Android :: Including Extra Sqlite Databases?

Oct 30, 2009

I have some external sqlite files I'd like to include with my app. It looks like I can add them to the /assets folder, then read them from there? Is the /assets folder the appropriate location for them?

I've used SQLiteOpenHelper to open databases my app creates at runtime, which just uses a unique db name. Will the sqlite files in the assets folder also be accessible using SQLiteOpenHelper in the same manner?

Android :: Including extra sqlite databases?

Android : View SQLite Databases On Device?

May 20, 2010

Is there any tool that will allow me to browse databases on my Android device? Something like Sql Management Studio - you know GUI tool that displays databases, tables, row in tables, etc.

I'm using Eclipse for development (if it is important for plug-in suggestions).

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Android : Do Apps Keep / Manage Their Own SQLite Databases (files)?

Aug 25, 2009

Android includes a database engine (SQLite). In general, do the applications keep/manage their own databases (files) or is there a unifying database manager?

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Android : Interact With External SQLite Databases From Droid?

Jul 21, 2009

I'm trying to work with a web service (that I have no control over) that returns a SQLite database when you query it. Is there any way to do this?

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General :: Add Existing SQLite Databases To Application

Feb 27, 2013

I read some stuff about SQLite databases to use them within my own application. so for this point, it should work.


for most of my data stuff i need a database that i can directly put into my application. i read on stackoverflow that it's possible to put up to 1,2mb files in the assets folder and then copy them anywhere else to use them.

my question is:

is it possible to acces those databases in the assets folder directly to read from them? there's no need to insert data into this database, it's just a data storage to read from? is it possible? and if it is than how could i do this?

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SQLite Programming - Can't Find Databases Folder From File Explorer Through DDMS?

Jul 23, 2013

I dont know why but somehow my adt didnt create any database folder.Here is the code i used :

package com.example.test;

import android.database.Cursor;[code]....

My problem is, i cant find databases folder from file explorer through DDMS.

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Android :: Do Null SQLite Data Fields Take Up Extra Memory?

May 9, 2010

I'm using the built in sqlite library on the Android platform.

I'm considering adding several general purpose fields that users will be able to use for their own custom applications, but these fields will be blank most of the time.

My question is, how much overhead will these blank fields add to my database? Do null fields even take up per record memory in sqlite? If so, how much? I don't quite understand the inner workings of a sqlite database.

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Android :: Way To Create Databases?

Dec 14, 2009

I've made a few apps now, which use an SQLite database, no problems. In my latest app, I want two tables, and I just released that every example I can find only creates one table. So, is this a limitation? Must I use only one table? Assuming I can use two, how do I go about changing my create script?

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Android :: Including Jar Files With My Application

Jul 16, 2009

When I added the JExcelAPI to the class path and run my app.

I get: trouble writing output: shouldn't happen [2009-07-16 14:32:19 - xxx] Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 2.

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Android :: Way To Have Root Access To Some Of Databases?

Jun 3, 2010

I believe the Java API does not give full access to the SMS database and other databases. Is there any way to have root access to some of those databases such as SMS and phone settings so that I can fetch some information out of it?

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Android :: How Do I Do Same When Iterating Over Local Databases

Apr 17, 2009

I have ListView whose CursorAdapter is bound to my local database table. Is there a good way to make it so that when new entries / new data is inserted into my table, my ListView automatically refreshes?

This is easily done on ContentProviders via ContentObservers. How do I do the same when iterating over local databases?

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Android :: Interacting With Remote Databases

Jun 9, 2009

Lets say Im creating an Android app for a company that already provides some sort of online service. I want my android app to extend this online service and I want the app to interact with my remote databases, would I embed a web browser in my application or directly connect to my remote database from within my code? If I am directly connected to a database from within code and not through a web browser, would that be a security risk since the connection info would be distributed in the code?

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Android :: App For Reading Information On Databases

Feb 25, 2010

I am trying to create an application that reads information from a database on a separate server(not the android phone). Does anyone have any information on how to create a database connector class?

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Android : Create Trigger Across Different Databases?

Dec 2, 2009

Is there any way to create triggers on different databases? my requirement is like:-
database: a1.db consist table: t1
database:a2.db consist table: t2

now i have to use trigger on t1 (whenever any delete and update operation) happens on t1 a value has to be inserted into t2. waiting for your feedback...

