Android :: How To Get Screen Lock Status
Jun 4, 2010I have a live wall paper that only need to work if the screen is unlock (i.e. full display is on), otherwise, it should be just blank.
View 5 RepliesI have a live wall paper that only need to work if the screen is unlock (i.e. full display is on), otherwise, it should be just blank.
View 5 Repliesive tried it all Go launcher ex, launcher,pro ect but they only seem to be able get rid of the status bar in the home-screen and not the lock screen.
is are there any apps for ics that would get rid of the status bar on the lock-screen ?
I have an ICS phone, the problem is on the lock screen I can't pull the status bar down in any type of lock screen (slide, pattern, PIN, etc). My question is how do I enable status bar dragging on lock screen? I know how to compile or decompile APK files, but I dont know what should I change to enable this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny way to lock apps in memory without keeping icon in status bar? I guess I have problem with Lux auto brightness and Keep Screen On. I turned off icon of this apps in bar, and they are stopping working I guess that is because android JB is killing them when there is no icon.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to disable the initial swipe lock screen and replace with the pattern lock? Seems silly to have a double lock.....the pattern seems much better to me.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have a samsung vibrant. Every time i plug it in its charger, the lock screen will not lock amd if m doing something, the sensitivity of the screen will be thrown of. It doesn't do that if i plug,it,in a computer usb, it doesn't,do that and charges normally. Is that a wide spread issue.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have the slider Lock screen come up before the pattern lock?
I would like to slide unlock then enter pattern.
I'm using 2.1 dd10 rooted
I am plan B and AVG security installed, both don't always work, I have pattern lock on the phone but even in pattern lock mode when i press and hold power button the phone gives me option to shutdown.
If someone steals my phone they will be able to shut it off without unlocking it since holding down power button still works. So is there a way to lock the power button from shutting off phone when the phone is in pattern unlock mode?
For those of you who would like to spice up their lock screen, I have created an image of a master lock, that stretches as you slide across the screen!I have included a screen shot of this in action, as well as a link to the .9.png - which needs to be installed using NinjaMorph.I'm loving it, let me know what you think!MultiUpload Download Master Lock .9.PNG
View 45 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to lock widgets so that changes cannot be made to the 4.2.2 lock screen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have a phone lock on the Desire, in the way it is used on "normal" phones? What I mean is that I need a phone lock for security reasons - however it is a pain to use it every time I turn the screen on. Is there a way to have it work only when you turn the phone on? Right now if yu don't have a phone/screen lock security set if someone steals your phone they take out the sim card and use the phone normally ... if you do have it, then you must use the password every time you want to use the phone (I hate it). I know the best thing is to have a secured access but I was just wandering if it was possible to do seomething different?
View 9 Replies View RelatedLOCK screen aprears at the main screen, after boot the emulator boot up. I want to disable the locking at main screen, So that while next time i boot up my emulator not LOCK screen apears. Can any body suggest me best solution for this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to draw on or modify the key guard wallpaper programmatically?It looks simple enough for the home wallpaper, you can use WallpaperManager. But how about for the lock screen wallpaper?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to listen for the touch events from Lock Screen and Home Screen, is there any way i can tap those to my applications.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an HTC Evo that hangs up on everyone that calls me.I keep the phone in my pocket and, in trying to pull it out to answer a call, my leg slides the bar.I could keep the phone in my pocket upside down and then I would answer every call but that isn't much of an alternative.I am looking for something that overrides the Sense's lockscreen/answer screen.I tried both GoTo and WidgetLocker.Both are great programs but neither addresses the incoming call issue.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy Status Bar on the top of my Home Screen has disappeared. Any ideas how to restore.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to show/hide the status bar without creating a new "full screen" activity?
I want to creating something like Firefox browser, where user can toggle the "full screen" mode.
Take a look at the scribd poster here: Droid X Ad Tears Into iPhone 4's 'Grip of Death' Signal Issues | Android Phone Fans
*The article itself is unrelated*, however, if you see the Droid X picture in the Ad at the bottom of the article, the in call screen has twitter update of the person. As far as i can tell, the in-call screen seems to be otherwise essentially AOSP call screen. IS this a customisation that Droid X people get, can i do this on my HTC Hero (Rooted with Froyo)?
