Android :: How To Handle Throws Clause In Java Exception Handling

Sep 4, 2010

I have class A in which I have a method openfileConnec().

It was written like the below:


Now I come to class B where I will call this method like the below:


I was asked a question in an interview as follows:

Why does the method have a throws Exception in its declaration? Is it that on of the methods called in the implementation throws the base class exception? Also If we get a exception during calling the method (fileConnect( )) control goes to catch block. After executing catch where should the control go, what should be sent to base case?

Android :: How to Handle throws clause in Java Exception Handling

Android :: IsUserAMonkey Throws Exception

Oct 17, 2010


I get the following exception when trying to use the isUserAMonkey API on a keydown. mAM = (; if (mAM.isUserAMonkey()) {return true;} Any reason why this may be happening?

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Android :: ProgressDialog In AsyncTask Throws An Exception

Jun 25, 2010

I'm trying to make a simple ProgressDialog appear while my AsyncTask is fetching data. In my onPreExecute() method I have this: pd =, "Loading...", "Please wait");

c is the context passed into the constructor of my AsyncTask from this.getApplicationContext(). Unfortunately, I keep getting an exception with this message: Unable to add window -- Token null is not for an application

What am I doing wrong?

Using this instead of this.getApplicationContext() has revealed another problem. When I call, a ProgressDialog is displayed, but not until after the AsyncTask has completed. In other words, the data loads and then the dialog is displayed. If I include pd.dismiss() in my onPostExecute() then I never even see the dialog (presumable because it is closed before it ever gets opened).

It turns out that fetch.get() was hogging the UI thread and not letting the ProgressDialog display.

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Android :: Calling NotifyDataSetChanged() Throws Exception

Oct 7, 2010

I have a ListView that I'm binding to an adapter. The adapter is a protected member of my main class. I have a listener thread that receives data and updates the source list for my adapter. When I call the adapter's notifyDataSetChanged() method, an exception is thrown:

Runtime Exception: PhoneLayoutInflater(LayoutInflater).inflate(int, ViewGroup, boolean) line: 322

I've read that the notifyDataSetChanged() method has to be called on the UI thread, and I'm doing that. In fact, just to be sure, I even update the ListView's data source on the UI thread. All I do in my listener thread is update a protected member that houses the data. Here's an example of what I'm doing (note that I don't have the part of the code that calls the AsyncTask, but it's fired from a listener):


Does anyone have any pointers or ideas as to why I'm getting this exception? Any help is much appreciated.

Here are the layout files, as requested:





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Android :: PreferenceScreen - Intent - Element Throws Exception

Sep 17, 2010

I've got a probleme with an exception, but I don't know why I get this exception.

The project is about implementing an AbstractAccountAuthenticator with an AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter to sync certain data on a server with a content provider.

I made everything and both adding accounts and syncing is running without any problems.

Now I've tried to add a Preference-Screen just like suggested in the android reference (search for AbstractAccountAuthenticator, it is explained there) via xml like this:



The Preference-Screen-xml looks like this:


The screen is promted how it should be, but and that is the problem: When I click on the PreferenceScreen with the intent it leads to a crash of the system (both in the emulator and my HTC-Desire).

Logcat says:


Here the part of the manifest, where the activity is defined:


The whole test-code (it is my project on the essentials to find the problem) is to find at googlecode ( cleanproject/source/browse/) (Eclipse-Project)

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Android :: Application Throws Exception When Rotate Device

Jul 11, 2010

I have developed simple application of progress bar in that when I hit the button then it will do some work in background and one progress bar is visible on foreground. afte completing back ground work it display the same screen. It works fine if I don't rotate mobile but when I rotate mobile then it throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View not attached to window manager

I know when we rotate the device or open keypad it starts activity restarted. But How to avoid this error. My code is.


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Android :: Starting Service From Other Apk - Throws NoClassDefFoundError Exception

Jul 31, 2010

I have two projects in Eclipse: service and UI client.

In onCreate in UI client I have:startService(new Intent(this, ExampleService.class));

But this fragment: ExampleService.class throws NoClassDefFoundError exception at runtime. I have installed ExampleService.apk, and ExampleUiClient.apk. Project compiles, and everything looks fine. What I am doing wrong?

Is it possible to start service from other apk?

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Android :: Database Reading Problem Throws Exception

Mar 30, 2010

I am having this problem with the android database. I adopted the DBAdapter file the NotepadAdv3 example from the google android page.


The error that i am receiving is from Log.e(TAG, e.toString()) in the methods retrieveKey() and storeKey() "no such table: myuserkey: , while compiling: SELECT userkey FROM myuserkey"

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Android :: Handler From A Runnable Throws Null Pointer Exception

Sep 20, 2010

I have a Thread that downloads data from internet


There is an activity that needs to be updated according to downloaded data.


Whenever I run above code I get NullPointer Exception .Please help me to update the view.

