
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Jun 1, 2010
I am looking for a way to listen to educational talks that I have as MP3s and podcasts at twice the speed. My brother does this on his iphone and he learns twice as much as me. I like .podkast and google listen but neither offer that option. Also tried the stock media player, tune wiki and cubed 3 - no luck on double speed.
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May 25, 2010
I use handcent and absolutely love it, but every time I seem to delete large threads (1200 messages this time) It hangs and force closes. I don't think there is an auto delete feature, but I don't like having to manually delete them every time the thread gets to 300 or so.
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Nov 17, 2010
Hope this isn't too simple a question: but how does one subscribe and download podcasts - such as "this American life"? Is there something built into the device or is an application needed?
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Oct 6, 2010
I am looking for something that will allow me to download podcasts that are only available on itunes. I have feedR which is very good for most podcasts and will allow you to download them to the SD card for listening at a later date. It's also an excellent piece of kit for news feeds but that's a different issue. There are some podcasts I like to listen to that are only available on itunes and feedR cannot download these. Does anyone know of a way of downloading these onto the desire?
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Nov 8, 2009
I know there is the app Listen but I was wondering if there was a way that I could sync my podcasts from itunes onto my Droid. I just tried Listen it doesn't seem to download the episodes but streams them? Is that right?
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May 13, 2010
Is there a way to listen to itunes podcasts on my droid? I have seen people talk about google listen, but I can't see that letting you get podcasts from itunes?
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May 10, 2010
I am very new to this culture. How can I access podcasts? I understand that podcasts can be streamed live or downloaded for later listening. How does one do either of these things?
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Apr 28, 2012
I've dragged and dropped some podcasts (mailnly this American Life episodes) onto my Kingston card via Kingston/media/Podcasts. This is the same process I use to bring music over (but I put into Kingston/media/Music.
I can't find the podcats through the phone. I thought the podcasts may be accessible through the Music app, but only my music albums are viewable.I know they've got to be right in front of my face but I can't seem to access the podcast content.
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Aug 6, 2010
I am a long time Palm OS user who is just getting started with Android. I have a gmail account and I haven't paid much attention to managing contacts there. I chose to try importing my contacts from Gmail to the Android, and I got a huge list of 5000 people, basically everyone who has ever sent me an email over the last 7 years (and none of them have phone numbers).
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Sep 3, 2010
With 2.2, the old Calendar and Corporate Calendar have been merged into one. A slight problem for me is that I preferred keeping the two separate. I don't use the Google Calendar much myself, but I share calendars with bandmates so I can see their schedules for booking purposes. Now, when looking at my calendar to see my own work and social schedules, I have to wade through everyone else's scheduled events. I wouldn't mind continued access to others' schedules, but is there an easy way to separate my Google and Outlook calendars, and/or choose whose Google calendar events appear in my Droid calendar? Ideally there would be an easily accessible switch in the menu for whose calendar items I see. Lacking that, is there a way to turn others event on/off from my phone?
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Aug 20, 2009
I copied my music directly across from my computer to the memory card via a card reader, before putting the memory card into the phone. There were already some music tracks on the phone (not sure if they were from T-Mobile or HTC) so I put them in the same directory.
My albums are organised into folders, and the cover art for each album is stored in the album's folder as "folder.jpg" (which is based on how my desktop media player works). However, the music player app on the phone doesn't pick up the cover art.
Oddly, it did pick up on one album - this wasn't stored as "folder.jpg" but "leftrightleftright.jpg" (leftrightleftright is the name of the album). Trying this on another album doesn't seem to have done anything, though I admit I haven't searched for a "rescan memory card" option. Digging around the card, I've found the cover art for the songs that came with the phone in a different folder with numbered names.
What's the easiest way of sorting this out? I'd like to avoid using HTC software on my desktop if possible because a. I don't use Windows much and b. I don't want yet another program to handle my music!
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Oct 19, 2010
You can manage wifi connectivity, and you can kind of manage 3G, but what about 4G, more specifically WiMAX? I saw an API on ClearWire's website, but I am not sure if Google is planning to include WiMAX as part of the SDK. Does anyone have an insight? I am looking for connect/disconnect functionality, failover connection settings, etc.
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Aug 7, 2010
I have a number of podcasts in my itunes library that I'd like to put on my Desire. Is it as simple as plugging the Desire into my laptop, creating a folder called Podcasts, and copying them into there? Or is there an app I could or should use to achieve this?
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Jan 13, 2010
I was hoping that we could get a good list of Podcasts going that people enjoy. I really enjoy listening to them, but don't really know what to look for when I search google's "Listen" app. Lets get some suggestions and descriptions going!
