Android :: Create Usable Android Project's Library

Aug 12, 2009

How i can create android project's library that can be used in any different project. I create a jar file that contains all activities and add this jar file into my eclipse project build path. But if i need to use any activity then i must need to register this jar activity into my project AndroidManifest.xml. This looks very odd. I need a solution in which i have a jar or any other deployable file that contains multiple activities and any user can use them in his project without registering these jar activities into NEW android application AndroidManifest.xml file.

Android :: create usable android project's library

Android :: Self-contained Test Library Project Cannot Find Library Classes

Aug 17, 2010

According to this SDK guide, unit-testing a Library project can be achieved by creating a standard application project, reference the Library project and then instrument the application for unit testing. However, when I do this and launch the test application I get the message.No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 3".I'm using Eclipse and the Android ADT plugin, all latest versions.the projects compile just fine. The test project also installs fine to the emulator. But in the console I can see that it looks for <library>.apk, which of course doesn't exist since I'm compiling this as a library into the test project.

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Android :: Differences Between Jar Library And Library Project

Jul 15, 2010

As I understand, the three ways of distributing my application are via Jar, Android Library and Android Library Project.Jar - cannot contain resources or XML layouts (so this is out for me)Android Library - I don't really know how this works but the Google API uses it..Android Library Project - includes resources but allows the client free rein on the code as it is distributed as source.If I am to create a closed source application that requires drawables and XML files that I want to distribute to other Android programmers, what should I use? And can someone direct me to a tutorial on creating an Android Library?

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Android :: Reference Project Library From Another Project

Jun 6, 2010

I have 2 android projects out of which I modified one to work as a library. I want the main project to refer to this library to perform few functions. While this scenario works just as expected, I want to introduce one more functionality. I want to link this library project with another just a java project which has code common to both Android and Blackberry applications. This second part however doesn't seem to work and throws "The application <appname> (<package name>) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again" with a ForceClose button. I would greatly appreciate if someone can give a brief information on how to make this work.

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Android :: File From Android Library Project Not Importing Into Application Project

Aug 8, 2010

I followed the instructions here on how to create an Android library project, and use it in an Android application:

But it is not working. I can see the library project is added to my application but I cannot reference anything in it because it won't build. The file from the lib is NOT being added to my application project, so the lib project contains tons of errors, everywhere it tries to reference it's own file.

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but in the console there are messages stating that the there is "No resource identifier found for attribute 'X' in package 'Lib Package'. My library package has a a few styleable attributes defined for a custom view I made, all of which are being complained about in this console message. The library builds just fine, and I don't get those messages in the console until I hook the library to my application, so I don't know what's up with this.

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Android :: Add Library Project To Project?

Sep 15, 2010

When I right click the project in the eclipse, select "Properties". In the property page, select Android. According to the document, you can add the library project through that page. But my problem is that, there is no library information on the page. It only lists "project build target"

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Android :: Use Library Project In Other Project

Jul 19, 2010

I have created a library project. When I use the library project in other project, it compiles. How ever, when I run the application, it always get the error "The application has stopped unexpectly.".

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Android :: How Can A Code In Library Project Call Code In App Project?

Oct 8, 2010

In an effort to reduce duplication, I have my app's workspace split into 3 projects:
Main (A library project, where all of the common code lives)
Free (To make the free version)
Paid (To make the paid version)
Behavior in the free version and the paid version must differ sometimes. How can I "call into" the final projects from the library project? Here is some sample psuedo-code to illustrate my question: Code...

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Android :: Embedding Project / Library In Another

Feb 25, 2009

I am working on an Android project I want to use as a base library for other Android apps. The base has its own set of classes and resources. I can create a jar containing all the base components and those are referenced properly by another project, but during runtime the base classes used in the new app cannot find the drawables used in the base project. Since there is a 'res' directory in each Android project, the new app cannot locate resources outside of itself even though it is the base classes trying to reference them. Are there ways to utilize or chain Android projects together? I want to include an external Android jar as a library in another project.

