Android :: How Can I Reduce Cpu Usage?
Aug 21, 2009Many times (not all the times), my emulator is running 100% of one of my two CPUs on the machine. Can anyone tell me why it is so, and how can I reduce the cpu usage?

Many times (not all the times), my emulator is running 100% of one of my two CPUs on the machine. Can anyone tell me why it is so, and how can I reduce the cpu usage?
I added google-collect-1.0.jar to my Android project and it made a 50K .apk into a 250k .apk (both Release). This was all through using a single method Lists.newArrayList(). Is there any way to reduce the overhead?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow did I reduce my Android system usage it's at 78%.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can reduce the power usage in my application.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't know if it's my phone or what but when I look up the Other Usage on my phone, it shows it "Running" more than 2/3 of the time.And on Network Usage, "Android System" and "Media" use a great deal of the phone as well.I think this might have to do with my "android.process.acore" crashing every once in a while when it's asleep. Based on everyone's feedback I might have to return the Moment for a third time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedReducing Lag Due to Location Based Services (Tested with myTouch)Only use GPS or Network Based Location services but don't have both enabled at the same time.I purchased the myTouch on 08/20/09 running Firmware 1.5 (Cupcake), Build Number COC10. I am also using the 4GB card that came with the phone.I found that Sherpa and Google maps tended be less than accurate and lagged significantly despite being in Downtown Seattle with 2 - 4 bars of service depending on building density.I also had Pedometer running (a free app from the Market). Sherpa was exteremely laggy to the point of being useless in both Carsel Mode as well as Map Mode. I didn't use Satillite nor Street View in any of my testing.
When I killed Pedometer, I found Sherpa seemed to improve a bit, but still, it was very clumsy to use due to lag. I then looked at "Security and Locations" services and saw both "Use wireless netowrks" and "GPS" enabled. I first disabled "Use wireless netowrks" and saw an immediate improvement in Sherpa. I reenabeld the Pedometer and still got a good response from Sherpa and Google Maps including reduced lag and more precise location. I then disabled GPS (and told the applications to cancel when asked to enable) and enabeld Network based services. Sherpa, Google Maps and Pedometer all responded well, location services improved in accuracy and little lag.
When I install my app on the phone to test, it is showing up to be a HUGE size, 11.35 MB. It is a very simple app that lets user browse through fun-facts. The only reason I can think of is that there are 14 JPEG files in the drawables which serve as background images of the fun-facts. The average size of these is about 500 KB.I'd like to trim the size of my app, so as not to use up the precious resources on the user's device. Other than just getting rid of the pictures, are there ways to optimize the size of apk file?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThere are quite some pit falls that an application developer may hit. In order to simplify life Sony Ericsson Developer world has produced a little guideline called "Android Application Coding Guidelines - Power Save".
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've managed to get my allocations down to next to nothing using DDMS (great tool), this has drastically reduced my GCs to about 1 or 2 every 3 minutes. Still, I'm not happy because those usually cause a noticeable delay in the game (on some phones) when you interact with it.
Using DDMS, I know what the allocations are, they are Strings being converted from integers used to display game information to the HUD.
I'm basically doing this:
This happens once each frame update and the HUD system is modular so I plug things in when I need and this can cause 4 or 5 hud elements to allocate Strings and AbstractStringBuilders in DDMS.
Any way to reduce these further or eliminate all the String allocations and just reuse a String object?
In the Android phone, while I am watching YouTube videos, I may reduce the audio volume. Once I am done watching, I close all applications and leave the phone. Then when there is a incoming call, the ringer is very feeble. I may miss that call.Can you make the volume adjustment apply only for that application? I don't want the ringer volume get changed.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI want to reduce the boot up time of android.I have tried removing some stuff such as not required .apk from the / system/apps folder.from init.rc file some services which is not kernel uncompressing is taking 11 sec can reduce thing is that i can remove the drivers which are not needed but i am not finding any .config file to remove it?From where can i remove the not required driver from kernel code?What all other stuff can i remove to reduce boot up time?
