Android :: How To Set Unlock Pattern?
Nov 5, 2009How to set the unlock pattern? Is that an intent?

How to set the unlock pattern? Is that an intent?
This is for an EVO but i'm thinking maybe it'll be similar to other android phones. what i'd to set up is to have the phone require the 'dot unlock pattern' after it's been sitting for 5 minutes idle. when i set it up with AutoLock, whenever the screen turns off after 1 minute, it'll rqeuire me to do the slide down to unlock which i don't want.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've entered a wrong pattern too many times. The phone now asks for my gmail username and password. I tried to enter them, but it doesn't accept the credentials. They are certainly valid, I know because I logged in via web browser with the same name/pass and it works.
View 6 Replies View Related1) Is there way to find if the Android "unlock pattern screen" is ON/ OFF thru programming? My Aim is to send some messages from my application to a server thru network only when the user had unlocked this password kind of screen (device).
2) Is there any Android/Java class to generically find (query) if certain application window is currently on top like question 1? In other words, any Windows manager class to get some info/enumerate windows that are currently being displayed/being in use.
I can't seem to UNcheck the box to disable the unlock pattern. Please tell me there's a way as I am now sick of having the draw the pattern.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow many of you guys actually use the pattern lock or password before you can use the phone. I have been debating whether or not its a waste of my time b/c even if I get my phone stolen I'm not getting it back. My friends that use my phone can't go through my personal stuff b/c I have a file locker. Even if I did have the pattern lock did anybody create a way to hack it and unlock it like they did with the iPhone?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI'm tired of those *** dots! Any way possible to get a numerical pattern like the iPhone has?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way, some API one can call to detect if the user has set a screen unlock pattern or not?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm wanting to allow Pattern unlock to users with Android devices but not allow users to not set a secure unlock type.
Right now I've enforced password requirements but that only allows pin based unlocks not pattern or face.
Are there any options to enable other types of unlock without removing security requirements at all within Exchange 2010?
I recently got a HTC Hero and when I go to Settings->Security there is no option for Set Unlock Pattern.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that allows you to temporarily unlock your pattern then lock it back without going through settings? Because its gets real annoying to keep putting in my pattern when I'm home alone..
View 22 Replies View RelatedYesterday I swiped my unlock pattern wrong to many times and now I have a screen saying that I should type in my google account username and password to unlock it.
I'v done this 100 times now with the correct username and password but it does not open my Hero. It is like it dosen't tjeck it online....
So now I have a locked Hero that can't do anything, How can I unlock it?
My Exchange server requires a password to get unlock my Hero. I have to use the keyboard to input a password, but I want a unlock pattern but I cant find it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I flashed 2.3.3 this morning, and tonight I was browsing through the settings and messing with different things. I ended up setting an unlock pattern (I never used it before) and completely forgot about it while browsing through my settings. Now I turn my phone on and blank out what pattern I used. I try what I think it is a few times and nothing.
I read that if you get it wrong 5 times it asks for you Google Login info, yet mine doesnt, it freezes then restarts.
So just a heads up if anyone is running 2.3.3 and using this, it sucks since Im probably gonna have to re flash it since I havent Nandroided yet since.
Query: Own Xperia x10 and am getting a bit peed of with the unlock screen pattern on phone does. Anyone know of another app which is free and would use a password instead of the pattern.
View 5 Replies View Relatedit's easy enough to turn on the unlock pattern security feature and it was fun to give it a try but now I'm just wondering - is there any way to turn it off?? I've tried searching and even in the user guide it says nothing about being able to disable it. If anyone knows how to do this/whether it is possible please let me know - only because I'm finding it kind of annoying now!
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would love to stop using the HTC lock screen and use only the pattern unlock - any ideas how to do that?
View 7 Replies View RelatedAfter some 10 days with my Desire, I am close to getting it 'just right'...
However, I would like to configure the phone to use only the hardware button and the lock pattern in order to use the phone, and bypass the 'slide down' process.
