Android :: Google Calendar Missing

Aug 30, 2010

I have several Google Calendars that I sync with my DROID Incredible running 2.1 update 1. One of my calendars recently quit showing up its data, although I have it selected on the phone AND all data displays fine on Google Calendars. I have tried reselecting some of the other calendars in case Android had a max number it would display. I have deselected and reselected the calendar on Google thinking that may refresh it but still no luck. Funny thing is, the calendar used to show up fine. Don't know when I lost it exactly. Any ideas?

Android :: Google Calendar Missing

Android :: Some Missing Google / Calendar Syncs

Nov 25, 2010

I posted this in the HTC Desire Tips and Tricks forum but think that may have been the wrong place, so trying here.I entered a years worth (2011) of appointments in Google calendar; mainly on Sundays but a few other days as well.I then left the automatic sync with my HTC Desire to update the phone.I was then looking at the appointments when I noticed that some had not synced. These are all those whose date in 2011 is later than this years date e.g. an appointment in Google for Sunday 20th November 2011 has synced to my Desire but the appointment from 27th November 2011 has not;nor have those for the rest of the Sundays in 2011.Over the two last days I have also done several manual syncs and rebooted phone.Some weeks ago I entered an appointment for 2012 and this has synced. I also brought forward a lot of appointments from my Palm TX, most for 2010 but one for July 2015, and these all synced.

Today I added two more appointments. On before 24th November 2011 and one after; the one before synced but the one after did not. I have also deleted one of the missing appointments from Google and re-entered it; still not on my Desire even after a manual sync.Is it possible that the Desire has a limit of say the number of entries or only one years worth from today's date (that does not explain the 2012 and 2015 appointments synced at an earlier time!)This morning I entered a further appointment for today and that has synced to my Desire. The others still not have.I also sync Google Calendar to Outlook on my Desktop; this has synced correctly.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Google Calendar Appointments Missing?

Nov 23, 2010

Starting on Sunday, I have noticed that I am having appointments missing on my calendar. Actually, it is my wife's calendar that is shared. They are not all missing, only some. Also, I have confirmed on a computer that the appointments are actually there. Is this a new issue? Is there something I can do to remedy it?

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HTC Desire :: Missing Syncing One Of My Google Calendar

Jun 10, 2010

I have had my Desire for about a month now. All of a sudden, it isn't syncing one of my google calendars (i have 3, all on the same account, and the other 2 are shown)I have gone into the settings of the calendar, and the missing calendar is listed and ticked. However, nothing is shown on the calendar on the phone (there are events if i check it online).

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Nexus :: Google Calendar Entries Missing

Jan 16, 2010

Have synced my wonderful Nexus with google mail, calendars etc but I have calendar entries missing on the Nexus. Having checked the online calendar everything is present and correct but not showing on my Nexus. Some entries are there whilst others are not - very strange, Any ideas here ?, anyone else have a similar issue ?

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Android :: Ghost Calendar Entries Showing Up In Calendar / Not In Google Calendar

Nov 10, 2009

I'm a new Droid Eris user and have been using Google Calendar for some time.I have a single calendar set up which is syncing with the Eris.I can successfully add/edit/delete entries from both applications and have them show up just fine on the other side.I have a couple of recurring entries that I've since deleted in Google Calendar but are still showing up on my Eris.The unique thing about both of these entries is that they were meeting requests sent to my Gmail address and accepted from there.They have since been cancelled from the original sender and are now removed from my Google Calendar.My calendar entries are labeled as dark blue, and these two show as light blue.I cannot select them on the Eris to edit or delete them.

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Android :: How To Synch Google Calendar With A Different Google Email Calendar?

Jul 15, 2010

I have two gmail accounts and when I go to the settings for the calendar to sync, I get the three options of My Calendar, Pc Sync and my first gmail email account.I can't get the second email account to show. That is the calendar I need synced.

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HTC Incredible :: Online Google Calendar And Phone Google Calendar Mis-match

Aug 4, 2010

Today, I managed to sync. my Lotus Notes calendar with google calendar (after 2 days of turmoil)Then the notes events were displayed on google calendar but 6 hours ahead (like GMT) thought both calendars were set on the same time zone (CST).At this point, the calendar pad widget synced with google calendar and displayed all my lotus notes events 6 hours ahead as in the google calendar.I then changed my google calendar time zone to GMT so that my lotus notes events showed the correct time .But now, the calendar pad widget still shows the old google calendar events that was 6 hours off even after syncing.Can some one please help configure such that my lotus notes , google calendar and calendar pad widget all show the same events at same time (hopefully, maintaining the same time zone settings for all)

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Android :: Calendar Apps Missing In 1.5 SDK

May 11, 2009

It seems that there is no calendar app in the android 1.5 sdk. Actually in my app i want to retrieve the information stored in the calendar app in android. But I cant find the classes in Android 1.5 . Is calendar omitted from the 1.5 release or I am not able to find it? Can anyone help me this? If calendar apis are omitted then how can i find the events/meeting information stored in the calendar app of the phone.