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Android :: Test Library Project?

Aug 30, 2010

I am writing an Android Library Project basing on Android Bitmap class (call it AndroindLib) which contains only utility class (no activity). I tried to test it using Android JUnit, but it keeps complaining that can't find the AnroidLib.apk What's the right way to Unit test Android Library Project?

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Android :: Eclipse Library Project

Aug 1, 2010

I tried to build test library and test app with latest ADT and Eclispe however Eclipse complains on each reference I made to library classes from my test app. This is what I did:

1. created Test Library Android project, marked it as "Library" (package name "test.library.lib") 2. created Test App project (package "") and set it to use Test Library 3. Test Library got LibActivity class which simply referes to lib_main.xml layout 4. I defined that activity in Test App manifest file:.............

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Android :: Way To Retrieve Version Name From Library Project?

Oct 4, 2010

I have created a Library Project which I import into another project. In that Library Project at some point I retrieve it's android:versionName To do that you need to supply the package name. The problem arises when that code is executed when the Library Project is included within another project, then it seems that that code throws an exception : 10-04 10:15:36.987: WARN/System.err(1407): getSoftwareVersion(), Caught Exception :$NameNotFoundException: Thats the package name of the package of the Project Library... it seems it cannot find it even though the same code that is executing that call is part of the Library itself... Does anyone have experienced something like this or has an idea on how to solve this? /edit : I posted this on stackoverflow as well and someone responded with : "As far as I know android library project manifest is ignored at the moment, manifest is not merged into end application when you reference a library. Hence you cant extract any data from the library's manifest." So my question now is : hhmmm ok, that would explain it I guess... But is there any official statement or anyone who knows this for sure ? For example someone who has already worked with a Library Project extensively before ?

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Android :: Library Project Symbolic Link Name

Oct 2, 2010

Is there any way to control the name of the link that Eclipse makes when it integrates a library project? I have inconsistency going on depending on the machine, and I don't understand why. The project structure is really simple, basically there's a library called "_engine" and a set of other projects with varying names. The _engine project is a library, and everything else uses it as such. I have three machines, one is using WinXP, one using Win7 32-bit, and one using Win7 x64. All of these are using Eclipse 3.5.2 and the same directory structure on-disk. They have a few simple path settings to ignore .svn subfolders and that's about it.

On both the XP and Win7 32-bit machines, each of the projects ends up with an _engine link underneath it in eclipse. The problem is, I'm trying to get this onto the 64-bit machine now, and on that one I end up with two links upon importing the project, one called _engine and one called _engine_src. This means the project doesn't compile. Only the _engine_src link seems to refresh, and if I remove the library and re-add it that's the name I get. I can make this work by deleting the extra (_engine), but I don't understand why it's doing this, and it means my project settings end up different on the third machine. Does anyone know if there's anything I can do to trouble-shoot this?

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Android :: Adding External Library To Project

Apr 10, 2010

I have created a folder in my project with the weka.jar file, created a new library (adding the weka.jar file to the library) and included this library in my build path. I have also added the library under the "Order and Export" tab in the project properties. I have also tried importing the jar file so that the actual contents of the jar are extracted into a directory in my project. The end result of all of this is that my project is able to build correctly and without error, but when it comes time to run my code on the emulator I get the following exception:

04-10 22:52:21.051: ERROR/dalvikvm(582): Could not find class 'weka.classifiers.trees.J48', referenced from method edu.usc.student.composure.classifier.GaitClassifierImpl. with J48 being the class I reference in my code. Does anyone have any additional suggestions that I may have overlooked?

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Android :: Adding Library / JAR To Eclipse Project

Sep 4, 2010

This is a two-part question about adding a third-party library (JAR) to an Android project in Eclipse. The first part of the question is, when I try to add a third-party JAR (library) to my Android project I first get the problem of Error parsing XML: unbound prefix

because I'm trying to use a class from that JAR (and need the prefix somehow defined). What's going on?Second, (after fixing that--the answer is given below), my application doesn't work on Android and I discover via the debugger (LogCat) that the class I'm attempting to consume doesn't exist.