View 2 Replies View Relatedin my application i have to read xml from web-service, it is working fine, but major problem is it is taking more time to parse data, though same data is taking less time on iPhone and Blackberry. i have similar code on blackberry it is taking less time to parse. is any fast parsing process in Android? if any body know kindly reply me.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using Eclipse for Android development and Latest version of Android SDK (Running XP, 2Gb Ram)
1. when run clicked, previously executed emulator appears first then emulator default screen appears, only last current actual output appears
2. when clicked to close takes too much time (2 mns) for the emulator to disapper
3. in short execution time exceeds development/coding time in the testing process
is anyway to reduce such execution time
I'm finding my screen is too bright for me to read with in bed at night, even when set to the dimmest setting and with the background black and the text brown. I had this same issue with my old Palm Tungsten E2, but there was a program that allowed the screen to be adjusted to even lower than the manufacturer's level. Is there a similar app for Android? (Actually, I find my screen too bright at the best of times, too.)
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm playing video on Android using media player via RTSP. The player takes about 12s to buffer before it starts playing. Anyone know how I can convince the player to buffer less? I have full control over the RTSP server and the SDP it returns.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know the Android SDK provides many Sensor class to use to get data or do something. I already verified my driver of sensor to get data successfully under linux kernel-2.6.29 I use I2C protocol to communication with my device, so I put sensor code under drivers/i2c/chips NOW I want to add my sensor into Android and I hope to link Android Sensor class with my device to reduce develop my application. How to do for this goal? Could I need to modify application framework or Libraries or another driver type for new device? I big your help
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a 3*3 TableLayout that contains buttons. But I cannot seem to remove the spacing between the buttons in the Table.Setting pading to zero for the buttons has no effect. Setting padding and layout_margin to zero for the TableRow has no effect. Setting layout_margin for the TableLayout has no effect.Any idea on how I can alter/remove/reduce the spacing between the cells?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI insatalled launcher pro two days ago, loved it but the phone has become reallll slow sinc, im using a Samsung Galaxy S, i setted the LauncherPro as my main launcher and is great but i can tel that is laggin ad takes a while i between things.Im using Task killer to stop running apps, but that does not helped much,. Using Android system Info i saw a great number of running task that i did not even know, is crazi, i olny have 12% of free ram. how cani stop all this task from running?
View 19 Replies View RelatedIs there any apps to modify or reduce the resolution of camera images?Even on the lowest resolution the images taken from my EVO 4G are rejected from a Blackberry phone when sending as MMS.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedCan anybody tell how to reduce the height of tab bar and display tab bar in bottom.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I reduce the spacing between the elements in a linear layout? I tried to set the padding to 0 as well as the vertical spacing but that didnt seem to help. I want the textview and the imageview to be flush together with no space between them. The following is my XML layout file but I dont acheive what I want with it. code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to reduce screen resolution in android? so as to save power or play games more smoothly just like on a pc for example?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to reduce the file size of my application in the market. The strange thing is that my application "LeonardFrog.apk" just uses 4mb but the Google-Market shows me that it uses 8mb. You can search for it (Leonard Frog Beta) in the market. How can this be???
In my application, there are many images and long sounds. My folder "res" just uses 3,7mb and there is nothing else in my game beside the quellcode. So WHY is the size of my game in the market 8mb?
How to reduce the size of listview width by using XML in android?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have heard that a processor without graphics card will take a lots of time to produce a graphical entity,than one with graphics card. So is there anything like that if we use Open Gl in android application?
will my application become slow?
How can we reduce list view font size?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've used an Alert Dialog builder to display 6 items my user can choose from. Unfortunately for just a few pixels missing, it displays only half of the last item and adds a scrollbar. Beside, centering of the dialog is awkward, there is a 20px padding at the top but only 2px at the bottom. I was wondering if there is a way to reduce font size or vertical spacing in the Alert Dialog builder programatically.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI learned from several discussions of this group that BitmapFactory.decodeFile() allocates heap memory outside of the "java heap". My app receives encrypted files from a remote server. Decoding those files needs a lot of heap space. After finishing this decoding step most of the allocated heap space will be freed by the GC. But the (total) heap size - as displayed by the DDM - remains large. In this situation there is not enough heap space outside of the "Java heap" to decode even medium sized image files using BitmapFactory.decodeFile(). At the moment I limit the size of encrypted files to ensure that the Java heap space never increases to more than 10 MB. This ensures that there is enough memory for BitmapFactory.decodeFile(). But this is not very elegant.
Is it possible to tell the dalvik-vm to reduce the (total) heap size to have more space for decoding images or is there another solution?
Just occurred to me that all these ads take power to run. What do you think? Can we get better battery life if we got rid of the ads?
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