Android :: Make Screen Contains Google MapView And ListView?
Apr 19, 2010I don't know how to create an custom Activity extending MapActivity and ListActivity ?
I am trying screen that contains of google map and list view.
How to make it?

I don't know how to create an custom Activity extending MapActivity and ListActivity ?
I am trying screen that contains of google map and list view.
How to make it?
I am trying to make screen with Google Map.
This screen has 2 parts. First part includes Button TextView and ListView and places on the top of Screen. Second part includes MapView (Google map) and places on the bottom of Screen.
How to make it ?
I've done it. But no luck. It throws this exception...
How to add ListView to MapView from the xml resource ?
In order words, I am trying to make a screen contains google MapView and ListView.
Because impossible to extends 2 Activitys' (ListActivity & MapActvity), I am trying to add a ListView(It is created from xml resource) to MapView.
Is it possible to make 2 MapView on one Activity ?
If so, How to make it ?
I am trying to make mapView can be moved when navigation movement (when user click device arrow key left, right, up, down). How to make it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have click able icons on a map showing a PopupWindow just above the icon when clicked. However, if the icon is on the topmost part of the map the PopupWindow will be hidden under the Android Status Bar.
The PopupWindow will automatically adjust to the right and left edges of the screen, and also to the top edge but doesn't take the status bar panel into account.Either there should be a way to accommodate the height of the MapView, or an attribute to the PopupWindow that takes the status bar into account. Of course it's always possible to add a fixed size top margin, but the top panel have different heights on different Android units.Can anyone help with this?
I am facing to android application signing problem. My application contains Google MapView. When I compile the app and run on the emulator, MapView works fine. But signed the app, MapView doesn't work. I've get Google Map API. This works on the simulator. I could sign the app once 2 months ago. Then I've upgraded the app. Now I need to sign the app again. Actually I don't know why signed app's mapView doesn't work. How to fix it?
I used following steps when sign the app: Run Eclipse. Select the project. Right Click -> Android Tools -> Export Signed Application Package -> Then Filled forms. (In forms, Validity years: 200, and all passwords are same.)
Now, I'm developing an Android app called "Echo". But 5 hours ago, My Dev phone haven't displayed MapView. First, I supposed that my API-key have been disabled. I tried to Maps API Key signup agian. But google server response error.
> Server Error > The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
> Please try again in 30 seconds.
Just wondering if there is a standard/default overlay/marker that I can use in the MAPVIEW?
I have been searching on the web and all tutorials talk about extending the Overlay and put your custom image on it.
Is there a easier way? I just want to have the a marker, nothing fancy.
I have a mapview where I want to track the user's current location. GPS as well as 'use wireless networks' is activated in my phone settings.
Nevertheless, since I'm indoor I don't get a GPS fix, therefore the location is determined via network; wifi spot is available.
I have the Google Maps app running as well as my application running.
Strangely, the current location differes between Google Maps and my application, where the Google Maps is very accurate while in my app the location is somehow off a few 100 meters.
In my application I basically do the following (for debugging purposes now):
1) initially place one marker on the map: geopoint retrieved via locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
2) initially place another marker on the map: geopoint retrieved via locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);
This will put the last known locations of both providers onto the map (eventually last known from outside my app).
3) then for the regular updates (since I don't get a GPS fix anyway indoor here), I do:
locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 0, 0, baseLocationListener);
You can see for the frequency and distance I pass the 0 param in both cases.
In the app manifest, the following permissions are granted:
Actually my baseLocationListener does get called, which I see in the log, but the updated location is somehow the same as the last known current position (of LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER), same lat/lng.
I thought maybe I overlooked something or missed a parameter or setting, or my code has a bug. Therefore I installed some other (3 in total) LBS apps from the Android market that also show the current user's location. The current locations displayed in those apps are equals to the one in my application - and they're all some 100 meters off - but at least all the same.
See the screenshot here:
Now I am wondering:
1) as I understand, getLastKnowLocation is system-wide and not app-wide, why are there differences between the location in Google maps and all the other apps?
2) does Google Maps not update the lastKnownLocation of a provider?
3) does Google Maps use a different custom location provider (i.e. due to licensing reasons) other than GPS_PROVIDER or NETWORK_PROVIDER as they are in the SDK?
4) how do achieve the same accurate result with the NETWORK_PROVIDER like Google Maps does?