Caused by:

Why, when I get no compilation or linker error in Eclipse, does it have this problem on the emulator? These two questions are rhetorical for I'm going to answer them myself below. Other posts in this forum creep up to the problem and elsewhere there is discussion, but I feel that I can be more explicitly helpful for the next guy to come along.

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Android :: Retrieve Version Name From Library Project

Oct 4, 2010

I have created a Library Project which I import into another project. In that Library Project at some point I retrieve it's android:versionName To do that you need to supply the package name. The problem arises when that code is executed when the Library Project is included within another project, then it seems that that code throws an exception: 10-04 10:15:36.987: WARN/System.err(1407): getSoftwareVersion(), Caught Exception :$NameNotFoundException: Thats the package name of the package of the Project Library... it seems it cannot find it even though the same code that is executing that call is part of the Library itself... Does anyone have experienced something like this or has an idea on how to solve this?

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Android :: Library Using Main Project Resources

Oct 27, 2010

I am not getting is this is right way to solve problem or not... Situation is... I am creating Library for Android project.. Activity is declared in the Library Project..As it will be reusable in different projects. Lets Name it ActivityA. ActivityA is using images which are Project Specific.. I have added images in Main Project... I am not getting how to access resources from Main project in the Library

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Android :: Eclipse ADT Not Installing Library Project

Sep 6, 2010

I am trying to create a library project, I've got things working up to the point of building the application that depends on the library, but installing the APK on the emulator always fails, because the shared library is not there. (The documentation indicates that the ADT would include the library in the APK of the dependant application, but this is clearly not happening.) BTW, I'm using the package name of my library project in the application's "uses library" tag. Is this correct? The documentation is completely silent on this subject. I've been banging my head against this for two days nowanyone has gotten a library project to actually work.

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Android :: Adding Library To Eclipse Project

Jul 18, 2010

I'm clearly missing something simple, but after nearly an hour of trying to figure it out, I'm still stuck.
I have an external jar file containing classes I want to use in my project. No problem, right? I just followed the instructions at

That is, I used the Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries panel to add the jar to my project as a library. But it doesn't work. The external library is being included in the compilation classpath, so everything compiles correctly, but the external classes aren't actually getting included in the apk. When I try to run my app, it immediately crashes with a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. And looking at the apk, I see it's only 20K, whereas the external library jar is over 200K.

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Android :: How To Add Swing Packages To Library For Project?

Nov 19, 2010

First of all I'd like to mention I am very new to Java programming. This Android project is my first experience with Java. So for one task I need to strip HTML tags from a string. I was thinking about using this answer Removing HTML from a Java String to do this task. In order to do this I need to be able to import javax.swing.text.html.* and javax.swing.text.html.parser.*.

I went to the properties of my project and attempted to add this library to my project. I read that this was included in the rt.jar file which was located at /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/rt.jar. I was able to use the imports but it seems like it added a million libraries I am not using. Will this negatively effect my application? What is the correct way to add just the one extension?

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Android :: Having Referencing A Library Project From An Application

Aug 7, 2010

I've been trying to do this now for 2 whole days, and am about to give up. I followed the instructions here:

but it is not working. I can see the library project is added to my application but I cannot reference anything in it. Also the file from the lib was NOT added to my application, so the lib project contains tons of errors, everywhere it tries to reference it's own file (most likely the cause of the former).

Also, in the console there are messages stating that the there is "No resource identifier found for attribute 'X' in package 'Lib Package'. The library builds just fine, and I don't get those messages in the console until I hook the library to my application.

You would think that creating and referencing a library would be a simple thing to do, as it is in most other projects, but this is turning into a real nightmare.

