Android :: List Of Network Connection Mobile APNs / WiFi Configured
Feb 28, 2009How to view the list of network connection mobile APNs or WiFi configured on the emulator.

How to view the list of network connection mobile APNs or WiFi configured on the emulator.
I am developing an Android application and I would like to setup a tcp/ip type of connection between two Android phones using the 3G/Edge network. My test version will establish a connection if I have both phones on a lan using wifi but when I use T-Mobile's network a connection is not established. Could this issue be a port or ip address?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI'm building an application for my own use, and I like to get connection via mobile network but I don't know how to do that. What I want is the same behaviour that offers severals existent widgets to turn on/off the data connection.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI love my aria, i got it 9/29/10, for free from best buy because my contract expired... but ive already used 20MB and i only bought a 200MB plan... i might go to 2 gigs, but for an alternate, since my billing cycle ends the 28th of every month... if i disable application syncing, and mobile network from the hold menu... can i connect to my home wifi network, and go on the internet from there without that using any of my data plan?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a piece of code that creates some APNs with this call: -- getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse("content://telephony/carriers"), apnData); The APNs are correctly created both on fw 1.1 and 1.5 (a query correctly returns them) but on fw 1.5 they don't show up in the device APN settings screen.
Has anyone any hints on the reasons of this behavior?
I got my HTC Hero the other day and am very very happy with it. The only problem is that I cannot connect to the internet through "Mobile Network". I am on a "3" contract and I am able to access "my 3" which is where I can look at my account, look at my last bill, check my usage, etc. I can also connect to 3 - Home - that loads fine. But any other website (google, bbc, facebook, etc.) will not load - it just times out after a while.
It seams obvious to me that this is an issue with my account on 3. I don't know how many hours I've been on the phone to these guys. I have gone through all the settings with them, more than twice - replaced my SIM card and tried my SIM in another phone. So Three are now looking into it and have passed my issue onto the network's team, now they said that it may take up to 21 days for someone to get back to me!
Does anyone know why in wireless & network settings it says connection failed under mobile networks?It'l connect to 3g for a bit but then come up with connection failed?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm wondering if this is an issue with my phone or an issue with the network in my area. Basically, i try to turn on my mobile network and it freezes at "turning on" i hit the back arrow, head back in and it says that the connection failed or "standby for connecting to the mobile network.The only thing different i have done today is install spare parts, and read a few issues people had with sense turning off, and wondered if maybe something within it is bugging my phone, just a thought though.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have a T-Mobile Galaxy Vibrant that was running Android 2.1. I rooted the phone (successfully), and installed Slim Bean 4.2.2 plus Google apps. Everything was going smoothly and I was reinstalling apps and data when I noticed that I had no network phone connection. Slim Beam did not seem to recognize the sim, and I came up empty searching for networks. I removed the sim and put it in another phone, and everything was fine.
I decided to restore the previous android 2.1 (which I had backed up) using ClockWorkMod Recovery. I did restore, then reboot. Now the only thing I get is the initial screen ... Vibrant and Samsung in bold white letters. I have tried repeatedly to launch CWM Recovery, without success.
I using the Cyanogenmod 10 with JB . I got a big problem cause every time i turn my phone into standby i loss my connection to internet and also i loss my mobile signal. after unlock my screen i have 2 enter my pin , i can only phone emergency. when i enter my pin, the phone reconnect and i got signal. i tried nearly every update, i flashed stock ROM and re-flashed cm10, nothing better.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to determine if my current connection state is WIFI or Cell network (3g/2g... etc)
I am using SDK 1.5.
Tried couple of technique not really working.
Any working suggestions?
Are we able to establish both WiFi and 3G connections at the same time on Android 2.1? We are implementing a "make-before-break", so that WiFi can be switched to 3G before tearing the WiFi connection down. Please guide if you have come across this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if I activate the Wifi connection it trumps the carrier network connection? In other words, if the Wifi connection is active (assuming i have a signal) and my carrier signal is also active, and I want to stream some audio--which pipe does the phone use to bring in the audio?
