Android :: How To Use Headset Button To Pick / Hang Up Call?

Apr 14, 2009

When I'm testing the functionality of the headset button in a call, it just muted the mic, didn't hang up the call. And if there is no call, when I press the button, there will be a song playing, so I think the keycode is correctly reported. There maybe some code I need to add?

Android :: How to Use Headset Button to Pick / Hang Up Call?

HTC EVO 4G :: Wired Headset 2.2 / Manually Hang Call Up

Aug 3, 2010

Before I upgraded when I clicked the button on my ear buds with a Mic it would hang up the call I was on. Now when I click it it mutes the call. So I have to take my phone out and manually hang the call up.

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Motorola Droid X :: Hang Up Icon Unresponsive - Hang Up Call Quickly

Jul 19, 2010

This has happened to me several times in slightly different cases. Several times I've mistakenly placed calls to the wrong people (due to just messing around with the phone).

In a panic, I pressed the "back" button thinking that it will cancel the call. It didn't. I also tried the "home" button. Also no good.

I had to drag down the notifications bar to see the phone call in progress and finally access the red Hang Up button. That worked. The problem is that is is SLOW. And worse, one time the phone would not respond to the button press until after several tries (maybe the CPU was busy on something).

Anycase, that would appear to be a major problem with all these touchscreen-only smartphones - lack of a physical Hangup button.

Is there any workarounds to this? Perhaps some sequence or combo of the existing physical buttons to forcefully hangup an errant call?

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General :: Bluetooth Headset Call Button On Android Tablet Does Nothing

Jun 19, 2013

My girlfriend has a Nexus 7 and I have a Hisense Sero 7 Pro. I have one bluetooth receiver in my car and another bluetooth headset. When either tablet is conencted to either bluetooth device, pressing the call button does nothing. I have tried autovoice with tasker with no luck. Is there anyway to get these tablets to recognize when the bluetooth button on the bluetooth devices is pressed? I notice in the menu in settings for each bluetooth device that there is only the option for "use for media audio" and not "use for call audio." If this is the reason is there anyway to modify jelly bean 4.2 to add the use for call audio option?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Freeze - Can't Pick Up The Call - Missed Call

Aug 12, 2010

my phone will freeze for 10-15 seconds, then I'll get MAYBE 1 second of phone call, then it'll go to missed call. What's happening here? A similar issue that's also been happening is that I may get the call to ring normally, but then I can't push Answer on the screen so I can't pick up the call. I've updated to Froyo through the OTA update. This wasn't happening after the upgrade, just recently. I've disabled ATK to rule that out, and it's still happening after a reboot.

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Android :: Way To Hang Up Phone Call Via Api?

Feb 23, 2010

I've spend the last couple days looking for a way to hang up a phone cal via the API. I'm guessing for some "security" reason that Google does not allow this. Not being one to give up there any undocumented way to hang up a phone call? Of course the real solution would be for Google to add a HANG_UP_CALL permission and expose the hangup() method to the public API, but it doesn't appear that will happen.

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Android :: How To Hang Up Outgoing Call?

Feb 2, 2009

We are new to Android and creating an application where one of the things we need is to control the outgoing call, at least to be able to stop it from our application. For now we tried using Intent.ACTION_CALL to use existing activity:

Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, Uri.parse ("tel:" + phoneNumber)); startActivity(callIntent);

But we can't figure out whether it's possible to stop launched by this default Call activity. Is it possible? If yes, how? If not, what should we use to write our own Call activity to make a very simple call? We would want this activity only to be used by our application, not for all outgoing calls.

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Android :: Key Event To Hang Up Incoming Call

Jan 14, 2010

I am trying to hang up an incoming call with injecting KeyEvent, however, got error below:

WARN/WindowManager(61): Permission denied: injecting key event from pid 296 uid 10024 to window Window{43d37708 paused=false} owned by uid 1001 java.lang.SecurityException: Injecting to another application requires INJECT_EVENT permission
Though I've added android.permission.INJECT_EVENTS to the project, still the same.

How could I deal with this situation, I just want to stop the call.

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Android :: How To Stop / Hang Up Outgoing Call?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm just doing an application that controls who to call and how many rings let the call do. For example, to not wake up someone in the morning we only do 3 tones. I'm using the standard BroadcastReceiver method to stop the call from going out. I explain here for the people who want to do it, also.

[ Manifiest ] 1.- You need enough permissions: <uses-permission
android:name="android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
To make calls and process outgoing calls.