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Android :: Scrolling My Activity Including WebView

Nov 12, 2010

I included a WebView in my activity and load some Javascript in it which is then going to get data from an external website.This works and displays fine but the problem is that my activity doesn't scroll when the WebView is done loading so I can't see the bottom of the WebView such as all the other Views I put below this.

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Android :: Including Other Eclipse Projects In Application

Jan 12, 2010

I have a library-only Android eclipse project (no main class, only library classes) that I want to include in my main Android Application project. I went to the Build Path and added the library project to the "Required projects on the build path" on the Projects tab, and checked it on the "Order and Export" tab. However, when the application is run, it emits VerifyError exception, because the class from the library project didn't happen to be packaged together in the apk.

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Android :: Verification Required On Including External Jar

Mar 21, 2009

In my Android app, I always get VerifyErrors! And I cannot figure out why. Whenever I include a external JAR, I always get VerifyErrors when I try to launch my app (except for once, when I included Apache Log4j.) I usually get around this by taking the source of the library and adding it to my project, but I am trying to put the GData client library ( I can get this in source, but it's dependencies (mail.jar, activation.jar, servlet-api.jar) I cannot, so I get verify errors. I would like to get to the root of this problem once and for all. I looked on the internet, but they all seem to talk about incomplete class files? which I do not know of.

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Android :: ADB Access To Application Databases Without Root

Jan 16, 2010

Can anyone tell me, is it possible to use the ADB to pull and push a database from an app, without root privileges on the phone? For example, I know the location on my rooted magic and dream is:

I know that you can use ADB without root, but when trying to use the shell - you can't view that location without root privaliges. But I have been told you can use push and pull if you know the file you want? Basically I want to pull a database from MY app on a non rooted phone modify it and push it back on. Only trouble I have is, the two phones I have are both root and I don't have access to a non root one to try it out.

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Android :: Want Sql Optimization Techniques For Databases Has Nearly 80,000 Records

Jul 14, 2009

I want to know optimization techniques for databases that has nearly 80,000 records,
list of possibilities for optimizing

i am using for my mobile project in android platform
i use sqlite,i takes lot of time to retreive the data.

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Android : Can I Pull Databases Off Droid Onto Desktop?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm trying this with my Nexus One.
I have the android SDK and have used the command
adb pull /data/data/ C:pulls
but all I get is
pull: building file list...
0 files pulled. 0 files skipped.
Also, it seems no matter how much data I add to the tutorial NotePad app I installed, the data size for the app (as shown in Settings) never exceeds 8KB. How is this possible? Is there some other place where databases are stored? When I use the File Explorer view (that's part of ADT) in Eclipse, I see there's nothing in /data.
To add a twist, I have no trouble pulling any other files from the device. It's just databases I have trouble with.

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Android :: Create File - Including Folders For Given Path?

Oct 28, 2010

Am downloading a ZipFile from web. where it contain folders and files. Uncompressing them using zipInputstream and zipentry. zipentry.getName giving name of file as "htm/css/aaa.htm". so i am creating New File(zipentry.getName); But problem it throwing an exception File not found. i got that it is creating subfolders htm and css. My question is that , how to create a file including its sub directories , by passing above path?

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Android :: Including Prebuilt Java Classes Into Project

May 3, 2010

i'm trying to include a maven java project into my android project. the maven project is the greader-unofficial project which allows developers access to google reader accounts, and handles all of the http transactions and URI/URL building, making grabbing feeds and items from google reader transparent to the developer. the project is available here:

the code is originally written for the standard jdk and uses classes from that are not a part of the standard Android SDK. i actually tried to manually resolve all dependencies and ran into a problem when i got as far as including com.sun.syndication pieces required by the class some of the classes in that are in the standard jdk (i'm using 1.6) are not in the Android SDK. in addition, resolving all of these dependencies manually is just ridiculous when i'm compiling a maven project that should be pretty simple.

however, i can use maven to compile the sources with no issue. how can i include this maven project, which is dependent on the complete jdk, into my android project in such a way that it will compile so that i can access the GoogleReader class from my android project? and for the record, i don't have the expertise to rewrite this entire api to work with the standard Android SDK.

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Android :: Access To Databases From Native Code - For Example Mmssms.db

Aug 9, 2010

Try to select (or update) from custom databases (for example mmssms.db) but on init I see " Unable to open the database file". Try send permissions in manifest <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SMS"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS"/> but this doesn't help.

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Android :: Programatically Get Path To Databases/files An Application?

