Android :: How To Decrease Space Between Checkbox?
May 30, 2010The space between checkboxes in below UI layout is too much, how to decrease it?

The space between checkboxes in below UI layout is too much, how to decrease it?
Can anyone tell me how to reduce the width and height of CheckBox in order to display very small CheckBox in Android ?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhy CheckBox is always null.
<CheckBox id="@+id/checkbox" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
code file-
package com.reblogr.reblogrclient;
public class Test extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */
public CheckBox checkbox;
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ....................
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Is is currently at 23.84 MB according to "Manage Applications".
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View 3 Replies View Relatedi got this notification yesterday so i deleted some apps and all my text messages but i cant get rid of it now!
any ideas?
OK so the reason im posting this here is because I'm confused. I have had the droid rooted for some time now and it seems since day one my battery life decrease more and more and i take more widgets and time off my phone but it still is terrible. I also realize that batteries die after some time so I'm wondering if anyone has this problem. I have had the droid pretty much since the day it came out and the battery hasn't been the best. should i get a new battery? would that solve it? maybe its just worn down from being with the phone since the beginning.
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View 10 Replies View RelatedSo I just downloaded an app that quickly shows battery life, SD space, and disc space. It says I have used 628 of 748 mb on the disc. I thought the phone had an internal memory of 8gb.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHad my Samsung Moment for about a month. LOVE IT. Few issues (same as everyone else has noticed), but nothing terrible. Until: Randomly today TWO Notifications popped up that said "Low on space Phone storage space is getting low." One was what seemed to be from the "hardware" and the other was from the "Work Mail" app (which I don't use, haven't used, haven't even opened). When I click it, it takes me to the Manager screen. So, I began uninstalling some apps I don't really use (I didn't have that many anyway...a couple of games [Solitaire, etc], Facebook, Notes). It started running really slowly and random Force Close messages would appear for things like android.process, messaging--things that have never Force Closed before. I turned it off (pressed and held the red button), waited a few seconds, then turned it back on again. Immediately after the "Sprint" logo lights show finished, I got another Force Close message. When the Home Screen showed up, I had the two notifications again "Low on space". When I cleared the notifications, only the "Work Mail" one would clear. I went through and deleted some more apps that I don't use. Got on my computer & Googled the issue. Found a couple of random forums that suggested cleaning out the Cache in the Browser. I did that. Cleaned the History & Cookies in the Browser, too. Then, I did a soft reset (took out the battery). Started it up again, SAME notifications. Less Force Close messages. But, it's running VERY slowly.
After a few hours, I noticed that I hadn't received any text messages or Gmail notifications. I had my sister text me about 2 hours ago. Still have not received it.
I really don't want to hard reset. I haven't synced my contacts (I have over 400 & the Sprint store had trouble moving them from my Centro to the Moment) to Google yet, nor have I hooked my Moment up to my Mac yet (the Sprint guys had no idea if it would work or not with Snow Leopard & I hadn't had time to check yet) and I'm worried to try it now that my Moment has gone crazy...I really don't want to lose 400 contacts.I don't download a lot of apps. Most are reputable (Pandora, MotherTED, Shazam, Movies, Jewels). The last one I remember downloading was Google Voice three days ago (which I haven't really used because I've had the flu). I don't know if this is a Malware/Virus issue or if I'm just an idiot & did something wrong. But, it's running REALLY slowly right now. Still not receiving texts or emails (though my Twitter app has notified me of a couple of @ replies).I'm going to call Sprint & Samsung tomorrow, then go to a Sprint tech store if they can't help. But, I'm just hoping one of you have come across this & can help before I have to deal with hours of hold music & techies who tell me to soft reset over & over again.
After awhile, I finally checked the storage space:
External SD care: Total: 1.89; Available: 1.85
Internal: About 2 hours ago when I first checked, after I had deleted a bunch of apps it said I had 7.something MB, now (after not downloading ANYTHING or barely even TOUCHING the damn thing) it says 1.95MB. Which leads me to believe that the 7.whatever was not necessarily accurate.
I want to display list of items in my application and user will select checkbox which is present in front of each item. List is displayed well. It also shows checkbox infront of list item but when I click on checkBox it is not getting selected. My code is like this
Is it possible to get a smaller CheckBox, like the one used in Settings application? I'd like to use it in my own custom Preference class, to mimic Android UI more closely..
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