Android :: IDE To Develop Android Apps

Nov 11, 2009

I am about to start developing an android app and need to get an IDE. Eclipse and the android eclipse plugin appears to be the natural choice. However I am familiar with intelliJ and re-sharper so I would prefer use intelliJ.

Has anyone used"> Is this any good?

Should I just bite the bullet and learn Eclipse?

Android :: IDE to develop Android apps

Android :: Develop Softwares For Phone / Start With Programming Droid Apps?

Feb 16, 2010

I am a student and would like to develop softwares for Android Phones. Please suggest me where to start.

I have always programmed in C++, Matlab, Javascript. I do not have so much experience in programming Java.

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Android :: Test Android Apps - Develop On Real Hardware Device

Jun 22, 2010

Since I don't know (and I don't think anyone does) when the next version of the Android Developer Phone that will support Android 2.x be available, can I use the following unlocked Android phone available on Amazon

To test my Android apps (that is after testing on simulators).

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Android :: Develop And Upload Android 2.1 Apps Onto Motorola Backflip

Apr 26, 2010

I'm planning to become android developer w/ Android 2.1 SDK For some reason I like to AT&T network. Since Motorola backflip is the only phone available on AT&T and reading recent reports that it only allows apps to be downloaded from Android Marketplace

I've a basic yet very important question:
Is it possible for a developer to write an app and upload to the device? If so my next doubt is how would I upgrade the OS from Android 1.5 to Android 2.1 on my backflip device?

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Android :: Develop Android Apps Using A Samsumg Galaxy 5 Device

Oct 7, 2010

I am developing my first Android App. I have an application already running on emulator (Eclipse + Android dev. tools) on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx - released in April 2010. I have already tryied the steps provided on Android Developers Portal on this link, but whenever I try to list my already connected device using ./adb devices

I get the following:

mmaia@mmaia-desktop:~/tools/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$ ./adb devices
List of devices attached
? no permissions

I have checked and when I run the virtual emulator the same command returns:

List of devices attached
? no permissions
emulator-5554 device

Also when I ask eclipse to run the emulator it finds the device(galaxy 5), see image below, but can't find serial, probably because of some permission, than I am only able to choose the virtual emulator.

How do I configure permission to use Galaxy 5 as a device while developing for Android under Ubuntu 10.04?

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Android :: Develop Android Apps With Visual Studio 2010

Nov 17, 2010

Is there a plugin or something I can use to develop Android Apps with visual studio 2010, I'm most interested in free plugins.

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Android :: Phone To Develop Android Apps On - Must It Be Unlocked

Sep 26, 2010

I want to test my android app on a phone. I do not have an android phone so I was going to purchase one. Question, I can get a phone on eBay etc without a contract will this work to test my app? Or must it be an unlocked or rooted phone? Can I install and test my apps on a phone that has not been unlocked and does not nave a contract?

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Android :: Resources On Learning To Develop Android Apps

Nov 6, 2010

Possible Duplicates:
Good book for beginning android development
The best book for programming in Android

The "best/easy to understand" "resource/tutorials/guides/book" wins the answer!
I'm really trying not be subjective here. Most guides I came up with on forums, etc., date back to 2007/2008 so I guess I want something more recent. (Some of them are reeeeeally outdated).

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Android :: Way To Develop Develop Droid App?

Sep 11, 2010

I want to develop droid application which is work on other device as well like Google nexus one. so what is the perfect emulator or AVD settings to develop such application which is work on all screen resolution and all device.

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Motorola Droid :: Develop Own Apps

Jul 12, 2010

Now Google is working on App Inventor, a program that lets pretty much anybody piece together their own apps:

Android App Inventer Makes Average Joe a Developer | These are the Droids

I foresee the Android Market being flooded with DIY apps, some good, some junk. What say you? Good thing for Android or a disaster in the making?

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Android :: Develop Android Apps In Xcode

Jun 21, 2010

I m trying to develop an android app in xcode. ive downloaded java, java jdk and the android sdk and have loaded a half finished (but working with no errors) app. i also changed the target to:

Build Tool: /usr/bin/ant
Arguments: install

But when i try to build it i get

Build file build.xml does not exist

I couldn't figure out how to make my own build.xml so downloaded one but still no luck.

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Android :: How To Develop An App For Phone?

Mar 23, 2009

I am very interesting in Android.It very new to me,so I want to know about it.

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Android :: Way To Develop A App For Droid?

Apr 17, 2009

I have download eclipse, ADT,Jre, Android SDk, but how to use? I mean can i just use eclipse and import jars from Android SDK? And what ADT is supposed to be use for?

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Android :: What Phone To Develop On?

Sep 21, 2010

I want to purchase an Android phone for development ? what do you recommend? Is there any mobile more updated than Nexus one?

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Android :: Can I Develop Droid On Mac?

Apr 20, 2010

I want to develop applications on Android. Can the SDK be installed on Mac?