May 3, 2010

Is there a way to programatically get the path to the databases/files an application uses instead of hardcoding "data/data/" ?

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Android :: Generate Databases On Device Using Remote Tool?

Aug 25, 2010

I managed to configure iJetty on the emulator and I am setting up both a REST-based and SOAP-based services on it.

Regarding sqlite3. I am able to run and control it remotely using the shell. is there a way to generate databases on the device using the remote tool? I didn't find any evidence that that is possible and I think the only way may be through the API. I just wanted to double check in case I missed this.

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Android : Access Contents Of Droid Emulator Databases?

Dec 26, 2009

I've read the answer to a question as to how to access the contents of the databases, however I cannot seem to get it to work on my machine. Here is the shell log:

C:android-sdk-windows ools>adb -s emulator-5554 shell
# sqlite3 /data/data/
sqlite3 /data/data/
SQLite version 3.5.9
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> .tables
sqlite> ^C
C:android-sdk-windows ools>

SQLite simply echos my commands back to me, even although the Eclipse file browser tells me it exists. If I use the sqlite3 tool and use ".tables" the commands are accepted.

Is the SQLite syntax different through the emulator is am I missing something?

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Android : Where I Can Access Databases In Eclipse For Droid Development?

Jun 24, 2010

I apologize if this is a stupid question, nevertheless I need to ask. I am new to Android development and have gone through every single tutorial and reference provided. I have been doing great, with the exception of one stupid problem; I cannot find where the databases for some apps are stored.

For example I would like to build my own app that includes thousands of pre-made records from an established SQLite Database. As a reference I tried to use the "Searchable Dictionary" app from the provided programs in the Android SDK, but cannot find it.

I read that all databases are stored in /data/data//databases on the device, but I cannot find this location. So how would I access the database in Eclipse or anywhere else for that matter to set up my pre-configured database?

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Android :: Including Custom Component / View No Longer Shows Up

Oct 29, 2009

The app I'm working on has 4 tabs, 3 of which share many features, including a navigation bar a the bottom with Back, Edit, and Map buttons. There is exactly the same xml in all 3 layouts, so I'm trying to DRY this out by extracting that xml into a separate component, including it, and then going from there. Previously I had:

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
android:id="@+id/showedit_toolbar" style="@style/showItemToolbar">
<ImageButton android:id="@+id/show_person_back_button"
<Button android:id="@+id/show_person_map_button"
android:text="map" android:layout_alignParentRight="true"/>
<Button android:id="@+id/show_person_edit_button"
android:text="edit" android:layout_toLeftOf="@id/show_person_map_button"/>
<ScrollView xmlns:android=""
// Lots more layout omitted

I extracted out the bit that's repeated into an xml file called show_toolbar.xml, changing the names of variables to make it more generic across the 3 views
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
android:id="@+id/show_toolbar" style="@style/showItemToolbar">
<ImageButton style="@style/blackToolbarButton"
<Button android:id="@+id/show_map_button"
android:text="map" android:layout_alignParentRight="true"/>
<Button android:id="@+id/show_edit_button" style="@style/blackToolbarButton"
android:text="edit" android:layout_toLeftOf="@id/show_map_button"/>

Then from within my original layout file, I replaced that big block of code with
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_width="fill_parent">
<include android:id="@+id/show_toolbar" layout="@layout/show_toolbar"/>
<ScrollView xmlns:android=""
android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
android:layout_above="@id/showedit_toolbar" style="@style/CoinLightTheme">

Now, the problem is that the view no longer shows up. Including Custom component causes it to be hidden behind main viewI can still click the buttons and they respond (i.e. if I click in the corner where the button should be, it still works), but I cannot see the buttons or bar onto which they were drawn. I cannot find very good documentation on how Include is supposed to work, so perhaps I am using it incorrectly.

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HTC Incredible :: Is Android Like Windows Etc Where Uninstalling An App Leaves Registry Settings/ Databases

May 6, 2010

Is android like windows etc where uninstalling an app leaves registry settings/ databases, etc that can at some point bog me down? If so how do i go about removing this extraneous data?

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General :: Contacts App Does Not Show Up Anywhere Including Apps

Jun 20, 2012

I picked up a Zeki TB782B for my kids to use and I have been really happy with it as an entertainment tablet. I have put my daughters gmail account into it and gmail works great, but contacts app does not show up anywhere including apps. It is on the tablet as a native app, Titanium is backing it up and it seems like it should be running. I rolled back the system updates to the app and still nothing.

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