I had found a lot of stackoverflow post about save an Activity and the reload it.
My question: How can I have an Activity with an MapView and after reload the same mapview?
What is the best way to switch between activity and views?
It seems that the problem is in the data quality of the different map provider that are used for Google Maps and MapView in SDK, which differ.
The map tiles coordinates don't seem to be very accurate, just like in the public google maps web api / tiles.
See this screenshot for an example, where I pinned the same geo point.
The map using the public map api is off a few hundred meters. Seems that we just have to live with it.
I hate to bother you all again, as this is probably me, a newbie, making some big blunder, but I'm baffled as to why my mapview only takes up a fraction of the screen. I've been following tutorials.
My layout:
The specified screen resolution is, as in the droid, 854x480. It shows up in the emulator in horizontal mode (wide, not very tall). The map starts about a third of the way from the left and ends about a third of the way from the right. It starts at the top and ends about a third of the way from the bottom of the screen. I have no clue why that would happen, as I specified "fill_parent".
I wonder, how can I draw a nice flight route between 2 points on a google map's MapView? look at this:
View 6 Replies View RelatedHas anyone seen their MapView which was working in 1.1 displaying a plain black screen (no errors) after compling with the 1.5 SDK? I made sure to copy the debug.keystore from the 1.1 location to the new 1.5 location so its compiling and loading on the phone correctly (I did a reinstall not uninstall/install) and shouldn't need a new mapsAPI key.
No errors are showing up in DDMS other than: Failed to find provider info for
I don't have the permission to upload the image to describe. Never Mind. What I would like to make is a row of ListView like this. The block on the left is an icon.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I make columns in Android ListView? I have this list item layout xml:
The problem is when the f.ex. wind_direction change from "4" to "300", then the columns are not aligned.
Who can this be made with fixed width of columns and using the whole width independent of devices?
How to make the following type of listview in which every row is different
View 2 Replies View RelatedGot some errors following the tutorial for MapView when i was going to integrate overlays.
I am trying to learn and i got an awesome app idea which needs mapview, webview, overlays and tabs.
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.*;
public class MapView extends MapActivity{
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
LinearLayout linearLayout;
MapView mapView;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
MapController mapController = mapView.getController();
I never got this working in a straightforward manner. Sorry if I'm being a little vague. I'll try to elaborate on what I'm trying to do. I am trying to build a listview that grabs its data from a webservice. Once I initialize a listview, I want to keep polling the webserver periodically and update the contents of the listview. For this I am doing something like this:
public class SampleAutoUpdateList extends Activity {
//Autoupdate handler
private Handler handler = new Handler();
private Runnable updater = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Update the list
How to make the ListView transparent in android?
The background android screen image should be visible.
Like many things in Android, you wouldn't think this would be such a hard problem but ohhh, by golly, would you be wrong. And, like many things in Android, the API doesn't even provide a reasonably extensible starting point. I'll be damned if I'm going to roll my own ListView, when all I want is to take the thing and turn it on its side. ant Okay, now that I'm done fuming, let's talk about the problem itself. What I need is basically something exactly like the Gallery, but without the center-locking feature. I don't really need ListView's listSelector but it's a nice-to-have. Mostly, I could do what I want with a LinearLayout inside a ScrollView, but I need the child views to come from a ListAdapter and I would really like to have a view recycler. And I really don't want to write any layout code. I peeked into the source code for some of these classes...
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Image: link text
I have a ListView, which has a TextView and a RadioGroup with 4 RadioButtons as Children in each row. Now i can select a RadioButton in each row. But if i scroll the ListView, my Selection is gone or it does not show correctly. For example, i choose the RadioButton A in the first row, if i scroll through the ListView and then go back to the first row again, either none of the RadioButtons in the RadioGroup is checked or RadioButton C is checked instead of A.How can i fix this Problem? I have tried 7 days already, but still i find no solution.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView, which contains an EditText in each of it's row. I also have an Array.The length of the Array==the Nr of the rows in the ListView. I want to store the user input (the text in the EditText) to the Arrray. E.g, if i type some text in the EditText in the first row of the ListView, i want the text to be stored in Array[0]. But how can i detect to which row the EditText belongs to? I can detect the possition of the row if the row contains a RadioGroup, but not a EditText. What if i first type some text in the EditText and sometime later i want to update mein Input? How can i update it?
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