I have tried various permutations and addons but to no avail ...
So to recap:
1 - press upper hardware button
2 - enter lock pattern
Is there a way to remove the slide to unlock and keep the pattern lock? I serached and saw someone asking about this in May but there was not a way. I tried no lock and a few other apps but nothing has worked so far?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any other alternative to this? such as a password/pass code unlock instead? I'm a bit unsure, as the pattern lock seems to me maybe easier to crack if someone were to get their hands on the phone, appears to be no limit on how many attempts you can make also.I know this might be a long shot but is there anything out there such as a finger print unlock?
View 11 Replies View RelatedSo why can't I use that as a clock widget for my home screen! I mean, it's so nice. The font, the spacing, the size, the position. I'd love that to be my normal home screen clock, so are our free options really limited to either the real estate killing, non-customizable HTC clocks, or the hackney attempts at clock widgets from the market. I know Beautiful Widgets is a pretty popular app to download for this, I guess I'm just looking for a free alternative.
View 15 Replies View RelatedSo I went to the verizon store today and found out that I can upgrade to the Droid X ( was debating between droid 2 or X and still am confused). But upon checkout my card wouldn't work, it kept getting errors after manually entering and swiping it, so I'm going to head back this week with cash instead. *But anyways, I tried playing around with it a little and searched the phone for different unlock screens, couldn't find any. My questions is - Does the Droid x (even droid 2) have the lock screen where you get the grid and can make your own pattern to unlock? Like the lock screen for the G1 I used to have.
Similar to this picture:
I couldn't find anything to do with lock screens while messing with it in store, but maybe I was looking in the wrong spot.
I just got this phone last week and I absolutely love it. I came from a blackberry and of course I was used to unlocking my phone with a PIN instead of the pattern (1st android owned) that this phone has. I was wondering if there is a way to have that option in my SF. I hate the pattern, I checked out the market and there is an app for that but the reviews were horrible. If this is even possible on this phone yet or I have to wait on the upcoming 2.2 update and yes my phone is not rooted.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe one thing that does not make sense is why do you have to do the unlock and then the draw pattern. Shouldn't the draw patter be enough? I tried the no lock widget but it turns of both the slider and the draw pattern. I just want the draw pattern.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWith my Sprint HTC Hero, How do you diasable the drawn pattern unlock once you have set it up?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to decrease the unlock pattern attempts before you need to insert your gmail account? I would like it to require my email/pass after about 5 wrongs attempts. Currently it took 15 times till it required a password.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the pattern unlock enabled and it's annoying to have to do both the slide down and pattern unlock... is there any way to do just one?
View 5 Replies View RelatedFirst, let me fully admit this is an annoyance to me. Second, let me fully admit this situation is 'as designed.' As was indicated by Verizon, FRG22D made some changes that 'improved security.' In particular the ability for Exchange admins to enforce security settings. Well, I have a hosted Exchange account (personal email) with 1&1. Post manual update to FRG22D, I am now required to have a PIN code to unlock the phone. No unlock code and the pattern are not available. So, every time my phone comes out of 'sleep' mode, I have to enter my PIN. Incredibly annoying...
Ultimately, it's an issue to work out with 1&1 to see if this can be changed. I see no setting in the options presented to me in the OWA settings or in 1&1's XAdmin panel. If anyone happens to know if this is easily changed... please let me know. Sorry for the partial rant, but I am incredibly annoyed.
Any way to remove the emergency call button? I'm on a galaxy note 2.Almost everytime I take my phone out I hit that button which opens the keypad. I just want to unlock my phone. Even if it's just moved from the bottom, but I'd prefer it gone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAny way to revert back to a gesture-based lock screen after enabling encryption on my LG730 with android 4.0.4. I ran the SQLite queries (had to pull the DB and edit on my PC, then push it back), generated a gesture key and pushed it to the phone, restarted and... no dice. The lock screen is still asking for a password to unlock it.
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