Android :: Make 2 MapView On One Activity?
Jan 7, 2010Is it possible to make 2 MapView on one Activity ?
If so, How to make it ?

Is it possible to make 2 MapView on one Activity ?
If so, How to make it ?
I had found a lot of stackoverflow post about save an Activity and the reload it.
My question: How can I have an Activity with an MapView and after reload the same mapview?
What is the best way to switch between activity and views?
I am trying to make mapView can be moved when navigation movement (when user click device arrow key left, right, up, down). How to make it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have click able icons on a map showing a PopupWindow just above the icon when clicked. However, if the icon is on the topmost part of the map the PopupWindow will be hidden under the Android Status Bar.
The PopupWindow will automatically adjust to the right and left edges of the screen, and also to the top edge but doesn't take the status bar panel into account.Either there should be a way to accommodate the height of the MapView, or an attribute to the PopupWindow that takes the status bar into account. Of course it's always possible to add a fixed size top margin, but the top panel have different heights on different Android units.Can anyone help with this?
I am trying to make screen with Google Map.
This screen has 2 parts. First part includes Button TextView and ListView and places on the top of Screen. Second part includes MapView (Google map) and places on the bottom of Screen.
How to make it ?
I've done it. But no luck. It throws this exception...
I don't know how to create an custom Activity extending MapActivity and ListActivity ?
I am trying screen that contains of google map and list view.
How to make it?
I have created map view using XML layout in MapActivity and want to use this map view in another Activity group. I got mapview object in Acitivity group using GetWindow.Decorview(), MAP view is also displayed in the same layout of Activity Group. But without any image, only white background with some grid. Map view is not getting refreshed when i scroll on Map view. But if i launch independently MapActivity , i am able to see the map and it is getting refreshed when i scroll on the map. May I know how can i use and refresh Map view in an activity group? As Mapview can only be created/inflated in MapActivity.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor now i have a list, using extends listactivity, and now i want to add mapview on the same activity using framelayout probably,
but if i want to use the mapview, the activity must extends mapactivity,
one must extends mapactivity,the other must extends list activity,
if it possible to do that?
I'm trying from main Activity ( to open a Map as a new intent through a menu. Something like this...
And I already have set up thing on my manifest.xml with access to...
It worked fine with other File.class, but with the Map.class doesn't seem to be working.
I have an app which contains an activity which is a MapviewActivity and is mostly a mapview.
However I have noticed that the start up time of the activity is really slow and causes a lag from the moment the button is pressed to go in to the map activity. I feel this creates a bad user experience and would like to avoid this.
I have already set the background of the map activity to @null as suggested by one of the UI improvement articles on googles developer page. Which I fell does not do the trick.
Is there a way to improve this? I would not like the main home screen to get stuck on the launch of the activity, even a transfer to the map activity and then loading the mapview would be better.
i have a set of activities on my stack Say A-->B-->C. when i launch the activity named 'D' it should get fired as the root activity of my application and all the other activities(A,B,C) should get cleared from my stack once Activity D is launched.Can any one tell me as how to do this
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have some activities and I have to display a fullscreen ad image before displaying the activity... all my activities extends a custom activity and I thought it was a great idea to implement that advertisement there, so I did: code...
This works nice... the ad is displayed for 3 seconds and it closes automatically. The problem is that the activity that should be hide for the ad is being created faster, so the user can see it for a second before the ad is created. How can I avoid that behavior? How to make sure the ad activity starts before the another does?
I want my activity to appear in the list of activities (gallery. live wallpapers, etc) that you see when you try to choose a wallpaper from the home screen. Im assuming this is done with intents but cant seem to find one that works. The closest one I can find is:
<action android:name="android.intent.action.ACTION_SET_WALLPAPER>
but that doesn't work and seems to be used for something else.
How do I make an activity full screen? I mean without the notification bar. Any ideas?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can i make an activity go to background without calling its finish() method and return to the Parent activity that started this .I tried so much but it really dint help.So if you guys could help i would be very thankful.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wish to go from my home screen in my app to a second screen. where i can develop som kind off settings menu. i can't find any kind off guide to it. and the help cos i find normaly don't work.
Question: I goth this code with make a textview to rise ore go down but i with to dublicate it. his is my code. for button for minus. but if i wish to dublicate it what is the code for that?
I have activities A and B. The A is the one with LAUNCHER intent-filter (i.e. the activity that is started when we click the app icon on home screen). A launches B using start Activity(new Intent(A.this, B.class)). When the user has the B activity open, and then put my application into the background, and later my application's process is killed, when the user starts my application again, B is opened instead of A. This caused a force close in my app, because A is the activity that initializes the resources my app needs, and when B tried to access the uninitialized resources, B crashes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to configure an android app so that if a user has opened your app, launched numerous activities, then returns to the home screen and relaunches your app again, instead of going to the main activity they will instead be taken to the activity highest on the stack (the most recent activity in your app)?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor some reason, one activity (launched in a new process) often takes longer than 10 seconds to start, which exceeds the LAUCH_TIMEOUT defined in ActivityManagerService.How do I make the VM tolerate longer launch time without giving up wake lock?
View 3 Replies View RelatedBen Williamson wrote: > I'm working on a social bookmarking tool and I was hoping someone > could help me figure out how to give an option to make my application > the default application for bookmarking. I've noticed Steel has the > option to set it as the default web browser, Exact call log has the > same ability for the call history.... anyone know how this is > accomplished?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am currently firing an Intent to a Broadcast Receiver which in turns starts an Activity.
Then from the same Service another Intent is fired to a Broadcast Receiver thats in the Activity.
The problem is that the Activity isn't getting the Intent meant for it because it is fired before it is alive and the Broadcast Reciever is registered.
I was wondering is there anyway to make sure an Activity is alive before sending an Intent?
I have list activity with custom array adapter and I can't to get context menu when make long press on list item.
android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
Why I do not see context menu? What I do wrong? How to get context menu with array adapter and ListActivity.
When I currently have my activity on the font of the screen, how can I make Android to 'destory' my activity when user clicks 'back' button? (i.e. onDestory of my Activity gets called)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI followed the steps in document to display MapView. But blank grid is displayed instead of google map. My code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've just downloaded the Cupcake SDK. I'm afraid I can't find MapView anymore...
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy problem is my MapView becoming very laggy and so non-responsive at times, that Android thinks its hit deadlock and tries to close it.
I am adding 60 overlays to the map view and i originally thought that the icon size may be causing the problem by using up all the memory. When i decreased the overlay icon size, it did improve things, though it is still to slow to be usable. Has anyone experienced anything similar and have a workaround? There may be a better way of doing it other then extending the Hello MapView example.
How to get MapView API in android?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have subclassed Overlay as LandMarkOverlay (and implemented an onTap(GeoPoint) method).
In the main activity I do this:
MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
landmarkOverlay = new LandmarkOverlay();
//add the landmarkOverlay to the list
What else do I need to do so that when the user taps the screen, landmarkOverlay's onTap(GeoPoint) method gets called?
I have a DROID using Android 2.2
I am attempting to get the simplest MapActivity to run on the device. (NetBeans latest and greatest using a Google Api build target.)
I have all the appropriate Manifest entries, the simplest OnCreate --- > all it does is setContextView() to the xml with a mapview in it.
I recently want to put mapview in tabhost but now is the question i can't figure out how to do this right!
here's my source code...