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Android :: Reference External Jar In Library Project In Eclipse

Sep 13, 2010

I have a workspace with a few projects in it. App1 and App2 are Android applications. Common is an Android library project. App1 and App2 depend upon Common (linked via the Android tab). Common has some external dependencies, namely httpmime & apache-mime4j, which exist as jar files. For some reason, it appears that I need to add my mime jars to the build path of App1 and App2 for compilation to succeed. This seems really dumb. In normal Java, I would add Common to the build path of App1 and App2 and things would work. Is this expected that I have to add my jars to every Android application?

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Android :: Library Project Returns Wrong Resource

May 23, 2010

I have a library project that contains some bitmaps. The bitmaps are all 480x320, I triple-checked, twice. When I use my library project in another project it finds a bitmap for me, but not the one I'm calling. The bitmap it gives me is 48x48, not 480x320 like I'm expecting. The only thing in either project that is 48x48 is the icon.png, and that's not the resource I'm calling for in code. Eclipse doesn't show any errors. The app install fine. I've cleaned, I've refreshed, I've rebooted.

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Android :: Set Up Application With Library Project Dependence In Eclipse

Jun 18, 2010

I'm trying to set up an Android application with an Android library project dependence in Eclipse. I've set up a project called AnTest and a library project called AnLib. I've provided a reference to AnLib in the project properties of AnTest. Now I'm trying to refer to some library code (a static public method) from AnTest. Eclipse throws "com.anlib.Hello cannot be resolved to a type".

And it's not that the reference is dangling - I can see the resources properly merged. But from within AnTest, the only class in package com.anlib is "R".I've added AnLib to the Java build path/Projects in AnTest project properties. Now it compiles, but running throws a NoClassDefFoundError exception.

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Android :: Shared Code Project Across Applications In Common Library

Apr 14, 2010

I am currently moving from Xcode and iPhone development to Android with Eclipse. I want to have a shared code project so that I can store all the code to be shared across apps in one common library. However it would appear that the only android project available is for applications and not for code libs how can i achieve this?

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Android :: Added Library Project And Now Eclipse Can't Find R Class

Jun 26, 2010

I am trying to add an 'Android Library project' I have created to another regular Android project. The Library Project had a jar dependency and was also dependent on another java project in my workspace. I had to add both of these to the my 'regular Android project' because otherwise Eclipse could not find them (Not sure if this was the right thing to do because it would mean that I will have to manually update all projects when the library gets another jar dependency). Anyway, the errors went away and now the Regular Android Project can't find the R class, I have tried a clean but it did not work. I checked in the /gen folder and both the R classes are there - from the library and the regular project.They have the correct strings inside them.

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Android :: Unknown Option Error When Adding Library Project

Aug 27, 2010

I've moved some of my common code into a library project so that multiple projects can access it. I created an empty project, set it to be a library in the properties screen, then imported some classes. Next, I created a new (non library) project and added my new library project to it. Immediately upon rebuild, I get the following error: ERROR: Unknown option '--auto-add-overlay' Android Asset Packaging Tool

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Android :: Removed Droid Library / Add New Like 1.6 To An Existing Project In Eclipse?

Mar 16, 2010

I am using Windows and Eclipse. Through a few mis-clicks, I removed the Android library from my project. I am able to add the android.jar file from the specific version I want but that is does not allow me to run.

In eclipse, how do I add an Android library like 1.6 to an existing project?

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Android :: How To Create Native C++ Library?

Jun 30, 2010

I need to write a dynamic link library in C++ that is used by Java on Android. As I get, it should be .so library, but I don't know how to do that. I tried Cygwin, but it crashes: Code...

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Android :: Trying To Create An App SSH Java - Library?

Aug 12, 2009

I'm trying to create an app for Android that simply sends a command to an SSH server. No response needed, I just need to be able to send a command. I was wondering if there's any java library out there that I could use? No advanced stuff needed, just a pure connection to send the command.

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