2.- You need a broadcast receiver that catches the broadcast intent:
<receiver android:name=".receiver.PhoneOutgoingCallReceiver" android:enabled="true" >
<intent-filter android:priority="0">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL" />
</intent-filter> </receiver>

3.- You controls who can call in the:
@Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { }

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Android :: Intent To Pick Contact From Call Log

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to locate the intent to load the call log view , does android platform provide that out of the box? the functionality that i am looking is just like picking a contact from address book , you can do that by using intent.ACTION_PICK and using the people content URI

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, People.CONTENT_URI);

It 'll show all the contacts of the system and on selecting one it 'll return the data URI of that particular contact by using callback if you start it by using startActivityForResult. could we do the same with call log as well is their any intent for that?

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Android :: How To Hang Up (disconnect / Terminate) Incomings Call?

May 3, 2010

"How do you hang up incoming calls (in Android of course)?"First, I know this question has been asked and answered several times, and the response is always "you can't". But if we look in the market we get a few applications (all private software, no access to the source code that do this action, such as CallFilter, Panda firewall and others.So does somebody know how these apps do the hang up action, (or terminate, or disconnect or whatever you call it)?And other question, if the first don't get a response.. does somebody know how send an incoming call to the voice mail?Of course, all questions are about how to do it programmatically. So with the voicemail question I know there's a flag in contacts that is used for that, but like I said, I'd like to know the programmatical way.

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Android :: Hang Up Outgoing Call Disallowed By Default API?

Mar 1, 2009

I am developing an application where one of the things we need is to control the outgoing call, at least to be able to stop it from our application.

For now I tried using Intent.ACTION_CALL to use existing activity:
Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, Uri.parse("tel:" + phoneNumber));

But stopping the call seems to be disallowed by default API. For example, enabling airplane mode during the call. Just an example, this hack didn't work for me.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Bluetooth Query - Transfer A Call From A Headset Back To Phone And Phone To Headset?

Sep 10, 2010

I am a new SE user and am still getting to grips with using the phone's features. Could anyone advise how to transfer a call from a headset back to the phone and phone to headset? Whilst I am asking inane questions, is it possible to use the phone i.e. return to menu when in a call?

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Motorola Droid :: Not Able To Hang Up After Call

Nov 11, 2009

Sometimes after I am done with a call the screen is black and I click on the screen to get it to light up so I can end the call with no results. I than push the little top button to turn on the phone by than the call has confused the voicemail I am leaving and I have to redo the message. I am leaving or push 1 or 2 go through all of that. Anyone else with the black screen and having to "unlock" the device issues? I want to never push that button on the top unless I lock it.

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Android :: Programmatically Detect Presence Of Hardware Call / Hang Up Keys

Jun 2, 2010

One of my clients wants a code method that returns a boolean. True if the Android phone has hardware red/green call/hang up keys and false if it does not.But not in a key press event as in the code snippet above. He needs to determine this up front if a phone has physical red/green keys or virtual ones.Is it possible and if yes can someone provide a code sample to achieve this?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Paint Peeling Off Red Hang Up Button

Jan 18, 2010

Am I the only one with this problem?Now I have a big hole in the silver paint that shows red.I use the red button a lot to lock the screen,but did not expect the paint to peel off.

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HTC : Desire HD Freezing On Call / Unable To Hang Up

Oct 18, 2010

Just bought myself the HTC desire HD 2 days ago and couldn't be happier except for one thing. Whenever I make or receive a call everything works but I can't hang up...the phone goes dead but the call is connected until the person calling/being called hangs up, and then I have to take out my battery to be able to use my phone for texting/apps etc, everything else works fine its just the screen refuses to light up again after I take it away from my ear.

If anyone knows what could be causing this or a fix it would be greatly appriciated.

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HTC Incredible :: Auto End Call Feature When Other Party Hang Up

Nov 8, 2010

Does the Dinc have a way of ending the call automatically when the other party hang up without me having to physically push the end button. I guess this is useful when talking while driving and you know the phone will end the call when you set it aside instead of having to look on the screen. Is there a way to display while calling if the call is connected or the other party still has not picked up the phone.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Call Not Disconnected / Hang Up?

Sep 4, 2010

My mini is on a call and will not disconnect. I can also not turn the phone off, is there a way I can reset the phone?