My app correctly runs in full screen when it's started. However after minimizing and then returning to the app, the status bar pops up and pushes my views down a little. How can I keep the status bar from moving my views?
Here is my layout:
Here is part of my activity's onCreate:
I also have the fullscreen theme in the manifest:
I have a smiley on my status bar (top of screen where netowrk singal, etc is). It just showed up today and isn't going away. I don't have any notifications.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've dug through the documentation but couldn't find a call that would fit: Is there a way to find out the screen status (Active/dark)?I've got an app that implements the relevant data processing and backend server connectivity through a Service that I keep running on a reduced activity level when the user puts the device to sleep (using end button), or when the screen timeout hits. In the app code, I can follow this status change, because it triggers calls to overloaded onStop() and onPause() methods of the app's subclassed Activity. This way, I control active/reduced ("sleep") activity levels of that Service. Everything's cool and dandy in this scenario.Enter an AppWidget that's using this Service in a similar fashion, with functionality implemented in a subclass of AppWidgetProvider. This changes the game - I have found no way to determine when to set the Service to the reduced ("sleep") activity level from that point. The app's Activity has long paused, and I keep the Service at active level, as the widget needs updates from the Service similar to what the Activity needs when in front. With the AppWidget on the home screen, I want, and should (re: battery life), drop the Service's activity level when the device enters sleep mode. The most elegant way to handle this would be to detect whether the screen is dark, right inside the Service.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI read somewhere in the Android documentation that (paraphrasing here): 'if you do make your own View take up the whole screen, it is then possible/even-advisable, to insert and manage the 'status-bar' within your View'. How do you do that? - i.e. insert the status-bar within ones own 'full- screen' View?
View 3 Replies View Relatedit just flips out goes up and down and the screen cant be touched untill i press the top button and it goes back to the screen lock, i have it rooted and running 2.2 im not all up on what this does should i just reset to og settings?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am going crazy here... I've had this thing since it launched and everything is great except I keep hitting buttons with my face during calls! I mute, sometimes end calls, start 3 way calls etc and I have no idea how to prevent it. Is there any way I can make the screen lock during phone calls or change the call screen altogether?
View 12 Replies View RelatedThis morning my alarm started unexpectedly at 6am. The lock screen turned into the snooze/stop screen. Dragging down didn't stop it it.. It came on every ten minutes for the next hour. My alarms were set to 9:45am and 8:30pm as usual. Even turning the phone off and on didn't stop the beeping. It was my 9:45am ringtone even. (The two are set differently)
Anyone else see anything like this? I'm on OTA 2.1
With the old 1.6 software on my X10, the lack of an automatic screen lock when in an active call was mildly annoying, as not all areas of the screen were active. However, with the new 2.1, just about anywhere on the screen becomes active (especially when juggling two simultaneous calls). What are the chances that we'll see a 'lock screen' function for phone calls? Those of us who actually use the phone for phone calls whilst holding it would surely appreciate it. Other android devices have had this for years.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm having an issue with my phone. Most of the time my lock screen is focused on screen 4 (I use 5 screens) instead of on whatever screen I go to when unlocked. Does anybody else have this problem? I'm using Launcherpro if that makes a difference.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy nephew was playing with my phone and evidently set a password on the phone to wake it up. He told me the password and I can use it to wake the phone up just fine but I use the slide screen, but now there is both password unlock and the slide screens. I cant figure how to remove the password one
View 10 Replies View Relatedway i can have a different picture on the lock screen and home screen?
View 3 Replies View RelatedA Tasker task that when I'm on the lockscreen, I can tap or double tap to turn the screen off. I've looked in the Tasker tasks and I'm unable to find anything for this. I already use the Nova gesture+ScreenOff app to turn the screen off when I'm unlocked and at the homescreen, which works perfectly. The only thing Nova can't do it turn the screen off from the lockscreen.
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