Android :: Get MapView API In Droid?
Feb 17, 2010How to get MapView API in android?

How to get MapView API in android?
I had found a lot of stackoverflow post about save an Activity and the reload it.
My question: How can I have an Activity with an MapView and after reload the same mapview?
What is the best way to switch between activity and views?
I have a MapActivity that contains a MapView with some custom controls, state information, and an ItemizedOverlay composed by some locations that I draw using the default approach (using populate(), super.draw() and createItem()) and by some lines that I draw in the overrided draw() method.
So, when the activity is paused, I have to save:
Some state information
The ItemizedOverlay
[Maybe more Overlays in the future.]
I'm saving the state information as usual, putting them in the bundle. I'm thinking in doing the same with the Overlays, implementing Parcelablein each one of the OverlayItems and so, but I don't know if there is a better way to store the complete state of the MapViews.
The information depends on remote requests that I don't want to repeat each time the activity is paused. Any recommendation?
I working on map view. i want to put overlay item on the map view. that overlay items are all depends on currently showing map view and zoom level. how to get current map view's longitude and latitude of that four corner and how to analyze how many overlay item inside it. also we have to check thee zoom level.Any Idea? how to do it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am doing one small GPS application. I have to show multiple palces . I can able to show multiple places using custom overlay method.Now i have to show route between two points , while showing route i have to show only that two points. remaining all points should disappear but i don't know how to disappear the other points.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust wondering if there is a standard/default overlay/marker that I can use in the MAPVIEW?
I have been searching on the web and all tutorials talk about extending the Overlay and put your custom image on it.
Is there a easier way? I just want to have the a marker, nothing fancy.
I have a MapView that I'm displaying a "useful radius" (think accuracy of coordinate) in. Using MapView's Projection's metersToEquatorPixels, which is admittedly just for equatorial distance) isn't giving me an accurate enough distance (in pixels). How would you compute this if you wanted to display a circle around your coordinate, given radius?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm working on an application that displays the location of moving items on a Google MapView. I need a way to update the position of the icons that represent the items (as well as change the facing of the icons every two seconds as updated data comes in). I currently have an activity in the app that extends MapActivity. On to this I have overlaid a static Overlay that draws some lines on the map and an ItemizedOverlay that draws a static icon.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI followed the steps in document to display MapView. But blank grid is displayed instead of google map. My code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've just downloaded the Cupcake SDK. I'm afraid I can't find MapView anymore...
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy problem is my MapView becoming very laggy and so non-responsive at times, that Android thinks its hit deadlock and tries to close it.
I am adding 60 overlays to the map view and i originally thought that the icon size may be causing the problem by using up all the memory. When i decreased the overlay icon size, it did improve things, though it is still to slow to be usable. Has anyone experienced anything similar and have a workaround? There may be a better way of doing it other then extending the Hello MapView example.
I have subclassed Overlay as LandMarkOverlay (and implemented an onTap(GeoPoint) method).
In the main activity I do this:
MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
landmarkOverlay = new LandmarkOverlay();
//add the landmarkOverlay to the list
What else do I need to do so that when the user taps the screen, landmarkOverlay's onTap(GeoPoint) method gets called?
I have a DROID using Android 2.2
I am attempting to get the simplest MapActivity to run on the device. (NetBeans latest and greatest using a Google Api build target.)
I have all the appropriate Manifest entries, the simplest OnCreate --- > all it does is setContextView() to the xml with a mapview in it.
I recently want to put mapview in tabhost but now is the question i can't figure out how to do this right!
here's my source code...