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Android :: Activity - Sometimes - Throws Wrong State Class Exception When Being Resumed After Kill

Nov 24, 2009

I'm testing how my app behaves when killed by the OS due to low memory conditions. I always have three activities on the stack, like: A B C (then C launches maps or some other heavy process)

when my app is killed, and I return to it, C starts itself up again ok. When I hit the back button to go to B, I [sometimes] get an exception thrown which I can't trace. Output is below. I don't know where to go from here. I've only seen one other post mentioning this exception, but it was related to a reproducable error when rotating the device. This only happens sometimes.


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Android :: Exception Handling ?

Aug 9, 2010

I read somewhere not to exception handle when developing in Android, is that true?

If one does need to exception handle are there any logging tools for 2.1 and above?

If shouldn't exception handle, why is it not recommended to at least use the below?
try {body-code} catch (exception-classname variable-name) {handler-code}

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Android :: Sqlite Exception:java.lang.Illegal Argument Exception Column Id Does Not Exist

Jul 14, 2010

I created a sql lite database with the following columns:
static final String dbName="demoDB";
static final String tableName="Employees";
static final String colID="EmployeeID";
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
colName+" TEXT, "+colAge+" Integer);");
I want to select all the records in the database like this and display them in a gridview:SQLiteDatabase db=this.getWritableDatabase();Cursor cur= db.rawQuery("Select "+colName+", "+colAge+" from "+tableName, new String [] {});String [] from=new String []{DatabaseHelper.colName,DatabaseHelper.colAge};
int [] to=new int [] {,};
SimpleCursorAdapter sca=new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,R.layout.gridrow,c,from,to);
GridView grid=(GridView)findViewById(;
grid.setAdapter(sca);but i receive the following exception:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist.the db table does not have a column with name '_id'so what is wrong with this code

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Android :: AsyncTask And Exception Handling

Aug 18, 2009

AsyncTask blocks exceptions? Please see the below code. My "getOffersStatus" function catches certain exceptions and show them in a AlertDialog. But instead of getting my custom exceptions message I get default error dialog "The application ... has stopped unexpectdly. Please try again".

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Android :: Handling Exception In A MediaFile App

Nov 24, 2010

I'm developing a media file app that is meant to play sounds stored in my raw folder. There are about 32 sounds in all. And this is what i'm doing on the click of each button:


I get a runtime exception saying "app stops unexpectedly" with the follow messages in my logcat window:


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Android :: Out Of Memory Exception Handling?

Sep 3, 2010

Have a dump_log which points to "Out of Memory exception". How do I fix the issue as we have a number of applications running on the Android target?

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Android :: FileOutputStream And Exception Handling

Oct 11, 2010

I'm trying to run this piece of code inside my onCreate method as an initial test into writing private data for my app to use. This code is straight out of the Android SDK development guide located here (


However, this code give me errors for the 3 lines of code at the bottom. The error is an unhanded exception. The suggested quick fix is do to the following:


But after doing that I get an error for the bottom two lines which states that fos may not be uninitialized. How can I fix this code? It's kind of annoying that the Android SDK gives you an example that doesn't even work.

I can't say I'm an expert at exception handling either.

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Android :: Exception Handling - Program Halts

Jun 22, 2010

I'm trying to catch a login exception thrown by the class that readerAccount belongs to in the code below.


However, the only part of the catch statement that happens is is the Log.w() function. I was under the impression that during a catch statement, you have the opportunity to recover from errors, but the program blacks out the screen altogether and the dialog is not displayed, nor is the Toast.

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Android :: Handling Interrupted Exception Of AsyncTask?

Aug 13, 2010

I am using AsyncTask in my application.

The problem is that when server is down the AsyncTask throws an Interrupted exception. How to track that whether server is down or not.


This same problem also occurs when the handset is kept idle for some time then keyguard gets lock and I suppose that WI-FI also gets disabled. So, when I enable the keyguard and if my application is in foreground then it gives the same exception. What should I do in order to remove this exception?

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Android :: Handling Out Of Memory Exception On Image Processing

Sep 16, 2010

This is the sequence part of this question:

so the problem is: if the image size is too big - it'll got an exception (out of memory exception)
what i want is, to handle even if the handset got the lower spec hardware, it doesn't go to that exception (but it'll take a longer time to process the image) is it possible to do that?

The code snippet is like this:


And that block of code is inside the async task.

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Android :: Exception Handling - How To Catch Then Publish So That They Are Reported Via Market

Aug 14, 2010

We are converting out suite of iPhone apps written in .NEt MonoTouch to Android.

How do we catch, then publish exceptions so that they are reported via the Android Market?

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Android :: Throws - Received Authentication Challenge Is Null

Aug 31, 2009

I am using HttpURLConnection to send a GET request to a server. Upon reading the response code, the Android implementation of HttpURLConnection.doRequestInternal() throws an exception:

" Received authentication challenge is null"

I don't even get what the error is trying to tell me. I write an OAuth param string to the Authorization header, but this works fine on other occasions. There is nothing peculiar about my request apart from that.

Any idea what this means, what is causing this and how to get around it? This works fine with Sun's Java implementation, so I guess it's a problem with Apache Harmony?