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Motorola Droid X :: Cannot Hang Up Phone Call When Outdoors

Aug 25, 2010

When on a phone call outdoors and I want to hang up, I pull the phone away from my face and the display stays black. The proximity sensor is not sensing that I've moved it away from my face. I can't hang up the call. If I hold the phone above my head with the display facing toward the ground the display comes right back.

It works perfectly indoors. I've compared this to another phone and the other worked perfectly. I've read that the UV rays from the sun can interfere with the proximity sensor. Verizon does not recognize this as a problem but if you Google it you will see this problem goes way back.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Unable To Answer Or Hang Up Phone After Call?

Sep 12, 2010

Anyone have a problem with not being able to answer the phone or hang it up after a call? Verizon hasn't been able to fix it either.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Acreen Automatically Comes Back On In Pocket When Hang Up From Bluetooth Call / Why Is So?

Jul 13, 2010

His has been one of my biggest problems with blue tooth. I work in the hvac field and love my blue tooth head set. Here is my problem, When I hang up from a bluetooth call my screen automatically comes back on in my pocket. Then I end up with a pocket dial. I can not tell you how frustrating this is. I can not find a setting to solve this problem. If I answer via blue tooth why is my screen coming on after the call.

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Motorola Droid :: Slide To Pick But New Call Drops While First One Active

Jun 2, 2010

Something I have noticed on my Moto Droid that has happened a few times now. If I am on a call, and get a second call, when I slide to pick up the call the new call just drops while the original call is still active.

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Android :: Headset Button Is Being Pressed?

Jan 30, 2009

Does anyone know how to tell when the headset button is being pressed? I'd like to support the usb headsets and possibly bluetooth headsets. My app is a media player and ideally, I could register it somewhere so that if no app that uses the headset button has focus it button press would act as a play/pause command in my app. If the phone is ringing or a call is in progress, I'd like to be sensitive to that and let the button do what it normally does: pickup and hang up calls. we've been trying to chase the button down using this: Intent Filter headset Filter = new Intent Filter (Intent.ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG); headset Filter.addAction ("android.intent.action.HEADSET_STATE_CHANGED"); headsetFilter.addAction("android.bluetooth.intent.HEADSET_STATE"); headset Filter.addAction ("android.bluetooth.intent.HEADSET_STATE_CHANGED"); headset Filter.addAction ("android.bluetooth.intent.action.MODE_CHANGED"); headsetFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.MODE_CHANGED");

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Android :: Headset Button - Podcast/music

May 22, 2010

Moved from an iPhone 3G. It an do more but it sure take hacking. I have a few problems but I'll start with the main one. I am absolutely annoyed by the (wired) headset button behavior. On the iPhone I used the button for three things. Phone operation (pick up when rings, hang up to end call). Stop and start (and skip to next/previous) for music and for podcasts. I absolutely cannot replicate this functionality on the N1. I tried close to a dozen podcatchers. Most worked just fine but I either had to tell then to take over the button in which case it did not work in the music player or I had to disable it in which case it worked for the music player but not the podcast app. Behavior for incoming phone calls were pretty random depending on which app I used. Some overrode the podcast and rang into the headset and allowed me to pick up with the button, some didn't and I had to scramble to get to the phone. And it is absolutely annoying to press the button expecting to pause whatever I am listening to and to get a second thing playing on top of it. Not cool. I had no intentions of developing a new hobby: unexpectedly listening to music, a podcast while trying to order food at the counter. I am waiting for the moment I'll get to try all these things while trying to pick up the phone. (I think you get the picture).

After doing some reading I am not optimistic that I'll fix this. It sounds like applications have to hijack the headset button from each other. This explains the total randomness of actions. It never is assigned to the last thing I was listening to (with priority to phone controls when needed). That would make sense.

Thinking of possible solutions (short of anything destructive to the phone), I developed a few that theoretically could work.

1, I heard of apps in which I can regain some control over what the button does. Sounds like a pain in the ass especially since I do not want to think about these things but I have not tried these yet.

2, Getting a podcatcher that downloads podcasts in the background and allows the media player to see them. This way I would never have to run the podcatcher and could do everything from the media player. So far I only messed with the defalt audio player app on the N1. When I tell the podcatcher(s) to allow the music player to see the podcasts, it usually shows up as chaos. My music directory is chaotic enough. This just does not sound like a good solution (though I admit I did not explore alternative music players and how much order they can bring to the status quo with some tweaking).

3, Theoretically speaking it sounds like if I could find an awesome integrated music player with a built in podcatcher (an app that could take care of both downloading and playing my podcasts and dealing with my music) that could work great assuming it allows the phone to take over controls inside and during incoming calls. I have not found such an app yet.

