Android :: How To Create Native C++ Library?
Jun 30, 2010I need to write a dynamic link library in C++ that is used by Java on Android. As I get, it should be .so library, but I don't know how to do that. I tried Cygwin, but it crashes: Code...

I need to write a dynamic link library in C++ that is used by Java on Android. As I get, it should be .so library, but I don't know how to do that. I tried Cygwin, but it crashes: Code...
I created a jni library which depends the third shared library, I must copy the third shared library to /system/lib, otherwise, Java application can't load jni library. But you know, on G1 with official OS image, /system/lib is readonly. I tried to call System.setProperty to set java.library.path to the location stored the thired shared library before load jni library, but the issue still exists.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am now writing a java application. On java side I use System.loadLibrary() to load my own native shared library( named ). I want can communicate with another native shared library(named When and are loaded in the memory, they belonged to 2 different process. I am not familiar with IPC in android and binder mechanism. How can I do to make communicate with
View 3 Replies View RelatedCould someone guide me to an online tutorial that explains this really well?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have developed bluetooth application where native library will be initiated by Java application (using JNI wrapper). JNI will call the entry function of the native library and then it will create Pthread to for scanning the device. Once Scanning is over, i will get the callback which i registered during the entry function of the native lib (called by app). But i haven't received the callback, but if i run the same native library in the shell (executable from the shell terminal) it is working fine. Can any one help me, if there is any specific architecture needs to follow while developing Java application based on native lib?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to extend the functionality of one of the shared native libraries called from within the android.jar code. How can I rebuild the affected shared libraries such that the android code can utilize my modifications?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have several modules within a single native library, each module is intended to be the compliment to a Java class within the application. How can I call the native functions without having to perform a System. load Library within each Java class? If I load the library in a common class (not through inheritance) the app fails with a link exception.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create an app for Android that simply sends a command to an SSH server. No response needed, I just need to be able to send a command. I was wondering if there's any java library out there that I could use? No advanced stuff needed, just a pure connection to send the command.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm new to JNI, i'm developing a native library for an Android project. I read some papers about JNI programming but i didn't understand if it is possible to create a library that can be loaded in different project classes with different packages. I read that to declare a new JNI method the syntax is:
the prefix "Java_"
an encoded fully qualified class name
an underscore ("_") separator
an encoded method name
Based on this definition it shouldn't be possible...
Suppose i had defined a class A in the package pkg1 with the native method foo contained in libfoo, and then i defined a class B in the package pkg2. Can i use libfoo and the foo method in B? How should i define the native method to achieve the result?
I'm trying to create a shared lib written in c++. I followed all the steps which are recommended to create the shared lib and to access the native code in Android. But so far I couldn't succeeded in loading the shared lib on device or emulator. When I tried to load the lib by:
static{ System.load("/data/data/");}
I have several apps (each in its own apk, process etc) running at the same time on user's device.
these apps are all linked to a single common jar file (internally devloped) which contains a large portion of their overall code size.
is there a way for me to force Android to make this common jar load only once (e.g. into shared memory)?
the reason we want to do it this way, btw, are to reduction of each of the single apps memory intake, on disk footprint and possibly of their startup time.
Is it possible to create a custom library in android (having its own layout resources) for use across several android applications?
I created a regular *.jar file but when I tried to create/style my views dynamically most of the properties do not work. Even referencing simple styles from the android.jar file such as android.attr.listSeparatorTextViewStyle did not work.
I created an android project without any Activity, having its own resource files and then referenced this project from another Android project to use in its build path. Everything seems to work fine but the emulator keeps crashing (with no meaningful error message in the LogCat) when I try to run the project.
I need to provide some SDK as third party library for other applications. We don't want to open our source code. How could make a jar file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm having a problem while accessing a web service through ksoap2 library, is there any other way to access the web service. I can't use ksoap2 library for my project. Should I create a soap library or any other way.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a static library: libhello.a and I want to create a executable file that link with this static library:Code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI ask something about static library..
" how to create executable static library in android?"
"How to connect static library in eclipse?"
Static library is a binary file, How to understand static library in jni?
I wondering static library operation method in android.. (such as static library in vc++).
I am trying to create object of FileTransferManager manager = new FileTransferManager(this.connection);
it is giving error, the same error gives for , OutgoingFileTransfer otransfer = manager.createOutgoingFileTransfer("nimit@pc3/Smack");
I am testing demo app for android, smack library and openfire server (FileTransfer settings are enabled in open fire).
What is solution for this.