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Android :: MyException Which Shows Toast Causes Trouble While Thrown In Threads - How Should Reorganize Exception Handling?

Oct 4, 2010

I have written my own Exception (MyException) and implemented Logging and showing Error Messages in Form of Toasts. Here is the shortform of it...


Everything was fine until I now implemented Threads where Exceptions are being thrown and caught.

You probably already have seen, that I played with the Looper Class, but honestly I don't know how to make it work. Is that the right approach? You also can see that I already store a reference of the ApplicationContext in my Controller. Shall I do it with the ActivityContext as well and than make the Toast from this ActivityContext? (But I heard that this is not a good practice in terms of performance)


Is this the way I should go, when an Exception is being caught in a Thread in an Activ ity?


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Android : Handle Runtime Exception On Playing Audio Files?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a button that plays an audio file on its click listener. If the button is clicked again and again while the audio file is being played then the app crashes. What's the solution?

Here is some code for reference...

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Android :: APP Native Code For Android / How To Enable Exception Handling?

Jul 10, 2010

I am trying to make APP native code for Android. The Native code is in cplusplus. Whenever I try to make, the following error appears.
H236Plus.cpp:135: error: exception handling disabled, use -fexceptions to enable
How do I use -fexceptions to enable exception handling, and where do I use it?

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Android :: Handling Java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException Has End Before Start Bug

Feb 15, 2010

I get about 50 of these coming from my users each day.I realise that this is a Motorola Droid bug - http://code. /p/android/issues/detail?id=5164 Is there anyway I can catch this error in my code?

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Android :: SSLContext.getInstance - SSL - Throws - SSLContext SSL Implementation Not Found

Nov 1, 2010

i want to implement a client for https, all in my localhost (in my apache, it is configured to ask authentication), with a resource " https://localhost:443/resources/resource1.xml" the server works fine.

I have a client for desktop, and it works fine, the resources are consumed using httpcomponents-client-4.0.3), i have readed that Android uses that version.

This is the code of my client in Android (practically is the same of desktop mapped to android) ,

in the line of SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("TSL"); the next exception is thrown : SSLContext SSL implementation not found

I have tried with TSL and the exception continue.



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Android :: Java Server To Handle Client Requests

Jul 29, 2010

Im looking for the concept of creating Java Server to handle Client requests and respond to it , i want to use Google App engine which does not allow Socket connections , so is the client & server in this case will communicate using Http requests? i'll be glad if someone could clarify the logic to me and provide a few lines of code.

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Android :: Java Io Exception In Streaming Media Player

Nov 5, 2009

i have a very simple test app (see below), that simply tries to play a streamed audio file below over and over. after running for about half an hour (the file itself is only like 3.5 minutes or so), I get the following error:

11-05 12:16:07.625: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (15) 11-05 12:16:07.635: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (16) 11-05 12:16:07.644: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (17) 11-05 12:16:07.654: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (18) 11-05 12:16:07.654: DEBUG/PlayerDriver(554): buffering (19) 11-05 12:16:07.724: ERROR/PlayerDriver(554): Command PLAYER_PREPARE completed with an error or info PVMFErrResource 11-05 12:16:07.724: ERROR/MediaPlayer(897): error (1, -17) 11-05 12:16:07.734: WARN/System.err(897): Prepare failed.: status=0x1 11-05 12:16:07.744: WARN/PlayerDriver(554): PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete 11-05 12:16:07.744: WARN/System.err(897): at Method) 11-05 12:16:07.744: WARN/System.err(897):at com.test.TestPlayer.onCompletion( 11-05 12:16:07.754: WARN/System.err(897):.......

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Android :: Java Socket IO Exception - Permission Denied

Nov 2, 2010

i am trying to connect to a server on my network running a tcp listener using the following java code. I am getting am IOException - Permission Denied. It is from an android 2.2 emulator.Does anyone know why?Socket socket = new Socket("", 1111);PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter( socket.getOutputStream(), true);Out.println("test");socket.close();

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Game :: Android Host Exception

Jul 20, 2010

I have android code that uses a background process to routinely (e.g. hourly) connect to a content source on the web to check for updated content. As new users download the app and run it for the first time, it seems (and this is just a "seems at the moment) that in this first-run situation, because the DNS for our servers are not cached already on the device, those first series of connections fail with dreaded UnknownHostException: Host is unresolved. And of course, the application tries again later and (again, "it seems like") it is all working -- perhaps because the OS has had time to actually resolve the address. So, my question(s) are: (1) Do other Android developers see this behavior with their deployed applications as well? First time, a series of "host unresolved" issues that work themselves out later. (2) Does anyone have a better strategy for "warming up the DNS" so-to-speak so that the first real connections work? or perhaps do you just re-try with some back-off looping when you encounter this exception? I was contemplating having a separate thread that tries to fetch a small text file from our server and have it just loop until it gets it and maybe (not sure about this part) block the other outgoing network connections until it succeeds.

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