4, Anything I missed?

I am pretty much a perfectionist when it comes to this thing. We are talking about the three main functionality of my personal smartphone (closely followed by email, the browser and possibly the map which all work great). I need these things to work seamlessly and flawlessly to be happy as they worked with the iPhone. (Well, the iphone didn't have the automated podcatching capability but I was able to sync whenever I wanted so it was close enough.)

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General :: Call From PC Via Android (have Bluetooth Headset)?

May 21, 2012

Basically my Samsung Galaxy S2 gives me unlimited calls to mobiles/landlines and I want to make A LOT of calls throughout the day. I have a plantronics pro uc bluetooth headset which syncs up with my phone. I can send SMS and remote access the phone (too slow and clunky to make calls fast and simply).

What I want to be able to do is dial a number from my computer and my phone start call it. Essentially just want the phone on my computer. Paste a number in/dial it etc... click a link and the app/whatever call it.

(P.s. a remote desktop is not the solution as it is too slow - I tried that with MyMobiler. I have a skype number and can pay a small fee for unlimited landline calls but would have to pay for mobiles so this isnt a solution either).

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General :: Android Bluetooth Headset In-call Dropout

Oct 21, 2013

I've been having issues with bluetooth headset dropout during a call. Pairing is never an issue, and the bluetooth connection is solid outside of a call, but during a call the bluetooth may drop out without warning. This means that while I'm talking to someone, there is no audible noise or visual cue that the connection has dropped and has defaulted back to the phone, and thus I'm relegated to a "hello? hello?" query before I check the handset and find out the caller was asking the same thing to my pocket (which also shows the devices are never more than, say 1.5m apart maximum when this happens).

As far as the phone is concerned, it's still 'connected' to bluetooth, as indicated in the dialer, and somehow isn't aware the connection has been dropped (or is and isn't showing). I thus need to redirect the audio via the UI either to the handset or speakerphone (away from the bluetooth connection it still think it's on), wait for the reroute to register, then redirect once again to the bluetooth to reestablish the connection. Again, without any audio cues the caller magically appears again on the headset, and we play the whole dropout game all over again. Connection duration seems arbitrary, lasting anywhere from 10s to a tens of minutes (with a 2-3 minutes on average).

This isn't isolated to any particular hardware, as I have had this occur on every one of my phones (Nexus S @ Android 3.x, stock and custom; Meizu MX @ Android 3.x - 4.x AOSP, OEM stock, and custom; HTC One @ Android 4.2.x - 4.3, stock only) and across all the headsets I've tried (Plantronics Discovery 925, LG HBM-585, Motorola H790), with Android being the common denominator. Note, I have used a Plantronics Discovery 655 and the same Plantronics Discovery 925 headset on my Nokia 8800 in the yesteryears, and have NEVER had connection or dropout issues.

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General :: Headset Button Camera Control?

Jun 21, 2012

I have searched XDA, Google and Play Store but can't find out if this has been done successfully before. Ideally what I am looking to do is implement tweaks on the stock camera on the One X to allow control of the camera shutter (and ideally zoom) by using the wired headset button. Is there an app around that does this, or even better a mod for the stock camera I could replicate/add to?

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Media :: Wired Headset Button / Voice Dialing

Aug 16, 2010

Brand new to the forums and the android world, only a few days into my Droid 2 and I am loving it.When I ordered the phone from VZW I ordered a pair of WIRED headphones, and they work great so far, nothing fancy but they do the job well.There is 1-button on the headphones, that allows for me to stop/play music and answer/drop calls when I get calls, but the one thing i am trying to do is get a way for that button to start voice dialing, i used the feature all the time on my bberry and would love to know if there was a way/setting that i am just missing.

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General :: Custom Bluetooth Headset Button Actions?

Jan 10, 2012

Is there any application or way to customize the actions performed when the headset button is pressed?

I use Tasker for various automated things, but looks like there's nothing there (did I miss something?).

Specifically, this is the button on a bluetooth headset that would normally start the voice dialer -- I'd like it to do something different, perhaps. I know that the button's "command" can be intercepted by some applications, because I know that Vlingo, when installed, becomes an option of an application that would "handle" the bluetooth button press (i.e. when I press it, it pops up a window for "which application do you want to use for this").

Unfortunately, Vlingo just uses this to launch its own voice dialer... If it matters, I'm using the Galaxy Nexus on ICS.

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