But when I put
FileTransferManager manager = new FileTransferManager (this.connection);
}catch(Exception e){}
I am a student searching for a master who can teach me how to create or make a libs for audio. I wanna make a difference between the people to creating mods of audio.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow i can create android project's library that can be used in any different project. I create a jar file that contains all activities and add this jar file into my eclipse project build path. But if i need to use any activity then i must need to register this jar activity into my project AndroidManifest.xml. This looks very odd. I need a solution in which i have a jar or any other deployable file that contains multiple activities and any user can use them in his project without registering these jar activities into NEW android application AndroidManifest.xml file.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI can build a daemon with my algorithm code and main function.I put all files in one folder under /development and make This executable file works successfully
Now I want to separate my algorithm code and main function code. I hope to build a binary library with my algorithm code and main function will link this binary library to use.
Where to put my algorithm code to create binary library and how to link this binary library in main function code?
I am a Delphi programmer and have written, over the years, hundreds of classes and routines which I can use in every Delphi program I write. This library is called d lib and can be *used in every Delphi program by putting this folder in my library path and using one of the units in the uses section of a Delphi unit. Being completely new to Java and Android development, I am wondering how to do this in s similar way. So my question, how can I write own classes, put them in some global folder, and use these classes and routines in every Android program I write ? I know this is a basic question, which I can probably find out by searching Google and trying it out in Eclipse, but if someone can put me on the right track, I know I will save much time.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an Android library project that makes calls to PreferencesManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences.
I have 2 version of my app, paid/free, and they are not able to access the preferences stored by the library code.
Can someone tell me the right way to store values in SharedPreferences in library code and have the values available to projects that include the library?
According to this SDK guide, unit-testing a Library project can be achieved by creating a standard application project, reference the Library project and then instrument the application for unit testing. However, when I do this and launch the test application I get the message.No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 3".I'm using Eclipse and the Android ADT plugin, all latest versions.the projects compile just fine. The test project also installs fine to the emulator. But in the console I can see that it looks for <library>.apk, which of course doesn't exist since I'm compiling this as a library into the test project.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an app, say My App Free. I want to create My App Pro which I can charge for that has some additional functionality. The obvious way is to have a library that contains almost all my app code, then two Android app projects for the Free and Pro versions which reference that library.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAs I understand, the three ways of distributing my application are via Jar, Android Library and Android Library Project.Jar - cannot contain resources or XML layouts (so this is out for me)Android Library - I don't really know how this works but the Google API uses it..Android Library Project - includes resources but allows the client free rein on the code as it is distributed as source.If I am to create a closed source application that requires drawables and XML files that I want to distribute to other Android programmers, what should I use? And can someone direct me to a tutorial on creating an Android Library?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAndroid AMF client library Aftek has extensive experience in developing enterprise Flex applications. We have used BlazeDS extensively and we believe that it would nice to provide all the benefits provided by AMF for Android applications as well. We have developed an Android AMF client library which would enable Android application developers use the same extensively. The Android AMF client library supports remoting and secured remoting. This will allow all android applications to use the existing backend like .NET, Java, or PHP. The implementation is asynchronous in nature providing success and failure callbacks. This allows application to perform other tasks without blocking the application. We are currently performing some performance benchmarking and plan to release our library very soon. We would also be incorporating the messaging feature as well.
Android RTMP client library:Aftek has extensive experience in developing voip and audio/video and media applications. Media applications has a huge market and there would be quite a few people eager to develop the medial applications on Android. We believe that it would nice to provide all the benefits provided by RTMP for Android applications as well. We are developing an Android RTMP client library which would enable Android application developers use the same extensively. Our Android RTMP client library would support some add-ons that would help developers to deliver robust media solutions.
How to create an HTTP request object of POST type in android? Which class need to be extend or what method need to implement? How to establish connection to a server? Actually i want to connect to a microsoft exchange server, and then i have to send a request to it using HTTP.
View 8 Replies View RelatedDoes someone know of a library that is fairly "drop in" and allows you to easily put together multiple authentication options in an Android app to services like Facebook, OpenID, Twitter, etc. much like RPX does?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking for an Android application that will allow me to keep a database of all my DVD and Bluray disks on my phone. Maybe scan the movie barcode and automatically bring in the data relating to the movie.Is there a complete app out there that does this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy Android application can be divided into a client UI layer and a API layer. i would like to deploy them as separate "applications" so that the API layer can be reused.
In Eclipse, i write them as 2 separate Android projects. In the client UI project, i declare the API project in its build path (Project -> Properies -> Java Build Path -> Projects).
When deploying the client UI project through Eclipse (on my actual G1 phone), it automatically deploys the API project (packaged into APK) as well.
However, when launching the client UI application, i hit this error:
Looking around, it seems like i should declare uses-library under application in the manifest file for the UI client.
Question is, what should i put under android:name for uses-library? Dev guide says "the name of the library" but what is the name of the library? (i mean, in my API "application", i haven't declared any library name anywhere.)