View 11 Replies View RelatedIs there any way for an application to force a network request to go over the mobile network if it's available in preference to WiFi? I'm looking at ConnectivityManager#setNetworkPreference, but there's no documentation, and looking at the source seems to suggest it's setting a global preference somewhere which isn't what's required here - I just need to force certain requests that need to go over the mobile network to ignore WiFi.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDroid Incredible running 2.2 OTA. When watching live streaming content using NFL Mobile app over my wifi connection(which is Cox Cable), the feed loses its connection after exactly five minutes of streaming. At the five minute mark, the feed will freeze and the V-Cast loading icon will appear spinning, then an error message will appear saying that NFL Mobile could not establish a connection. Back out at any point during this and hit the button to play live content, live content will work again flawlessly for exactly five minutes. Then the feed will freeze, etc...There are no problems with live streaming content when I am using 3G. I have tried using several different routers at different settings and the problem occurs the same with all of them, and I have no problems with streaming content over wifi other than NFL Mobile. This problem also never occurred with the versions of NFL Mobile prior to the current 2.0 version. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? The app streams much better over wifi, but that's not worth having to restart it every five minutes. A big reason of mine for being with Verizon is the NFL Mobile app so if anyone knows anything please let me know.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI did a search and couldn't really find any threads with people having similar issues. I saw that people were having trouble keeping their X connected to a network, but that's not my issue.
I have a Droid Incredible and added a line to get the X figuring I'd just sell off the Inc when my X arrived. Since I got my X, I've noticed that when I am connected to a wifi network, it almost seems to crawl when I hop around from page to page.
I ran some speed tests on my internet connection, it seemed that it was my phone. So then I ran speed tests with the app in the marketplace, first on the DInc and then on X. The upload speeds were pretty close to identical, but the download speeds were consistently 300 kbps higher on the Droid Incredible.
So after running those tests, I decided to just do some side by side browsing on the X and Inc to see how big the difference was between the two. I opened up a few pages that I don't ever really visit so they weren't in my browsing history and the Incredible would again open pages 10-15 seconds quicker.
Has anyone else had these same issues? I know their was a software release shortly after the initial launch, is their another one in the pipeline?
I love the phone, it's a multimedia beast. But I don't think I want to keep one that has a busted wifi connection.
You can use the 3G network for surfing the Internet and at the same time the wifi network to move files only?
View 9 Replies View Relatedlong time reader, first time poster.My question is- if I have wifi turned on and am connected, and have it set to never disconnect when sleepeing, should I turn mobile network off?So basically, will/can the info pulled to my phone over the mobile network be pulled over wifi with no impact on my end? This question is mostly in respect to battery life.
Are we able to use Wifi and Mobile Network simultaneously?? Or if I want to use Wifi do I HAVE to turn off my mobile networks in order for it to work?
View 48 Replies View RelatedMy wifi will turn on, but will scan for or connect to networks. Anyone had this issue and know how to resolve it?
View 7 Replies View RelatedJust picked up an unlocked Milestone and I popped in my prepaid T-Mobile card and I have my home WiFi network bur for data on the go I need to use the 3G connection of my iPad via WiFi. Problem is that the WiFi network it creates is an AdHoc one and as I found Android can't connect to AdHoc networks by default. Standard on WinMp and iOS so what possessed them to do that?
After some digging around I found a guide to enable AdHoc on rooted Androphones How to connect an android phone to your ad-hoc wi-fi network | Wissam Idrissi so I spent a few hours rooting and installing the proper apps. No go though, my AdHoc network does appear in the list with MySSD : "Not in range, remembered" but it never connects. Has anyone managed to connect to an AdHoc network on a Milestone with 2.1?
My friend was using my phone and he stopped some running services, since then my phone's wi-fi and GPRS not working, I have already tried restoring it to factory reset , but it doesn't work even after restoring phone to factory settings. Phone just keeps on searching wi fi network and in GPRS mode it shows network connection error.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking for an app that automatically switches off the cellular radio when wifi is connected and switches it back on when wifi loses connection. I'm not talking about the APN data connection which already does that, I'm talking about the regular cell phone connection.
According to my lack of results searching through the forums, Market, and Google, such an app does not exist yet. Currently the best app I've found to do anything remotely like this is the Airplane Mode Wi-Fi app, which is a manual switch and a slightly cumbersome one at that, not nearly good enough for how often I go in and out of wifi.
The reason I ask for this is because I use Google Voice with SIP and a prepaid plan. I want to use SIP as much as possible to save my prepaid minutes for when I really need them. When wifi and cell are both connected with Sipdroid running and I receive a call, they both ring at the same time. To be sure I don't accidentally use prepaid, I usually reject the call and call back over SIP, which is slightly annoying for both me and the caller.
