Android :: Checkbox Does Not Appear In CheckedTextView / Way To Fix?
May 28, 2010Here is how I setup my checked text view. How come no check box appeared?

Here is how I setup my checked text view. How come no check box appeared?
I need to display contents of a list of objects. Capture the selected items and later process it. I have been trying to find a tutorial on net but in vain. Could some one please advise me when can I find a tutorial. I know how to display a list but I want the CheckedTextView option.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm creating a view where it will list about 30 items, each with its own checkbox. I'm using the android.R.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice layout for this.
I have it displaying on the screen with my items and the checkboxes and it looks great. But here's the problem. When I click on one, it checkmarks, but when I scroll to the next page of items it shows the item in the exact same position is also checked.
Example of what I mean:
The emulator shows me 7 results on the screen at a time. If I click the checkbox for the first item, it enables. Then I scroll the screen down past the 7th item I see that the 8th item is checked, even though it shouldn't be. If I scroll down again to I see another item checked. The only one that should be checked is the one I actually clicked on. I can repeat this same exact problem for for any position in the item list. I must be doing something wrong in the code.
Here's my code -- not much to it:
Creating the adapter:
I tried both ways in the above method. Both had the same result.
i got ListActivity, each item has 2 textviews image and CheckedTextView. i am trying to implement simple multichoiselist... i have two problems:
protected void onListItemClick(android.widget.ListView l, View v,
int position, long id)
doesnt respond at all ive tried it with the debugger and when i press on any list item it doesnt stop there. and ive tried all kind of things (like focusable:false)............................
How can you dynamically create a CheckedTextView in android [without creating a new implementation]?
It seems CheckedTextView is abstract ... (which does not make any sense at all) because I keep getting the compile time error: "Cannot instantiate the type CheckedTextView"
Using Android 1.5
why CheckBox is always null.
<CheckBox id="@+id/checkbox" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
code file-
package com.reblogr.reblogrclient;
public class Test extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */
public CheckBox checkbox;
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ....................
I want to display list of items in my application and user will select checkbox which is present in front of each item. List is displayed well. It also shows checkbox infront of list item but when I click on checkBox it is not getting selected. My code is like this
Is it possible to get a smaller CheckBox, like the one used in Settings application? I'd like to use it in my own custom Preference class, to mimic Android UI more closely..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a question, been stuck for a while, i don't know how can i add a checkbox in the list, for example if I have a list of items i want to be able to check them. my XML code...
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do i on checkboxselected , show a toast that has data from database?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a horizontal LinearLayout. This LinearLayout has a checkbox next to another LinearLayout. The layout width/height of the checkbox is wrap_content, whereas the inner LinearLayout is fill_parent/wrap_content. The layout_weight of the inner LinearLayout is set to 1.
I've tried to add some android:padding around the checkbox to give some space around it, but no padding is given. I've also tried android:paddingLeft/Right/etc. How do I get some padding around my checkbox?
Note: I have an inner LinearLayout because I will be adding more TextViews
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
I have simple list to be filled in from the database along with a checkbox. I need a handle to all the checkboxes selected. Whn the CLEAR button is pressed at that point I need the row ids of all the selected check boxes to delete them. To do this :
My list.xml file looks like this :
and my data_entry.xml looks like this:
Now: I have file where I am populating the list as follows:
Now where do i give the handle to the heckbox cause anywhere else it would give me a null exception as the data_entry contains the checkboxes. Plus I need a listener to handle the checkbox status?
How can I have a checkbox in my ui alter my ui live? For example, if the box is unchecked I want a spinner to be displayed, and if the box is checked I want a text box to be displayed in place of the spinner. I know how to create the checkbox and check its status but I don't know how to hide and reveal other elements in an activity.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a layout that would have a Checkbox, then a divider, then a listview with single choice mode.
I tried this
with this
But it didn't work. I can't seem to get a checkbox on top of a listview properly. I also would like for the words to be to the left of the checkbox. Any help on this would be much appreciated!
I kind of have a 2 part question here.
1) How can I populate my ListView so that strings are what is displayed, but when items are selected, a non-visible id value (contact id from phone contacts) is the value that is actually used?
2) I have a ListView that's using multipleChoice mode for item selections. It's popluated with names from my contacts list. When I select an item in the ListView, I want that selected item to trigger a call to my SqLite routine to store the value into a database record. How do I make this event fire when an item is checked in the listview?I had hoped to be able to use something like the onClick event for each checked item, but have made not one bit of progress.
I have a ListView with 5 items. Each of the items can be long pressed to open a Context Menu. The Menu has 5 options and I want them to be selectable, by having a check box. I know of the multiple choice listview but was not sure how to have this checkbox feature in a ContextMenu.Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, how?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm writing an app with ListView layout and i want to add to any line in this ListView CheckBox. How can i do this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe space between checkboxes in below UI layout is too much, how to decrease it?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI would like to have expandable text categories which reveal children that are checkable entries. I've used the "simple_list_item_multiple_choice" layout for the childLayout argument of SimpleExpandableListAdapter.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a LinearLayout with a ScrollView inside of it and inside of the ScrollView I have another LinearLayout. Inside the ScrollView/ LinearLayout I will have a list of CheckBoxes (with text after the CheckBox) that get added to the LinearLayout inside of the ScrollView. I also want to display an animated image next the text of the CheckBox.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm try to create selector to CheckBox and replace the android:button with the selector.In the selector i had two 9patch image , but for some reason that not work good.the 9patch images are ok.This the selector code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedBy default android checkbox shows text at right side and checkbox at left i want to show checkbox at right side with text at left any one guide me how to achieve this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf I can modify the checkbox preference in order to inverse the direction from left to right to right to left.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSpinner with checkbox items, is it possible?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got a dialog which shows a list of checkboxes. The info which boxes should be checked each time it opens comes from an edittext. I searched for a way to not allow caching of the dialog but couldn't find out how to do that. Now I override onPrepareDialog to set the checkboxes before the dialog opens. I deleted the content of my edittext, opened the dialog and there were still the same boxes checked... how to reset the checkboxes?
I'd like to make a listview that used the ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE so that the user could only select one thing at a time. However, I want the background to change to the focused color when selected, rather than a checkbox checking off. A good example of what I'm trying to do would be basically any file browser, where the background changes color on each item you select in sequence.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there an easy way to use a custom image for a checkbox? I'm looking to duplicate the "starred" behavior of gmail. So I want to have a checkbox that, when checked, is a filled in star. And when unchecked is an empty star. Do I have to use an imageview and do my own logic myself?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there an easy way to add padding between the checkbox in a CheckBox control, and the associated text?
I cannot just add leading spaces, because my label is multi-line.
As-is, the text is way too close to the checkbox:
I would like to make CheckBox a bit smaller/bigger, how can I do this?
View 1 Replies View Relatedf my list has 10 items.. the onclick listener is fired only for the 10th item. How to get the state of checkbox in a onListItemClick in Listactivity? I have a class OnItemClickListener like this:
private class OnItemClickListener implements OnClickListener {
private int mPosition;
public OnItemClickListener(int position) {
mPosition = position;