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Android :: Missing Functionality / Calendar / Unlocking?

Sep 1, 2010

So after 6! years of Nokia 6230, I finally bought an android phone - HTC Desire. And while of course this is like switching from a Peugeot to a Porsche, there are still some functions i was unable to find / figure out so far! I'll number my questions and edit in your solutions, because I'm sure future users will have similar questions.1. a REAL event reminder (calendar): True, i can choose between different sounds that remind my when something in the calendar is due. However, it only lets me choose options like "Ascend", "Freeze", "Facebook pop" and others which at most last 5 seconds. What I need is something that keeps beeping until I turn it off, like an alarm clock, or at least beeps really loud for more than a minute! 2. I can only choose from default settings when i set when to remind me of an event (5 mins, 10 mins, 24h...), on my old phone i was able to set a custom remind date+time, like "the day before at 9.15pm"! I'm sure this is possible as well in the Android calendar?3.Also very annoying in Sense: If I choose to lock my screen and use a drawing pattern to protect it, I have to FIRST drag the bar down and THEN draw the pattern to unlock, which is kinda unnecessary and very annoying, because I'm locking and unlocking my phone really often. Is there a way to disable the "unlock bar"?

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Android :: Stock Calendar Missing Virtually All Data

Aug 26, 2010

In 2.1 my calendar is only showing back to July 12 depute there being several years of data prior to that. Entries made in the phone do not show up in Google. Entries manually made now, say 7/4 (prior to the 'cutoff' I am seeing in the calendar app) appear immediately in the phone. Any ideas why I am missing all this data? I've tried re-syncing w/ no luck.

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General :: Sync Android Phone Calendar To Desktop Google Calendar?

Aug 15, 2013

Problem: Appointments / events created on my LG Optimus G were not syncing to desktop Google Calendar. No problem with appointments / events created on desktop syncing down to phone. Problem Identification: Default calendar when creating appointment / event on phone was calendar called "Phone". There is no calendar on desktop called "Phone". Solution: Pick different calendar when creating an appointment / event on your phone.

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Android :: Cannot Sync Calendar With Google Calendar Service On Emulator

Feb 20, 2009

I run the 1.0r1 emulator and install Calendar.apk and CalendarProvider.apk on the emulator. And I configure the username and pwd from DevTools->Google Service Login successfully. Now I can start the Calendar app successfully, with the month view/week view/etc. But I don't know how to sync the calendars or events with Google Calendar service. From the source code, I assume there should happen sync operation. But it didn't happened. And I know another trigger to sync is Menu->More->My Calendars, but after selected, the activity will crash. The below is from DDMS logcat: 02-21 00:59:44.260: INFO/ActivityManager(56): Starting activity: Intent { action=android.intent.action.VIEW comp=..................

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HTC Legend :: How To Replace Calendar With Legit Android Google Calendar?

Nov 28, 2010

Got fresh new 2.2 Froyo after I decided to stop pussing out and root/install vodafone stripped ROM.I'm liking the speed improvement for sure things appear smoother. However, I hate HTC Calendar and the way it has sync problems with Google Calendar, i would much prefer the stock Android Google Calendar. Anyone know where I can grab the latest one that comes with non-HTC Froyo so I can make my life better?And for anyone skittish about rooting don't be! It's easy and you won't regret's awesome having the access to just remove whatever files you want whereever they are and customize things.

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Android :: Adding A PW-protected ICal Calendar To Google Calendar

Jan 13, 2010

I have an iCal calendar at work that's on a password-protected server which I'd like to add to my Google calendar (and subsequently, my Droid).I have the URL for it, and can enter the URL into Google's "Add Calendar" setting, but nothing's showing up because,I'm guessing, my iCal is waiting for a password.I don't see any way to add that to the "Add Calendar" setting.

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Android :: Syncing Google Calendar With Pre-installed Calendar App On Droid

Jan 25, 2010

I haven't been able to figure out how to do this and the only way I can get to my Google calendar is to go thru the browser and log in.

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Android :: Google Calendar Subscribed Calendar Not Showing Up

Nov 15, 2010

On my Google calendar (on the Desktop) I subscribe to a calendar showing all Red Wings games. (I just searched under Add > Browse Interesting Calendars. For the life of me I can't get it to show up on my phone. It doesn't show up in my calendars list under the menu. I've had this problem for weeks. Any ideas?I'm using a Droid 2.I'd be fine with just copying all the events to my google calendar instead of just subscribing to an outside calendar, but I don't know how to do that either.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Missing Corporate Calendar App?

Feb 24, 2010

One thing I noticed about the HTC Eris over the Moto Droid is it seems to be missing the Corporate Calendar app. I want keep my gmail calendar and my Outlook calendar separate like I could on the Moto Droid. Am I being a total n00b and missing something here?