I still can't get internet connectivity even after trying all the posted solutions.
Can you tell me (viz. those of you with a working hotspot!), can you still use your browser when the hotspot is active. Just turning the hotspot on on my desire cuts the (mobile data) internet connection with the browser, and anything else!
In fact even after turning off the hotspot I have to toggle mobile data on/off & APN's to get data back.
Also which APN's/usernames/passwords do you have success with & which not?
I think my last resort is to de-brand (Tmob used on Orange) I reckon!
I am using ICS Evervolv a5 on my N1. The mobile data connection works only if I don't connect to a WiFi network. If I do, the only way I have found to make it work again is to reboot the phone.
This means that while I am at home, everything works through WiFi, however, if I leave home, I have to reboot my phone once I am sure the phone is far enough from my WiFi access point to be able to connect. Then, it starts working with the cellular data plan
The only thing I can relate to this is that I have the "application protection" app installed, protecting the settings menu do with a code so my kids don't mess up with that. However, is still hard to believe that's the culprit.
I have been trying to find a way of quickly switching off/on the Mobile Network setting from the home screen. When searching Google there's loads of pages stating that it is an HTC Widget that can be added. I have checked all the widgets on the Desire HD and cannot seem to find it anywhere. I am using an unbranded handset.
The Desire HD manual even states "You can also add widgets that allow you to quickly switch on or off certain settings of your phone, such as Wi-Fi, Mobile Network...".
Does anyone else with an HD handset have this widget ?
How can I set my Galaxy Nexus to prefer WiFi for data over the Mobile Network? I have to go to settings, turn off "enable data access over mobile network," then cycle WiFi on-off several times before the phone will connect to my home router. Router has two channels, both a WPA2 encrypted one, and a "home guest" (open) one. Both show up as disabled until I cycle the WiFi off and on several times. There must be a setting to tell the phone to prefer WiFi -- no?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have been looking at the ConnectivityManager class documented at .
I would like to know if an Android application can open a network connection (socket) on a specified network interface [on a device supporting multiple network interface types WiFi, Cellular, WiMax etc] ? I am looking for the capability for an application to open a socket on a given type of network for example over WiFi network or over 3G Cellular Data network.
If this is possible in Android, how would I code this requirement within the API Framework ? The ConnectivityManager enables an application to learn about available network connections and currently categorises them as either TYPE_WIFI or TYPE_MOBILE.
There is a member function in the ConnectivityManager class called requestRouteToHost(int,int) [url] which "Ensure that a network route exists to deliver traffic to the specified host via the specified network interface. An attempt to add a route that already exists is ignored, but treated as successful." Sounds like this would install an IP routing table entry to reach a given host via a specified network interface type (WiFi or Mobile). After calling this would it be sufficient for an application to open a socket and connect to the desired destination address ?
Or perhaps the application needs to bind() a socket to a local address of a network interface of the desired type (WiFi or Mobile) Or by setting a socket-level socket option of SO_DONTROUTE ?
I seem to be seeing an issue with the data network access on the EVO. When it happens none of my applications get internet aceess and my mobile network status says "turning on". The only way I've found to fix it is to pull the battery. Any one else seeing this? If so is there a better fix than pulling the battery?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy eris has always has pretty alright battery life, what I would expect out of a smartphone, if unplugged at 9AM it usually was running on its last leg around midnight. I've had it for over 5 months now, I've always had it activated on alltel, I installed the 2.1v3 leak before the official OTA was out and just lately it seems like there something very wrong with my battery life...
If I unplug my phone at 9AM within the past week and occasionaly check and respond to a text message, my battery had been down to almost 30% by NOON... what?..
I have noticed that if I disable Mobile Network (3g/1x data), the thing lasts all day and some... If I turn mobile network ON, I can't see that I have any network traffic or any apps running in the background that are syncing data at all... I've had google account sync mess up on me before and have to reset my google account because it gets stuck in a syncing loop, but its not doing that, already checked. Very weird.
Anyone thing it could be something wrong in my ##PROGRAM#/##778# provisioning menu, maybe something got changed?.. Maybe it could be do to Alltel's AT&T merger that's happening right now, maybe some 3G tower's radios are turned off or something...