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Android :: Droid / IOS / How To Develop App For Both?

Nov 4, 2010

I want to develop an application for both android and iOS devices. Is there a way to develop the application once and deploy on both? Or is it a must to develop for each platform separately?

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Android :: Develop A Homelink App?

Jul 26, 2010

Is there any way possible to develop a homelink app? Or one that would be at least open the garage? I think that would be really cool but I am not sure if thats even possible. Or is there already an app out like this?

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How To Develop Android Applications

May 30, 2012

how to develop android applications. Right now I am trying to write a very simple app that calculates miles per gallon. i have wrote two versions in regular JAVA but after the past few day I just have gotten stuck trying to teach myself how i can "port" it over to work on an android phone. This one is just works within the compiler

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Mpg
public static void main(String [] args)

I'm trying to get a simple app set up like the 2nd version, but I'm having trouble setting up the boxes for user input and re displaying it once calculated.

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Android :: Develop A Custom Fullscreen IME

Aug 25, 2010

I try to find resources on how to develop a fullscreen IME (one that covers the whole screen size) for Android. Someone asked the same question here: but no response so far.

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Android :: Develop Monthly Calendar / Way To Set This Using XML?

Nov 20, 2010

I'm very new to android development. Currently I'm trying to develop an application that can display monthly calendar. Is there any way i can set this using the XML? or should i use different methods?

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Android :: TomTom Available / Develop A Compatible?

Nov 16, 2008

Does anyone know if TomTom is available for the Android now? or they are planning to develop a compatible in the future? I liek the interface of the Tomtom when its navigating you around, or if you know something out there that has the same interface?

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Android :: Develop App Using J2ME Polish

Dec 21, 2009

I m currently evaluating the pros and cons of devleoping the application for Android devices using J2ME polish, please send me accross your views on this. What are the technical issues, legal issues etc....

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Android :: Develop Photo Viewer - How Can I Do This?

Sep 7, 2010

Is there anybody who has a knowledge about Photo Viewer in Android. If I want to develop one photo viewer then how can I do this?

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Android :: Want To Develop A Service That Needs To Be Run In Background

Jul 15, 2009

I'm trying to develop a service, which needs to be run in background as a low priority task and does some complex processing . I need to gracefully quit my service when their is a resource shortage( like CPU running low on memory). Was there any APIs available to know the CPU resource usage, Objectives of my service is to - 1. Exit service when a high priority application(s) is running and which might need entire CPU resources. 2. Should store my states before onDestroy() of my service is called.

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Android :: Need Program To Develop Games

Sep 7, 2010

I'm designing a game for Android, but i can't find a generator of maps, does anyone know about it? Could you recommend me a program for this?

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Android :: How To Develop For Forward Compatibility?

Dec 10, 2009

I have an app that uses People provider. This is deprecated in version 2.0. I have built my application against API1.6 and set <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" android:targetSdkVersion="4" /> Everything was fine until I wanted to run the app on Android 2.0. Not only is People deprecated it actually doesn't even work! So, I have changed the API I'm compiling against API2.0 and do the OS version check in my code and use People provider or ContactsContract accordingly. I still keep <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" android:targetSdkVersion="4" /> so I can target 1.6 devices. Now when I want to debug in Eclipse it insists on running it on 2.0 emulator. How can I tell Eclipse that I really want to debug on 1.6 emulator? I have installed my APK on 1.6 emulator via the browser. It installed fine, but when I want to use People provider it crashes. I need to be able to debug it.

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Android :: Need To Develop Software / Systems?

Oct 28, 2010

VDC, an independent technology research firm, is conducting research for its study of the software and systems lifecycle management tools market. If you have already participated, thank you again for your support and please feel free to ignore this message. The research covers technologies and practices related to embedded and enterprise/ IT software systems engineering, and will help to inform VDC's ongoing study of engineering project eams and systems. The first 400 respondents who complete the survey will receive: -Choice of a $10 gift certificate or elect to make a donation to FIRST (a critable organization helping to promote the sciences to the next generation of engineers and developers).

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Android :: How To Develop A Good Touch GUI?

Feb 14, 2010

I've always developed application for personal use on command line. Now I have to develop an app for android for a broad audience.If I start now I would make and awful GUI. I need first to educate myself on the matter of building clear, efficient and usable GUI on a touch interface.

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Motorola :: How Develop Android Applications?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm really new with this thing of "Android development" and I was really excited when I found Appcelerator Titanium, but now I got the big surprise, it doesn't work on my computer. What other alternatives are there for Android development specially if they include HTML, JavaScript and CSS for creating such applications?

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Motorola :: Can I Develop For Android Applications By Using CLI?

Sep 18, 2010

I've start developing android applications. but My PC has so poor resource cpu and ram for using eclipse so I'd like to develop by CLI javac. How can I use CLI for developing android?

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