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HTC Incredible :: Missing Exchange Calendar Items

Oct 2, 2010

Anyone else missing random meetings on your phone? I can't seem to find the pattern. Some have a URL, some just a con call #. Yet I can recreate test meetings with both and they come through the device. Here's what I've tried:
-I've remove the account and recreated it, but the problem remains.
-Upgraded to 2.2 OTA
-Rooted, installed CM6 and Virtuous 2.7, issue remained with both.
-Finally installed Touchdown, but the issue remains.

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HTC Incredible :: Exchange Active Sync Calendar Events Not Synching With Google Calendar

Jun 15, 2010

I did a search but cant seem to find an answer. I finally got my work email set up through active sync. Is there a way to get the calendar events to show up on my google calendar? I use calendar pro which I love. I don't know if there is a work around or I am just not knowledgable enough to understand it. A for instance would be that my work email gives me an event or will show up on the phones calendar but not on my google calendar/events. (my google notification each morning may say "no events scheduled for the day" but phone calendar/calendar pro will show it)

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Samsung Captivate :: Getting Calendar Event On Phone To Sync With Google Calendar

Jul 26, 2010

I am new to Android, Google calendar and the Captivate phone. Have successfully imported my old calendar to Google Calendar which initially synced with the calendar on my captivate. However, when I add a new event to my phone calendar, it does not automatically show up on the Google calendar. the Samsung rep told me I have to edit each new even to mark it as a "Google Calendar". Is there any way to make this the default option on the Captivate phone? I am hoping to have automatic syncronization b/t the phone and the Google calendar without having to force it to do so each time.

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HTC Magic :: Does Events Made In Phones Calendar Sync To Google Calendar?

Jul 29, 2009

Does events made in the phones calendar sync to Google Calendar? Does all sub calendars show on the phone? haven't really found any information on this topic, so please share info, video, pictures.

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General :: HTC Thunderbolt - Work Outlook Calendar Sync With Google Calendar?

Jan 10, 2013

I have a HTC Thunderbolt and use all the Google tools for my calendar, email and contacts. At work I have Outlook 2007. I would REALLY like to have my Outlook calendar (at minimum) pushed/synchronized to my phone. Is there an app or a way to configure this to work? Right now I am using the Outlook Web Mobile app for my email and I can view my calendar there but I would like schedule/calendar all in one place.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Missing Pure Calendar From Market

Mar 29, 2010

I'm not the only one experiencing the problem. Anyone talk with the DEV yet? Just curious he has an idears or anyone here has come up with anything.AppBrain was able to add it to my list online, but when I sync'd on my phone and selected it, all it does is launch the Market app with a search term for that app, so it doesn't show up.This kinda makes me think that 2.1 #2 is not final.

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General :: Lenovo A269i - Lost Calendar / Missing APK

May 9, 2014

Last week while trying to do some work on my phone I accidentally deleted my phone factory calendar

I have tried to get it back but with no luck? every time I try to get it back I have several notes: "can't be found in "my calendars".. missing apk... "

Is there a way to get it back or set phone to the state it was a week ago (like a system restore point on a computer..?!)

I have a Lenovo a269i with android 2.3.6

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Motorola Droid :: Google Calendar Sync With Sports Calendar

Nov 14, 2009

I added the Sports Calendar to my google account and it shows up on my online Google calendar but not on my Motorola Droid. I did the same with the US Holidays calendar and it instantly worked both online and my Droid.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 :: Cannot Sync Calendar With Google Calendar No More

Nov 7, 2010

I don't know what I did - but suddenly I cannot sync my calendar with Google calendar no more?

If I go to settings/basic settings/ I cannot tap the "set up your Google account" no more?

Is there anywhere I can reset all this and start over?

I tried to use SE's calendar, but can only sync new events in the calendar that I save in SE calendar..

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HTC Incredible : Sync Google Account Calendar With Phones Calendar

Apr 30, 2010

I feel like an idiot for not being able to figure this out, but how do I sync my google account calendar with my phones calendar?

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HTC Hero :: Exchange Calendar Doesn't Show In Google Calendar

Jan 10, 2010

I have my hero using built in calendar app.I have a google calendar and a Exchange calendar, I also have My calendar, not sure what that is. I would like to have all the calendars sync using the phone as the main source. So for example if I create a meeting on my phone it also shows on my exchange calendar and my google calendar. At the moment I have to add a calendar entry under the calendar I want the entry to show up on.So If I add an entry to my exchange calendar it doesn't show in google calendar. Can anyone suggest a sync method, without using PC, just phone.

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HTC Hero :: Windows 7 - Missing Calendar In Sync Manager - Only Contacts Available

Jun 5, 2010

I just changed to a new desktop running Windows 7. After installing HTC Sync, it can detect my HTC Hero. The problem is, under Sync Manager, it only show "contacts" but no "calendar".

How do I make it to see the calendar. I am running Outlook 2007.

I don't have this problem previously when I used Windows XP. Both contacts and calendar synced properly before.

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