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May 10, 2010
I regularly download Podcasts which I then play as MP3's on my current HTC TYTN2. Rather than download to the laptop then transfer to the new Desire I would rather download directly to the Desire but when I go to the Podcast I want - on the BBC site, the instructions of 'Right Click and Save as Target' don't apply.
If I click that instead it simply plays the Podcast - which I don't want. What I really want is to be able to download the Podcast/MP3 directly to my phone SD card - is there an app which would help or am I forced to download via the laptop?
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Oct 28, 2009
If I end up switching to the Droid, I'm sure that one of the things I will miss the most will be grabbing podcasts on the fly but, will I still be able to download podcasts through iTunes on my desktop and sync them to the droid?
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Jun 30, 2010
This doesn't have much to do with Android per se, but can anyone recommend me some great tech podcasts? Maybe even an Android-focused one too.
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Apr 16, 2010
I have tried numerous ways to sync my Xperia X10 using Media Go and iTunes with no success. Also created a folder on the X10 called "Podcast" and copied the relevant files and still no joy. I feel like I am re-inventing the wheel here so some constructive suggestions will be welcomed.
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Oct 11, 2010
Im very new to this app, I was wondering how can I make it so I only see audio/video podcasts. I dont need to see the text posts they just make it confusing.
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Nov 5, 2009
I am coming from iPod Touch's native app, so that is what I have to compare it to. What I am looking for is an app that can subscribe to my podcasts, download them automatically as new episodes become available (or notify me if one is available to stream), delete them when listened to (if downloaded and not streamed) and remember my playback position if I have to do something else for a bit. Which app is better for these things?
Also, does either have a feature where it will only download the latest episodes when in WiFi range only, to save on bandwidth usage? And, is there an option on either to press a single button to have it go see if there are any new episodes of my subscribed podcasts (like the "refresh" in iTunes)?
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Dec 30, 2009
So I am looking into Podcasts and RSS Feeds. I have used iTunes in the past to subscribe and watch podcasts, but havent been using iTunes much lately. RSS Feeds I am absolutely new to, and havent yet tried it out. From what I have read RSS Readers (like Google Reader) can subscribe to podcasts, but what about my phone? Would I need a separate RSS reader app, and would it sync with the subscriptions as my PC reader? Are there phone readers that support Video Podcasts?
The other option I saw was to use iTunes and tweak it to allow Podcasts to sync with your Android Device, but Im not sure if this method works with Videos. Im wondering which path is better and easier to manage? It seems easier to find and subscribe to videos using iTunes, but if there is another way, Im all for ditching iTunes completely. I am setting up Googe Reader for RSS feeds either way, I guess thats a separate issue, what I am mainly concerned with is syncing RSS feeds with my phone, and watching Video Podcasts on my Phone.
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Feb 9, 2010
I like to se Google Listen to download my podcasts. I am having problems with a couple of things. The first is how do I manually put in feeds? I subscribed to Cranky Geeks but it is not updating properly.
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Sep 20, 2010
I know I could download the ones I want using itunes and then drag and drop them into my sd card. However I really like the way Google Listen is setup, it took a bit of getting used to thou. Theres a few podcasts that wont show up on Listen but I can easily find on Itunes. Is there a link I can grab from the Itunes site and copy it into Listen?
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Jul 25, 2010
I thought this would be straight forward enough but its turned out a mess. What I did was I created a folder called Music on the memory card, then inside music I created more folders, so created one for my podcasts and dragged them out of itunes into the podcast folder, and did the same for all my itunes playlist, just created a folder for each playlist inside the music folders, However it didn't recognize my playlists and I just have 1 big list of music and podcasts all mixed through every shape, its a mess.
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Apr 4, 2010
I don't think i'm using the right search terms or else no one else cares about this and it's just me i use doggcatcher for my podcasts. when i want to listen to music, i use the music app. but i have play all random, it pulls from the entire SD card, not just the music folder where i have the music. basically, it's just annoying to have the random music playing and then all of sudden a chapter from an audio book or a podcast starts playing, esp when i'm driving. i don't like having to mess with it then. i have also used it to sync with mediamonkey, but if i have more than one playlist that syncs (i have "favorites" and "recently added"), then i can only pick one playlist at a time to listen to. i can't figure out a way to make a smart playlist or anything like that on the eris. i even downloaded that cube 3 or whatever that was on Lifehacker recently - but that doesn't have anything either.
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Jul 6, 2013
I desperately need an app that syncs podcasts (as well as music) between my S3 and iTunes. I hate it when I listen to a new podcast on my phone then get back to my pc to start a new one but can't remember which ones I've listened to. Is there a good app that checks off a podcast on my phone but also shows it checked off on my pc (in iTunes)?
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