I want to catch any onTouchEvent() on the mapview. After search lots of questions&answers, I found only when I write my own MapView(MyMapView)and define onTouchEvent, then use this MyMapView in main activity.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to show the direction information in my app.Direction from one address to the another using Google maps and also wanted to set overlays at the starting address and the destination address.Is there any classes in android too do that.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have been able to draw a map using 'MapActivity' class. Am unable to render 3D graphics on the Map. Is there any way to draw something on the foreground with the Map as the background?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to place my custom map (overlay) over Google map. For example, my MapView will be positioned to look at some building. I want to load custom image(s) that will show building's floor plan. Want to be able to pan and zoom, and place markers (for example, Room 1, Room 2, etc...), in other words, I would like to be able to use Google Map API methods. The best would be if Google map images are not loaded at all, since that will (I believe) slow down user's experience. Also, the user may be inside the building, and connection may be slow or non-existing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to use a mapView in my app, and have been following the tutorial; Code...
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have a problem with my mapView. my app reads "some" gps points out of a file and i want to draw a route (drawing lines between the gps point). If my file contains many gps points, my app works really slow. i think its working slow, because i draw all overlays. now i want to check, whether a point is visible in my mapView or not. so i have to get the mapCenter and Lat/lon span (getLatitudeSpan,..) !? how and where must i save my points and how can i check all my points (after my mapCenter has changed for example). Shall I save my points in a list (in my Overlay class??) and iterate through every list item and check, wheter its visible or not?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been reading the (shoddy) documentation for the Google Maps API (MapActivity et al), and I think I have roughly worked out how it works. It seems that if you want to add a marker overlay you can use ItemizedOverlay easily, but you have to add all your markers at once. There doesn't seem to be any way to remove them.
What I want to do is query markers from an online database as the user pans around (in the same way the actual map tiles are fetched). Is there a simple way to do this?
As far as I can tell I need to subclass Overlay and implement the draw method, but where is the best place to put the code that fetches new markers when the map is panned? There doesn't seem to be an onMapChanged() method anywhere. My best guess is MapController.onKey() but that seems wrong.
I'm seeing a bug with overlays on MapView with the Nexus One. Pinch and zoom multitouch gestures don't scale my overlays until the user releases the gesture, at which point the overlay redraws itself. In contrast, the My Location overlay in Google Maps WILL scale during the gesture. Is there a way to fix this in my app, or is this a MapView bug?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI followed the instructions from the google hellomapview tutorial. I get a working mapview etc. But the two items that are added to the map are not shown. It seems they are there somewhere because tapping at the specified location shows the message that was added to the items.
Here is my source code. It should be very close to the google tutorial source code.
Trying to draw a circle at a longitude/latitude position. The circle below doesn't show up, does anybody know why?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to create a simple Map based application in android ,where i can display my current position.Instead of overlaying a simple Image on the MapView to represent the position, i want to overlay the GLSurfaceView on the MapView. But i don't know how to achieve this. Is there any way to do that?. Please anybody knows the solution help me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCurrently in my design I've got a base abstract class that all of my activities extend from, however I discovered recently that in order to use a MapView you need to make your activity extend MapActivity. Since Java does not have multiple inheritance I was wondering if there is any way I can use a MapView without having to recreate my design for my application.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've found that after changing the overlays on a MapView, the changes aren't seen until the user moves the Map, causing a redraw. Is there a way to force this redraw?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe Android the MapView Overlay class mentions two draw methods. One regular, and one for animated overlays.
I have tried to find more information on how to animate overlays and use this second method, but it all keeps coming back to the same forum postings. Can anyone explain how you specify to the MapView that a certain Overlay should be animated? How do you specify the manner in which it animates?
If it's relevant, I'm currently trying to draw pins in the map that update in realtime with streaming GPS locations for objects. I get new data every two seconds and need to tween the locations by having the pins move in a simple straight line between coordinates.
I have a problem about get the longtitude and latitude from the mapview, now I want to get the longtitude/lattitude when user click/touch on the mapview, actually says that program can knows the information when user click on the mapview, is it possiable?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a MapView (in MapActivity), and it works in my simulator.
The google map and the overlay I made are showed in simulator screen
After installing in HTC Hero, the overlay is showed in phone screen, but google map is not showed in phone screen.